Family * Travel * Food

The Dos and Don'ts of Coats and Car Seats

With winter weather in full effect, I wanted to pass along some great information about keeping your little ones cozy and safe when traveling in the car.

These tips are provided by: Allana Pinkerton, Global Safety Advocate for Diono

BIG DON'T: Never place a child in a car seat with a thick, bulky winter coat because the harness might not be snug enough to perform as it should during a crash.

WHY? If they are wearing a thick coat, the padding in the coat will not allow you to snug up the harness correctly and the harness will actually be loose on the child.  The padding in the coat will compress during a crash until it gets to the body which doesn't allow the child to ride the crash down appropriately.

Important to note: Car seat manufacturers cannot determine if it is safe to use a thick winter coat because they do not crash test with coats on the test dummies. They do test for misuse and they can determine if a loose harness causes injury.

DO: Follow the car seat manual for proper harness fit, installation and use. The manuals are written based on crash test data.

DO: Use an appropriate car seat no matter what the weather conditions are outside.

DO: If there are no safety issues in doing so, heat up the car ahead of time.

DO: Put a thin fleece jacket on your baby, toddler or older child.

DO: Put a toboggan hat and gloves on your child. This definitely helps retain some internal warmth.

DO: For a newborn baby, many infant carrier car seats come with a "warming boot" to put over the baby. If not, one may be purchased from the manufacturer of the car seat or they may have approved the use of one manufactured by another company.

DO: Throw a blanket around your child when carrying them out to the car to keep them warm. (If you are super nice, you might have even warmed it up in the dryer first.)

DO: Place them in the harness and snug it up. Then you can place the blanket over them so it doesn't interfere with the harness and tuck it in around the child's sides. To avoid the possibility of suffocation do not put the blanket near their head.


6 Efficient Cleaning Tips for the Holiday Season

The holidays are a wonderful time of year. It's the season for family, food, friends and high spirits. Maybe you're planning to host a few overnight guests during the winter, or perhaps you're throwing a holiday party. Either way, it's likely that you'd prefer a sparkling clean home for everyone to enjoy in time for the celebrations. Here are a few tips to follow to have the holiday cleaning process be an easy, stress-free, and cheerful part of your festivities. You can also take a look at beezzly as well.

Preemptive Strike - Clear the Clutter

Before you get started cleaning, we recommend taking this opportunity to rid your house of unwanted items that have accumulated over the years. If you can make time for this, take an extra day before you dive into the cleaning process and clear your home of any excess clutter. You probably have a closet with some unwanted possessions that no longer serve you or a box or two or items you've been meaning to drop off at the donation center. Purging junk is an easy way to reduce the stress of cleaning while providing you with a more orderly, elegant home. You would definitely need to look for a company that can provide a dumpster rental in your location in the event that you have larger items that you won't be able to sell and need to dispose of. After all, it happens, and not everything can be donated or repurposed.  

According to a study done by the Princeton University Neuroscience Department*, evidence suggests that the nature of our environment (i.e. cluttered versus uncluttered) directly affects our ability to focus. A messy environment can hinder our ability to concentrate, process information, and can cause susceptibility to distraction. On the other hand, a clean, organized environment can promote brain function, increase our focus, and help reduce stress.

If you aren't ready to start taking stuff down to the Goodwill just yet, then you can at least begin organizing your home. This can be as simple as going through your house and putting things back where they belong; if something doesn't have a designated spot, go ahead and make one. These actions will help prep and clear your mind for the cleaning tasks ahead.

Make a Plan of Action

Preparing your home for guests or parties can be an overwhelming process, especially if you leave everything to the last minute. If you take a few extra moments and plan your cleaning assault in advance, it can save you loads of stress and time. Rather than diving in and mindlessly scrubbing without a game plan, set aside a couple of minutes to strategize your attack. It's an investment that pays off with more efficient progress down the line.

Step 1 - Perform a quick walk through of your home. Take note of all the things you notice that you want to wash or spruce up. Next, begin visualizing all the places you'd like to be clean and the extent of their desired cleanliness. Write down all the different areas and rooms of your project and their individual cleaning tasks.

Step 2 - Depending on how many days you have before guests arrive, break up the chores by area, then break down the areas into their separate tasks. Afterward, assign each area and their task a day to get cleaned. We recommend starting this at least a couple of days and up to a week before your holiday shindigs begin.

Step 3 - Schedule the tough projects and the things that don't need frequent attention, such as deep cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, or washing window and shower curtains, for the early days in your plan. Schedule the tasks that require more consistent attention, such as mopping the floor, vacuuming, and cleaning the toilet bowl, for the later days on your timeline.

Create a Backup Plan

Things don't always go as smoothly as we hope, and sometimes, we just run out of time to do everything we set out to. While you're creating your action plan, highlight the areas and tasks that can be on your 'essential list,' things that are critical for you to accomplish. This list serves as a resource if you do run out of time and only can get to a few, necessary items. This way, when you reach the 11th hour before the holidays, you can revert to your crucial items and clean those most important areas, without any extra panic or wasted effort.

For your priority list, think of where your guests are likely to gather or spend significant time. For example, when preparing to host people over the holidays, you'll remember that folks tend to congregate around the food. A few key things to clean in your kitchen will likely be essentials. So, create your list of areas and then highlight the imperative tasks. Using the same example, if you wanted to cleanse your oven, but you’ll only be using it for baking a few items, it likely won't make the cut. In contrast, the refrigerator will be something often accessed by guests and anyone who's using the kitchen, so it’s reasonable it will be on the priority list.

Recruit Helpers

One of the most effective ways to get cleaning done fast and efficiently is to enroll the others around you in assisting. Your family is a great place to start. Another benefit of having a gameplan, in this case, is you can easily assign different tasks to family members for each day and split up the work in an organized fashion. Another option is to get a maid service to help out at home. Sometimes we just don't have the time or energy to clean and need all the help we can get.

Maintain Your Environment

Once you begin executing your cleaning plan, it will be much easier to keep your home clean. The challenge is to make upkeep a habit. For example, if you've thoroughly cleaned your kitchen, but continue to create crowded, untidy countertops every time you use it, without putting things away, this can accumulate and make the room feel sloppy. Make it a habit to clear your counters immediately after they get cluttered, not to mention any other messes you create. Rather than letting things build up and create an additional big cleaning project, this practice will maintain cleanliness with minimal effort.

Invest in Some Quality Green Cleaning Products

Creating a spotless home doesn't require a lot of fancy products to get started, you only need a few things. In fact, you could probably get away with just one or two. Invest in a couple of quality green cleaning products. Not only are you helping the environment but you're eliminating any harsh chemical residues leftover from standard cleaning products. Your guests and family will appreciate knowing their health and well-being is taken care of at your home. Mrs. Meyers makes an eco-friendly countertop spray and an all purpose cleaner, both in a lovely range of scents. But don't let a lack of ingredients stop you from getting started on cleaning. A solution of water and vinegar can work wonders with efforts such as mopping floors, wiping countertops and even creating streak-free, clear windows.

With the holidays fast approaching and everything to do to prepare, a thorough house cleaning can easily get overlooked. If you can remember to follow this plan in advance, it will help you manage your tasks efficiently and accurately, while significantly reducing the stress of the job. If you need some extra assistance, visit our for a green, house cleaning service. Lotus Cleaning Services is an eco-friendly maid service, and we would love to give your home the care it deserves to get it sparkling clean in time for the holidays.

This guest post was provided by: 
Author: Lotus Cleaning Team
Author/ Company Bio: Lotus Cleaning Services is made up of dedicated home and office cleaning professionals, that have used green practices to serve San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley and their surrounding areas since 2006.

The 7 Types of Boots Every Woman Should Have In Their Wardrobe This Fall

Knee high boots. Rain boots. Riding boots. Combat boots. Low boots. Thigh high boots. Black boots. Brown boots.

Overwhelmed yet? There are so many different kinds of boots on the market today that it can seem overpowering at times – what is the right boot to pick or do you have to buy 20 different pairs? Well, the true answer is that there really isn’t a “one size fits all” answer to the boot problem. However, you’re in luck because we have narrowed the number of boots to 7:

Overjoyed with Over the Knee

The shaft of your boot can go just about as high as you are comfortable with this fall – whether that means above the knee or all the way to your thigh.  Some people don’t think that boots that go over the knee can be comfortable, but a pair with added stretch or laces ensures a comfortable, tailored fit. Over the knee boots are a great option for those nights when you want to look a little more formal, but it is too cold to wear traditional high heels or strappy sandals.

It’s best to stay classic with black, brown, or gray for the fall, especially when you are wearing rich patterns and heavy fabrics. Over the knee boots look best with dresses and tunics with tights, though you can also pair them with jeggings. To double up on trends, over the knee boots in velvet are a splurge piece that you will cherish.

Comfortable Cowboy Boots

No matter what part of the world you come from, cowboy boots have a place at all fall activities. Fall is a huge time for music festivals, and cowboy boots while obviously great for country music, they fit right in and classic rock concerts too. They are also comfortable enough to go apple picking or pumpkin picking, and for a night around the bonfire.

You can’t go wrong with cowboy boots, during fall they are especially great with a pair of skinny jeans tucked into them or a great pair of simple tights or if it’s warm enough your favorite dress. Add in a denim jacket or a paisley scarf to continue with the theme, or do something completely out of the box and find a pair of boots with embroidery or glitter.

Ever Ready Lace Ups

Fall has a way of presenting us with opportunities to do many different activities at the drop of a hat – one moment you are going to a football game, and the next you are sitting on a hayride getting scared out of your mind. For fall, you will definitely need a pair of shoes that can “do it all” with you.

A simple, sturdy pair of lace up boots can cover just about any situation that you put them into. They are perfect to keep your toes warm while you find your way in a corn maze and still comfortable enough that you won’t have to worry about blisters.

Classic lace up boots come in black and brown, but many stores have them in deep cognac or burnt sienna. With the plethora of color options, they add an outdoorsy touch to your jeans or a hip look to your sweater tights.

Fashion-Forward Chelsea Boots

If you don’t recognize the name “Chelsea Boots,” don’t worry – not many people do. However, you will recognize the classic style and pattern of the boots. The iconic side panels make the shoe more comfortable when you are wearing it, thanks to the added elastic stretch, and the leather ensures that classic boot look that everyone loves.

Wear these when you will have a lot of walking to do but you still want to have a sleek, chic look. They are best paired with your favorite pair of dark colored pants.

Dutiful Duck Boots

Winter weather happens, even in the fall, and it is always a damper on your wardrobe to slip and break a heel (or an ankle). Classic duck boots are the newest “pretty ugly” trend to hit popular culture this year. While you won’t find them on all of the Paris runways, you will find them on people who do a lot of walking on treacherous grounds.

If you have to walk across ice to get into the office or there are puddles everywhere at the holiday parade, you won’t have to worry about slipping, wet socks, or even cold feet. These have extra insulation, extra tread, and added rubber.

Duck boots come primarily from L.L. Bean, but you can get them just about everywhere now that they have become popular again. These work best with slim-legged silhouettes, but they can work with just about everything as they are more purposeful than they are fashionable.

Rockin’ Rocker Boots

You’ve seen them on everyone from Juliette Louis to Steven Tyler, so you know that they are a little edgy but they still bring the comfort to have a good time and not worry about getting blisters or breaking a heel.

Rocker boots have thick, chunk heels that are about 2-3 inches high with no platform. They are usually made out of suede, though a few lines have recently shown them covered in glitter. While they might sound a bit outlandish, they are actually the perfect pairing for the rich patterns and materials you wear only in the fall. They look absolutely amazing with long skirts, jeans of all kinds, and even with dresses.

These boots aren’t for the faint of heart or those who aren’t willing to break out of their comfort zones – but they can work on every single woman.

Cozy Sock Boots

They make boots that are extended in the ankle, they make boots that are normal in the ankle, but what about those of us who have bony ankles? Boots that sag or sink down are never comfortable or chic, but for many people, it is the only option that we have if we want to wear boots.

These boots fit close to the ankle (but many pairs have stretch so just about everyone can wear them) and make a streamlined look. If you are the type of person who gets cold ankles or feet while you are walking outside to attend fall festivals or watching a game, then you will love that these shoes block all of that cold air from getting to your foot.

As these shoes are meant to be thin, you won’t want to stuff denim or leggings into them, so these require a look all of their own. Sock boots look best with wide legged trousers or on bare legs, if it isn’t too cold.

With these seven boots, you will be prepared for just about every situation you encounter this fall. You won’t have to worry about blisters, weak ankles, slipping, tripping, or cold feet. Instead, you will be able to enjoy the little things that make fall the best season of all.

Thank you Jennifer Monahan for this guest post. 

Organizing Your Kids’ Closet to Foster Independence

Teaching your children how to care for themselves is an important part of their physical and emotional development. Learning how to brush, wash, and get dressed every day is a big step that requires lots of help from adults. One of the best ways to teach children how to do these everyday tasks themselves is to make their environments accessible and familiar. Here are some tips for creating a bedroom closet that will help your little ones help themselves during their daily dressing routine.

Make it accessible

Most furniture companies now produce child friendly beds, dressers, and wardrobes that sit lower to the ground and allow for maximum accessibility. Built-in closets, on the other hand, aren’t generally fit for purpose when it comes to kids. Set up your own closet with clothes rails, shelves, and storage bins that are lower and easily reached by your children. Make sure any bins are open so your kids know what goes in each space, or choose clear or wire baskets so they can see directly into them from the sides.
via Modernize


After you’ve set up your child friendly closet, affix labels to each shelf and/or bin to help your kids remember which items of clothing go where. For younger children, large print labels with photographs of the type of clothing work best and can be made easily at home. If, like us at Modernize, you like to take your organization a step further, create sections for each day of the week. This way, your kids can choose outfits ahead of time and save you time in the morning. 

Keep it tidy

Probably the most important part of a functioning, independence-building kids’ closet is cleanliness. Finding clothes in a disorganized, cluttered space is next to impossible for adults and will feel positively overwhelming for children. Because kids grow so quickly, regular reorganization of their closet space is a necessity: make sure to remove clothes that are too small, out of season, or no longer worn for one reason or another. Encourage your children to put away their own clothes after they’ve been washed, and remind them to keep the space the way they would like to find it. 
via Modernize

Set a routine

In addition to keeping a regular cleaning schedule, it’s a good idea to encourage your kids to choose their school or activity outfits the night before. If you’ve set up day-of-the-week hangers or shelves, put these outfits in their designated spaces, or hang them on the door of the closet so they’re ready in the morning. After you’ve completed this task together a few times, your children should get the hang of it and hopefully repeat the exercise every day. This routine is not only great for your children because they get to choose their own clothes (within reason, of course), but also great for you because you will save yourself a regular morning struggle of choosing outfits. 

Guest article courtesy of Kaitlin Krull. 


6 Immunity-Boosting Herbs for Fall

Guest Post by: Dr. Christopher Hobbs Ph.D., L.Ac, A.H.G. from Rainbow Light

With cold and flu season only weeks away, below are 6 Immunity-Boosting Herbs for Fall from world-renowned herbalist, Dr. Christopher Hobbs, Ph.D., L.Ac, A.H.G of Rainbow Light. With over 35 years of experience in the field of herbal supplementation, Dr. Hobbs has compiled a list of the top powerhouse herbs and their health benefits that will keep you healthy and strong all year long.

Echinacea - Echinacea is a popular herb that has been identified to boost immunity. Combined with goldenseal, another herb, or enjoyed alone as tea, this member of the daisy family has been found to prevent and treat upper respiratory tract infections as well as the common cold.

Ginseng - This herb has many varieties ideal for boosting immunity and overall health. Its main active component, ginsenosides, has been proven to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Clinical research studies have demonstrated that it may improve immune and psychological functions as well as conditions related to diabetes.

Garlic - This spice has had a long history of medicinal value. Studies have shown that garlic promotes overall immune health, that it is active against specific bacterial infections of the respiratory tract, and that it may bolster the ability of the respiratory tract to defend against viral infection. What’s better? It’s also a great tasting spice to use while you cook!

Ginger - This herb has been shown to reduce inflammation, cardiovascular conditions, blood clots and cholesterol. Also a great ingredient to help aid digestion, we include ginger into many of our Rainbow Light products, such as the Women’s One and prenatal line of products, to help those with a frequent upset stomach.

Turmeric- This spice contains curcumin, which has notable antioxidant properties. It also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and stomach soothing benefits. It reduces inflammation by stimulating the adrenal glands to increase the hormone that lessens inflammation. It is also used against headaches, bronchitis, colds, fever and menstrual problems.

Spirulina – worth a discussion, as this natural ingredient is often misrepresented as an herb. Although technically a marine organism, this ingredient is a powerhouse of immunity. Amino acids make up 62 percent of spirulina, making it a complete protein. It's one of the few known plant sources of vitamin B12 and it's full of amino acids, enzymes, and probiotics that help to enhance your immune system and digestive health. It’s a key ingredient in our Rainbow Light products – that’s how much we love it!

Dr. Christopher Hobbs, is an internationally renowned herbalist, licensed acupuncturist and botanist, has been formulating market leading natural supplements exclusively for Rainbow Light® since 1985. With more than 35 years of clinical experience in herbal medicine, Hobbs has authored 25 books, including Herbal Remedies for Dummies and Women’s Herbs, Women’s Health. He shares his knowledge of herbal medicine with consumers and educators all over the world through lectures, and utilized his expertise in this field to found the Institute for Natural Products Research. He also serves as a consultant to the herb industry.

5 Back to School Tips for Parents

Preparing your children to go back to school can be stressful for your son or daughter, but it can also take a toll on parents as well. Make sure you are prepared for the school year by following these 5 tips.
Image courtesy of taesmileland at

1. Get Organized
Getting organized is possibly one of the most important steps in preparing for a new school year. Take note of all information and dates you should be aware of and write them down. You definitely don’t want to miss out on meet the teacher day or other important events like parent teacher conferences. Also, take the time to get to know your child’s teacher and take advantage of any opportunities to interact with them. You definitely won’t regret having an open communication line with your child’s teacher.

2. Take Advantage of Sales
Shopping for back to school supplies can be somewhat expensive, but you can manage these expenses by finding the best deals and sales. If you are lucky enough to live in one of the states that offer tax free holidays, you can save a lot of money! Scope out the sales and make shopping lists. If you know your child will need more than just a few notebooks, pens, and pencils, go ahead and buy extra.

3. Set Schedules
Before school starts back, set schedules and make sure your child is aware of who will be picking them up and dropping them off at school as well as what time each day. By setting a regular schedule, your child will feel more comfortable.

4. Establish a Routine
Along with setting schedules, parents need to make sure that they follow a routine for each day. Set a time that gives your child (and you!) enough time to wake up, eat breakfast, and get ready for school each day. Of course there will be days that don’t go according to plans, but if a routine is in place, it will be much easier to stay on track each day.

5. Have a Discussion with Your Kids
Before your child goes back to school, make sure you take the time to talk to them about doing their best in school and motivate them for a great year! Also, take the time to talk to them about emergency plans, schedules and routines.

Here’s to a great school year ahead!

By Guest Author: Lauren Byrd

Lauren is a contributing writer and media specialist for Mavis Discount Tire. She regularly produces content for a variety of lifestyle and automotive blogs based around driver safety tips, auto service tips, and more. 

Make the most out of your adventure in Japan with

This article is a guest post provided by

Have you ever dreamed of packing up and going to the other side of the globe to explore a new country with your family? While being one of the most modern and developed countries in the world, Japan is also an ideal destination if you enjoy doing sightseeing. Temples, shrines, castles, mountains hot springs, but also huge shopping malls, amusement parks and very modern buildings… There is so much to discover in Japan and every member of the family will find something that fits their tastes.

Living such an adventure with the family is very exciting, but it can also be a bit scary. What if one of you falls sick? What if we do not like the food? How about the language barrier? As an answer to these questions the website was created. HealthyTokyo is a really convenient website and app that helps to make Japan a more foreigner-friendly place.

The website provides you with a list of the best health and wellness providers in Japan split into three different categories:

Medical Partners: English-speaking doctors and dentists…
Wellness Coaches: fitness trainers, nutritionists, yoga instructors…
Healthy Partners: Organic restaurants, nail salons, spas, massage salons, gyms…

By becoming a member for free, you can check the list and get all the information to access these places; locations, language spoken, phone number and email address…HealthyTokyo also offers a premium membership plan that will allow you to use the concierge who will help you to make appointments and find the places you need. Premium members also benefit from promotional offers with the partners.

Living the adventure with your family has never been this safe and easy. is dedicated to keeping you and the whole family healthy in body, mind and spirit to make the most out of your trip to Japan.

6 Natural Alternative Cleaning Solutions

As much as we can, we want to save up on money and find thrifty ways to lessen our spending for the month. While cleaning agents can also take up a part of your budget, you’d be happy to know that you can actually save up a few if you know some natural cleaning alternatives and carpet shampooer.

Every homeowner’s advantage is stocking up on good natural cleaning solutions as a substitute to the products you see in television. Besides that, you can also make your own home cleaning solutions. In this article, here are some effective alternative to home cleaning products.

Lemons and Oranges
When you want to clean your dishes or utensils, a good alternative for dishwashing liquid are lemons and oranges. Any kind of citric fruit are effective disinfectant because of their citric and acidic attribute that can sterilize and kill bacteria.

Vinegar is great for cooking and also for cleaning! It is probably the most commonly used cleaning solution for greasy pans and stoves. They are also great for removing stains which is why carpet cleaning in Sunshine Coast has never been more easy and hassle-free!

Isopropyl Alcohol
This medicine-cabinet native has actually a lot of practical uses. Other than it being used for disinfecting, it is also used for cleaning grease and grime off mirrors, shower stalls and door knobs.

Cornstarch is a good absorbent of oil. It is mostly used with alcohol. Combining the two, alcohol and cornstarch, into a really effective cleaning mixture will be an effective cleaning agent for removing grease off countertops and other greasy kitchenware. Cornstarch is also a great deodorizer as well as an effective window cleaner.

No kitchen will be complete without it! Salt is a natural condiment that’s commonly used for cooking but can also serve for cleaning purposes. Salt is actually used in helping scrape off those burned-food and dried stubborn grease in cookware. Aside from that, they are used for polishing those pots and pans.

Baking soda
A handy thing to have when cleaning the bathroom! Baking soda can effectively help you scrape off gunk and grease found inside your bathroom and in every corner of your shower tile. Baking soda with a mixture of distilled vinegar will help you remove that bad toilet odor and any lingering stink as well as properly clean the toilet bowl.

It’s best to stock up on these amazing natural ingredients, then. That way, you don’t have to spend too much on your housekeeping budget. All you need are these six natural cleaning agents!

Author Bio
Sean Si is the Marketing guy of Electrodry Carpet Cleaning. He is the go-to guy when it comes to the latest home improvement tips. When he's not busy, he writes about healthy home and life, and spends quality time with his family and friends.


10 Tips For New College Students From A College Student (Guest Post)

I remember when I was getting ready to start college – Everything was so new and so different. Two years have quickly gone by, and I’m now a junior. Here are some things I’ve learned from my own experiences and from friends that I’d like to pass along:

1. Get your finances together and be aware of your expenses. – Open a checking/savings account if you don’t already have one. Get in the habit of saving your receipts and documenting them weekly/monthly or however you choose. Your expenses will add up, so it’s best to stay on top of them so you don’t end up in a rut or overdrafting your account.

2. Take the time to read things and understand them. – You are an adult now, and you actually have to read through things to make informed decisions. This will certainly apply if you move off campus into an apartment.

3. Rent your textbooks if you can. – Renting is the best way to go, especially for books for general education (gen-ed) classes. Vendors such as Amazon and Chegg are great places to get them. You can buy books from your institution’s bookstore and sell them back at the end of the semester, but you won’t get nearly as much money back as you spent.

4. Be aware of the available meal plans and your eating patterns. – Most institutions will have a meal plan. Know what plans they offer, and don’t get a meal plan higher than what you know you will eat. Also, PLEASE be healthy! (Don’t eat Chick Fil A every day for three weeks like I did.)

5. Take school seriously. – Your first year of college is so important for your GPA. Focus on your grades first. If you keep it high your first year of school, you have some wiggle room if you don’t do as well one semester. Also, if you have scholarships, you need to make sure you maintain the GPA required to keep the scholarships.

6. Get to know your professors. – Your professors possess a lot of knowledge, and you’ll do even better in class if you sit in the front and introduce yourself to them. If you take the time to get to know them, they will be more willing to help you in class or with other things. Some professors have written recommendation letters for me.

7. Don’t be afraid to get involved, but don’t over involve yourself either. – There are TONS of ways to get involved at your college/university. Try to get involved in at least one activity or organization so you can meet people and begin developing skills. However, don’t get over involved either. You don’t want to be overwhelmed and affect your grades or well-being.

8. TIME MANAGEMENT IS KEY. – Get a planner if you don’t have one already! You’ll be super busy with classes, extracurricular activities, and maybe even a job. Be sure to stay organized!

9. Take care of yourself. – People are going to ask you to do things, approach things in their way, but at the end of the day, you need to do what is best for yourself. If people want to go out and do something, but you want to take an evening for yourself and watch TV, then by all means, watch TV!

College goes by so quickly! Take the time to explore new things. Take a class on something you’re interested in, but might not be majoring in. Meet new people and make great friends. The world is yours.

Guest post by my oldest daughter, Chardonnay Ismail.


Dinners fussy kids are guaranteed to love

Having a fussy eater as a child can be a lot of hard work. But, did you know that the worst thing you can do is let them know that they are a fussy eater? In situations where your child is refusing some food or saying they don’t like something, bite your tongue. Showing them how much you want them to eat something will only give them a power trip and cause more repercussions. Telling them they are a fussy eater will give them an excuse not to eat things, and make them think they have special requirements! Instead, try recipes like these that they won’t be able to refuse:

Shepherd's Pie

Shepherd’s pie is a hearty meal, filled with carbs, protein, and veg. You can alter a recipe as much as you like too, using different meats, veg, and potato to create a different taste. The great thing about this is that it’s perfect for kids who say they don’t like vegetables. You can hide all kinds of veggies in it! 

Homemade Pizza

Homemade pizza is much better than shop bought or takeaway pizza, as you know exactly what’s going into it. You can even swap the bread base for a kind of vegetable, or even meat to make it healthier. Sprinkle over some light cheese (not too much), and press in as many vegetables as you want. One of my favourite recipes!


Wraps are the perfect alternative to a sandwich, and you can even get your child involved by letting them fill them on their own. Simply put all of the ingredients in the middle of the table and tell them to help themselves. This is too much fun for them to refuse! 

Grilled Meatloaf Burgers

Meatloaf can be made with lots of different vegetables too, but you wouldn’t know it as it looks and tastes so nice. You can make it look even more appealing to kids, even kids who say they don’t like meatloaf, by putting it on a bun and calling it a burger. I bet with some healthy homemade relish, they’ll ask for this dish again! 

Crispy Chicken Fingers With Apple Fries

Rather than buying chicken dippers from the shop, make your own crispy fingers out of a healthier breadcrumb alternative. You can even use oats to get that nice crunch! Apple fries are delicious and will add vitamins and nutrients to the meal. If you don’t know where to start, browse the Thermomix forum for tips and advice. You’ll be a pro in no time. 

Cheesy Corkscrew Pasta

Pasta is great for giving kids energy, and cheese makes the meal all the more delicious. Try sprinkling crispy bacon over the top for some crunch. Mix in veg like spinach and peppers, as these will hardly be noticeable to your child. Another perfect weekend treat meal! 

Try these dinners on your kids and see if they dig in any faster than before. Just remember not to make a scene, and hide how much you want them to eat it. They’ll get there in the end!


Vinyl Wall Art Decals for Nursery - Best Choice for Your Baby’s Room

For a new couple who are well-off, it can be exciting to have a baby. The joy of expecting can be difficult to believe at first but when the realization finally dawns on the mind, there is excitement brimming in the minds of would-be parents. The entire process seems more real once you begin to plan the nursery for your bundle of joy that is soon to arrive. As a new parent, you want to make the room of your kid more special and make it look like a safe haven for your child. Vinyl wall art can make the decoration more beautiful. When you use wall decals for nursery, you can be assured that you are creating a room that can be more inviting for your baby. You can buy from if you want to decorate your children’s room.

Advantages of Using Vinyl Wall Decal for Nursery

You can get a lot of advantages out of using wall stickers for nursery.

1.    Many individuals, especially those without an artistic bent of mind, find it extremely hard to decorate nurseries properly. You can use vinyl wall art to make a perfectly themed decoration for your baby nursery walls and transform the simple room into a fantasy land for your baby. It can be really simple to use this type of instant wall decoration. You do not require any professional assistance for the placement and installation of these stickers. It is very simple to set up and can be performed by any person.

2. As your baby continues to grow up, his or her maturity and interests will obviously change. You can easily customize the walls by removing the old vinyl decals and replacing them with fresh wall decals for nursery. You wall can be a sign of the growth and maturing tastes of your child over the years as they continue to make their journey to adulthood. You can easily peel off these vinyl stickers and change them as your kid grows up. This can make an economical as well as sun decoration for your child’s room. A lot of teenagers do not like to use cartoon characters or alphabets in their rooms. You may easily remove them and stick an inspiration picture or a family photo, whichever is loved by your child.

3. Vinyl wall art can be an excellent way to add flair and color to your nursery. You may select geometric designs, characters from fairy tales or other artistic stuff to express your thoughts and your love for your baby. You can create a nursery wall where you can display the achievements of your child in vinyl lettering as he or she continues to grow up.

4. Decals are available in a variety of shapes and sizes that you can choose from for your nursery. You can create a beautiful summer garden blooming with cute animals, bright flowers and streams to make a personal and warm environment where your baby can live and grow up in. You need to select those decals that you wish to have and peel off their backside to paste them smoothly on the walls of the nursery and provide it with a fun décor.

5. You need to tamper with paints and stencil which need some amount of finesse that you will probably be lacking in. You will not have to worry about any spills or drips and find out that your nursery does not look as bright as it is supposed to be. When you use vinyl wall art, you can get the bright colors that you deserve. You may even take the stickers, which have been designed for your nursery, along with you as you shop for the perfect wall paint that can match the color of your stickers. In case you paste them in a wrong area, you can also easily peel off the backside of the stickers and move them over to the exact spot that they should rest on.

6. The majority of wall stickers for nursery and replaceable and reusable. This means you can easily peel them off and store them for use for the next generation. This can really be the best way to transform the room of an older kid back into a nursery.

Things to Remember While Going for Vinyl Wall Stickers for Nursery

When you are looking for the best wall decals for nursery of your baby, you need to keep a few things in mind.

7. You can select from thousands of designs to customize the wall of your baby nursery in the most apt manner. Wall decals can be availed in a lot of colors that you can choose from to match the paint and overall decoration of your walls. There are many vinyl wall art decoration items available, which include Vinyl Wall Word Art, Vinyl Wall Lettering and of course Vinyl Wall Stickers which are the most common. You may even opt for customization.

8. You may even use your own photos or your family photos for vinyl wall decals. If you show off an enlarged family portrait as a wall decal, it can appear as if it has been painted by a professional artist and hung on the wall as was the custom in the olden days. With wall decals in vinyl, your creative designing options are truly endless.

9. Wall quotes, flowering trees and branches, customized photos, stars, lettering and geometric shapes are some of the more famous types of vinyl wall art. You can browse the online catalogs or directly call up a qualified representative in order to have a discussion about your artistic ideas.

10. Bright shapes and colors on walls can make a warm atmosphere for newborns and also learn to recognize shapes, stars and dots from an early age. It can be a god idea to coordinate dots of varying colors and sizes on the wall that can match floor tiles, crib sheets, furniture and curtains of bright color.

With wall art decals for nursery, you can showcase your creativity and make just the type of growing environment that your kid will love growing up in. It can be fun to use wall decals and you will be surprised at the number of options that you can pick from.


When Life Gives You Lemons ... Keep Your Head to the Future (Guest post)

2013 is a year that I’ll mark down as one with plenty of ups and downs.

I had the wonderful experience of moving into a new apartment with my girlfriend, becoming a proud owner of a husky puppy, and I did rather well in my work.

Though …

The last few months have been somewhat rough. I lost two of my grandparents and my girlfriend lost one of hers. There were a few rocky parts about the “what’s next” in the relationship. The holidays certainly added to the overall pressure.

But in the end, I am grateful for what I have experienced. It really helps to shine a light on the important things in life. It reminds you of the old saying of “when life gives you lemons … make lemonade” but, for me, it became a thought of “look to the future”.

The things that became Increasingly Important

I can’t speak for all of us, but when you’re faced with these types of ups and downs, you can’t help but think of the big picture.

The more I age, the more it has become increasingly important (and apparent) that I figure out what’s in store for my future.

These are items like:
•  If I had a child how would I pay for their college?
•  Why do I get wrapped up in the “rat race”?
•  How am I going to plan for my retirement?

I know these are some of the very same thoughts you have and I believe I might be able to share a bit of wisdom about these topics.

1. Keeping Healthy

I like the concept of “your body is your temple” because it helps you understand that you have just one and what you put into it really does matter.

It doesn't matter if you let yourself go, if you’re already lean, or if you’re dealing with some kind of setback. What matters is that you take control of your health and the best way, on the fundamental level, is through proper food.

Don’t continually wait for the New Year to make a commitment to better living. Start learning healthier options for your cooking. Start getting out there and exercising (even just 15 minutes a day). Get the whole family involved – get them excited.

You’ll add years to your life if you make the commitment to be healthy – and you’ll certainly want to see the same for your family.

2. Finding Acknowledgment in a Career

Being proud of your work and gaining acknowledgement of your commitment is very rewarding on a psychological level.

I noticed this with my grandparents. They were from another time so they were the type to put in the hard hours even when the task was far out of their league. They went through times far worse than mine and came out very successful.
I think you should do the same.

Your career doesn't need to suck away the time you can spend with the family. On the contrary, you should strive to increase proficiency in work rather than throwing more time at it. Not only will you have that extra time to spend with the family but you’ll set in motion what’s needed (savings and investments) to ensure your child has the opportunity for a higher education.

3. Knowing what’s at the end

We all meet our end, which is a scary thought in and of itself, but even scarier when you think about what you leave behind to your children.
Bills? Maybe. Inheritance? Hopefully.

It doesn't matter how you start – just the fact that you do start planning for your retirement. This can involve any number of savings plans. Schwab recommends investing in an IRA account, but that's just one of multiple options.

You won’t always have the same energy or skill set to compete in your career. You will eventually retire. You also want to plan for the unexpected (those lemons).

Get real about your life and how you impact others. Save anything (even a little) for the future. Give up chasing material possessions that holds you back from enjoying the bigger picture. Solidify the well-being of your family (and all those after) by committing to planning for the end.


Saving Money on Teaching Your Kids How to Play Music

Parents know just how beneficial it can be for their children to learn how to play a musical instrument. Once the costs start adding up, however, it becomes clear just how expensive it can be as well. Between buying an instrument and paying for lessons, music can be far more costly a hobby than it might appear at face value.

The fact is, there are plenty of ways in which you can help your child to learn how to sing or play an instrument without going broke in the process, some of which are more apparent than you might think.

Shop for Used Instruments

The initial costs associated with learning how to play an instrument can be staggering. Even beginner instruments can range in the thousands of dollars when purchased new, and it's an awfully large investment to make when you aren't positive whether or not your child will continue to be interested in playing as time goes on. One way to lessen the blow to your bank account when shopping for an instrument is to consider buying used. Used instruments are perfect for beginners, as they allow novice musicians to get a feel for learning how to play without having to plunk down a great deal of money up-front. When shopping for used instruments, be sure to work with a reputable dealer who will be able to provide you with the right options; Craigslist and eBay should be avoided unless you are well-versed on instrument buying.

Take to the Internet

Paying for lessons can be excessively expensive over time. Since most instructors like to see their students once per week, you can expect to spend anywhere between $80 and $160 per month on music lessons for your child alone if you take the traditional route. The Internet, however, has made learning how to play music far less expensive and more accessible to those who are on a tight budget. Online guitar tutorials, theory lessons and more can be found for free or cheap on the Internet, and allow your child to work at his or her own pace. You can even create your own program for your child if you have a fair amount of knowledge about playing music yourself by pulling together information found on the web and tailoring it to their interests in ways that are not often seen in a traditional instruction format.

Go to Free Concerts

As with anything else in life, there's no substitute for real-world experience. You can spend hours in a practice room, but it'll be extremely difficult to learn the finer points of live performance without going to concerts regularly. Concerts can be expensive, however, and sometimes they aren't suitable for children. On the other hand, just about every fair-sized city offers a free concert series during the summer, with genres ranging from pop to rock to classical. Taking your children to one free concert per week is a great way to help them internalize what it is to be a performing musician - something they're not likely to learn while practicing at home. Contact your local town hall for more information on free concerts that are scheduled in your area.

While helping your child learn to play music can be a costly venture, it doesn't have to be if you take the right approach.


8 Tips for Halloween shopping online

By Scott Fitterman of

1. Maximize value with online coupons: When purchasing Halloween costumes, decorations, and candy online always search for coupon codes to save money. Make sure to review your final checkout screen before you make your purchase. Be sure to confirm the items in your checkout are correct and that your promotional codes have been applied.

2. Stay Current. Make sure your results are the most up-to-date discounts and codes online. Take note of any expiration dates for discounts and use discount websites to help you locate the newest deals for a particular merchant.

3. Take advantage of Cash back: Some websites earn commissions from sales made through the site and can share their commissions with you in the form of cash back. It’s just like a cash back credit card. You can earn cash back from thousands of online merchants. If you’re not shopping through a cash back site, you’re throwing money away.

4. Exercise caution when combining coupons with cash back: You can use online coupons and combine the savings with cash back features for extra value, but exercise caution. Some coupon codes disqualify the order for cash back benefits, so read the cash back site’s coupon details very carefully.

5. Make sure you’re really getting a deal on all your Halloween essentials: Most of the time stores offer actual discounts, but as with all things you should do your due diligence and check online to determine how good the price really is.

6. Compare Sites. If you know the exact Halloween Costume you want to buy for October, it pays to shop around at different online retailers to compare prices. Some sites help consumers by providing a list of all online stores in a particular category.

7. Pay attention to shipping costs.  Some retailers make up their low prices by adding costs to the shipping. Be sure you're getting the lowest possible overall price, by double checking your shipping.

8. Exclusivity Pays. Research before you buy to find coupon or cash back websites that offer consumers exclusive online deals for Halloween. If you don’t search before your buy, you may miss it.


Could You Win Your Family Holiday This Year?

Times are tight for most families, with budgets being squeezed to pay ever increasing grocery, utilities and petrol bills. Add to that reductions in tax credits and child benefits for some and it’s easy to see why luxuries like a family holiday are having to fall by the wayside.

If you know you can’t afford to get away this year, why not try a different tactic and give winning your family holiday a go? What have you got to lose? Search online competition forums or keep your eyes peeled at the supermarket, when reading magazines or when watching the TV, and take every chance you get to win your family a great break.

For example, when you’re buying your loo roll this month, look out for special packs of Cushelle. Cushelle and Butlins have teamed up to give away three UK breaks, at the Bognor Regis Butlins resort. The lucky winners can check in two adults and two children to the brand new Wave Hotel, for a super exciting staycation at Butlins – for free!

If you have older children, between the ages of 8 and 14, the new Wave Hotel is ideal, as everything about it has been designed with hard to please teens and pre-teens in mind, including quirky submarine style rooms with the latest gadgets for tech savvy kids – including iPod docks, Freeview, and individual DVD players for each bed, saving on squabbles over what to watch!

The hotel is also the first Butlins hotel to boast a high-tech Games Port, where families can play interactive games together. In addition, there’s a kindle and iPod library for guests to use, and free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel, so the kids can still check Facebook, tweet and chat to their friends back home.

To enter, all you have to do is get yourself a Cushelle barcode from special packs (everyone needs loo roll, right?) and fill out a simple form online, but don’t stop there! Keep seeking out summer holiday competitions – after all, the more you enter the more chance you have of winning your family holiday this year!


How to Organize Your Recipes {guest post}

This guest post is courtesy of  Instawares restaurant supplies and equipment company.

Whether you're a home cook who takes pride in preparing recipes that have been handed down in your family for generations or a professional chef with a reputation for creating innovative new dishes, your recipes are the key to your success in the kitchen.  Unfortunately, many cooks tend to be disorganized when it comes to maintaining their recipe file.

Instead of desperately paging through recipe books or shuffling a stack of index cards and magazine clippings the next time you want to prepare that special dish, why not organize your recipes into an efficient system so you can always lay your hands on the recipe you want in an instant?

Gather Your Recipes

Before you can organize your recipes, it's crucial that you compile all of them in one place.  Empty your recipe boxes, gather your cookbooks, grab your magazine cutouts and locate your Internet printouts.  No matter where your recipes are at this moment, do what you have to do to get them all in one place, preferably your kitchen table or computer desk.

Assemble Your Supplies

To organize your recipes, you'll need a three-ring binder, enough sheet protectors to contain all of your recipes, plain copy paper, scissors, a glue stick and a color copier or printer/scanner with copying capabilities.  Feel free to jazz up your recipe book with sheets of colored paper, paper with borders, scrapbook-style embellishments and photos of food that you've prepared in the past.

Sort  Your Recipes by Category

Create several piles and sort your recipes into categories.  Meats, poultry, main dishes, casseroles, vegetable dishes and desserts are just some of the categories you can use.  If you're stumped as to which categories to create, choose one of your favorite cookbooks and follow its layout by copying the categories contained therein.

Place Your Recipes in Sheet Protectors

Sheet protectors offer the perfect way to store your recipes for use in the kitchen.  If you happen to splatter or spill something on the pages, you simply wipe it off and the recipe remains untouched.  Recipes that are smaller than 8-1/2" x 11" can be glued to sheets of copy paper and inserted into the sheet protectors.  Place one or more on each page according to your preference.  If you have recipes in cookbooks that you turn to often, copy them or scan and print them so you have them at your fingertips without having to page through one or more cookbooks to locate them.

Organize the Recipes in Your Binder

Since you've already sorted your recipes by category, it should be easy to place them in your binder in an orderly fashion.  Once you've placed them in the binder, use a simple word processing program to create a table of contents or an index that lists all of the recipes your binder contains.  Now when you're ready to prepare a special dish, you'll easily be able to flip to the appropriate page and get to work.

While organizing your recipes may seem like a time-consuming project at first glance, the time you save by being able to find your recipes easily will pay off in the long run.  Not only will you be an organized cook in the kitchen, you'll have your very own personalized cookbook and that's something any cook should be proud of.

Shelly, Mom Files
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