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Random Thoughts on Ageism, Insulting Women, and How Social Media Plays a Role

I remember for many years thinking that men were the ultimate enemy against women and their self-esteem. That is how it was pushed and publicized for ages. Many people might still think this is the case, but I surely have changed my mind. It turns out that the ones who seem so against the choices women make are in fact, other women, especially the younger ones. If you're thinking I am talking nonsense, it's okay. These are my thoughts, and I have decided to share them. 

If you frequent apps like TikTok, X or Instagram, you will see posts from people with every taste, from every walk of life, and with so many differing opinions on anything and EVERYthing. I am noticing so much more lately that a lot of women who are age 50+ post videos responding to negative comments that were left on a previous post. I am the type of woman  who isn’t doing all of that. I simply block the person who was behaving ugly, and delete their comment. You can’t allow yourself to be hurt over some random person on the internet saying something about you that you didn’t like. Believe me, you will get past it and life will go on. 

However, these newer “influencers” aren’t having it. They are clapping back and calling folks out. What gets me is that these are often gorgeous women with a huge following, and seemingly living a really nice life. They are speaking out when a follower tells them they are too old to wear something or to behave in a certain way. I saw a TikTok yesterday of a beautiful woman who I believe is a makeup artist with gorgeous gray hair and artfully done makeup. She was responding to a younger woman who commented that she was too old for pigtails. The TikTokker proceeded to style her long locks with pigtails on both sides, and let me tell you something, she looked damn good! 

That was her response, and I was internally applauding her for doing what made her feel pretty and happy. After all, the goal for any person is to be happy and feel good about themselves. Once you have that, you can succeed in every area of your life. 

Another TikTok I recently viewed was of a stunning beauty in her late 60s wearing a sporty sweatsuit. She was being harassed that she was too old to wear that. I was shocked! What does age have to do with a cute sweatshirt and matching jogger pants? It seems like no matter what women over 50 choose to wear for THEMSELVES, there is always some young female troll telling her she shouldn't wear it. 

So the next time you find yourself thinking that a 50+-something woman shouldn’t be wearing crop tops, short skirts, bikinis, or doing what doesn’t suit your taste, please STOP IT. Leave women to be who they are. The world is already harder on a woman’s appearance, so please keep your negative thoughts to yourself. Thanks for stopping by today! 

4 Tips for Dealing With Your Emotions After a Traumatic Birth

Traumatic births come in all shapes and sizes, but they do all have one thing in common: They leave lingering feelings of guilt, sadness, and anxiety in their wake.

While having a baby should be a wonderful and happy time, it’s simply not always that. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, birth can be painful and deeply distressing. Things go wrong, and there’s often no way to make them right.

Even if you and your baby come out of the experience healthy — or at least on the mend — the experience can leave you in a terrible state. Here are some suggestions and tips for helping yourself deal with that pain and struggle.  

1. Face the pain. Don’t hide from it.

There’s often a tendency among women who have experienced traumatic births to try to push the pain down and hide away from it. When it pops up in your mind, you may try to shake it away and not think about it.

Certainly, understanding how to handle memories of your traumatic birth is like walking a fine line. On one hand, it's true that you shouldn't linger on bad thoughts. In any situation where there is trauma, we can spin ourselves up so much that we actually make a simple problem much worse.

On the other hand, it's good to face the pain you have to struggle with. Everyone will experience pain and trauma during their lives, and accepting it for exactly what it is is actually part of moving on. Moreover, if you can learn to use a bad experience to improve your life moving forward, that's always the best possible outcome. We’ll discuss this more in tip #4.

2. Don’t listen to bad advice

Very often, traumatic birth experiences actually end with a healthy mom and a healthy baby. In a way, these are the hardest scenarios to deal with, however, because your friends and family won’t understand if you still feel the need to grieve and if you continue to struggle even after returning home from the hospital.

“Why would you be sad right now!? You have a healthy baby, and you’re fine! You're going to heal!"
Any woman in this situation knows that it’s simply not as easy as that. Whether you had to have an emergency C-section or your labor was prolonged for many days, this trauma can linger. If anyone tries to tell you that it's unfounded or that you should simply be grateful for what you have, don't feel you have to listen to them. Chances are, they’re speaking without experience and simply don’t understand.
Follow your own intuition because in almost all situations, it will be right. You deserve to devote attention to fixing the struggle you're having internally and to move toward a more positive state at your own pace.

3. Find out how best to comfort yourself

As you begin to grapple with the emotional and mental sides of recovery, remember that there are physical things you can do to calm your anxiety as well. Small acts of kindness toward yourself can make a huge difference to your mental state.

Here are some ideas:
  • Get some alone time. Ask for help from your partner, your family, or close friends. Let them watch your baby while you shop, get a manicure, or just go for a walk.
  • Take a relaxing CBD bath. Go to your local Denver dispensary and grab some bath CBD oils or salts. Dissolving these in your bath can have a positive anti-inflammatory effect and will help calm your body and spirit.
  • See professionals. If your back is bothering you, see a chiropractor. If you’re having pelvic floor problems, see your doctor. If you want to start working through your emotions, see a therapist. It’s worth it to seek professional help sooner rather than later.

4. Learn from your experience

Lastly, figure out how you can learn from the experience you had. When anything goes wrong in life, there are always lessons to learn, and the smartest people in the room will learn them. Everyone else will wallow in despair or pretend like it never happened.

So, what can you take away from the traumatic birth you experienced? If, for example, you feel that you were not assertive enough in the birthing room or did not plan enough for unlikely outcomes, maybe these are things you can plan to focus on more if you have another child. Perhaps you were surrounded by unsupportive people who didn’t understand your needs.

Even if you're done having children, there are lessons you can learn from a difficult birth. In the end, it is you who gets to decide your attitude and the next steps you will take to reclaim your life and your outlook as your own.

How RedDrop is Helping Parents Prepare for Their Daughter's First Period

If you are a woman, you probably would never want to revisit those years when your body and emotions took on huge changes. I remember growing up in a strict home where talking about the changes a girl's body goes through during puberty was a bit taboo. I don't understand why that was the case when every girls' body will change and they will get their period. I unfortunately had to learn from school and friends. Thankfully I knew I had to do a better job as a mom to my own daughters when the time came. 

It's definitely not a fun talk to have with your daughters, but a very necessary one. After all, you don't want them to feel bad about something that is natural. If you have young daughter, it's a good idea to have a plan to discuss what to expect when she gets her period for the first time. 

RedDrop is the first feminine hygiene brand designed specifically to empower school age girls. They offer a subscription service just for girls. The Red Drop period kit is a must-have for every girl. It is filled with everything she will need to feel confident for when her period starts. Check out the kit: 

The RedDrop Period Kit contains everything a girl needs for the moment her cycle begins. They will ship the following pieces directly to your door, packaged to remind her that she's special:
  • 30 Everyday Pads for daily use 
  • 14 FlowDay Pads for heavy flow days
  • 14 FlowNight Pads for a comfortable night's sleep
  • 12 Feminine Wipes individually wrapped for easy carry
  • 1 Hand Bag to discreetly carry it all
  • 1 Special Gift just for her

No need to select a size or level of absorbency. They pack each option she'll need, so she's ready for whatever life throws at you both. The retail price for the period kit is $29.99. The packaging is super nice, and I love the little pouch that can be refilled with feminine products for your daughter to toss in her purse, book bag or gym bag. 

The plus side of this kit is that the products are made just for a smaller size body. Many of the pads available in stores are definitely too big for most girls' bodies. This period kit would be well-received as a gift, and a great way to discuss this time of her life. I can see sending this to your daughter, niece, or any friend or family member getting ready to go through this milestone. Be sure to check out RedDrop at their website and social channels ( Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter). 

Many thanks to RedDrop for sending us a kit so we can share the news about the brand. 


Why It Is Important To Speak Up When It Comes To Your Health

Have you ever felt like something in you is a bit off? Like you are off balance and can't quite figure out what your problem is? I went to my doctor a little over a month ago for my annual physical. I was actually 2 months off schedule since the pandemic came and knocked everything out of whack. Any time I have to go in to the doctor's office my blood pressure spikes a bit. I do check it at home regularly, and it is almost always right where it's supposed to be. The nurse always laughs and asks me if I am afraid of her, and that she doesn't bite. That usually calms me down, and my BP goes back down.

This last visit went a lot differently than normal. It was one of those very hot and muggy mornings, and I am normally the type of person who is always hot. I had to sip my ice water in the car, and put my mask on to enter the building. I went in, got registered at the front desk, and waited patiently to be called back. As soon as I saw the nurse crack open the door I felt my heart beat a bit faster, and I could feel myself trying harder to breathe. The mask doesn't make it any easier, but of course you still have to wear one.

Like with any visit, the first thing they do is check your weight and vitals. I decided to give myself a break with the weight since COVID-19 has been stressful and concerning. When the blood pressure cuff was placed around my arm, I had a bad feeling. My BP was 170/100! My heart rate was 117. I just sat there in shock as the nurse told me she would have to re-take my BP in a 5-minute time frame 3 times to get an average number between the three. Of course since it was within 5 minutes of the first check, it was still high at 155/95.

I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach and had those panicked breaths where I felt like I was gasping for air. My nerves were shot at this point. My doctor came in shortly after and was briefly updated on what was going on. We chatted about my overall well-being and how I was really feeling and I told her I was definitely better than I was in previous years dealing with extreme anxiety and depression. She figured that my elevated BP and heart rate were due to anxiety that were related to the pandemic, and the news regarding police brutality and racism. I mean, who isn't feeling a whole lot right now?

She highly recommended that I start a low-dose anti-anxiety medication to help me calm down, and hopefully that would result in my BP and heart rate regulating. I agreed. I don't know why, but I agreed. She wanted to see me back in 6 months to discuss how things end up going from taking the medication. I also had to wait for my lab results to see if anything else was wrong. Last year my cholesterol was high, and that is concerning since both of my parents were cardiac patients. I was warned of the possibility that if it was the same or higher, I would need to get on cholesterol meds right away.

I was diagnosed with thyroid disease about 5 years ago, and have been on medication to keep it regulated since then. Lucky for me, I've had very few symptoms that affect me. The only time I really did have anything that wasn't quite right was confused as being anxiety, when in reality I was having heart palpitations. Then the light bulb popped on in my head. The deep breathing and higher heart rate wasn't feeling 100% like anxiety, but more like heart palpitations. I decided to wait for my lab results to come back so I could see what my Thyroid-Stimulation Hormone (TSH) levels were. I just had a feeling something wasn't right.

What is so strange about the whole pandemic is that my life wasn't really affected a whole lot. Being home all the time, and homeschooling my son is my normal. Aside from not being able to find certain items at the store, things have been fine on the home-front. The only time I would get worked up is when I turned on the news. The state of the nation has been pitiful to say the least. Seeing so many families affected by job loss, kids not getting adequate education, and the state of financial crisis is enough to make anyone worry. But you know what? I still chose to find the good things to focus on each day. This made getting through these crazy months a lot easier. I have been surprisingly calm despite what was going on all over the world.

Enough about that, back to the lab results. They came in the next day, and to my surprise, the doctor was super happy to see how great everything looked. My cholesterol went down by 43 points! I had no idea it could drop that much in just a year. I can't tell you how relieved I was to get this fantastic news. I decided to really read through my results to make sure everything else was where it needs to be. I improved on just about everything! One thing did stick out to me though. My TSH level was at the top of the high number. That didn't sit right with me. Although it was .04 within the range, I was still concerned.

I sent a message through the patient portal to express my concerns about the TSH levels, and asked for my medication to be adjusted. I really feel like my elevated heart rate and BP was from heart palpitations caused by my thyroid and not anxiety. She agreed to step me up to 75mg from 50mg and have my labs done again in 3 months. After taking the higher dosage for 2 weeks, the palpitations subsided and I started feeling normal again. I definitely have not felt any anxiety or sadness. I knew I wasn't depressed, and was NOT about to take a drug that would be very hard to come off of.
This is what my blood pressure and heart rate look like now. 
I am happy that I decided against the anti-anxiety meds and opted to advocate for myself. While antidepressants are necessary for many people and do help a lot, I knew I didn't need them. I used to be one of those people who thought if a doctor tells you something, it's as good as gold and you have to listen. It's not always the case. Read over your lab reports, do your own research, ask questions and follow your gut. I'm so happy that I did! I will get my labs work done in the first part of September and go from there.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. Continue to stay well, and wear your mask!

5 Simple Ways Busy Moms Can Stay Fit

Any busy mom who has to balance her work and home knows how difficult it can be to stay fit. However, that should stop anyone from staying healthy and achieving the body of their dreams. A lot of fitness professionals say that you have to make a schedule when it comes to staying fit. Where tips like following a set of rules, not eating fast food, and sticking to a healthy schedule are very helpful, a lot of them become a moot point for busy moms. That is where we step in as we have devised the perfect plan for working women so that they can stay in shape.

Rise early and Sweat it out

The most important thing that you need to do as a busy mom is to manage your time efficiently. I understand that waking up early can be very difficult to do, but if you want to get the most out of your day, you have to do it. After you have made a habit of waking up early, you can join a gym or look for reformer Pilates as it will help you stay in shape without sacrificing a lot.

Exercise with the Kids 

Another great way you can motivate yourself to exercise is to bring the kids into the loop. By including your kids in the workout, you are also motivating yourself to do exercise. To make the kids enjoy exercising, you can think of some pretty smart ways like playing games with them that involve physical activity, taking them out for a walk or for bike rides, and asking them to help you with house chores.
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Make the Most Out of Little Things 

As working moms can get quite busy juggling work and taking care of kids, they need to make everything count. Instead of using the lift, you should take the stairs so that you get the needed exercise. If your workplace is nearby, you can use the bike instead of a car as you can burn a lot of calories while going to work and coming back home. When you incorporate these little things in your life, you will see positive results in a matter of weeks.
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Eat Smart

Most of us are so busy each morning that we eat whatever we get out hands onto. Consider packing 3-4 small healthy snacks in the night so that you don’t have to prepare your lunch in the morning. Instead of relying on junk food during working hours, you can eat these healthy snacks so that you are proud of the right choices you make when hunger strikes.

Do Quick Workouts Whenever Your Get the Chance

Lastly, you should have a workout anytime you get a chance. For example, instead of crashing onto the bed when you return from work, you should do a little workout for 5-7 minutes, take a bath, and then enjoy some quality time with your kids so that you feel fresh and proud of yourself.
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Healthy Ways Today’s Women Can Deal With Stress

According to the American Psychological Association, women are more likely to experience stress than men and less likely to feel confident in their ability to manage it. Another study published in the Journal of Brain & Behavior found that women are twice as likely than men to suffer from severe anxiety and stress. Dealing with that stress can be very complex, especially when it affects other areas of the body.

Stress that comes as a result of a physical accident can be deeply compounding. For example, if you were to get into a car accident, the stress associated with the healing process and figuring out your financial situation can make the issue worse. According to the Barnes Firm, a team of California injury lawyers, taking action towards getting a fair treatment can help you deal with a stressful situation. It’s not uncommon to suffer from anxiety when you believe you’ve been wronged in an accident. But it works the other way around, too.

Many people fail to realize that stress manifests itself in the body to create physical pain. When you don’t know how to deal with that physical pain, it creates an even more stressful scenario.

Your body reacts to your emotions and too much stress and pressure creates a burden on your overall health. With that in mind, it’s important to start thinking about how you can deal with stress and live a happier and healthier lifestyle. Here are healthy ways that women can deal with stress.

Photo by Oluremi Adebayo from Pexels
Non-addictive Pain Management

As previously mentioned, stress can quickly become pain in the body. Whether you’re an over-pressured athletic woman or a mother suffering from chronic back pain after birth, knowing how to address pain—regardless of the source—is crucial.

Stress is particularly linked to lower back pain, which many women suffer from. If you find yourself struggling with chronic pain, it’s important that you take a non-addictive approach to pain management. With America in the midst of an opioid crisis, the last thing you want is to rely on pain killers that mask root causes of stress and create a physiological dependence. Instead, focus on non-addictive technology like the Energy Cell and alternative options like the solutions listed below.


Meditation is a commonly used practice for stress relief and relaxation. It broadens your conscious awareness and helps you to rid your mind of all the busy and hectic thoughts by encouraging inner peace through breathing and balance. With regular practice, you are essentially training your mind to react better to stressful situations, thereby controlling your body’s dreaded “fight or flight” reaction to anxiety.

Despite the fact that there are a myriad of clear benefits of meditation for women, many people struggle to get started. The concept of meditation can be overwhelming, and the desire to “get it right” can create even more stress as you embark on a new mission. However, with just a few minutes per day, you can successfully get better and better. Many mobile meditation apps are designed with beginners in mind. If you prefer in-person instruction, seek out local meditation centers and classes.

Therapy Sessions

Women’s issues can directly correlate to mental health, especially when you consider the historical challenges that have plagued women. Adverse portrayer in the media and society, oppression, and even motherhood are all contributing factors that play a role in mental health. Studies have also shown that women are more likely to develop eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia.

Unfortunately, there is a major misconception regarding the benefits of therapy sessions and who therapy works best for. The fact is, almost everyone can benefit from therapy. However, because many people stigmatize therapy as a go-to treatment for those suffering from serious mental illness, it prevents individuals from getting the counseling they need. Although there are many types of therapy, what’s key is that each addresses proper coping mechanisms for handling stress.

For example, cognitive therapy addresses how negative thoughts infiltrate your mind throughout the day and further contribute to stress. It allows you to examine negative patterns of thought and helps you learn to condition your mind to think positively. And perhaps most importantly is that therapy can also help you unearth underlying causes of stress and anxiety that may be preventing you from moving forward in your life.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Regular Exercise

Healthy exercise habits and mental health go hand in hand. Not only does exercise help boost your overall health, but it plays a critical role as a stress reliever. Your level of athletic experience and fitness doesn’t matter; anyone can do a little exercise (don’t overwork yourself and do what’s best for your individual body) and feel better.

It helps to join fitness classes dedicated exclusively to women, or even women-only gyms. These classes or facilities can decrease intimidation you might feel during exercise, and may offer equipment or facilities designed exclusively for the female body. Lastly, it’s a great way to network and meet new, like-minded friends.

What’s most important is consistency. It’s not uncommon to opt out of exercise when you’re stressed, simply because the idea of exercising seems stressful as well. But if you remind yourself that this is merely a preliminary barrier, you can work past this first hurdle with ease. Keep this in mind: you will almost never finish a productive run or workout session and return home regretting the work you put in. If you practice looking towards those feel good emotions you get when you’ve completed a routine, you’ll be able to better prepare yourself to take the first step time and time again.

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Stress Diary

Maintaining a stress journal is a great way to learn to cope and self-analyze. Some studies suggest that routine journaling can strengthen immune cells called T-lymphocytes. As a stress management tool, it has the ability to wonders. When you express your thoughts coherently, you’re able to release pent up feelings and decipher your emotions in a productive way. As you record feelings of stress, you’ll start to notice patterns and consistencies from a high-level overview. You can opt for a traditional journal for logging your stressful moments, or use a stress diary template for guidance.

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Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic floor exercises will help to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. These exercises are common for pregnant women or women who have given birth as these muscles come under a lot of strain. However, all women can benefit from pelvic floor exercises. If your pelvic floor has been negatively impacted due to malpractice during childbirth, then you should speak to a medical malpractice lawyer.
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The pelvic floor is made up of layers of muscles that stretch from the pubic bone to the end of the backbone. When they are weak, you may leak urine, known as stress incontinence. It is very common, especially after childbirth. Luckily you can strengthen these muscles again. You can also perform these exercises before you give birth, as it will aid your healing
process after birth. 

If you have any concerns about your pelvic floor, then you should speak to your doctor.

Top-tips to keep your pelvic floor strong

  • Don't go to the toilet if you don't need to, as this will train your bladder to need to urinate more often. 
  • Try to empty your bladder whenever you do go to the toilet. 
  • Avoid constipation by consuming lots of fiber and drinking water.
  • When going to the toilet, lean forward so that your knees are higher than your hips. You may want a step to put your feet on. 
  • When urinating, relax your pelvic floor and avoid pushing too hard. 

It is good to get in the habit of doing pelvic floor exercises. However, you should take care when doing them as if you do them wrong, you could be doing more harm then good. Speak to your doctor if you have any concerns. You can also watch this video for more guidance.

  • Take a comfortable seat and lean slightly forward but keep your back straight. 
  • Squeeze and lift your muscles as if you are holding in during urination.
  • Hold the squeeze and count to 8 seconds, then relax for 8 seconds. Don't worry if you can't make it to 8 seconds, just do it for as long as is comfortable. 
  • Repeat 8 to 12 times. 
  • Keep breathing as you exercise and try not to tighten the muscles in your bum. 

Overactive pelvic floor
Some women suffer from an overactive pelvic floor, which means that you are always contracting the muscles and don't realize it. This can be caused by tension after pain or damage. This can make sex, using tampons and going to the toilet painful. It can also cause stress incontinence. If this sounds like you, then you should speak to a doctor.

If you have an overactive pelvic floor, then exercises will still help you. However, you should adjust them slightly to focus on the relaxation part. After tightening, make sure you have relaxed entirely and stay there for longer then you squeezed, around 10 seconds.

Creating a habit
In order to remember to do your pelvic floor exercises, you need to form a habit. The best way to do this is to do it at the same time you do something else. For example:

  • After going to the toilet.
  • After you wash your hands.
  • After feeding your baby.
  • When standing in line at a supermarket.

Should You Wear Compression Leggings During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a challenging period for a woman as her body undergoes changes she may or may not expect. Swelling and pain in the legs and varicose veins are some of the common conditions that pregnant women come across. Wearing compression leggings is a good idea to mitigate these symptoms and enjoy this wonderful period to the fullest. However, whether you are a first-time would-be mommy or have already been pregnant before, you would have a few questions about this popular maternity garment. Obviously, you would want to know whether it is safe to wear them and when you can start wearing them. Let us answer explain the benefits of compression socks during pregnancy.
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Compression leggings keep your legs healthy

Your body changes through the three trimesters of pregnancy, growing gradually as the baby becomes bigger. The pressure on the legs and veins increases as you gain weight with the progression of pregnancy. So the second trimester is the ideal time to start wearing compression stockings as noticeable signs of blood stagnation may start appearing as early as the fourth month into pregnancy. Subsequently, you may experience constant fatigue, visible swelling in the lower legs and ankles and even pulling sensations in the calf area. Regular use of compression socks can prevent these signs from aggravating and leading to varicose veins.

Know when and how to wear compression leggings

Experts recommend that pregnant women should wear this garment first thing in the morning, even before stepping out of the bed and take them off only when they retire for the night. Obviously, you will have to take them off while showering and swimming but wearing them through the day can keep problems such as edema at bay. Avoid taking the leggings off and wearing them back time and again because your legs tend to get swollen once you take them off and you will probably not get a good fit. Why compromise with the comfort with a good fit only, when you can buy Best Maternity Compression Leggings that always fit perfectly and offer ample support for all-day wear during pregnancy? For women approaching the end of pregnancy, it is best to seek the help of your partner or family member to wear the leggings as it may get increasingly difficult to wear them on your own.

Wear them if you have to stand or sit for prolonged periods

Though maternity compression leggings are beneficial for all pregnant women, they are all the more essential for the ones who need to stand or sit for prolonged periods. Whether you lead a sedentary lifestyle or spend most of your time on your feet, you must absolutely invest in this garment. If you plan to travel long distances during pregnancy, don’t miss wearing compression leggings because you will have to sit for hours during the journey. Sitting for long hours increases the risk of deep vein thrombosis, which is the last thing you would want to happen during pregnancy.

Now that you probably have answers to all your questions related to wearing maternity compression leggings during pregnancy, it is time to buy a pair or two. Quality leggings will definitely keep you comfortable and your legs healthy as you cruise through this amazing journey.

6 Things to Consider Before Choosing Your OB

Choosing an obstetrician is not a decision to be taken lightly. You’ll want to choose a doctor who not only has great qualities but who also has an excellent track record when it comes to prenatal care and delivery. According to Hankey Law Office, a group of Indianapolis birth injury lawyers, “Often, birth injuries are the result of either improper/insufficient prenatal treatment or are caused by doctors who fail to react quickly enough to complications that arise during childbirth.” Here’s what to look for when choosing an obstetrician.
Photo by Ryan Franco on Unsplash
1. Specific Advantages
It’s true that you’ll likely want to find an obstetrician that is available through your health insurance plan, but that doesn’t mean that you have to settle for anything less than what you consider to be the best doctor for you. First off, you may prefer to have a female doctor over a male or vice-versa. Next, the obstetrician’s access to your hospital of choice may also be important. After-hours availability is another advantage you may want. And of course, having a doctor with an awesome track record should be non-negotiable in a decision as important as this.

2. Trusted Recommendations
When looking for the perfect obstetrician, you may want to ask trusted friends or family members for their recommendations — especially those who are currently seeing an OB or who have recently given birth. If you’ve been seeing a gynecologist, you can also ask her for a recommendation.

3. Stellar Patient Reviews  
Although many people don’t take the time to write a review online if they are satisfied with their doctor’s care, many people will take the time if they are upset or have had a negative experience. And those negative reviews can provide a wealth of insight to you. Do yourself a favor and take the time to research obstetricians you are considering as your doctor so you can identify any potential red flags. Health Grades — a site that houses doctor reviews and ratings — is a good place to start looking.
Photo by from Pexels
4. Location of Office 
The location of the OB’s office is another factor to consider, especially if you live in a city that becomes clogged with heavy traffic throughout the day. If you’re still working while pregnant, this factor could become even more important. If the OB’s office is far away or will take considerable time to reach from your workplace due to traffic, you may want to exclude that particular doctor.

5. A Comfortable and Confident Feeling at the First Meeting
Even if a doctor ticks all your boxes and comes highly recommended, is on top of the best practices in pre-natal care and birthing and has a flawless track record, that doesn’t mean that she’s the doctor for you. You absolutely need to feel comfortable and confident with your obstetrician. For example, if you feel like you’re not being heard or you and the doctor have a major difference of opinions on OB-related issues, those are red flags. Bottom line: If you don’t feel comfortable and confident about selecting a certain obstetrician, go with your gut and do not be afraid to look elsewhere.

6. The Type of Practice You Want to Deal With
If you pick an OB who operates a solo medical practice, then you’ll see him every time you visit. This also means that you likely won’t have to worry about giving birth with someone other than your OB. However, if you see an OB who is part of a partnership or medical group practice, you may see a different doctor at different appointments, and you may not know which doctor will end up delivering your baby. This type of situation may or may not be an issue for you. Just be aware that you may not prefer to deal with some of the OBs in the practice for one reason or another, whereas others are perfectly fine.

What Do You Do If You Have a Hard Time Choosing?

Who you should choose as your obstetrician may not be as clear cut as you had hoped once you narrow down your choices. If this is the case, make sure you schedule an in-person meeting if you haven’t already to get a feel for the OB’s personality. You can also ask these important questions at that time:

  • How do you feel about natural childbirth? or How do you feel about epidurals?
  • What type of fetal monitoring do you use?
  • How often do you induce labor?
  • What is your opinion on breastfeeding?
  • How often do you perform C-section deliveries?
  • What labor and post-natal benefits does the hospital you are affiliated with offer patients?
  • What happens if you’re not available when I’m ready to deliver?
We hope these tips have helped you. 

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First Trimester Pregnancy – The Dual Marker Test, Ultrasounds and Blood Screening

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Maternal health during pregnancy is vital to the health of the baby, and there seems to be an endless sea of tests to be undertaken during any pregnancy. If you are an older mother, particularly a first time mother over the age of 35, have any pre-existing health concerns, or have any known health or genetic issues that run in the family, you will likely find that you get poked and prodded by expert maternity healthcare specialists more often that you could ever have imagined.  

There are regular urine tests looking for protein markers and signs of the ever common urinary tract infection, blood tests that monitor your iron levels, the hideous glucose test that generally induces nausea, takes hours, but can tell if you are going to be at risk of developing gestational diabetes, and there is also the double marker test in pregnancy which can alert you early on to whether you run the risk of having a baby with serious chromosomal abnormalities – if you get the right dual marker test you can also be screened for pre-eclampsia.

First Trimester Testing

Generally, the very first test a pregnant woman undertakes is her pregnancy test, but once that comes back positive there is a barrage of tests – all to ensure the health of both mother and baby.

Ultrasound Scans and Testing

In the first trimester (from the first day of your last period through to 12 weeks after this), you will normally have a ‘dating’ scan. This is an ultrasound to confirm how pregnant you are and to give you an estimated delivery date.  This will also tell you how many babies you have growing in your uterus and confirm the position of the baby and placenta. This is not done before 6 weeks, as the fetus is too small to see.
From around 11 weeks you will be able to have a Nuchal Translucency scan (often the two scans done at the same time, but you can have a dating scan earlier). In this scan, the sonographer will measure the fluid-filled space at the back of the baby’s neck, although they will not usually interpret the results for you. The nuchal translucency scan is done as a way of checking the likelihood of the baby having a chromosomal abnormality. These can range from a more common Down syndrome which has a high survival rate, to trisomy 13 or 18 which has a very high mortality rate (and will often be an indicator for likely miscarriage).
You won’t be able to find out the sex of your baby until an anatomy scan in your second trimester (normally after 18 weeks). This will also be able to tell you, and your doctor, if there are any concerns about the way the baby’s organs and body are developing. Because this is technically about the baby’s anatomy, you may need to specifically ask your sonographer to check what the sex is (although it is not at all uncommon for baby’s to position themselves in a way that hides their genitals, denying parents an early indicator).  
An ultrasound is considered to be non-evasive (you have hopefully warm, gel placed on your belly, and the wand is run over your belly creating an x-ray like image from ultrasound waves bouncing back to the wand), and there have been no known negative effects on baby or mother, however it is still should not be used by anyone untrained, and having more than needed is not recommended.

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Blood Testing

You are unlikely to need to confirm your pregnancy with a blood test, but this can be done as part of your routine first trimester blood workup. However, your first routine blood test will confirm your blood type and Rh factor. This is important because if your blood type is Rh negative and the father of the baby has an Rh-positive blood type, your body may develop a condition in this pregnancy or future pregnancies where the mother's body sees the baby as a foreign body to be fought off (see here for more information).
You will also be tested for anemia, as low red blood count is not uncommon in pregnancy, and amongst the serious health concerns can also increase first trimester fatigue and nausea symptoms. A standard blood test will also scan for hepatitis B, syphilis and HIV, as these are all transferable to the baby.
Another testing you may consider can include your immunity to rubella and chickenpox, cystic fibrosis, thyroid conditions, fragile X syndrome, hepatitis C, and a range of other conditions. However, most people will only include these for testing if there is a confirmed risk through exposure or family history.

Dual Marker Testing

This is technically a blood test, however, the results of the double market test (or double marker + PLGF) will often be used in conjunction with the first trimester ultrasound where the mother gets her Nuchal Translucency scan to make any recommendations.
The Dual marker test is looking for the presence and levels of the hormones Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Beta hCG) and Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein (PAPP-A) in the mother's blood (research is available here).
If the results of these test indicate that there is a high risk of the baby having a chromosomal abnormality then the mother can weigh up the risks of getting a diagnostic test. Normally these are either the amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, both of which are more invasive than the blood test and to create a level of risk to the baby and the pregnancy.
Additional testing that includes detection of the PLGS is helpful in detecting the risk of pre-eclampsia in the first trimester.  Although there is no cure for pre-eclampsia, early detection can mean that healthcare professionals can assess the risk levels and provide a cause of action that can help keep both mother and baby as safe as possible throughout the pregnancy. This may be as simple as recommending that you sleep only on your left side, or may require medication, bedrest or even hospitalization.
What’s more, additional testing can help doctors detect other health issues in the expecting mother, such as vaginal infections, which can significantly up the risk of serious disability like cerebral palsy in the developing baby. Just like pre-eclampsia, cerebral palsy doesn’t have an official cure, but careful monitoring of the mother and the right medical help during pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk in the child.

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How to Avoid Postpartum Depression

Having a baby can be one of the best experiences that you will have in life. The problem with pregnancy, however, is that it eventually ends when you have your baby. This shouldn’t be a problem when you are then presented with a baby to look after, but sadly all over the world, mothers experience postpartum depression. This type of depression is a very serious illness, and understanding the signs is very important. In this article, we are going to go through some of the ways that you can help yourself to avoid postpartum depression so keep reading if you’d like to find out more.
Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

Get Some Exercise

One of the best things that you can do when you are going through your postpartum period is to get some exercise. Although you will be busy with a newborn, you’ll benefit from taking a short walk each day or doing something which requires you to lift your energy levels a little. You’ll find that your mood will slightly improve as you achieve these goals.

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Stay Healthy

We all know that sleeping properly can be very difficult when you have a newborn baby but if you are able to get a reasonable amount of sleep then you’ll likely feel a lot better about yourself. You should also make sure to keep up a healthy diet to avoid spiraling into a depressive state. If you can, take a break and cook yourself or your partner a nice meal while they look after the baby.

Talk to Someone

If you think that you are beginning to show signs of postpartum depression, you need to make sure that you talk to someone. Ignoring the problem can only make it worse so try your best to talk to a friend, a parent or a partner. If none of these things are working, try talking to an online therapist. Websites like AskaCoach offer great therapists that specialize in depression that can help you through this hard time.

Focus on Yourself

You need to focus on your baby and looking after it, but you should also make sure to spend some time focusing on yourself. If you can avoid it, don’t do anything that will take your attention away from recovering from childbirth. This involves making big life decisions such as moving house or getting yourself a new job. Focus on your family and what you need to do, and don’t let yourself get stressed out by other aspects of your life that can wait.


Our final tip for preventing postpartum depression is to do your research. You should make sure that you know everything about this illness so that you can identify when you are starting to feel a bit down or depressed. There are plenty of resources that will help you to identify the signs and might even help you to understand when a friend is going through this illness.

Although these tips might not stop postpartum depression completely, they might be able to help along the way.
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What You Need to Know about Nasal Polyps

Have you been experiencing trouble breathing through your nose? Losing your sense of smell and taste? Perhaps painful sinus headaches that affect life, making daily activities difficult? These could be the signs of nasal polyps. Many patients begin to notice this issue after developing symptoms that won’t go away after a lengthy period of time.

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What Are Polyps?

Nasal polyps are grape-like growths that occurs in the nasal and sinus cavities. They begin to block the airways in the nostrils and can even begin to spread. Most people don’t notice that there is anything wrong until an obvious sign occurs, such as a persistent sinus headache or a rise in the number of times they get sick or develop an infection. The polyps grow gradually over time, which means that many patients don’t notice that they have a problem because the body has adjusted with the growth. Patients who have their polyps treated often note a major positive impact on their nasal breathing as well as other nose and sinus related symptoms.

How Are Polyps Diagnosed?

Patients with stuffy nose, diminished sense of smell and taste, postnasal drainage, etc may at some point make their way to an ear, nose and throat physician. Further evaluation will often involve a nasal endoscopy in which the doctor uses a small lighted rod to view back into the nasal passages. It is on careful examination, often with endoscopy, that patients are sometimes found to have nasal polyps. Further studies, such as CT scans, may be performed to help determine the extent of the polyps and the sinus blockage.

How Can Polyps be Treated?

Some polyps respond well to medications and others do not. There is an increasingly wide range of prescription nasal sprays and oral medications that can slow down the growth of polyps and, in some cases, shrink them. On occasion, it may be recommended that polyps be surgically removed so that the topical medications can work more effectively to keep them from coming back. Fortunately, surgery for polyps has changed a lot during the past few years, and is now usually an outpatient, minimally-invasive procedure without packing, bruising, or splints, and only minimal discomfort while the healing process occurs.  Small stents are now available that can be implanted during surgery and give off anti-inflammatory medication for several weeks.

In any case, polyps should always be evaluated by an ear, nose, and throat physician. Some polyps – particularly those that occur on one side only – need careful evaluation to ensure that there is not a more serious condition present.

To get help with nasal polyps, contact of Dr. Samuel S. Becker, a sinus specialist located in Pennsylvania. He is also a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania and a board-certified specialist in otolaryngology. For more information about him, visit his website at

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When Your Double Chin Just Won't Budge

You lead a healthy lifestyle and are committed to taking care of your body. You understand that it is your temple and you want to last well into your golden years. That means taking the time to choose foods that are good for you, practicing portion control, and indulging in moderation. Exercise is also a key component of your daily regimen. You're doing everything you are supposed to do, but you have a problem that is beyond your control. It's your double chin. It just won't go away.

It's hard to find an exercise that can focus on this trouble spot. Your weight is under control and you're in good shape, but that loose excess skin and fat isn't going anywhere. You're tired of looking at it in the mirror. Fortunately, you have options that can help you to tighten up this problem area that bothers men and women of all ages.
Liposuction is One Popular Solution

If deposits of reluctant fat beneath your chin are the only problem, liposuction could be the best answer for you. Your plastic surgeon will make a small incision in a targeted area beneath your chin. A hollow tube that is referred to as a cannula will be inserted into the incision in order to loosen up the deposits of fat that have collected beneath your chin. The fat will be suctioned away and your incision will be closed. Expect the incision area to be sore for a few days following your procedure. Slight swelling and some bruising are normal as well. However, your double chin will be gone when you have fully recovered.

Consider Kybella

Kybella offers you a solution that is non-surgical when you want to do something about that pesky double chin. It is an injectable that can destroy the fat cells that have gathered beneath your chin. Kybella contains a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a substance that is naturally produced by your body on a regular basis. It helps your body to break down fat and absorb it when you eat. When it is injected in a concentrated from in the skin beneath your chin, it will effectively blast away those bothersome fat cells. The end result will be tighter skin beneath your chin. The treatment takes about twenty minutes. You may need up to six treatments for the best results. They will be spread out a month apart. 

A Facelift Could be Right for You 

If you are looking for a more advanced solution, a facelift could be the best alternative. You can choose a facelift that focuses on the lower portion of the face and your double chin or a full facelift that will pull up skin on the upper portion of your face as well. A consultation with your plastic surgeon will determine how to tailor your procedure to meet your needs. The underlying tissues beneath the surface of your skin will be reshaped, excess skin and fat will be removed, resulting in tighter, smoother skin on your face.

The Solution is Up to You and Your Surgeon

You need to think about what you want in order to improve your appearance. You know that you aren't happy with your double chin. Now you need to consider how involved you want your procedure to be in order to get the best results. If you are prone to severe scarring or allergic reactions, Kybella and other injectables may not be the best solution. If your face is drooping considerably and wrinkles are a problem in addition to a double chin, a facelift can do wonders. Something as simple as liposuction may be best if there is only a problem with excess fat beneath your chin. Research your options. Look at photo galleries. Review the procedures to know what you want. Consider the recovery process and downtime that will come with each procedure. If you want to be on the go as soon as possible, Kybella is the most practical option. However, Kybella will not produce instant results. You will need to be patient. The results from a facelift and liposuction will be noticeable sooner, but the recovery process is longer. Facelift will result in the longest healing period. You can expect bruising and swelling after your procedure. Choose the solution that will give you optimal results and make sure it fits your lifestyle.

Give Yourself the Profile You Want to See

Your tired of looking at your double chin in the mirror. You hide from cameras because you don't want any photos to capture how you look right now. You want to see smooth, tight skin beneath your chin. The best way to make any changes to sit down with a plastic surgeon in order to have a thorough evaluation. Treatment is different for each individual. It's not one-size-fits-all. What works best to treat another person's double chin may not work for you. Your research can prepare you to know your options, but it will be up to you and your surgeon in the end to choose the best path. 

Find Out What the New York Center for Facial and Plastic Surgery Can Do for You

Turn to the experts at the New York Center for Facial and Plastic Surgery to discover your options for your double chin. Put yourself in the expert hands of Dr. Andrew Jacono, plastic surgeon specializing in facelifts

With a wealth of experience and dual certification, he is considered a renowned source on a global level when it comes to facial and reconstructive plastic surgery. He has focused on procedures that are minimally invasive and non-surgical in order to enhance facial features. When you come in for your consultation, Dr. Jacono will sit down with you to discuss your concerns. Your facial features will be evaluated and your medical history will also be reviewed as a treatment plan is planned for you. Dr. Jacono will discuss all of your options so that you can make an informed decision. Learn more about Dr. Jacono and your alternatives by visiting

Many thanks to Dr. Jacono for this informative guest post. 
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How to Recover After a Breast Augmentation

In the event you are considering breast augmentation, you might want to read this guest article for some insight before you make a decision in regards to the recovery process.

Breast augmentation recovery needs patients to minimize their physical activities for about a week before resuming their daily activities. The amount of time and the downtime needed for a full recovery to take place depends on the incisions made, the implant size and if the breast implant was positioned below or above the pectoral muscle.

Breast augmentation is among the most requested cosmetic surgery, and continuous improvements are being refined so that women can undergo the procedure, recover and get back to their daily activities as soon as possible. Since the breast augmentation surgery and the results are the most crucial points, recovery is also an important step for the best results to be shown.

If you plan to go for breast augmentation, you may end up spending a good amount of time deciding on the surgeon to go for with the budget you have. These are important aspects of the surgery that should be considered, but you should also plan for the amount of time you need to take from work to heal in a good environment as you avoid any strenuous activity.

As you take your break, you need to be aware that you will not be seated or sleep for the entire week; you are allowed to do some small less strenuous activities, but you should also be careful to ensure that any activity you are taking will contribute positively to your recovery process.

If you are planning to get breast enhancement, you need to spend a good time studying about the surgery and the recovery timelines. Once you are aware of what to expect, and you prepare to follow the instructions of the surgeon, you will have a great chance of maximizing the chances of a great surgery that will give you satisfaction and confidence in your looks.

Subglandular versus submuscular placement

The position of the breast implant always revolves around two regions, below or above the pectoral muscle. This position is also dependent on the goals, lifestyle and other factors. The most invasive of the surgeries is the submuscular placement because this method requires the separation of the pectoral muscle for the implant to fit after the incision on the skin is done.

Submuscular placement is the recommended position for women who are not into physical activities that engage the upper body and women who also desire natural looks. As we have described, submuscular placement is invasive, and it requires downtime of about one week from any physical activity like jogging. After the week is over, the patient should avoid going to the gym or lifting any heavy object for about four weeks. But for patients who go for subglandular placement, they can get back to work after four days of rest.

Depending on the implant placement, healing garments also contribute to the rate of recovery. For instance, patients who have undergone submuscular placement should put on a 2-inch wrap bandage above the breast. Once the surgery is done, the implant will start to harmonize with the breast tissues and the muscles to gain a more natural appearance.

You might be shocked when you notice that your breasts are high even after a few weeks of surgery, especially if you have undergone submuscular placement. It is possible for the breasts to look high for a long period (2 to 3 months), but after the muscle traps the implant at this position, it will release it to fall into the pocket with time.

After a subglandular placement, the patient should wear a conventional bra that does not have an under-wire that hinders the implant falling into place. Take note of the position of the incision, because it plays a role in the recovery process.

Incision location

The first kind of incision we are going to look at is the inframammary incision which is done at the crease located at the bottom of the breast where the chest wall and the lower breast protrusion takes place. If this is the best position for the implant to be positioned, then you be advised to rest for at least four weeks before resuming your daily activities that involve the upper body.

During the recovery period, you should avoid lifting your arms over your head to avoid any strain from impacting the upper body, to allow proper healing to take place.

There are other incisions that do not need a lot of time for recovery. For instance, if the implant is placed through an incision that is done around the nipple, there is practically no body movement or strenuous activity that directly targets this location. An incision procedure that produces the last scarring is called a TUBA (transumbilical) placement.

In TUBA placement, an endoscope which is a surgical tool that has a thin pliable tube with a small camera on its end is used to place a deflated saline implant in the navel, through the incision made. A saline solution is added to the implant for it to get to the desired size.

The size of the implant

There are various sizes of breast implants, ranging from women who desire a huge burst, to women who want to achieve moderate alignment and any other size in between. The size you choose affects the recovery duration. For instance, larger implants exert a lot of pressure below the pectoral muscle, leading to stretching of the overlying skin. The net effect is a recovery that takes longer.

Do not smoke

We should all be aware that smoking tobacco has a lasting negative effect on our health. But it gets worse if you are smoking while going through a recovery that follows a breast implant surgery. Nicotine shrinks the blood vessels, which lowers the oxygen levels in the body organs. Since cells have to divide for the wounds to heal, they require oxygen which is delayed when you are smoking.


For more information on breast implant procedures to help you achieve your desired result, call Dr. Douglas Steinbrech, breast augmentation surgeon practicing in New York on (347) 983-9560. You may also log on to and schedule an appointment in the New York or Beverly hills offices.
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6 Ways for Busy Moms to Get in Better Shape Than Their Kids

Every busy mom knows how hard it can be to fit exercise into their daily routine. We spend so much time cleaning up spills and settling sibling disputes that finding time to exercise can seem impossible. We all know what a physically demanding job it is to chase after kids all day, but sadly, that’s not all the exercise we need in a day.

We worry about our kids eating the right foods and getting the perfect amount of exercise, but sometimes we forget to take some time out strictly for ourselves and our own health. Read on to find some quick and easy suggestions for exercises that will fit perfectly into any busy mom’s daily routine.

As a busy mom, quick bursts of exercise throughout the day are your best friend. These little sessions might not seem like much at the time, but they add up fast. Take a lesson from your toddler: Your house is a gym waiting to be discovered.

1. While cooking breakfast in the morning, use the time in between preparing food for the little ones and washing dishes to get in some reps. Do some standing push-ups on the countertop. This is a great way to work out your shoulders and arms. Start with 10, then add 5 more push-ups every couple days. Your arms will be toned in no time!

2. Invest in some cheap dumbbells. Most big box stores carry reasonably priced weights, which are great for fitting in a quick workout while your kids are watching TV or playing. It’s easy to keep an eye on them while fitting in a few sets of reps after breakfast.

3. Turn your exercise routine into fun for the whole family. The kids will never complain about getting outside and stretching their legs, so work an afternoon walk to the park into your day whenever it’s nice out.

4. Jumping jacks are a great way to get a full body workout anytime, anywhere. Your kids will love doing them too! It’s a great way for you to get in shape, and for them to let out some of that pent up energy.

5. Wear clothing that can easily transition from your daily look into workout clothes. That way if the opportunity presents itself, you’re workout ready and can easily jump into a routine without having to find the motivation to pick out athletic attire. If you’re looking for some affordable, cute athletic wear that seamlessly blends fashion with functionality, check out the athleisure brand Fabletics. They offer fashionable athleisure that looks just as good when you’re wearing them to the grocery store as they function during your workouts.

6. Become a sports coach for your new favorite team: Your family! Depending on their age, the kids will love playing soccer or basketball in the yard to end a perfect day of exercise. It’s a great way for you to burn off calories after dinner, and most importantly, it’ll keep them busy.

As you can see, there are countless ways for busy moms to get in shape throughout the day. We just need to be creative and see the world as our playground, just like our kids do
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