Family * Travel * Food

Baby to the right

I am noticing that the little baby widget to the right is very scary! It is not as scary as it was in the earlier weeks but nonetheless, it is pretty creepy looking! It reminds me of the Ally McBeal baby! My crazy husband asked why the baby does not reflect our ethnicity. Only my husband would say that!

The results are in! (Part 1)

Today was the big day... the level 2 ultrasound. The one ultrasound that can possibly determine the gender of your baby. We all had minimal sleep last night because of the anxiety, but we were all there together and finally it was about to happen! Dwayne just had to snap a photo of me laying on the bed (stop making fun of my stretch marks!).

I know you're all wanting to it a girl or a boy? Watch the video to find out! Be sure to turn the speakers up!

After the numerous phone calls, emails and text messages, I was totally exhausted. My first son Milo climbed on top of me and we took a well deserved nap.


Maternity blues

I went browsing around yesterday looking for some maternity jeans. I learned something...they are the tackiest things I have ever seen! I was getting so frustrated when I realized that no matter what store you go to, they all look the same. Of course when I did actually see something that was not too awful I could not find my size! I have been used to the low-rise jeans and pants for a long time now and it is hard wearing something that comes over my belly. *sigh* When I was pregnant with my girls all I wore were sundresses or overall shorts because I lived in sunny South Florida. We woke up to 36 degrees today so I am gearing toward long pants. I guess I should not complain knowing that my bulkiest days will be in the colder months. I better get used to looking tacky for a while. Okay, I am done feeling sorry for myself now.

Why do pregnant women glow?

I get told daily that I am "glowing". Makes me wonder if people say that because they mean it or if they think they are supposed to. Don't get me wrong, I do not take it as a bad thing. I decided to do some research and here is what I came up with...

Your skin does take on a glow - and there is a physiological explanation for it. As your blood volume increases throughout your pregnancy, superficial blood vessels carry more blood which can be seen on your face. In addition, your oil glands are secreting more, so you naturally have a glow without any additional exertion.

Hmm, I'm still not sure I buy it, but people have been referring to pregnant woman as glowing for ages. Who am I to argue.


Hey everyone....
I am seeking some advice today about where to find an item. I am trying to figure out where I can purchase a rocking chair seat/ back cushion. It is a glider style of chair and I can't seem to find just the cushions anywhere! This photo is an example of what I am looking for and it can't cost an arm and a leg! Keep in mind it is for a rocker only, not an ottoman. Also it does not have to be fancy or super plush, just simple and plain. Thanks for any advice anyone can give.

100th post!

In honor of my 100th post, let's all eat cake!!

This is my 4 month baby bump shot. I have a little confession to make. The photos above were of me eating cake two separate times! We were at a wedding and Dwayne did not want a slice of cake. I insisted he needed to get a slice anyway. He said "no, I don't want it". I said "yes you do!" He says, "no really, I don't want it". I then said in a demonic sounding voice "GO GET THE CAKE NOW!!!!" I had two slices of cake... for the baby of course~!

Pregnancy update

Well, so far so good. I have gained a whopping 3 1/2 lbs in 15 weeks! The doctor said I can have my "big ultrasound" on November 5th to determine the sex of the baby. This will be the longest 4 weeks I will ever have to wait! I wish I were like those nice parents that like to be surprised but dammit I'm not... I have to know!!!!!! I still have no feelings deep down inside that give me any inkling of if it is a boy or girl. Now if you leave it up to ALL my friends, family, and even the people that work at Walmart, they all say it is a boy. Well, we shall see. I will let you all know as soon as we find out. I am going to take the girls out of school early that day and the hubby will meet us. We are all so anxious!!!

Prenatal office visit

I went for an office visit today to see the nurse to do some fun blood work and answer some questions. My appointment was at 10 and I got called back at 10:05. I was asked questions primarily pertaining to my previous pregnancies. I am in the process of deciding whether to have a vaginal delivery or c-section. I had a c-section 11 years ago with my younger child because she was breech. My doctor is a HUGE fan of c-section and does not believe in the vbac. It is ultimately my decision and I am having such a hard time making it. The nurse was sweet and did not advise me on what to do but did lend some helpful information on making the decision. If anyone has experienced being pregnant after 8 years+, and the last one was a c-section, let me know what you did and any advice you can give me I would appreciate it.

After speaking with the nurse, I was led back to the lab room to have 6 vials of blood drawn. I am so glad I am fearful of that because that was a lot at one time! I asked "what all do you screen for". I think I was told about 50 things and can only remember maybe 2! Oh, and I gained one whopping pound in the last 3 1/2 weeks! My appointment was so quick (less than 20 minutes). I remember when I was having my girls, appointments took forever and I would have to have to have my finger pricked so they could test my blood every time. I am glad I do not have to do that! I see the doc on Monday so I will update you all on anything new. I think I will be able to have my BIG ultrasound to determine the sex in less than 6 weeks. I am looking forward to it! I will post when I find out!

Got Milk?

I am NOT a fan of milk but I do know how much I need to drink it during pregnancy. In order to make it appealing, I add Hershey's Strawberry syrup to 2% milk and it MUST be in a wine glass. My kids stay on me about drinking milk so I really would not have a choice anyway. I will "milk" all the attention I get from them while I can because once the baby is here I will be just plain old mom again. Oh well, I will be a princess while I can!

Caution...Baby Bump!

Here is a photo of me that was taken about 5 days ago. From the front you almost can't tell that I am expecting, but it is quite obvious from the side. I am 12 weeks along and feeling fantastic! If it was not for seeing the baby on the monitor and hearing the heartbeat...oh yeah and my new fat belly...I would not believe I was pregnant. Thanks to all my friends and family that call me or email all the time just to ask how I am feeling. It means so much. Even my bloggy buddies have been very interested in my new adventure. I think it is because everyone wants me to spit out a Dwayne Jr. and see what he will be like. We all know he is insane so if we have a boy...oh gosh, I will be committed to a mental ward!!! Imagine Dwayne and a "Mini Me". HELP!!!! On a serious note, thanks everyone for being so supportive.
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