Don'tcha hate it when...
- Dwayne cleans in the house for what feels like the first time in our long marriage and he thinks he is owed something? and then wants to talk about how he cleaned up (that one time mind you) for about 3 months!
- it is 24 degrees one day and the next it is 76!
- my kids tell me that I "think" I am cool. Trust me, they could have a lamer mother than I am lol! Oh, and when I type or test 'lol' they think I should not know about that. Again, I could be way lamer than I am!
- you have to catch up to blogging after the holidays. It's so hard to get back into it right away.
- people only call you because they want or need something. You would not hear from them otherwise. I know I always complain about that one but it annoys me!
Now my friends, it is your turn... What's buggin you? Hit us up in the comments!