The Big Waste
Have you seen the Food Network special called "The Big Waste"? It is a perfect blend of documentary and competition/reality show. I won't lie, it truly opened my eyes to just how much food wasting goes on in America. Fruit and vegetables get put on trash piles because consumers won't purchase a slightly bruised item. I am guilty of this. I have picked over tomatoes and bananas because I wanted the prettiest ones. I feel so guilty knowing that the ones that get overlooked may end up in the trash! We do our very best to not throw food out but of course you can only keep so much for so long. I have changed the way I cook to ensure that we don't have too much left over even if this means cooking daily. If you missed the show that originally aired on Sunday night, you are in luck. It airs again on January 14 at 4:00 PM ET/PT and on January 15 at 5:00 PM ET/PT. It is really worth watching! You might look at less-than-perfect food items a bit differently. Just thought I would share.
Food Network,
Only my husband would do this
Dwayne was drinking his cherry soda the other day aka his "brotha drink". I will never understand why he likes to put his glass in the freezer with soda and ice in it. It stayed in there for days. Brie got tired of looking at it and let it thaw out on the counter and then poured it out. Does anyone in your house do this sort of foolishness?

WTH Wednesday
I bet you are looking at this picture thinking WTH? My husband asked some random lady who owned a few trees that bare this fruit if he could have a few. She told him to take as many as he wanted. He tells her that he used to eat these "Chinese plums" as a kid growing up in Miami. She then tells him that if you drop a seed in the ground it will grow into a plum tree. Why the hell did she tell him that?
Now we have to keep these horrible looking things for him to plant. I am so annoyed because we already have some American plum trees in our yard that are getting ready to removed and now he wants to go plant more? WTH! I wish there was a way I could trash these things! I suggested he plants a couple in a big pot and go from there. I will kick his backside if we end up with a grove of those things! Has anyone even seen these doggone plums before?

Reason #582 why I hate spring
Most people want to go into hiding during the winter months. Not me. That's when I am thriving the most and feeling very upbeat and energized. Spring is the worst time of year to me. I have been so sick for over a week now because of the pollen clouds. It's just not right when you see cars driving next to you and it feels like you are driving on a sandy beach. It's just that bad. I wash off our cars each morning and it does not make a difference.
Dwayne's car is black so his looks even worse. I have never wanted to see rain as badly as I do right now. I'm talking 2-3 days non-stop.
On another note, if you are an allergy sufferer I suggest Allegra-D! It has been a lifesaver for me.
Has spring sprung in your neck of the woods?

Has spring sprung in your neck of the woods?
people with issues,
Sick days,
And why should kids pay attention?
I took this photo yesterday after seeing an adult ditch their shopping cart next to the cart return area. My guess is that it would have taken an additional 8 seconds to have successfully put it up in the right place. Behavior like this astonishes me. It's lazy and inconsiderate. This person had an older child with her. I guess that child will learn that doing things like this is okay. I know that this is a little thing but children learn from little things. It's our job as adults to be a good example!
These same "parents" are the first ones to try to start a fight with teachers when they hear their child is not listening or following directions in class. Sorry, I just had to vent my frustrations~ Thanks for listening, I feel better now!

training your children
Random banana story
A couple weekends ago I was in Walmart during the super stupid busy time on a Saturday evening. Of course I know better but the daughter's needed some things so what's a momma to do? We planned to make banana splits that night together as a family. We bought vanilla ice cream, nuts, strawberries, hot fudge sauce, whipped cream... We get through the check-out line only to realize we forgot something. BANANAS. There was no way I was getting back into a 50 foot long line for a few bananas plus I had ice cream in my cart. I ended up driving home to unload my groceries and decided to go to another store for bananas. It dawned on my that at 7:30 pm you might not find any bananas in the produce section. I then came up with a brilliant idea~ Sonic drive-thru. Yeah, they sell bananas. I know I would be spending a buck for each banana but who cares at this point. I just need 2 of them for tonight. My kids made so much fun of me and said that is was so tacky to order bananas from Sonic. So of course I made them ride with me.
I get in the drive-thru and politely ask if they had any fresh bananas. The fella told me that they sure did. I drove up to pay and then was handed my 2 bananas. The freakin things were damn near frozen! There was no turning back at this point. I brought them home and they tasted fine. Will I buy bananas there again? NO. I told you this was a random banana story! BTW, it was DWAYNE that made the big deal about needing bananas. Just thought I would add that in there :)

fast food,
people with issues
WTH? Wednesday
Ah, it's Wednesday... Where do I start?
- My 16 year old daughter does not care for meat at all. Even the sight of a steak or pork chop will make her feel sick to her stomach. She won't eat burgers or meatloaf or any red meat related dish. She is my chicken and seafood eater. Why does she LOVE pulled pork? WTH? How does that make sense?
- When Dwayne and I were shopping on Black Friday we actually heard people complaining about the lines being too long. Really now? It's Black Friday ya dummie!
- I saw this gorgeous young woman the other day looking over the cosmetics at Kohl's. She was dressed really well, nice hairstyle, the whole nine yards...until....this heffa was trying on the lip gloss sample directly on her lips!!! I could not believe my eyes. WTH? Who does that? Oh yeah, cheap broads with no class.
- Our big screen TV died on us. Life is not nice without HDTV. I hate that we have to get a new one.
- I am still not over Dwayne saying that I look like I am trying to steal from the stores.
- I can't stand when I am Facebooking and Twittering from my smartphone and I accidentally retweet or "like" something bad because my touchscreen is so sensitive. Makes me look like a jerk!
people with issues,
WTH? Wednesday
My husband is just not right

Let me tell you about your boy...
Tonight I made some homemade French toast for the kids to have for tomorrow morning. A certain man in our home was lured into the kitchen by the sweet smell of warm cinnamon. I informed him that it was for the next morning and he gave me some kinda look like "woman is you crazay?". The fool then goes on to tell me that he must be making me nervous with all the weight (1 pound) that he lost and some jabber about how fine and sexy he was getting. He thinks I plotted to try to put the weight back on him. All this was being said as syrup dripped down the side of his mouth. That's your boy!
WTH? Wednesday
Almost daily there is something that stands out and makes me say WTH??? This would be the winner of the week and that is a Chucky doll sticking out of the back window. Not something you see (or want to see) everyday! Seriously...What the hell??
Another WTH? moment was with my mail carrier. She is nosey as hell. Why does she tell me about my mail? She assumes she knows what my letter is about and tells me what steps to take. Umm, it is not even all that lady. Then she gives me this crazy look if I have too many freebies that can't all fit in the box and she is forced to come to my door. Oh and she called my sweet little dog Milo a "monster" and she says she does not like him. I am still so nice to her even though she is always trippin' about something!!
So what was your WTH? moment of the week?

So what was your WTH? moment of the week?
Monday Randoms
Weekends are really not good for me. I really don't like them. When the husband and kids are home I am miserable. Sounds terrible huh? Well the reason for my miserableness is because I get too damn cozy when they are around. I eat too much foolishness and it goes on from Saturday morning until Sunday midnight. I eat more in those 2 days than I do all week long. It's not right. I need to do better than that. *sighs*
On a better note I have been using regular body products on William. It has been working out really well since he has really good skin to begin with. Now he shares cocoa butter lotion with Papo. Cheaper too. Speaking of William, I found a way to tame him. If he is acting up and needs some distraction to calm down all I have to do is ask him if he wants to brush his teeth. Strange I know. He loves to get his teeth brushed. Lets hope it stays this way.
I am locking myself in the house today to clean. It appears that a small storm blew through while we were sleeping last night. It blew in more dirty laundry too. Well I better get to work. I am sure I will have something more interesting to say tomorrow. Maybe.
On a better note I have been using regular body products on William. It has been working out really well since he has really good skin to begin with. Now he shares cocoa butter lotion with Papo. Cheaper too. Speaking of William, I found a way to tame him. If he is acting up and needs some distraction to calm down all I have to do is ask him if he wants to brush his teeth. Strange I know. He loves to get his teeth brushed. Lets hope it stays this way.
I am locking myself in the house today to clean. It appears that a small storm blew through while we were sleeping last night. It blew in more dirty laundry too. Well I better get to work. I am sure I will have something more interesting to say tomorrow. Maybe.
people with issues,
Look at what your boy found....
Dwayne and I were taking a little drive this evening and on the way home he took a little detour. Of course I knew he had to be up to something. He pulled over on a dead end street and jumped out and came back with a bag filled with these funky dirty golf balls. Then he brings them in the house and puts them in my kitchen sink to wash them off *BIG sigh* I asked him why he needed 50+ golf balls and he tells me "I was doing my civic duty to remove them from the roadway to protect the citizens of my fine city. We would not want anyone to have an accident". So I asked him "What do I do with you?" Of course he tells me I should go play some golf with him.

Bad Boys Club,
people with issues,
WTH Wednesday
I went to the doctor's office today and sat in waiting area like usual. I noticed there were two very adorable little girls (about 3 & 5) playing in the corner with the magazines on a little table. It seemed normal, for the first two minutes. I sat there looking around to see where the parent might be. There were not too many of us in the room so after ruling out that none of those people were the girls parents I got a little scared. I was chatting with another lady that was sitting next to me and we were both wondering where the parents were. She told me that the girls has been there since she got there at 9:30. By that time it was 10:40. Long time. Eventually at 11:25 the mother comes strolling out of the back office. Get this, her husband was right behind her. WTH?? Now you mean that both parents were there and they left these little girls alone to wait for you for 2 hours?? Oh the scary things that could have happened to those little girls. I just don't know how anyone could do that.
What in the world
Right now my daughters are watching their brother (willingly) and this gives me some free time to hop on the computer to read my favorite blogs as well as update my own. I have had no trouble at all reading all kinds of good stuff (some foolishness) but can't seem to focus on updating my own. Why is that? Oh yeah, it might be the fact that I am fooling around on Facebook and Twitter as well as texting at the same time. I really feel almost like I am becoming way too involved in social networking (again). Now that I got that out of the way I can update my blog..... maybe tomorrow. I hope everyone is doing well :)
Diaper points programs
I just wanted to know if any of you collect the rewards points for Huggies or Pampers brand diapers? I am not exclusive to any particular brand but I do collect the points and finally made it to over 1000 with Pampers. I had my eye and a Go Diego Go! soft potty seat. I was at TJ Maxx yesterday and saw the same seat for $6.99. So you mean to tell me I have been saving like a fool for 2 years all for an item that is under $10?? Oh, plus I have to pay for the shipping!? Pure nonsense. Does anyone else save the points and have you redeemed them for "gifts"? I want to know what the shipping cost was. They are real slick by making you surrender your points before they give you that information. What the hell is the point of the whole rewards program when it truly is not in your favor?
I know I say it all the time...
The male species...the ickiest species EVER! My son has started the popular man trend of putting his hand in the front of his pants (under the diaper). I will never understand the need to fondle the man parts. I know you ladies (and men) know what I am talking about! UUUGGHHH!!! So so icky!!
Not forgetting where you come from
Your boy Dwayne is just not right. Why does he feel the need to keep this bag? He tells me it is a reminder of where he comes from. I'm telling you, I don't know what to do with this man! UGH!!!!

Bad Boys Club,
people with issues
Random things that make me smile
- when William calls me "Mum"
- when my laundry basket is empty (even though it is only for 5 minutes)
- when I catch William reading to himself.
- waking up thinking it is time to get up for the day and realizing it is only 1:00 am. YES!
- getting freebies in the mail.
- listening to my daughters chat amongst themselves. It's funny when one sister asks the other "Hey, do you want to play LIFE? You might actually get one that way".
- getting into my car and seeing that the husband filled my gas tank for me.
- asking William where his belly button is and he shows it to you and starts to laugh because he is tickling himself
- bargain shopping and paying very little for so much. Also when the cashier has to double check the screen to be sure he or she did not make a mistake because of my low balance.
- when my teenagers say "stop trying to be cool"... they make me laugh!
Dude, get out of my personal space
Okay, I am about to rant and carry on. Why oh why do people like to stand all up in your personal space? I can't stand when I am in line at the store and some fool is standing practically on top of me. I take an extra step forward and the fool takes one too. I am too nice of a person to be rude and tell them to back the hell up. I really don't like that at all. Also I do not appreciate when people touch my hair and start playing around with it. This happens to me all the time! Does anyone understand what personal space is?? Let me not get started on random strangers in the store that touch little William's mouth. There was this one morning that a little old lady decided she did not want William to stick his tongue out so she thought she would do him a favor and stick it back in his mouth. Once again, way too nice of a person to start something. I whipped those baby wipes out mighty fast!! I stay in my own space and would appreciate others to do the same!
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