Family * Travel * Food

Flashback Friday

This photo was taken when the girls were 6 & 4. Look at my short hair! Not sure if I could ever pull that off again. I remember these days so well. Great memories :)

Shelly, Mom Files

I am still Bawbi

Cute story: Ever since my daughters were 1 and 3 they have been calling me Bawbi. It came from my oldest mistakenly saying Bawbi for something and we played the back and forth game of "I'm not Bawbi, you're Bawbi". Well the cute, curly haired 3 year old won that game and I have gone by the name of Bawbi for 13 years. Now that I have William I was wondering what he would call me. He rarely ever called me anything at all for so long but recently he was pointing to a photo on our fireplace mantel and he kept saying Bawbi in that cute baby voice. I picked him up and he pointed at his dad and said "Dada" and pointed to me and said "Bawbi". So I guess I will never know what it's like to be called mom besides some of the kids' friends who call me that. The girls told me that if and when they have their own kids that they want my grand kids to call me Bawbi too. I was hoping for Nana but I guess Bawbi would work too. I will forever be Bawbi :)

Shelly, Mom Files

Just me and my kiddos

I was hanging out with the kids and we decided to take a few random photos.

No matter how many times you try, it is virtually impossible to get the boy to smile.

I love the shots when nobody is ready. Funny. Notice I was not in it ;)

Chardie and Will. Brie was too busy talking to her BFF on the cellphone.

This would have been perfect if Willie did not look like he was about to sneeze!

Shelly, Mom Files

Flashback Friday- The "big hair" days

My BF from High School posted this a few weeks back from the high school days. I kept the beauty supply shop in business with my cans and cans of stiff holding hair spray!

Shelly, Mom Files

Random thoughts...

  • Do you ever want to blog about something but you are afraid that the day you say what you want to say, the person/people who never give a crap about reading your blog actually reads it that day and might take things the wrong way?
  • I sometimes hate people for no reason. All people. No reason.
  • I am so tired of LOL, OMG, SMH and anything of the like. So annoying.
  • I am on a scented candle kick. I go through my phases.
  • Sour Patch Watermelons are incredible.
  • I'm really glad I'm not a smoker. Not sure how people can afford to keep that habit up.
  • I am a freebie whore. A double-dipping one at that.
  • I am still extremely annoyed with the bathroom mirror self-portraits. Especially when the toilet gets in the shot. Why the hell is that cute again?
  • I love blogging because I can use run-on sentences and as many commas,,, as I feel like.
  • I buy generic medication.
  • I am one of those when I want it done I want it done right away kind of people.
  • Random is fun.
Shelly, Mom Files

Wordless Wednesday

He was focused on the TV, not the camera. He shows me daily what a "man" he is ;)
Shelly, Mom Files

Putting it all away

I started late last night taking all the ornament off the tree. It was supposed to be just that. Instead the lights made their way off and then eventually the tree itself completely disappeared, tucked away in enormous storage bins. All signs of Christmas have vanished. I am one of those people that just don't like keeping seasonal things up past the time. We really like getting the house cleaned up and organized for the New Year. Dwayne has gotten our bill book made for 2010 and I got a new computer and so we have no excuse to have things get out of control. I even bought a new coupon organizer to help save the family some money. If I don't have a coupon or it is not on sale I generally won't purchase that item. So now that I have completely switched subjects it is time for me to go! I will be back tomorrow :)

I miss my blog

Seriously, I have really missed my blog. I can't believe I have not updated it in days. I last wrote about being sick. Well I went and overdid it and relapsed so I have been really taking it easy. I am feeling up to par now so I will stop being such a slacker. We had a nice quiet Christmas and I am always so amazed by how much planning, preparing, wrapping and cooking you do for it to all be over so quickly. I guess it will be time to get the house all spiffy for the new year. I am not making any resolutions except to keep myself healthy. I feel like that is important and I already do what I can daily to ensure good health. Well I have a lot more interesting things to talk about so I will get back on the ball and blog daily to fill everyone in on all the latest shenanigans and goings on in the Ismail household. I hope everyone had a great time this holiday season!

I've been away

Gosh, it's been a while since I have posted anything or even checked my favorite blogs. I have had so much going on and have been sick with a cold for about 4 days now. With the kids being out of school it seems we have been so much busier. Oh yeah and my computer crashed. I am not happy about that but gladly I backed up most everything that was important so I am grateful for that. For all my friends that celebrate the holiday season I wish you all the happiest of holidays and I will not be absent like this come the end of the week! Have a great day :)

Vent Day Wednesday

Welcome to this very special holiday edition of Vent day Wednesday! We really hope you enjoy this wacky video and look forward to reading your comments. HO HO HO!


Family Photo

It is amazing that you can take over 2 dozen photos and ending up going with the first shot! It is very tough working with a toddler. Here is what we ended up with.


Flashback Friday

Shelly and Dwayne- High School 1990

Vent Day Wednesday

Welcome to another episode of Vent Day Wednesday. Be sure to hit us up in the comments with your vents! Enjoy :)

Things we love to hate

- I really don't like heights at all. Even a 3 step ladder makes me nervous. Yet I will gladly ride a roller coaster.
- I don't like coffee flavored anything but I love coffee.
- I don't care for bananas but love banana bread and banana splits.
- I'm not a fan of comedy yet I married Dwayne. Enough said on that one.
- I love craziness yet don't like chaos.
- I love sunshine but don't like being hot.
- I don't like peanuts but can tear up a peanut butter cup!
- The smell of maple syrup is not pleasing to me but I enjoy it on my waffles.
- I love make-up yet don't care to be too made-up.
- I love having my family around but don't like how much I eat when they are around.
- Dwayne does not like Lil Wayne yet he loves to recite every one of his songs. The songs get stuck in your head.
- Dwayne is a fool but does not stand for foolishness.

So what things do you love to hate??

Vent Day Wednesday

Hey everyone! Welcome to this week's edition of Vent Day Wednesday. We hope you enjoy it and please be sure to leave a comment telling us your vents.


Vent Day Wednesday

Welcome to this week's edition of Vent Day Wednesday. Be sure to leave your vents in the comments. Enjoy!



Something happened last night that NEVER happens to me. I had not even a wink of sleep. None. Nada. Zilch. I don't know why that happened, I just could not sleep at all. Today's forecast calls for rain all day (100% chance). Great sleeping weather right? Not when you have a Hurricane Willie! Naps are rarely an option as long as he is awake. I hope I can make it through the day without losing it. I have Briahnna home today as well because she has a cold. Looks like it will be one long day.

Shelly's 36th Birthday

I had such a fun birthday week! Here are a few photos...
William doesn't have that baby look anymore. He looks like a little man!

Here is a video Dwayne took. You know how he loves his videos!

My sister and bro-in-law came by and she brought over a home baked cake and pasta salad!

Dwayne took me out to my favorite restaurant and we had some amazing drinks at the bar. I got some nice little goodies and had a great day of relaxation!


I'm famous!

I am sure most of you who read Momfiles regularly know I am a dedicated Kroger shopper. I shop there at least 5 times per week (sometimes a couple trips per day). I was asked to say something I like about Kroger and had my photo taken. I was surprised to see it posted when I walked into the store today. This is a camera phone shot so it's not that clear. I just had to share :)


Vent Day Wednesday

Welcome to this week's edition of Vent Day Wednesday. All I can say is Dwayne is a fool. Be sure to hit us up in the comments with your vents or just to show some love.

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