Can a Sports Watch Give You Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
What Does Family Medicine Consist Of?
The concept of the family doctor is strongly linked to the origin of family medicine. Advances in society, technology, and medicine have made this specialty to be seen more as integrative medicine, which means that the doctor is close to the patient and his family, and applies multidisciplinary with a team of professionals from different areas.
The Entire Family
Family medicine is dedicated to answering continuous and integral health problems of adults and children together as a family, considering the bio-medical, psychological, social, or spiritual to deliver a diagnosis. The family doctor treats all types of patients, whether they are healthy or sick people, and is present throughout the patient's life cycle (from newborn children to the elderly) to promote healthy lifestyles and preventive measures to take care of their health. Dr. Francene Gayle is one such physician.
The Specialists
Specialists in this area are often the first contact for patients. They work in an organized manner together with other professionals, acting as the family's medical team to guide what to do, and where to go, if they need to be referred to the corresponding specialist and, in this way, have adequate clinical control. In the United States, family medicine has its origins dating back more than three decades, but it has been in the last ten years when it experienced its greatest growth. The family doctor is the one who the patient can trust, know the reality in which they live with their family, solve their usual problems efficiently and help to choose, at a given moment, the place or specialist to handle their medical needs.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Family medicine has become an alternative to address the health problems presented by individuals, which undergoes changes on all fronts: social, economic, cultural, and educational. It is for this reason that the specialist in this area will make a diagnosis to find solutions for major diseases and provide treatment, so the patient can feel better. Any patient who wants to take care of their health prevents the appearance of diseases, detects them early, or requires comprehensive management should consider going to a family physician, who will carry out therapeutic work to deliver a diagnosis and discuss further actions to be taken.
Family medicine is based on the values and competencies of the specialty, deepening its knowledge and clinical skills for the benefit of the family, which guarantees close, warm, and highly decisive care. The family doctor is responsible for ensuring the long-term health of the same patient. This creates a relationship between doctor and patient essential to maintain good health and lifestyle. Your family doctor is the one who best knows the state of your health since he closely monitors and manages your well-being and how your environment can influence you. This, added to the knowledge the family physician has from the other branches of medicine, makes the work much more effective and helps you prevent diseases.
Now that you know more about this specialty of medicine, remember that you have the opportunity to receive care focused on your needs from your own family doctor. Put into practice healthy habits that your family doctor tells you, so you can prevent illnesses. Remember that your well-being is your commitment.
Why It Is Important To Speak Up When It Comes To Your Health
This last visit went a lot differently than normal. It was one of those very hot and muggy mornings, and I am normally the type of person who is always hot. I had to sip my ice water in the car, and put my mask on to enter the building. I went in, got registered at the front desk, and waited patiently to be called back. As soon as I saw the nurse crack open the door I felt my heart beat a bit faster, and I could feel myself trying harder to breathe. The mask doesn't make it any easier, but of course you still have to wear one.
Like with any visit, the first thing they do is check your weight and vitals. I decided to give myself a break with the weight since COVID-19 has been stressful and concerning. When the blood pressure cuff was placed around my arm, I had a bad feeling. My BP was 170/100! My heart rate was 117. I just sat there in shock as the nurse told me she would have to re-take my BP in a 5-minute time frame 3 times to get an average number between the three. Of course since it was within 5 minutes of the first check, it was still high at 155/95.
I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach and had those panicked breaths where I felt like I was gasping for air. My nerves were shot at this point. My doctor came in shortly after and was briefly updated on what was going on. We chatted about my overall well-being and how I was really feeling and I told her I was definitely better than I was in previous years dealing with extreme anxiety and depression. She figured that my elevated BP and heart rate were due to anxiety that were related to the pandemic, and the news regarding police brutality and racism. I mean, who isn't feeling a whole lot right now?
She highly recommended that I start a low-dose anti-anxiety medication to help me calm down, and hopefully that would result in my BP and heart rate regulating. I agreed. I don't know why, but I agreed. She wanted to see me back in 6 months to discuss how things end up going from taking the medication. I also had to wait for my lab results to see if anything else was wrong. Last year my cholesterol was high, and that is concerning since both of my parents were cardiac patients. I was warned of the possibility that if it was the same or higher, I would need to get on cholesterol meds right away.
I was diagnosed with thyroid disease about 5 years ago, and have been on medication to keep it regulated since then. Lucky for me, I've had very few symptoms that affect me. The only time I really did have anything that wasn't quite right was confused as being anxiety, when in reality I was having heart palpitations. Then the light bulb popped on in my head. The deep breathing and higher heart rate wasn't feeling 100% like anxiety, but more like heart palpitations. I decided to wait for my lab results to come back so I could see what my Thyroid-Stimulation Hormone (TSH) levels were. I just had a feeling something wasn't right.
What is so strange about the whole pandemic is that my life wasn't really affected a whole lot. Being home all the time, and homeschooling my son is my normal. Aside from not being able to find certain items at the store, things have been fine on the home-front. The only time I would get worked up is when I turned on the news. The state of the nation has been pitiful to say the least. Seeing so many families affected by job loss, kids not getting adequate education, and the state of financial crisis is enough to make anyone worry. But you know what? I still chose to find the good things to focus on each day. This made getting through these crazy months a lot easier. I have been surprisingly calm despite what was going on all over the world.
Enough about that, back to the lab results. They came in the next day, and to my surprise, the doctor was super happy to see how great everything looked. My cholesterol went down by 43 points! I had no idea it could drop that much in just a year. I can't tell you how relieved I was to get this fantastic news. I decided to really read through my results to make sure everything else was where it needs to be. I improved on just about everything! One thing did stick out to me though. My TSH level was at the top of the high number. That didn't sit right with me. Although it was .04 within the range, I was still concerned.
I sent a message through the patient portal to express my concerns about the TSH levels, and asked for my medication to be adjusted. I really feel like my elevated heart rate and BP was from heart palpitations caused by my thyroid and not anxiety. She agreed to step me up to 75mg from 50mg and have my labs done again in 3 months. After taking the higher dosage for 2 weeks, the palpitations subsided and I started feeling normal again. I definitely have not felt any anxiety or sadness. I knew I wasn't depressed, and was NOT about to take a drug that would be very hard to come off of.
This is what my blood pressure and heart rate look like now. |
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. Continue to stay well, and wear your mask!
Trying To Adjust To Seeing Things Differently
One thing I noticed was that I had trouble seeing clearly when I was on the computer, phone or reading a magazine. I could barely see the menu when we were dining out in a restaurant. I spoke with my doctor and she suggested that I get some reading glasses. I bought some from my pharmacy and saw instant results. I could see clearly again! Reading glasses did the trick, and I could put them on and take them off as needed. This seemed easy enough. I did this for a little over a year and things changed again. I started getting headaches out of the blue and felt so much tension in my neck and shoulders.
I knew something wasn't right, and finally made an appointment for an eye exam. As soon as I walked into the building, I was overwhelmed. The friendly staff member directed me over to fill out the paperwork and select frames for eyeglasses. This was so different for me since it was the first time knowing that I was going to need glasses. The appointment itself was eye-opening. I had no idea how my vision declined as much as it did over the past couple of years. When the doctor switched different lenses to see if I was able to see clearly, it hit me-- my vision was terrible. It turned out that I had been compensating for what I wasn't seeing clearly or seeing at all.
The doctor then casually tells me, "I'm going to get you squared away so I'm writing you a prescription for bifocals." I was gut-punched because I really didn't know it was that bad. I took some deep breaths and sat with the specialist to get measurements done and make the selections that would be most beneficial to me. I was gut-punched once more when I got the final bill. YIKES! My husband was with me and calmed me down by telling me that I take care of everyone else, and it was time for me to take care of myself. I was told that my glasses would take approximately 2 weeks to be made and delivered.
For the next two weeks, I ended in so much pain from eye strain that led to neck and shoulder tension. I was a mess! I felt like I had to take 3 naps a day which is so not me. I'm thankful for my family who pitches in when I am down. They helped me a whole lot, especially the little one since he is with me all day long. I was super nervous when the call came in that my glasses were ready to be picked up. I sat at the counter with the salesperson and tried my glasses and sunglasses on. As soon as I placed the glasses on my face I felt really weird. I was like wait, I can't see properly. They told me because they are progressive lenses and I will have to get used to them.
As I left the building, I placed my pricey prescription sunglasses on and was hit with vibrant views. Everything around me was extra bright and colorful. I was seeing as clearly as I could when I was a teenager. I almost cried because I didn't realize how much I have been missing out on seeing. The eyeglasses have been more difficult to adjust to since I have to wear them all day long. I can't quite figure out how to tilt my head to be able to see up close. Even being on the computer has been difficult. I am still feeling a bit of fatigue, dizziness, and headaches, but they are supposed to clear up in the next week or so. I almost wanted to simply not wear them at all.
For now, I am thankful to be able to see details, vibrant colors, and having overall clarity. It will take time to adjust to wearing glasses, especially with different strengths for distance and close-up vision. I am going to be patient and know that I will be feeling like myself again soon enough. I'm sharing this post today for anyone who might be struggling with their vision and might not even know they are. Do not put off getting an eye exam! We aren't getting any younger.
If you have any advice for me, I'm open to it. Thank you so much for stopping by today.
What You Need to Know about Nasal Polyps
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What Are Polyps?
Nasal polyps are grape-like growths that occurs in the nasal and sinus cavities. They begin to block the airways in the nostrils and can even begin to spread. Most people don’t notice that there is anything wrong until an obvious sign occurs, such as a persistent sinus headache or a rise in the number of times they get sick or develop an infection. The polyps grow gradually over time, which means that many patients don’t notice that they have a problem because the body has adjusted with the growth. Patients who have their polyps treated often note a major positive impact on their nasal breathing as well as other nose and sinus related symptoms.
How Are Polyps Diagnosed?
Patients with stuffy nose, diminished sense of smell and taste, postnasal drainage, etc may at some point make their way to an ear, nose and throat physician. Further evaluation will often involve a nasal endoscopy in which the doctor uses a small lighted rod to view back into the nasal passages. It is on careful examination, often with endoscopy, that patients are sometimes found to have nasal polyps. Further studies, such as CT scans, may be performed to help determine the extent of the polyps and the sinus blockage.
How Can Polyps be Treated?
Some polyps respond well to medications and others do not. There is an increasingly wide range of prescription nasal sprays and oral medications that can slow down the growth of polyps and, in some cases, shrink them. On occasion, it may be recommended that polyps be surgically removed so that the topical medications can work more effectively to keep them from coming back. Fortunately, surgery for polyps has changed a lot during the past few years, and is now usually an outpatient, minimally-invasive procedure without packing, bruising, or splints, and only minimal discomfort while the healing process occurs. Small stents are now available that can be implanted during surgery and give off anti-inflammatory medication for several weeks.
In any case, polyps should always be evaluated by an ear, nose, and throat physician. Some polyps – particularly those that occur on one side only – need careful evaluation to ensure that there is not a more serious condition present.
To get help with nasal polyps, contact of Dr. Samuel S. Becker, a sinus specialist located in Pennsylvania. He is also a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania and a board-certified specialist in otolaryngology. For more information about him, visit his website at
When Your Double Chin Just Won't Budge
It's hard to find an exercise that can focus on this trouble spot. Your weight is under control and you're in good shape, but that loose excess skin and fat isn't going anywhere. You're tired of looking at it in the mirror. Fortunately, you have options that can help you to tighten up this problem area that bothers men and women of all ages.
Find Out What the New York Center for Facial and Plastic Surgery Can Do for You
How to Recover After a Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation recovery needs patients to minimize their physical activities for about a week before resuming their daily activities. The amount of time and the downtime needed for a full recovery to take place depends on the incisions made, the implant size and if the breast implant was positioned below or above the pectoral muscle.
Breast augmentation is among the most requested cosmetic surgery, and continuous improvements are being refined so that women can undergo the procedure, recover and get back to their daily activities as soon as possible. Since the breast augmentation surgery and the results are the most crucial points, recovery is also an important step for the best results to be shown.
If you plan to go for breast augmentation, you may end up spending a good amount of time deciding on the surgeon to go for with the budget you have. These are important aspects of the surgery that should be considered, but you should also plan for the amount of time you need to take from work to heal in a good environment as you avoid any strenuous activity.
As you take your break, you need to be aware that you will not be seated or sleep for the entire week; you are allowed to do some small less strenuous activities, but you should also be careful to ensure that any activity you are taking will contribute positively to your recovery process.
If you are planning to get breast enhancement, you need to spend a good time studying about the surgery and the recovery timelines. Once you are aware of what to expect, and you prepare to follow the instructions of the surgeon, you will have a great chance of maximizing the chances of a great surgery that will give you satisfaction and confidence in your looks.
Subglandular versus submuscular placement
The position of the breast implant always revolves around two regions, below or above the pectoral muscle. This position is also dependent on the goals, lifestyle and other factors. The most invasive of the surgeries is the submuscular placement because this method requires the separation of the pectoral muscle for the implant to fit after the incision on the skin is done.
Submuscular placement is the recommended position for women who are not into physical activities that engage the upper body and women who also desire natural looks. As we have described, submuscular placement is invasive, and it requires downtime of about one week from any physical activity like jogging. After the week is over, the patient should avoid going to the gym or lifting any heavy object for about four weeks. But for patients who go for subglandular placement, they can get back to work after four days of rest.
Depending on the implant placement, healing garments also contribute to the rate of recovery. For instance, patients who have undergone submuscular placement should put on a 2-inch wrap bandage above the breast. Once the surgery is done, the implant will start to harmonize with the breast tissues and the muscles to gain a more natural appearance.
You might be shocked when you notice that your breasts are high even after a few weeks of surgery, especially if you have undergone submuscular placement. It is possible for the breasts to look high for a long period (2 to 3 months), but after the muscle traps the implant at this position, it will release it to fall into the pocket with time.
After a subglandular placement, the patient should wear a conventional bra that does not have an under-wire that hinders the implant falling into place. Take note of the position of the incision, because it plays a role in the recovery process.
Incision location
The first kind of incision we are going to look at is the inframammary incision which is done at the crease located at the bottom of the breast where the chest wall and the lower breast protrusion takes place. If this is the best position for the implant to be positioned, then you be advised to rest for at least four weeks before resuming your daily activities that involve the upper body.
During the recovery period, you should avoid lifting your arms over your head to avoid any strain from impacting the upper body, to allow proper healing to take place.
There are other incisions that do not need a lot of time for recovery. For instance, if the implant is placed through an incision that is done around the nipple, there is practically no body movement or strenuous activity that directly targets this location. An incision procedure that produces the last scarring is called a TUBA (transumbilical) placement.
In TUBA placement, an endoscope which is a surgical tool that has a thin pliable tube with a small camera on its end is used to place a deflated saline implant in the navel, through the incision made. A saline solution is added to the implant for it to get to the desired size.
The size of the implant
There are various sizes of breast implants, ranging from women who desire a huge burst, to women who want to achieve moderate alignment and any other size in between. The size you choose affects the recovery duration. For instance, larger implants exert a lot of pressure below the pectoral muscle, leading to stretching of the overlying skin. The net effect is a recovery that takes longer.
Do not smoke
We should all be aware that smoking tobacco has a lasting negative effect on our health. But it gets worse if you are smoking while going through a recovery that follows a breast implant surgery. Nicotine shrinks the blood vessels, which lowers the oxygen levels in the body organs. Since cells have to divide for the wounds to heal, they require oxygen which is delayed when you are smoking.
For more information on breast implant procedures to help you achieve your desired result, call Dr. Douglas Steinbrech, breast augmentation surgeon practicing in New York on (347) 983-9560. You may also log on to and schedule an appointment in the New York or Beverly hills offices.
Age Old Solutions
Ensuring they eat well
One of the biggest issues that you may come across when caring for an elderly relative that their eating can become erratic. This can be due to things such as catching a virus like the flu. As older folks' immune systems are weaker than ours.
Or it could be due to other issues that affect the appetite, such as diabetes that isn't being managed properly. Or it may even, be symptomatic of depression caused by chronic pain, losing a long term partner, or living alone.
But what can you do for them if you have noticed that they are eating less and less? Well, firstly it's important that you get them checked over by the doctors to see whether there is an underlying medical condition that needs to be treated.
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Posture Problems Sorted
Hunch Back
Now while you might start getting images of a certain cartoon character that lived in Notre Dame, most folks with hunched back are not quite such serious cases. Instead, the top portion of their back is rounded instead of straight which is mainly due to the way that they sit and stand.
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Well, for one it's a good idea to check the way you are sitting at your desk for work. Your spine should be straight, which often means there is a dip in the lower back and your chest is pointing forward. You can get special seat supports to help you train you back into this position.
It can also help you have some additional support in the chest region. So consider getting properly fitted for your bras. Or even using a posture correcting bra, that provides extra support.
Spine Curvature
Of course, not all curved spines are caused by sitting or standing in a slouched position. In fact, some spinal and postural issues have a more serious underlying cause.
One of these is osteoporosis which is when the bones in your body lose their density, so they are no longer able to support your body properly.
In fact, one of the most prominent symptoms of this disease is a curvature of the spine. That is why it is so vital to be aware of your risk of osteoporosis and start to address this early on in life. So when you get the age where this is an issue you have already being doing things to relieve or prevent it.
One of the best things that you can do it to ensure that you consume enough calcium. Which the body need for fortifying your bones. This can be found in dairy products, as well as oily fish like sardines, and a green vegetable like Kale.
You can also take supplements made from algae that combine calcium with magnesium for maximum effect. If you would like to know more about this, you can read the AlgaeCal reviews on Amazon, and see what real people think of them.
Forward facing head
Another common posture issue that many people can suffer from is a forward facing head. This is when the neck is not in line with the spine. But tilts forward causing the head to be in extended position.
This can be rectified in a similar way to a humped back, by retraining the correct posture through physical therapy and yoga.
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So if you do have any concerns about this, it is best to get it checked out with a medical professional before you take any action.
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Keeping Your Head with a Child in Hospital
Try to Be Present As Much As You Can
It can be hard to rearrange your life around a poorly child, but most parents want to be there for their parents as much as they can be. Your employer should work with you to ensure you can take off the time you need. You have the right to time off work to take care of a dependent during emergency situations. However, if you know that your child will be going into hospital soon, you might need to look at arranging compassionate leave. Speak to your employer as soon as you can to see what you can do. Being there for your child during their hospital stay will help them to get better, reassure them and you, and keep you involved in their care.
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Vitamin D Deficiency Update
If you find yourself feeling sluggish, depressed, achy or just off for no reason, chances are you might be vitamin D deficient. It won't hurt to try a supplement, even at a lower dose to see if it helps. I had such great results and figured I would share it with you all. Be well xoxo
Recovery Procedures After Giving Birth: What's Involved?
When can Vaginoplasty be performed after giving birth?
You should at least wait for three months after giving birth before deciding to get a Vaginoplasty. Although the tissue around your vagina stretches during labor, it will tighten itself to a certain point afterwards. Letting the vaginal tissue heals for three months or more is always the best way to go.
After the three-month period, consult your surgeon and have a pre-operative measurement taken first. At this point, you can decide whether to go through with the process with the help of information you get from the surgeon.
Keep in mind that not every woman needs to have Vaginoplasty after giving birth. The decision is entirely yours to make.
Are there risks involved in the procedure?
Vaginoplasty can be taken as a necessary medical procedure or an optional aesthetic or cosmetic surgery. In both cases, you need to work with a reputable surgeon and gynecologist so that the procedure can be performed without any real risk.
Dr. David Ghozland, in one of his recent reports, suggested that the common risks that patients face when opting for Vaginoplasty are very similar to those of other non-intrusive surgeries or procedures. The risks of infection, scarring and mild pain are present. This is where working with the right surgeon comes in handy.
These risks are easily avoidable. Every part of the Vaginoplasty can be planned in order to have a successful surgery without its risks. It is also important that you go through a series of pre-operation examinations to determine if you are in the right condition for the surgery.
What about the costs of getting the procedure?
Cost is always a concern when it comes to medical procedures, especially in today’s economy. Vaginoplasty is among the many procedures that may be covered by your health insurance if it is a necessity or approached as a medical procedure. To know for sure if your insurance policy will cover the costs of Vaginoplasty, you will have to consult your hospital first.
As a cosmetic surgery, however, you may have to pay for the procedure yourself. Thankfully, Vaginoplasty is not expensive at all. The treatment can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $8,000 depending on a number of factors. Compared to the benefits, the procedure is certainly worth it.
Should you consider Vaginoplasty after giving birth? This big question is yours to answer. The procedure brings a lot of benefits, including better sexual response and increased self-esteem. Find a reputable surgeon with experience and do the pre-operation checks and consultations in order to answer this question based on your specific circumstance.
The Women's Roadmap To Health
Check out the infographic below from Oscar Health Insurance Company for details on what specific screenings you should have done and when. They're a new company wanting to shake up the health care field and help their members be proactive about their health through their various incentives. If you're in these areas, check out their health insurance plans in New Jersey and New York. Feel free to share with your girlfriends and family members.
Aging and Changing, Being 41
It only took a couple days to get the first set of lab results back. I felt like I couldn't breathe when I saw the doctor's office phone number show up on my phone. My heart raced and I had to take a deep breath. My doctor informed me that I had a vitamin D deficiency. I am not surprised by that because it is very common for brown-skinned people to have that issue. For whatever reason, our skin does not absorb vitamin D from the sun like a fair-skinned person would. I was prescribed a once a week, 2 month supplement to boost my levels. I noticed that after 4 weeks of taking the supplement I felt different. I had higher than normal energy levels, my nails were stronger and my hair seemed to be growing overnight. Besides the vitamin D deficiency, the doctor informed me my hormone levels that control my thyroid were abnormal. She asked me if I had been experiencing any of the symptoms like rapid heartbeat, weight fluctuations, sweating, and several other things. I told her no and insisted that the test wasn't accurate. I think she sensed my denial and was kind enough to entertain me. She ordered that I retake labs in 30 days. I took time to research hypothyroidism in depth. I had a light bulb go off in my head. Thyroid issues are hereditary. Almost every woman on my mother's side of the family has been diagnosed and is being treated by medication. I also realized that what I thought was extreme anxiety I have been experiencing for about a year or so was actually heart palpitations. I called up my doctor and she was very polite in not saying, "I told you so". She assured me that being put on medication wasn't the end of the world and it would help my situation.
I have been on Synthroid for almost 90 days now and had my labs done a few weeks back to see of the meds are helping. It turns out that my hormone levels are normal and the medication is indeed doing its job. As much as I did not want to be put on any type of medication for the rest of my life, it is what it is. I have my health under control and will be certain to keep up with regular doctor visits to ensure it stays that way. I have advised a few friends who complained of fatigue, anxiety and weight fluctuations to go get lab work done. I have one friend who told me she found out that she too was vitamin D deficient. None of us are getting any younger so it is important to get into the doctor's office at least once a year.
Do you have regular check-ups/physicals with you doctor?
I used to think all dog people were crazy
Over the years, Milo has been a faithful companion. He was always with one of his family members. He did not like to be left out of anything that was going on. If my husband was outside doing yard work, Milo was there. If I was working in my office, he would nap at my feet. If the kids were watching television, Milo lounged on the couch or floor near them. He was a family dog.
About two months ago, Milo started coughing. It was the first time we had ever heard him do that. We watched him for a few days and decided it was time to get him checked out at the vet. After a thorough examination, x-rays and blood work, it was determined that he had congestive heart failure. At that time, his lungs were full of fluid and he had a heart valve infection. It also was discovered that he had an enlarged heart that was pressing against his windpipe. That was what caused him to cough. We went ahead and got him some immediate treatment and had him put on 4 medications as well as a low-sodium prescription diet. The prognosis was that he may do well on the medications and live a relatively normal life or the opposite. For the first two weeks being on the medication, we noticed a difference and he seemed to be improving. Unfortunately, that didn't last long. He was getting sick again. The coughing came back. It got to the point that he was having a hard time breathing normally. We tried him on another batch of antibiotics as well as his other heart medications and he did not improve. He worsened.
It came down to having to make that big decision. Do we keep watching him suffer or let him go be at peace? It was a unanimous decision by our family (minus William since he doesn't fully understand) that we would have him put down. I always used to tell the girls when Milo was younger that pets don't live for a long time. They aren't the same as humans. I guess we didn't realize that time would come so soon. Ten years flew by and we had to do the right thing for Milo. We spent all of last week saying our final goodbyes to Milo. We let him do as he wanted and fed him like a king. It was hard. We all cried. I cried so much that I couldn't recognize my own face. I did not know I could love a dog that much.
We officially had him put down on Saturday morning. It was so hard. Everyone was very upset, but we knew it was the right thing to do. I think that knowing what was going to happen made it easier to handle. Milo has given us over 10 years of unconditional love and loyalty. We were so blessed to have him in our family. He is gone, but will forever remain in our hearts and memories.
The hardest part now is all the little reminders of him around the house. I no longer have the need for baby gates when we leave the house. I don't have to worry about leaving certain things on the floor in fear he might tear it up. I still hear him though. I hear faint barks and whimpering. I hear the jingle of his collar tags and his nails on the floor as if he is walking around the corner. It feels like he's still here. I have called the kids Milo almost a dozen times already. It will take time. We will all heal. For now, I focus on how much better a person I am because of him. I also know that dog people are definitely not crazy. They have extra big hearts.
Rest in sweet peace, Milo Anthony. You gave us 10 awesome years! We know you are living it up with all your friends in Heaven ♥
What do you do when you are allergic to everything?
She never had food allergies before and now she does. Although her food allergies are not all at dangerous levels, it still surprised us since they are the everyday type of things. Now she can only incorporate eggs, potatoes, chicken and several other foods into her diet every 4-5 days. Other things like tomatoes, pecans, peanuts and corn should be avoided all together. We were told that the symptoms of food allergies can vary from headaches, sneezing, itching, nausea or upset stomach. It was recommended for Brie to start a food diary to see what type of reaction she has to the foods she is more allergic to. If they are something she can live with, she can continue to eat them. She made the joke that she would not have been offended if she was allergic to carrots, cucumbers or other foods she does not care for to begin with. The good thing is she will continue on the allergy shots which have helped her immensely. She will have to go from one injection each week to three. Thankfully she is very laid back and does just fine with that sort of thing.
I do recommend that if your child shows symptoms of allergies, you should get them allergy tested. It is so important to know the triggers so you can do your best to avoid them. We were also told that allergy symptoms change every two years.
Do you or your child suffer from allergies that require regular treatment?
Dental Tips for Children
· When should you start brushing your kids teeth? - As soon as the first tooth comes in you should be wiping down your kids mouth with a damp cloth. Switch to a soft kids size toothbrush as more teeth come in.
· How much toothpaste should they use? What kind? – Just a pea sized amount of fluoride toothpaste will do the trick. Don’t use fluoride toothpaste until your kid is over 2. Stick to a pea-sized amount, kids who swallow too much fluoride before the age of 6 can have white spots on their permanent teeth! There are tons of flavors, from bubble gum to watermelon.
· Do you need a fluoride supplement? - Probably not, especially if your water has fluoride. If you have city water, you can check your water districts billing statement for the utilities contact info. If you have well water you can have it tested at a lab; local health districts often have testing capabilities. Always check with your dentist or pediatrician about your kids fluoride needs before giving a supplement.
· What are dental sealants? Should my kid get them? – Dental sealants are thin, plastic coatings that are applied to the grooves on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to protect them from tooth decay. Most tooth decay in children and teens occurs on these surfaces. Sealants protect the chewing surfaces by keeping germs and food particles out of these grooves. They are best for permanent teeth – they should be applied shortly after the permanent back teeth come in, before they have a chance to decay. They last 5-10 years and should be checked by your dentist at your regular visit.
· What should I do if my child’s permanent tooth is knocked out? - Find the tooth and rinse it gently in milk or saliva. (Do not scrub it or clean it with soap, use just water!) If possible, replace the tooth in the socket and hold it there with clean gauze or a wash cloth. If you can’t put the tooth back in the socket, place the tooth in a clean container with milk, saliva, or water. Get to our office immediately. The faster you act, the better your chances of saving the tooth.
· What if my child has a toothache? - Call your dentist promptly. To comfort your child, rinse the mouth with water. Apply a cold compress or ice wrapped in a cloth. Do not put heat or aspirin on the sore area.
Dr. Singh, Clinical Director at Arch Dental Associates |
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