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We found a baby name

I wanted to let you all know that we have finally settled on a name for our baby boy. Our first choice was Dwayne Anthony Ismail II. After careful consideration of the following things, we (I) said no...
  1. If I have to call the name Dwayne for two members in my household, I will lose it!
  2. Dwayne (daddy) gets in the most trouble in the house so I do not want to yell at Dwayne and the poor baby thinks he is the one in trouble.
  3. 2 Dwaynes???? Oh no way! I will have to be committed somewhere or heavily medicated!

We played around with names and I kept picking very standard and simple names that would hold up well in the corporate world. Daddy on the other hand picked interesting names like "Shabazz", "Jehovah", "Josiah" and a variety of others that could potentially cause the boy to have trouble boarding a plane! The girls and I came up with William Anthony Ismail. There is no way you can mess that up. Dwayne was against it for a while but the name has grown on him and he refers to our baby now as William or Will. So we have decided to go with that.



  1. That's a good solid choice that will serve him well in the board-room or as president. :) Also, it's not currently one of the most popular boys' names so he won't blend into the crowd. Here's the current popularity of the name William around the world.

  2. I love the name that the girls picked. Sounds very distinguished. Shabazz??? What is that? :) LOL!!!

  3. Good choice! I love it. What was Dwayne thinking of naming that kid Shabazz, or Jehovah? That's hysterical!

    I'm glad (and I'm sure you are, too) that you were all able to settle on a name.

  4. Thank you for visiting my blog! I love what you decided on - a very classic and beautiful name. I like dad's idea of Josiah though, also very nice. Of course I may be biased, I have J named babies also - James, Jared & Jaden.

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog! I love what you decided on - a very classic and beautiful name. I like dad's idea of Josiah though, also very nice. Of course I may be biased, I have J named babies also - James, Jared & Jaden.

  6. Shabazz! LOL! I'm glad you picked a corporate friendly name! I was trying to do the same! I can't have jobs tossing my baby's application because of his name! It sucks, but it's reality.

  7. Whew! I'm so glad you and the girls came up with the name. Please, put Ish in the naughty corner for his choices. LOL

    oh wait, he's always in the naughty corner. never mind. :)


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