Wow, so many WTH moments recently, where do I begin?
~ WTH is up with high school kids wearing Dora the Explorer and Yo Gabba Gabba backpacks that are preschool size? I have seen football players do this. WOW.
~ Also WTH is up with the school fundraisers? Remember when they used to sell candy bars? Ah the good ole days. Now they have to sell $25 cakes. Who in life is spending $25 on a cake living in a recession? Speaking of fundraisers...please, don't ask me to buy crap from your kids and I won't ask you to buy from mine. Deal? I think sometimes it's just better to stroke a check and be done.
~What's up with all the users out there? They sure know how to find your number to call or text when they need something don't they? Pulease. Don't even start that crap about "I was just thinking about you"
~ I really wish my little boy would stop being so darn cute when he gets in trouble. That smile is lethal. Makes me crazy.
~ WTH is up with people trying to sound intelligent but can't spell worth a lick? And on the spelling subject please take note that these are
not words.... mkay, gud, wat, werd and I can go on for days. If you are an adult you really need to cut it out. Seriously.
Okay, I'm done for now. Please share your WTH moments in the comments...