Family * Travel * Food

Some things you may never hear

My blog buddy Sammy over at To Unravel is the King of random. Seriously, if you ever read his posts you would become completely immersed in his randomness. He wrote this one post entitled the Rootabaga line up and I put in my two cents. The point behind it all was listing 10 things you will NEVER hear. Some are from people, some are even from inanimate objects. Either way, I'm 99% sure you will never ever ever ever hear! So here we go, my 10 things are:
  1. Wow, that Nikki Minaj is a true talent!
  2. No problem random stranger, I will gladly change your baby's poopie diaper.
  3. Pam Anderson's body and face look so natural!
  4. I'd like to order one brussel sprout burger with a side of eggplant fries.
  5. Can't wait for the price of gas to go up!
  6. I wish the laundry would never end.
  7. I want a parking ticket so badly.
  8. Scraping wallpaper is so much fun!
  9. Oh please let this tree fall on my house!
  10. I'd prefer my Chinese food be prepared by Italians.
Play along if you wish!
Shelly, Mom Files


  1. I really love that Spanish and Chinese food tastes so American!

  2. lmao!!! these were hysterical!

  3. haha nicely done!

    i liked nikki mi-trash for all of 10 seconds. i only like her in that one song with usher but she bored me quickly.

    pam anderson has had plastic surgery??

    brussel sprouts have zero redeeming qualities.

    one time while at the mall, some girl working there was looking at our daughter and commented about her cuteness etc. she then ended the convo by saying, 'well if you ever need a sitter, you know where to find me.'...uhhh sure. right after i call the mall cops on you for, in essence, asking to abduct my child.

  4. Yes honey, you do look fat in that dress.

    Hugs and Mocha,


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