If you have been connected to me through this blog or social media, you might know about the chronicles of the old man child. William is turning 9 this month, but is truly a 70 year-old man trapped in a child's body. This kid has an old soul and every day is an adventure with him. I have to mentally prepare myself each morning before he wakes up to deal with his lectures and old man chatter.
We had to go to Urgent Care the other day for both William and his big sister. They both had been sick and shared an appointment. First of all, Brie was the one who was having symptoms of the flu. Mr. Man only had a sore throat, but I didn't want to take any chances. When we got called back to do vitals, William was up first and when asked any questions, he answered in real old man style. He was questioned about his overall health and before I (as his MOTHER) could say a word, he put his hand up to speak on his own behalf. He explained to the nurse that he eats only healthy foods and no candy or junk food. The nurse's eyes got so big as if he was saying, "Excuuuuse the #(@% outta me" ๐
Again, his sister was the one who was ailing with a 103.5 temperature and the whole time she was being checked out, William had his hand over his mouth as he shook his head. So why did this child decide that he needed to be the one to take the examining table? And how do you all like the arm positioning?
The doctor did an examination on the man child and determined that he had an ear infection. William then questions the doctor asking him how it's possible that he came in with a sore throat and has no ear pain, and ended up with an ear infection. He then asks the doctor, "Will you please explain this to me in detail?" ๐ The doctor looked at him with a smile and said, "You sound like my grandpa". I cracked up! Yep, even the doctor recognized the old man in him.
Back up 2 weeks ago, William had an episode where he broke out in hives all over his body. I went over every single thing he ate, where he has been, if I washed clothes in anything different, or any changes at all that could have caused it. When he took Benedryl, it would disappear and thankfully was a 24-hour thing. William mentioned it to the doctor and was told it was either an allergic reaction or stress. The doctor smiled again and said, "I wouldn't be surprised if it was stress". He was right. William had been very worried about me in regards to a death in the family, and he wouldn't stop checking on me to make sure I was okay. He would even go the the extent of asking, "Are you sure you're okay, or are you lying to protect my feelings?" Ummm, what child even thinks to say that? Oh yeah, an old man child!
William keeps me in check every day. His old man antics are a part of who he is. I'm glad he is home schooled, because his behavior is unlike any child you will ever meet. Any adult who has ever met him would agree. Thank you so much for stopping by. ๐