Family * Travel * Food

Happy Birthday William Anthony Ismail

The Moment of Truth is Here !
You have waited a long time for this !
I give you the fabulous, super terrific, powerful, Awesome

William Anthony Ismail


5:21 AM...

Hello everyone,

It is now 5:21 AM and we are getting ready for the hospital. I had to come to the computer to watch Williams' pre-arrival video. I won't lie to you - it did get me feeling a little emotional. I am still hard core though, BBCDO will have a new member soon. I will keep everyone posted through out the day. Keep those prayers coming.

Dwayne Aka Ismail the Great.


The baby or shall I say young "Prince". Yeah I like that ! The young Prince William Anthony Ismail is almost here. Tomorrow, we all get to experience the wonderful beginning of a successful new life.
To all of our friends and family who have stood by us through this wonderful time in our lives, I want to say THANK YOU, and God Bless you all.
Sheliza and I are still growing together after all this time. The heavens above must have realized that it is time for another Shelly and Dwayne Production. I think we will get an OSCAR for this performance. My first child Chardonnay, made me a father, and my second child Briahnna made me a man. When Briahnna was born Shelly and I were officially on our own. We had no family around and no friends. We were living in Tampa Florida. My only mode of transportation was a mountain bike that I rode between my 4 jobs. Let's just say, I was slim and fine back then. HA HA HA.
We fought our way to build something out of nothing, and with determination, love, trust, and understanding, we are here, we are happy, and we are thankful. This blog has opened more doors to precious relationships than we could have ever imagined.
Thanks for being a part of our family's new beginning, and thanks for being you.
Dwayne Aka Ismail the Great
Brief Show _ William's Pre-Arrival Music- ENJOY


Only a few days until baby!

Here is a photo that was taken this afternoon (I look drunk!). My hubby and daughters took me out on my last shopping trip for a while. I enjoyed it so much since I am one of those every day to every couple of days grocery shopper. Oh and I saved $72 in coupons and sales!! I am not able to walk as much these days. It is really painful with all the low pressure I have been feeling. I am thankful that at least I sleep pretty decent at night so that is a plus! I've got one last doctor appointment on Monday morning. The hubby is off for the next couple weeks and the girls are going on Spring Break the first week baby William will be home. I am scheduled for 7:30 am and have to report to the hospital at 6:00 to be prepped for surgery. I am trying to shake off all the anxiety so I don't go freaking out at the last minute. I am so ready to get it all over with. My bags are packed and ready. I am sure daddy will let everyone know all of the details and will post photos of our little guy. Well, I better go put my feet up before I get in trouble!

It's not time yet!

Someone inside of me thinks he is supposed to be making his arrival sooner than later. I had an interesting night and morning. I will spare my gross details. I will take it very easy this week because I really want to make it to next week. I had a family member on Dwayne's side call me around lunchtime yesterday to ask if I was in labor. This is troubling, she better not be spreading any bad mojo around here! I will give more details as they come. I will call my doctor this morning to see what he tells me. As a matter of fact, he looked at me strangely at my appointment yesterday and said "Wow, you must be ready to go, I can see it in your face". I thought it was odd that he said that. I will try not to read into it too much! I will keep you all posted....

Honey-Do List Maker

I found this great tool online that lets you make your own customized Honey-Do list and there is even a kiddie list you can make! I made one for the weekend for my honey. You can choose your background and there is even a key to show levels of priority. Can you tell that I have less than two weeks before baby William comes and I am losing my mind?


My Baby Shower

This past Saturday was my baby shower and I am only now posting because I am still in recovery! We had great food, friends, laughs and games. We got a lot of great gifts and it will take me another week to finally get it all together and have William's room fully functional and organized. Here are some photos of all the fun!



Hello, I know I have not been posting much lately. Been pretty busy doing NOTHING. Yes, that's right NOTHING. I know it sounds crazy but it has been just what I needed!! (Also it is orders from my hubby and children). Hey, if your spouse summons you to laying on the recliner all day eating bon bons and watching the soaps then who am I to object?!!! Hell, I will probably never get the opportunity to be a bum again so I am taking full advantage of it. I have my baby shower tomorrow so I will post photos of all the fun.

Baby update

I had another doctor's appointment and all looks great. Little William gained a whopping 1/2 pound in just one week! I am now starting the 5 week countdown. My doc says that baby breathes and moves like a champ. Tell me about it....I was up for about 3 hours waiting for him to calm down so I could sleep. How about Dwayne was next to me snarling away (not snoring) and would periodically ask me what he could do to help me get settled. If only it were that easy! I can't wait to be able to sleep on my back and tummy again!!

Bad mom!

I have an awful confession to make. You see the cookies pictured above? Well, they were sort of supposed to be for a school function happening this Saturday as a contribution from me since I can't physically volunteer. I convinced my children that we needed those cookies for ourselves and that I would buy some other cookies to replace them. The kids tried to stop me but I just had to have some!!! Six to be exact! I don't even feel guilty... I had to have something to make me drink milk!!! For the baby of course... Six weeks to go!

Baby update

I had my doc appointment yesterday afternoon to get an ultrasound. Would you believe the kid is breech?! I would have had to have a c-section regardless of it being what we chose to do anyway. So right now little William's head is near my ribs so this explains the elbowing I feel throughout the day! He looks pretty small but very healthy and strong so we are very happy about that. My best friend is having her baby boy today (after being hospitalized for over 2 months!) I can't wait to see her and the new baby later today. I will post more updates as they come along.

How much longer????

I feel like one of the kids when I want to know how much longer I have to be pregnant. I know I have the date set but this little boy is wearing me out! On my last appointment I told the doctor "I just feel so much more activity with this pregnancy than before."

He politely tells me "Well Sheliza, it is different when you are 20 and having a baby versus 34 and having your third one" He then explains that my body has stretched out a couple times prior so this is why I feel so much.

Hmmm, I guess he told me I was a stretched out old hag, right?!

I know I only have 46 days to go. I try not to be a big baby...really, I do!

Daddy's the man!

We just celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary!! Instead of purchasing gifts for each other, we decided to get baby stuff instead. Here is Daddy working diligently to put together the changing table (which I bought on clearance at 50% off!!!!). He looks like a BIG ole kid!

Of course he has to do his Super Dad pose to show off his hard work. Boy, you sure can hurt yourself with the tools they provide inside the box for you!

Baby news

Hey y'all! I just wanted to give you a quick update on my pregnancy. I know it has been a couple weeks since I posted. Let's just say that having babies in your early 20's and then one when you are 34 make you realize you feel a lot more in your older age. I have been getting extremely tired and have been taking extra time to rest and take care of myself. My computer is downstairs and this means me having to make several extra trips that wear me out! My laptop has officially died on me so I am hoping my wonderful husband will purchase a wireless card to put in one of the desktops so I can have it upstairs with an internet connection. (*hint, hint)

I went to see the doc this morning for my routine visit. I am now almost 30 weeks along. We have chosen to have a c-section with this baby since I had one with my last child. Our delivery date is set to welcome William into the world on March 19! I chose this time because my kids will be off from school for Spring Break and I sure could use their helping hands during my first week of recovery. They are so thrilled and can't wait to see their new baby brother. I will have another ultrasound in 2 weeks and the whole family will attend. I am doing so well and I thank you all for your prayers and well wishes during this amazing journey.

Happy Hour Addiction

I know what you are all thinking... No I am not abusing alcohol during pregnancy.
It's another beverage of choice.
Sonic Slushes!! I take the girls after school several times per week as a treat. I do not know how much longer they are having this promotion, but I intend to have my share each week!


We found a baby name

I wanted to let you all know that we have finally settled on a name for our baby boy. Our first choice was Dwayne Anthony Ismail II. After careful consideration of the following things, we (I) said no...
  1. If I have to call the name Dwayne for two members in my household, I will lose it!
  2. Dwayne (daddy) gets in the most trouble in the house so I do not want to yell at Dwayne and the poor baby thinks he is the one in trouble.
  3. 2 Dwaynes???? Oh no way! I will have to be committed somewhere or heavily medicated!

We played around with names and I kept picking very standard and simple names that would hold up well in the corporate world. Daddy on the other hand picked interesting names like "Shabazz", "Jehovah", "Josiah" and a variety of others that could potentially cause the boy to have trouble boarding a plane! The girls and I came up with William Anthony Ismail. There is no way you can mess that up. Dwayne was against it for a while but the name has grown on him and he refers to our baby now as William or Will. So we have decided to go with that.


Pregnancy update

Hello all... I had my doc appointment this morning for my glucose screening. For those of you that have done this before, you know you get the joy of drinking a liquid that tastes like the cheapest quality beverage that has a sugar concentration of 6 times the normal amount. This time around I had a red "fruit punch". I guess it could have been worse. I gulped it down and they started my 1 hour timer. Since I had Dwayne and the girls with me we decided to go take a tour of the Maternity facility next door at the hospital I will give birth at. The floor was silent and the nurses were very happy to see us. The rooms are huge and luxurious with private waiting rooms for family and friends. We were told that overall we get one on one care since they have a relatively low patient to doctor/nurse ratio. I am very happy about that! We eventually made it back to my doctor's office for them to test my blood sugar. The nurse said I had to score between 70-140 to pass. I got a 113!!! Whoo hooo!!! We were all so happy with the outcome. I have gained 5 pounds since last month so everything is looking pretty good so far! I am now 26 weeks along and the time is going by pretty fast! I continue to feel really well and am enjoying all the spoiling from the family.

Happy New Year to all and more updates to come....

6 months pregnant

Dwayne and I went to a holiday party at the Capital City Club here in Columbia. We had a beautiful night of fine dining and an incredible atmosphere. I would have posted photos of the club, but unfortunately my husband is not the best photographer! It was so nice going out all glammed up and feeling pretty. When I got home, my poor back and legs were aching!! I have not worn high heels in a while so I paid royally all weekend long. It was well worth it though!

Things I miss most

Here is my list of things I miss most while being pregnant....
  1. Starbucks. I know the difference between decaf and regular so there is no tricking me.
  2. Aleve and Advil. Tylenol is like candy to me.
  3. Allegra D, I sure could use one right now!
  4. Beer and Margaritas...especially on date night at a sports bar.
  5. Complaining about my "fat" belly.
  6. Wearing normal clothing.
  7. Climbing stairs with ease.
  8. Playing (badly) volleyball, badminton, or basketball with the girls outside.
  9. Cutting grass. One of my twisted obsessions, I LOVE it!
  10. Lifting things without my family screaming at me for being hard headed.

Other than those things, I really am enjoying my pregnancy. I am enjoying the attention and care I get from even strangers in the stores. My husband has been showing a 'sensitive side' that he will deny in a minute! I feel pretty this time around. My family is spoiling me. I get many more foot and shoulder massages. I get to sit and watch nonsense on TV with my legs propped up while eating whatever I want at that time. I love getting phone calls from all my friends and family just to check on me (it means a lot).

I think I can handle pregnancy for a few more months! ;)


I'm still here

I know I have been away from the blogging scene recently. I have been down with a cold for a little over a week now. Thankfully I am on the mend and I am starting to feel like my old energetic self again. We are also in the process of moving the girls into their new rooms. I did not realize what a big production it is turning out to be! It is difficult moving beds and furniture down a flight of very narrow and steep steps. Of course I am not lifting anything so the job is going very slowly. Those of you moms out there that know when you want something done you gain that super woman strength and get the job done! Well, I have to rely on being a supervisor this time :( I really do miss doing normal stuff, but have to admit that it is a little nice kicking my feet up and chillin' on the couch! I went to the doctor on Monday and he is thrilled with my progress. I gained 5 pounds in 4 weeks! I am still just all belly at this point so I will hang on to my regular clothes with hopes of getting back into them again.
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