Family * Travel * Food


It's Monday!! My favorite day of the week. It has me thinking a lot. Before long school will start back and I am already missing my children. Strangely it seems that the summer has been cheaper than when the girls are in school. I have spent less on food. Can you believe that? I guess with things being so laid back, there was no real need for a whole lot of extras. During the school year I buy breakfast items, snack stuff for before they go to lunch, lunchbox items, volleyball practice drinks and snacks and everything in between. I will have a lit of adjusting to do! Both girls have volleyball tryouts in the upcoming weeks. I have been scheduling a bunch of doctor and dental appointments so we can get the bulk of that stuff taken care of while they are off from school.

I have a bunch of giveaways going on right now. Check them out if you are interested:
Other than those few things I hope everyone has a really great start to their week!

Shelly, Mom Files

Monday Randoms

Weekends are really not good for me. I really don't like them. When the husband and kids are home I am miserable. Sounds terrible huh? Well the reason for my miserableness is because I get too damn cozy when they are around. I eat too much foolishness and it goes on from Saturday morning until Sunday midnight. I eat more in those 2 days than I do all week long. It's not right. I need to do better than that. *sighs*

On a better note I have been using regular body products on William. It has been working out really well since he has really good skin to begin with. Now he shares cocoa butter lotion with Papo. Cheaper too. Speaking of William, I found a way to tame him. If he is acting up and needs some distraction to calm down all I have to do is ask him if he wants to brush his teeth. Strange I know. He loves to get his teeth brushed. Lets hope it stays this way.

I am locking myself in the house today to clean. It appears that a small storm blew through while we were sleeping last night. It blew in more dirty laundry too. Well I better get to work. I am sure I will have something more interesting to say tomorrow. Maybe.
Shelly, Mom Files

Signs I'm in Dwayne's car...

Some of you ladies out there might have a *husband or boyfriend that takes a lot of pride in the appearance or maintenance of their cars. Sadly I have seen some men take better care of their car over their own children. Well I have a different kind of husband and here is a list of that reminds me I am in HIS car.
  1. The seat is pulled all the way back and is reclined to the point that you can sleep in that position.
  2. When I turn the key to start the car the radio comes on FULL blast and scares me senseless.
  3. The gas tank is on "E".
  4. The windshield has not been wiped in a long time. I am one of those women that can't stand to see even one spot on my windshield.
  5. I find, candy bar wrappers hidden in random spots. I can't say the brand before he gets on me. Yeah, he thinks he can sneak things he is not allowed to have and I won't find out.
  6. Why in the world is there McDonald's (sorry honey) Monopoly pieces all over the place? Again, don't think I won't find out your secrets.
  7. I see fingerprints on the windows. I don't do fingerprints.
  8. There is a sticky spot in the steering wheel. Sneaking something you shouldn't have perhaps?
  9. There is pollen from the spring season still on the dashboard.
  10. There are 50 magazines and books on the seat. Oh and of course an overdue book on CD set from the library.
  11. The floor mats look like animals live on them.
Does anyone have any similar stories like this?

*Sorry Dwayne, I love you still :)
Shelly, Mom Files

WTH Wednesday

I went to the doctor's office today and sat in waiting area like usual. I noticed there were two very adorable little girls (about 3 & 5) playing in the corner with the magazines on a little table. It seemed normal, for the first two minutes. I sat there looking around to see where the parent might be. There were not too many of us in the room so after ruling out that none of those people were the girls parents I got a little scared. I was chatting with another lady that was sitting next to me and we were both wondering where the parents were. She told me that the girls has been there since she got there at 9:30. By that time it was 10:40. Long time. Eventually at 11:25 the mother comes strolling out of the back office. Get this, her husband was right behind her. WTH?? Now you mean that both parents were there and they left these little girls alone to wait for you for 2 hours?? Oh the scary things that could have happened to those little girls. I just don't know how anyone could do that.
Shelly, Mom Files

What in the world

Right now my daughters are watching their brother (willingly) and this gives me some free time to hop on the computer to read my favorite blogs as well as update my own. I have had no trouble at all reading all kinds of good stuff (some foolishness) but can't seem to focus on updating my own. Why is that? Oh yeah, it might be the fact that I am fooling around on Facebook and Twitter as well as texting at the same time. I really feel almost like I am becoming way too involved in social networking (again). Now that I got that out of the way I can update my blog..... maybe tomorrow. I hope everyone is doing well :)

Shelly, Mom Files

PSA: Watch where you step!

I was watching the news the other night and they did a story on the vast amounts of snakes that have emerged this season. It is due to the higher rainfall and warm temperatures. I swear I see a snake every couple days on the street. That is a couple times too many for me. I don't mind watching them on Animal Planet and learning about the different ones and their habitats- Just don't let me be face-to-face with one of them. I don't do snakes (my arm hair is raised at the moment thinking about it). Like they advised on the news, you better watch where you step!
Shelly, Mom Files

Some things you may never hear

My blog buddy Sammy over at To Unravel is the King of random. Seriously, if you ever read his posts you would become completely immersed in his randomness. He wrote this one post entitled the Rootabaga line up and I put in my two cents. The point behind it all was listing 10 things you will NEVER hear. Some are from people, some are even from inanimate objects. Either way, I'm 99% sure you will never ever ever ever hear! So here we go, my 10 things are:
  1. Wow, that Nikki Minaj is a true talent!
  2. No problem random stranger, I will gladly change your baby's poopie diaper.
  3. Pam Anderson's body and face look so natural!
  4. I'd like to order one brussel sprout burger with a side of eggplant fries.
  5. Can't wait for the price of gas to go up!
  6. I wish the laundry would never end.
  7. I want a parking ticket so badly.
  8. Scraping wallpaper is so much fun!
  9. Oh please let this tree fall on my house!
  10. I'd prefer my Chinese food be prepared by Italians.
Play along if you wish!
Shelly, Mom Files

Random thoughts...

  • Do you ever want to blog about something but you are afraid that the day you say what you want to say, the person/people who never give a crap about reading your blog actually reads it that day and might take things the wrong way?
  • I sometimes hate people for no reason. All people. No reason.
  • I am so tired of LOL, OMG, SMH and anything of the like. So annoying.
  • I am on a scented candle kick. I go through my phases.
  • Sour Patch Watermelons are incredible.
  • I'm really glad I'm not a smoker. Not sure how people can afford to keep that habit up.
  • I am a freebie whore. A double-dipping one at that.
  • I am still extremely annoyed with the bathroom mirror self-portraits. Especially when the toilet gets in the shot. Why the hell is that cute again?
  • I love blogging because I can use run-on sentences and as many commas,,, as I feel like.
  • I buy generic medication.
  • I am one of those when I want it done I want it done right away kind of people.
  • Random is fun.
Shelly, Mom Files

Real showers

My 13 year old is home from school sick with a cold. I was able to take an actual real shower in the daytime without paranoia of what the boy could be getting into. This is a rare treat. There are those days I try to take a shower when it's just the two of us and it is always the day I missed the UPS/FedEx/USPS guy to sign for something important or a call comes through that I have been waiting on all day and I miss it. It was great to get to take my time and relax. Okay, I'm done. Just thought I would share. I know most of you stay-at-home mommas know exactly what I am talking about.
Shelly, Mom Files

Denial and pure randomness

Do you ever have so much housework to do that you feel like you are in complete denial about it? I have put all of this on myself by rearranging too many rooms at one time. I am also spring cleaning so I keep finding all kinds of crap everywhere. I did discover a huge box of summer clothes for William that I did not know we had. I am so happy about that since I thought I was going to have to buy everything. I love hand-me-downs! It is so humid out and the weather report claims we will get rain. I am sort of hoping it pours and gets it all over with already. My laundry is mountainous since I found all these clothes that were hidden. I can't have my boy wearing dusty clothes. I am writing this post because I am taking a break. Now off to sign onto Facebook to play a few rounds of Bejeweled Blitz ;) I hope you all are having a great weekend.
Shelly, Mom Files

600th post today!

I just submitted a post earlier and realized that this is my 600th post! I know that is a small number to some but it is HUGE to little old me! Thanks to everyone that takes the time to read my randomness and give great advice when I need it most. I have really gotten the hang of blogging and I am here to stay! Thanks also to all of my loyal followers. You guys rock!!!
Shelly, Mom Files

Our new favorite sauce

Dwayne is going to be so mad at me since I am giving this company free advertising but I just had to share! This new Frank's RedHot Sweet Chili sauce is the best thing I have tasted in a long time. If you love sweet and a little heat at the same time then this is for YOU!! I have purchased 2 bottles in one week. This stuff goes great on anything from chicken, fish, chops and most any dippable food and savory things. I got it at Kroger for $2.89 and had a 50 cents off coupon that doubled to a dollar off so it was not too bad. I can't wait for this stuff to go on sale so I can stock up! The Sunday paper frequently has coupons for this bottle of amazingness. Now run out and get you some and tell me what you think!! :)

Shelly, Mom Files

From youngest mom to oldest?

I was thinking about my children (which is nothing unusual) and how when the girls were little I was one of the youngest moms of the bunch. Most moms has already hit their mid 30's and even 40's. I did not fit in at all. Funny thing is with William, I will be one of the "older" moms. How crazy is that? I wonder if it will be the same just that I will be older this time around?! I just can't win :/

Shelly, Mom Files

Random things that make me smile

  • when William calls me "Mum"
  • when my laundry basket is empty (even though it is only for 5 minutes)
  • when I catch William reading to himself.
  • waking up thinking it is time to get up for the day and realizing it is only 1:00 am. YES!
  • getting freebies in the mail.
  • listening to my daughters chat amongst themselves. It's funny when one sister asks the other "Hey, do you want to play LIFE? You might actually get one that way".
  • getting into my car and seeing that the husband filled my gas tank for me.
  • asking William where his belly button is and he shows it to you and starts to laugh because he is tickling himself
  • bargain shopping and paying very little for so much. Also when the cashier has to double check the screen to be sure he or she did not make a mistake because of my low balance.
  • when my teenagers say "stop trying to be cool"... they make me laugh!
Shelly, Mom Files

The Un-terrible two's

Now I hope I am not shooting myself in the foot for publicly saying this but for the last 2 1/2 weeks William has become a very different child. He has not been pitching very many fits, he's calmer, he listens a little better and he is overall being a lot friendlier towards strangers. It has been a really nice change. I can even tell that I am feeling a lot more laid back and I seem to have more energy. Now don't get me wrong, he is still one active little boy and that most likely will not change a whole lot anytime soon. I am enjoying it while I can and I look forward to seeing his personality grow over this year. I know that he goes through phases but this is the best kind of phase and I am hoping it is here to stay!
Shelly, Mom Files

He asked, I told

Here is a conversation Dwayne and I had while I was cleaning the kitchen and he was finishing up his dinner.

Dwayne: How are you Shelly, what's going on in your mind right now. What are you thinking about?
Me: I looked over at him as I turned on the kitchen faucet and asked "Are you sure you want to know?"
Dwayne: Of course I want to know
Me: I start telling him that I came across I blueberry brunch cake that I would love to make but realized that I did not have a bundt pan.
Dwayne: You mean the kind that has a hole in the middle and you can make pound cake in it?
Me: Yes, I need one. I cook and bake all the time and have been dubbed everything from Martha Stewart to Rachael Ray yet I don't even have a bundt pan.
Dwayne: Okay well then you need to find one that you will be happy with.
Me: I also really need a Dyson vacuum cleaner.
Dwayne: You mean that high dollar thing? Why do you need one that expensive?
Me: Don't worry, our oldest daughter said that since she will be so successful in her career she will buy it for me.
Dwayne: He has this look of relief on his face.
Me: I also think about William getting older. He will be 2 on Friday. Before you know it I will be going into his classroom with cupcakes for his classmates and attending field trips. I think about William telling his big sisters that they are not the boss of him. I think about William sleeping in a big boy's bed. I think about Brie going to high school in less than 2 years. I think about Chardie graduating high school in a few years. I think about what I want to cook and the list sort of went on. I think a lot.
Dwayne: *Looking at me with a blank stare*
Me: Well dang, you asked what I was thinking!

Shelly, Mom Files

A few random things

*I am sure I have mentioned before how much little William loves books. I have also mentioned that he is not fully talking yet. I am proud to report that it not unusual to catch William in the corner saying some of the correct words from the specific book he is "reading". It's so cute and he is getting into the animal sounds. Slowly but surely our boy is getting there.

*Last week must have been the best behaved week for William. I am not sure what it was but his behavior was really better than I have ever seen it and he was very patient on trips to the stores.

*Speaking of stores, I am so proud of myself for shopping for myself and not skimping like I normally do. I found some Docker's pant for women that boast to be very slimming. They are the BEST pants I have purchased in years. It is so hard for me to find pants that fit really well that are flattering as well as make me look my age and not too old ladyish and not like a mom trying to dress like my teenagers.

I got a great compliment from my daughters. They were browsing the ladies department with me in Kohl's and were getting very disturbed. They told me I was way too cool to shop that department and I would look so much better with the Juniors Dept clothes. Oh yeah, I am COOL according to the teenagers!

*I am on this big money saving kick. I know rainy days can come at any time so I want to always be prepared.

*I am happy for the time change since this means more light longer into the evening. Not so happy about the pollen, bees, bugs and critters. I am a little excited about grass cutting season. I hope I can convince Dwayne to buy me a new self-propelled lawn mower. It's great exercise!

*Dwayne and I were in the grocery store together a couple weeks ago and saw the newspaper salesman in the front. He offered us a free newspaper and I politely said no and of course Mr. Love him some money said yes! Long story short, we purchased a 13 week subscription of the Sunday only home delivery. It cost us $21. I have already used more than that in coupons on one store trip. The paper paid for itself in the first week. My next door neighbors give me their Sunday paper as well so I get double the coupons. SCORE!

Shelly, Mom Files

Trashing your school is okay?

I was at Chardie's high school waiting in the carpool area (early of course) and was noticing the vast amounts of trash throughout the parking lot. The trash was made up of primarily of food related items and a lot of fast food bags and cups. The part that was most noticeable is how these fast food bags filled with empty wrappers and napkins were perfectly placed alongside the driver or passenger door in the ground. Only several yards away lies a HUGE metal trash can. It sits there empty. Last I checked, high school students range from ages 14-19. You would think that they know better than to do that. Obviously not. What burns me up is the groundskeeper is left to clean up all that trash do by himself. When Dwayne and I were in high school, students that were caught skipping school, cheating on tests, caught fighting or anything that could result in detention or in-school suspension were forced to do the grounds clean-up (work detail) of the school. We even would have to wake up at the crack on a Saturday morning and report to the school for work detail. It was so humiliating and trust me, you opted to stay away from trouble to not have to endure further work detail duty.

I decided to speak with the nice gentleman and asked if they ever have students help with cleaning up the trash. Sadly he said No and that the teachers, staff and administrators did not care about the matter. It seems they only look at graduating numbers to keep the school up on their quota and maintain a "good rating". Hmm, but these soon-to-be adults can't even show some respect and pride for keeping their school looking nice as well as protecting the environment? I was really pissed off to hear that. He says they get detention and they mostly just sleep. So you skip school and your punishment is to sit in a heated or air conditioned classroom and just chill out? That really sucks. It really, really does.

Shelly, Mom Files

How to prounounce Ismail

For those of you who wonder how you pronounce our last name it is Ismail (Iz-mail). I tell people it's like email except it has the word Is in front instead of E. Seems simple enough yet everyone finds a way to add and H in there. If we wanted the our name to have the H sound it would be spelled Ishmail. Make sense? Also the 'mail' part is pronounced just the way it's spelled, not mall. Just wanted to clear that up in the event you ever wanted to know ;-)

Shelly, Mom Files

My taste has changed

I don't know what has been going on with me lately but I have found that my taste has changed a whole lot. For instance, I have always loved basil. I grow it every year in my mini herb garden. All of a sudden the taste of basil makes me feel like throwing up. Basil has been replaced with cilantro now. I used to despise cilantro. There was something that used to disturb me about the smell and taste of it and now I can't seem to get enough of it. What's up with that?? Also I have never been a big fan of condiments, especially ketchup. Now I want to dip all kinds of things in ketchup. I even buy the biggest bottle I can find. As a kid and well into my adult years I have loved plain M&M's. Now Peanut M&M's are my favorite. The plain ones just don't appeal to me anymore. Isn't that odd? I think my taste changed tremendously when I had William. Has that happened to you before?

Shelly, Mom Files
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