Over three years ago, I had some lab work done at my doctor's office and it was discovered that I was vitamin D deficient. My doctor explained that this is very common in people of color and that our skin simply does not absorb vitamin D easily like a fair skin people. The normal range you should be in is 30-100. I was coming in at 12.5. I was placed on a high-dose supplement for 12 weeks and was rechecked. I then came in at 21, but my physician was not happy with that and recommended that I take a daily 5,000 IU D-3 supplement.
I have been doing that for a full year and would notice a difference in how I felt if I skipped a few days to a week. Since taking the vitamin D supplement, I have felt a lot more energized. Also a lot of odd issues I was having like leg or foot pain, depression, and a few other things seemed to have lessened or ever disappeared altogether. It is amazing how your vitamin D level can affect your overall health.
If you find yourself feeling sluggish, depressed, achy or just off for no reason, chances are you might be vitamin D deficient. It won't hurt to try a supplement, even at a lower dose to see if it helps. I had such great results and figured I would share it with you all. Be well xoxo