Do NOT try this!

WTH? Wednesday
So many things make me say WTH?! First up...Why in life do people think it is okay to call married folks (with kids) house after 10 pm? It is so freakin' inconsiderate and rude. I hate that. Another thing that makes me say WTH is when your "friends" on Facebook go through your friends list and request to be friends with your friends. Childish and stupid. Can you say "Remove from friends"? Another WTH is when newbie bloggers steal from seasoned bloggers. It is tacky and tasteless so stop it. Be original and find your own way. I also don't understand how people steal your little catch-phrases and make it theirs. Once again, be original. Can you tell I'm annoyed? Got anything that has you saying WTH?? Share it in the comments!
just sayin',
people with issues,
WTH? Wednesday
Random thoughts...
- Do you ever want to blog about something but you are afraid that the day you say what you want to say, the person/people who never give a crap about reading your blog actually reads it that day and might take things the wrong way?
- I sometimes hate people for no reason. All people. No reason.
- I am so tired of LOL, OMG, SMH and anything of the like. So annoying.
- I am on a scented candle kick. I go through my phases.
- Sour Patch Watermelons are incredible.
- I'm really glad I'm not a smoker. Not sure how people can afford to keep that habit up.
- I am a freebie whore. A double-dipping one at that.
- I am still extremely annoyed with the bathroom mirror self-portraits. Especially when the toilet gets in the shot. Why the hell is that cute again?
- I love blogging because I can use run-on sentences and as many commas,,, as I feel like.
- I buy generic medication.
- I am one of those when I want it done I want it done right away kind of people.
- Random is fun.
Real showers
My 13 year old is home from school sick with a cold. I was able to take an actual real shower in the daytime without paranoia of what the boy could be getting into. This is a rare treat. There are those days I try to take a shower when it's just the two of us and it is always the day I missed the UPS/FedEx/USPS guy to sign for something important or a call comes through that I have been waiting on all day and I miss it. It was great to get to take my time and relax. Okay, I'm done. Just thought I would share. I know most of you stay-at-home mommas know exactly what I am talking about.
Self-portrait advice
For my friends that know me well or read my blog regularly, you should know that I am not a fan of the bathroom mirror self-portraits. I just think it is tacky and maybe I am just a big, fat hater since I never look good in those photos anyway. Just a little advice to you: If you are going to post this type of photo then please be sure your bathroom mirror is actually clean. Also check to make sure you do not get your toilet in the shot. Last, if you are not a very tidy person you might consider not having any background to the shot. Make sense?? Just a little friendly advice...
being cool,
Fun Stuff,
just sayin',
people with issues
Some great guidelines for Facebook
For a lot of us who are frequent "Facebookers" I have taken the time to compile a list of no-no's for Facebook.
* It is not nice to go through other people’s friends list and add them without knowing them. If you are just trying to have a lot of friends, this is not a good way.
* If you invite someone to join your network, site, mafias, farms, etc. or any other interest and they have not responded, this is a good sign they are NOT interested. Frequent invites are annoying and need to stop.
* If you send too many virtual gifts to others, you might get blocked from their stream.
* It is not cool to use a fake name or picture. It can hinder you from people you actually know from adding you.If you go as Mike "Keepin'itPimpin" Johnson and you have a profile pic of Lil Wayne, chances are you will NOT get added.
* Cursing on your status or on someone’s wall. In my book that is almost instant deletion. Keep it clean, you never know who can see it. I have a teenager on FB so I respect her.
* If someone removes you as a friends leave it alone. They had their reasons so don’t be childish sending daily requests and messages asking why you deleted them.
* If you keep your wall closed and do not allow comments on any of your photos, status or notes then why are you on FB is the first place??
* Do not friend strangers just to pitch your business to them. Collecting email addresses from your “friends” is just wrong. I do not want to buy your organic juice, host a party or purchase panties that will make me melt away my fat. Thanks, but no thanks!!
* If you have an issue with someone or have something personal to discuss DO NOT post it on their public wall. Inbox them. There are some things that should never be publicized.
* It might be a good idea to not tag someone in a photo that could cause humiliation or problems for them. I have seen people in provocative photos posted by others. While on the subject of photos, you might want to be careful what you post. Jobs are looking at FB and a lot of people have been terminated over FB. It’s not that important people!
Please, if you have anything to add by all means we want to hear it!!
* It is not nice to go through other people’s friends list and add them without knowing them. If you are just trying to have a lot of friends, this is not a good way.
* If you invite someone to join your network, site, mafias, farms, etc. or any other interest and they have not responded, this is a good sign they are NOT interested. Frequent invites are annoying and need to stop.
* If you send too many virtual gifts to others, you might get blocked from their stream.
* It is not cool to use a fake name or picture. It can hinder you from people you actually know from adding you.If you go as Mike "Keepin'itPimpin" Johnson and you have a profile pic of Lil Wayne, chances are you will NOT get added.
* Cursing on your status or on someone’s wall. In my book that is almost instant deletion. Keep it clean, you never know who can see it. I have a teenager on FB so I respect her.
* If someone removes you as a friends leave it alone. They had their reasons so don’t be childish sending daily requests and messages asking why you deleted them.
* If you keep your wall closed and do not allow comments on any of your photos, status or notes then why are you on FB is the first place??
* Do not friend strangers just to pitch your business to them. Collecting email addresses from your “friends” is just wrong. I do not want to buy your organic juice, host a party or purchase panties that will make me melt away my fat. Thanks, but no thanks!!
* If you have an issue with someone or have something personal to discuss DO NOT post it on their public wall. Inbox them. There are some things that should never be publicized.
* It might be a good idea to not tag someone in a photo that could cause humiliation or problems for them. I have seen people in provocative photos posted by others. While on the subject of photos, you might want to be careful what you post. Jobs are looking at FB and a lot of people have been terminated over FB. It’s not that important people!
Please, if you have anything to add by all means we want to hear it!!
just sayin',
social networking
and why is Spring so great??
If you have been reading my blog long enough then you will know that I am a winter person. I do not like the weather once it passes 65 degrees. Yesterday we bypassed spring temps in South Carolina and moved right into the 90's. No thanks, go away. I actually felt my skin burn. I have turned 4 shades darker and the pollen is a killer. I have a lovely "spring" cold today. I spent the night unable to breathe efficiently. I'm miserable. It is going to be 90 degrees again today. The higher the temps the more bees and wasps I see looming around, especially near ME. I am already tired of the bastards chasing me every time I walk out the door. The even wait at my car. I am so glad I have the remote start feature on my car that it can be ready with the cool AC blowing so we can shut the door fast. I don't think I will ride with the windows down for many months to come. I have accepted that my fuel costs will be higher, oh well. I hate Spring so much. I really, really do. The end.
Say "yes" to the dress at what price?

Dude, get out of my personal space
Okay, I am about to rant and carry on. Why oh why do people like to stand all up in your personal space? I can't stand when I am in line at the store and some fool is standing practically on top of me. I take an extra step forward and the fool takes one too. I am too nice of a person to be rude and tell them to back the hell up. I really don't like that at all. Also I do not appreciate when people touch my hair and start playing around with it. This happens to me all the time! Does anyone understand what personal space is?? Let me not get started on random strangers in the store that touch little William's mouth. There was this one morning that a little old lady decided she did not want William to stick his tongue out so she thought she would do him a favor and stick it back in his mouth. Once again, way too nice of a person to start something. I whipped those baby wipes out mighty fast!! I stay in my own space and would appreciate others to do the same!
Why does a baby or toddler need candy?

How to prounounce Ismail
For those of you who wonder how you pronounce our last name it is Ismail (Iz-mail). I tell people it's like email except it has the word Is in front instead of E. Seems simple enough yet everyone finds a way to add and H in there. If we wanted the our name to have the H sound it would be spelled Ishmail. Make sense? Also the 'mail' part is pronounced just the way it's spelled, not mall. Just wanted to clear that up in the event you ever wanted to know ;-)
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