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Posture Problems Sorted

Do you remember you mom telling you to sit up straight when you were a kid? Maybe you say it to your little ones now? But sitting or standing up straight is about more than just looking smart and attentive. In fact, having a good posture is intrinsically linked to your health. Read on to find out more.

Hunch Back

Now while you might start getting images of a certain cartoon character that lived in Notre Dame, most folks with hunched back are not quite such serious cases. Instead, the top portion of their back is rounded instead of straight which is mainly due to the way that they sit and stand.
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Ladies with a heavier chest can be at particular risk of this, because gravity cause a natural hunch in balancing out the weight that is there. But what can you do about this?

Well, for one it's a good idea to check the way you are sitting at your desk for work. Your spine should be straight, which often means there is a dip in the lower back and your chest is pointing forward. You can get special seat supports to help you train you back into this position.

It can also help you have some additional support in the chest region. So consider getting properly fitted for your bras. Or even using a posture correcting bra, that provides extra support.

Spine Curvature

Of course, not all curved spines are caused by sitting or standing in a slouched position. In fact, some spinal and postural issues have a more serious underlying cause.

One of these is osteoporosis which is when the bones in your body lose their density, so they are no longer able to support your body properly.

In fact, one of the most prominent symptoms of this disease is a curvature of the spine. That is why it is so vital to be aware of your risk of osteoporosis and start to address this early on in life. So when you get the age where this is an issue you have already being doing things to relieve or prevent it.

One of the best things that you can do it to ensure that you consume enough calcium. Which the body need for fortifying your bones. This can be found in dairy products, as well as oily fish like sardines, and a green vegetable like Kale.

You can also take supplements made from algae that combine calcium with magnesium for maximum effect. If you would like to know more about this, you can read the AlgaeCal reviews on Amazon, and see what real people think of them.

Forward facing head 

Another common posture issue that many people can suffer from is a forward facing head. This is when the neck is not in line with the spine. But tilts forward causing the head to be in extended position.

This can be rectified in a similar way to a humped back, by retraining the correct posture through physical therapy and yoga.
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However, this is something that can often be confused with one of the signs of Cushing's Disease. Which is a fatty hump on the back of the neck.

So if you do have any concerns about this, it is best to get it checked out with a medical professional before you take any action.

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Vitamin D Deficiency Update

Over three years ago, I had some lab work done at my doctor's office and it was discovered that I was vitamin D deficient. My doctor explained that this is very common in people of color and that our skin simply does not absorb vitamin D easily like a fair skin people. The normal range you should be in is 30-100. I was coming in at 12.5. I was placed on a high-dose supplement for 12 weeks and was rechecked. I then came in at 21, but my physician was not happy with that and recommended that I take a daily 5,000 IU D-3 supplement. 

I have been doing that for a full year and would notice a difference in how I felt if I skipped a few days to a week. Since taking the vitamin D supplement, I have felt a lot more energized. Also a lot of odd issues I was having like leg or foot pain, depression, and a few other things seemed to have lessened or ever disappeared altogether. It is amazing how your vitamin D level can affect your overall health. 


I went in last month for my annual physical including labs and my results were amazing. Everything came back normal and my vitamin D level is currently at 50! That is a HUGE improvement and proof that the supplement does actually work. I have even noticed my hair, nails, and skin look even healthier. I have been taking the brand pictured above that I purchase at my local Kroger store, but any kind will do.

If you find yourself feeling sluggish, depressed, achy or just off for no reason, chances are you might be vitamin D deficient. It won't hurt to try a supplement, even at a lower dose to see if it helps. I had such great results and figured I would share it with you all. Be well xoxo

How To Stomp Belly Fat And Enjoy A Flat Abdomen

Getting rid of belly fat is an admirable task, but you’re not the first one to propose such a mission. Belly fat is notoriously known as an outfit ruined and people often times complain about it. It also has a reputation for being something hard to get rid of, as opposed fat from other parts of the body. But once you are determined to eliminate belly fat and make it a thing of the past, it can’t do anything to stop you.

If you’re looking for ways in which you can burn the fat away and forever banish belly fat from the temple that is your body, you’ve come to the right place. In this article we will be taking a look at what is required in order to efficiently and permanently eliminate belly fat.

Always on the run

You might have thought that all you need for a flat belly is to do a thousand crunches every day and that should set you up for success.  That’s quite a straight forward approach but it is also unnecessary. What you can and should do however is keep moving and keep your heart rate up. Jogging is widely considered as one of the best ways in which you can burn belly fat ( and all types of fat, for that matter). Through jogging, you can say goodbye to belly fat fairly easily. This is because belly fat is visceral fat that is downed fast by body movement empowered activities like jogging, bike riding and of course swimming. It is recommended that you take up jogging for about 12 miles per week. That should get you where you need to go. It’s up to you to determine how much jogging you do each day although a constant average amount might serve you best.

Protein rule

Another vital element in belly fat burning is to up your protein intake from every meal. Belly fat storage is encouraged by the body when it begins to take in larger amounts of insulin as per the body’s reaction to aging. Protein on the other hand combats the resistance of insulin in the body and thus reduces the amount of fat that is stored on your belly. If you want to lose belly fat, than you should really look into increasing how much protein you consume in relation to other nutrients, so we’re not talking about just adding more protein over everything you already eat.

One trick that gives exemplary results is taking one or two tablespoons of vinegar each day. It is believed that the acetic acid produced protein which enter your body after vinegar consumption do a lot of work in terms of burning fat.


The bane of belly fat are aerobic exercises. Consider enrolling in a yoga class to burn down some belly fat. This works because yoga reduces the body’s cortisol levels, which is a supporter of belly fat. Yoga doesn’t have to be a long lasting endeavor at the end of a drive. You can practice a couple of yoga poses at home, in only 10 minutes of your time.

The Benefits Of Tabata For Busy Moms

I wanted to pass along this great (quick) workouts that you can do if you are crunched for time.


Countless fitness trends have come and gone over the years. Each one promises to help you slim down, tone up, and achieve your fitness goals. Everyone has a different goal in mind when they commit to a fitness plan, and with hard work and dedication most exercise programs will produce results. But what happens if you can’t carve out 60 minutes a day to get your sweat on or you find it hard to stick to a specific fitness plan? Whether you need a quick burn or want to shake up your routine, Tabata training will deliver.

Benefits of Tabata

Improved Stamina: Tabata improves your aerobic and anaerobic threshold. Your aerobic capacity is a measurement of your maximum oxygen uptake during exercise. Your body requires more oxygen when you work out. The rate at which your muscles and tissue are able to absorb oxygen is known as your VO2 max. Most people have a VO2 max between 30 and 60 ml/kg/min. The higher your VO2 max, the more potential you have for aerobic endurance. As you do Tabata training, your VO2 max will improve, along with your stamina.

Anaerobic capacity refers to the maximum amount of energy your body can produce without oxygen. By increasing your anaerobic capacity, you can exert yourself at a maximum effort for a longer period of time. An easy way to measure improvements in your anaerobic capacity is to time yourself while sprinting at 100 percent effort. Record your time and distance. After six weeks of Tabata training, revisit this challenge. You will be amazed at how much farther you can run at maximum effort.

Increased Metabolic Rate and Fat Loss: High-intensity interval training increases our metabolic rate by almost 15 times the basal metabolic rate. Your basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy your body uses naturally at rest. Not only are you burning an average of 15 calories a minute, but the increased demand Tabata puts on your body will increase your BMR and torch fat for hours after your workout.

Muscle Tissue Retention: If you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness but are concerned about losing hard-earned muscle, Tabata training is for you. The stress placed on your muscle tissue during Tabata sends signals to you body that more muscle tissue is needed and the ratio of lean body mass to fat will increase. If you choose full-body workouts that use more muscle mass, you could actually end up increasing your muscle tissue.

No Time Constraints: No time to workout? Can’t get to the gym? These excuses won’t fly when it comes to Tabata training. All you need are four minutes and a pair of sneakers to complete this workout.

How to do Tabata

Tabata is a 4-minute workout that consists of eight timed intervals. Each interval is broken down into 20 seconds of all-out exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. Tabata training is going to mentally and physically push you to your limit. If you are doing this workout correctly, you should feel completely exhausted and find it nearly impossible to finish the final interval.

People often use this form of workout to improve their cardiovascular fitness, but Tabata training is versatile and can also be use to improve weight training and core strength. Beginners should concentrate on cardio, such as running, cycling, and rowing, or bodyweight exercises. Whatever your focus, to get the most out of your workout, it is important you choose exercises that engage a large number of muscles.

Tabata Warm-Up

It’s recommended that you do a 5-minute, full-body dynamic warmup before you attempt your first set of Tabata. A dynamic warm-up consists of a series of movements that will engage the muscles you are going to use in your workout. This warm-up will increase your body temperature and range of motion and activate your nervous system. When done properly a dynamic warm-up can improve your performance.

Mix and match these exercises to create a 5-minute dynamic warm-up. Make sure you choose exercises that engage the muscle groups you plan to work out.

Walking lunges
Jumping Jacks
Arm Circles
High Knees
Side Bends
Front Leg Swing
Butt Kicks
Side Shuffles

Tabata Workouts

If you’re new to fitness or are short on time, do one set of Tabata exercises two to three times a week. To get the most out of your workout, it is important to give your body time to rest. Leave a day or two between workouts for your muscles to recover. Once you’re ready to get started, all you will need for most of these exercises is a stopwatch (we use the timer on our phone) and lots of motivation. There are endless options for exercises you can use in your Tabata workout. I have listed below a few for you to choose from based on your fitness level and goals.


Recovery Procedures After Giving Birth: What's Involved?

Aging and child birth are the two most common causes of vagina slacking or loosening. Vaginal tissue can stretch naturally and it will happen to most – if not all – women as they age at a varying degree. After giving birth, however, you may feel insecure about the stretching of your vagina. A Vaginoplasty can help tighten vaginal tissue effectively. Before you decide to do the procedure, however, there are a number of things you need to know.

When can Vaginoplasty be performed after giving birth?

You should at least wait for three months after giving birth before deciding to get a Vaginoplasty. Although the tissue around your vagina stretches during labor, it will tighten itself to a certain point afterwards. Letting the vaginal tissue heals for three months or more is always the best way to go.

After the three-month period, consult your surgeon and have a pre-operative measurement taken first. At this point, you can decide whether to go through with the process with the help of information you get from the surgeon.

Keep in mind that not every woman needs to have Vaginoplasty after giving birth. The decision is entirely yours to make.

Are there risks involved in the procedure?

Vaginoplasty can be taken as a necessary medical procedure or an optional aesthetic or cosmetic surgery. In both cases, you need to work with a reputable surgeon and gynecologist so that the procedure can be performed without any real risk.

Dr. David Ghozland, in one of his recent reports, suggested that the common risks that patients face when opting for Vaginoplasty are very similar to those of other non-intrusive surgeries or procedures. The risks of infection, scarring and mild pain are present. This is where working with the right surgeon comes in handy.

These risks are easily avoidable. Every part of the Vaginoplasty can be planned in order to have a successful surgery without its risks. It is also important that you go through a series of pre-operation examinations to determine if you are in the right condition for the surgery.

What about the costs of getting the procedure?

Cost is always a concern when it comes to medical procedures, especially in today’s economy. Vaginoplasty is among the many procedures that may be covered by your health insurance if it is a necessity or approached as a medical procedure. To know for sure if your insurance policy will cover the costs of Vaginoplasty, you will have to consult your hospital first.

As a cosmetic surgery, however, you may have to pay for the procedure yourself. Thankfully, Vaginoplasty is not expensive at all. The treatment can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $8,000 depending on a number of factors. Compared to the benefits, the procedure is certainly worth it.

Should you consider Vaginoplasty after giving birth? This big question is yours to answer. The procedure brings a lot of benefits, including better sexual response and increased self-esteem. Find a reputable surgeon with experience and do the pre-operation checks and consultations in order to answer this question based on your specific circumstance.


How I Learned To Go Out And Live Freely With Impressa #TriedImpressa

Today's post is sponsored by Poise, but all opinions are my own

I don't know what has happened to me since I turned 40. I'm not the same person I was a few years ago. I feel like a new woman crept into my body and oddly enough, I feel younger in many ways. I have a lot more confidence and spunk. I really do believe that 40 is the new 20 except.... well some things have indeed changed. I have talked about it before, but didn't fully accept it until this year. My body just isn't the same. I've had 3 children. I have endless stretch marks, cellulite, and all sorts of other physical imperfections. I have accepted that those things are a part of life and heredity.

I do have one very embarrassing issue though. I love to laugh, play and live life to fullest. I just don't appreciate the little side effect of *ahem* leaking a little pee. >>insert wide-eyed emoji here<< Yep, every time I'm hanging out with my college daughters, there is a 110% chance that a lot of laughter will be had. I ALWAYS have to cross my legs and beg them to stop their shenanigans before I pee myself. They always say, "You better make sure you have your Poise". Hmmph! Well, lucky for me, I have Poise Impressa Bladder Supports.

You may recall me talking about Impressa recently. I have had the chance to test out the different sizes to find the right fit for me. Impressa bladder supports are used like you would a tampon, except they aren't designed to absorb. Instead, they help stop leaks before they happen. Check out some of the stories in the short video:

It's the season now where many of us will be spending time outdoors and you certainly don't want your LBL (light bladder leakage) to get in your way. I love walking along the beach as often as I can all summer long and Impressa is a must have! I was in Walmart recently and I found it on rollback (excluding the sizing kit).

This was a great opportunity to stock up on my size. After trying all 3 from the sizing kit, I found that size 1 is what I needed.

I carry Impressa with me in my purse, beach/pool bag, and my travel bag. It has really helped me feel like I can laugh, play, and truly live freely. Be sure to stop by your local Walmart store and look for Poise Impressa Bladder Supports on the feminine product aisle. Start with the sizing kit so you can figure out which size works best for you.

Now you can laugh, jump, sneeze, cough, and play without fear of leaks. I encourage you to give Impressa a try to see if it works for you. Hey, it's cheaper and less embarrassing than going to the doctor. I'm glad it works for me. Have questions? Go to the FAQ's section and learn more.

Have you tried Impressa?

Keeping Up With Your Exercise Goals Without Accidents #TryImpressa

Today's post is sponsored by Poise, but all opinions are my own

We just started the second month of 2016 and I am doing my best to keep up with a healthy routine that includes a good diet, drinking tons of water and exercising as much as I can. I admit, I have had several slip-ups and have to get myself back on track. One road-block, or what feels like one, is in the exercise department. It's not that I don't want to do it or don't have the motivation,  it's something totally embarrassing. Sometimes when I run on the treadmill or jump on the trampoline... well... I leak a little pee. There, I said it! I feel a slight urge that I need to go, but it's a leak. It is best known as Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). Thirty-five million women experience SUI, a common type of bladder leakage, which can be triggered by coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting or even exercise. UGH!

So what do you do about a problem like this? It's actually easy. You run to Walmart to the feminine products aisle and grab a Poise Impressa Bladder Support Sizing Kit. Yeah, I know it doesn't sound sexy at all, but let me tell you, this can be the answer! This product by Poise is made to be used like you would a tampon and can help prevent leaks from happening in the first place. Genius, huh? The Poise Impressa sizing kit comes with 2 of all 3 sizes to help you figure out what size you actually need. Note: they do not absorb like a tampon would since they are designed exclusively to help prevent light bladder leakage.

I am so happy that there is a solution that can give you back your freedom to be as active as you'd like. Oh, and just in the event you have to cough, sneeze or laugh. My daughters have a little joke that every time we start telling stories and I am about to break out into laughter, they ask, "Do you have your Poise?". I have come to the point of having no shame about what is happening to my body. I am lucky that this product works for me. I suggest you give it a try for yourself. If you have any doubts, you can discuss it with your doctor. Also be sure to grab a coupon here

Check out this short video of these women sharing their stories.

For more details about Impressa, visit their website and be sure to follow Poise on Facebook and Twitter for product promotions and updates.


Laugh, Play and Live in Freedom Again & Win a $25 Prize (CLOSED)

I have mentioned a few times before on the blog about a sensitive subject that affects so many women (1 in 3!)... Light bladder leakage (LBL). Not a sexy thing, I know. It is however a fact. Some women leak a tiny bit of urine when doing simple things like laughing, exercising, coughing or sneezing. Most people would think this only happens to old ladies, pregnant ladies, or those who have had several children. This is false! Even women in their early 20's can have LBL. 1 in 3 means there are so many women out there with this very problem who are likely to stay quiet about it, and with good reason. I sure as heck don't want to talk about it. My daughters often tell me funny stories and I immediately feel like I have to cross my legs. They make little jokes asking if I need one of those "Poise things". Insert the full side eye here.

Using Poise liners is a simple and discreet way to help deal with LBL and no one has to know. Poise Very Light Absorbency Liners are the perfect solution and absorb 3 times more than the average liner made for periods. They are very comfortable and keep you feeling fresh and confident all day long.

Now you can cough, laugh, sneeze or play with no worries. I never thought I would need a product like this, but I'm sure no woman would. You can save $4.00 when you purchase Poise Liners from Sam's Club. It really is a great value and the best part is you won't have to buy them very often. The club pack contains 132 liners for only $11.68 (9 cents each!), so you won't run out quickly. You can beat feeling confident to simply LIVE.

If you aren't a Sam's Club member, I highly recommend you become one. I love buying in bulk and getting more bang for my buck. Want some great news? One lucky Mom Files reader will win a $25 Sam's Club gift card OR $25 PayPal cash (reader's choice) to help stock up on Poise Liners. Enter below...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This giveaway is open to U.S. Residents only and will close on January 25, 2016. One winner will be chosen and will be contacted via email to claim prize. Please follow rules in Rafflecopter widget. Good luck!

Learn About SUI and How Poise Impressa Can Help

This post brought to you by Poise. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Mom Files.

Today I am going to talk about a subject that is particularly embarrassing for most women. Have you ever laughed so hard you felt like you had to pee? Or maybe you were at the gym doing your workout and felt like you were about to tinkle? Or maybe you have to cross your legs when you have to sneeze? This is a reality for so many women and I'm sure most of us don't want to admit it. I've had 3 children and I'm over 40. This has really become a problem for me in recent years. When you have to beg someone ahead of time to not be too funny or you have to avoid certain activities for fear of the inevitable leak, you have a problem. Thirty-five million women experience stress urinary incontinence (SUI), a common type of bladder leakage, which can be triggered by coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting or even exercise.
Now there's a great product that can help you get your freedom back. Poise has introduced the revolutionary new Poise Impressa Bladder Supports, the first and only over-the-counter internal product designed to help stop leaks before they happen.
They are used like you would a tampon and last up to 8 hours. It is best to start off with their sizing kit to know which size will work best for you.
I actually tried it myself and I will say that if you are comfortable wearing a tampon and you suffer from SUI, this product may be the solution you need. They do actually work from the time frame I used it. I think that they will come in handy when I am involved in activities away from home to prevent any embarrassing leaks. The best thing is only YOU know what's going on!

Are you still unsure if Poise Impressa Bladder Supports are right for you? Visit for more information and also grab a Poise Impressa coupon for your future purchase. Also, don't be afraid to consult with your doctor before using this product. This is a relatively inexpensive and discreet way to help save yourself from an embarrassing moment and really give you the freedom to go out and enjoy life!

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Hair Loss: What is Hereditary Hair Loss and How Do You Treat the Condition? (Giveaway)

There are so many transitions women go through as they age and it's not always easy to deal with. I am officially over 40 and have had a rude awakening with getting older. Heredity has hit and I have been going through so many changes including hair thinning. Let me tell you about it--- I have always had tons of thick, luxurious hair. It has been one of those things that most people who knew me when I was younger, remembers me by. My hair was so thick that of you put your had on top of my head, you felt a blanket of hair to the point that you could not feel my scalp at all. Things have changed significantly. With being older and going through hormonal changes, my hair has thinned out a whole lot. Most people would disagree since my hair is still long. Trust me, I do not have the thickness I once did and fear it will only get worse. It is normal to lose 50-100 hairs a day, but anything over 150 can be signs of a problem. I'm guessing the fact that I can gather up almost enough hair from the floor, furniture and shower drain to make a full braid is an indication for me that I need to take action now.

Heredity hair loss has played a huge role in my hair changes. It turns out that hair thinning is not uncommon and 1 in 3 women will experience it in their lifetime, as early as their 20's. Most of the women in my family have thinning hair to where you can see their scalp, especially along the top where you part it. It takes a lot of creativity to style it so that you can fake like you have thicker hair. Thankfully there are products today to help fight the issues associated with hair thinning and hair loss. Women’s ROGAINE® Foam is the first and only FDA-approved once daily treatment with 5% minoxidil proven to regrow hair.
Women's ROGAINE® Topical Aerosol can be purchased without a prescription. It can be used on any hair type including those who color or perm their hair.
The application process is very simple. The foam can be applied once a day, morning or night. Just part your hair to expose areas that need it the most and apply and allow to dry. The foam is so lightweight and does not cause any buildup on hair.
The safety cap works well to keep kids away from it. I had a hard time getting it off at first.
The key to managing hereditary hair loss is treating it at the earliest signs with Women’s ROGAINE® Foam, which is clinically proven to regrow hair in 81%* of women with new hairs growing in up to 48%** thicker than before. There is a wealth of information about Women's ROGAINE on their website so be sure to visit. They offer styling tips and have videos as well. If you want to try the product out, be sure to grab a coupon here.

Giveaway: I'm so pleased to offer a giveaway for a full year's supply of Women’s ROGAINE® Foam (ARV $150.00) for one lucky Mom Files reader. Enter below...
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Products were provided by the Women’s ROGAINE® Foam. I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

The Women's Roadmap To Health

National Girlfriends Day was earlier this month, but it's always a good thing to have a friend remind you about keeping up with your annual wellness check-ups. It's easy for time to pass you by or to just put it off. Joining forces with your friends can be the push you need to get things done. My doctor even has a group of girlfriends who all schedule their annual woman's check-up in the same week and get together in one evening for margaritas to celebrate each other getting their health screenings done. I think that is such a cute idea.

Check out the infographic below from Oscar Health Insurance Company for details on what specific screenings you should have done and when. They're a new company wanting to shake up the health care field and help their members be proactive about their health through their various incentives. If you're in these areas, check out their health insurance plans in New Jersey and New York. Feel free to share with your girlfriends and family members.

Go here for additional information. Be well! xoxo

Regain Your Freedom with Depend and Get #Underwareness (FREE Sample & $15 PayPal Giveaway)

There are many subjects that are really uncomfortable to discuss and one of them that tops the list is bladder leakage. You are feeling uncomfortable now, aren't you? Well, it is something that doesn't only happen to senior citizens. Believe it or not, there are more people with bladder leakage in their 20’s than their 80’s and over 65 million people have experienced this issue. I have known people younger than me complain about this problem when trying to exercise, cough, sneeze or even laugh. It's very common and you should not be ashamed of it!

Depend is entering year two of Underwareness, a social movement and charitable cause to break down the bladder leakage stigma. As part of Underwareness, the Depend brand is encouraging people to show their support for women with bladder leakage. For every photo and video shared using #Underwareness and featuring Depend products, the Depend brand will donate $1, up to $3 million, through 2016 to fund charities that advance the research and education of bladder leakage.

Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs have a lower rise+ for an underwear-like look, fit and feel. 

  • As a category first, Depend SAF is available in black and beige colors 
  • More people with bladder leakage are in their 20’s than their 80’s
  • The average age of someone with bladder leakage is only 52! 
  • More people with bladder leakage are 50 or younger than 60 or older! 

Are you unsure if Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs are right for you? Get a FREE sample to try out for yourself (or someone you love). Regain your freedom with Depend!

GIVEAWAY: Want to win $15 via PayPal? Simply go here and tell me what you learned about the #Underwareness Movement. Leave me a comment below and I will randomly pick one winner. You can also Tweet this giveaway (just leave a link to your Tweet in the comments section). Giveaway open until June 5, 2015. Good luck! 

National Women's Health Week is May 10-16- Tips for staying healthy #NWHW

Did you know that Mother's Day kicks of the 16th annual National Women's Health Week? As women, especially moms, it is so important to take charge of our health. I am officially in my forties and have been staying active in keeping up with different areas that affect my overall health and well being. Regular doctor's visits, a healthy diet and exercise are a must as well as a good oral care regimen. I just went to my doctor last week to get labs done and learn the latest updates on my current health. It turns out that my vitamin D levels have dropped extremely low again. Normal levels are between 30-100 and mine was at 19. I'm so glad I met with my doctor and found this out. It explained a lot in regards to how I have been feeling lately. I can now take the steps necessary to get my levels back up so I can have the energy to do all that I have to each day. 

To inspire women to lead a healthier lifestyle, Colgate recommends women follow these small steps provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health:
  1. Visit a doctor or nurse to receive regular checkups and preventive screenings. Schedule your annual well-woman visit on National Women’s Checkup Day, Monday, May 11. Use this time to discuss your health goals, concerns or questions.
  2. Get active. Try to incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine. Walk or bike to work or park your car further away from your destination.
  3. Eat healthy. Making healthier food choices can be as simple as using a smaller plate at meals to help control portions or choosing water instead of soda and other sugary drinks.
  4. Pay attention to mental health, including getting enough sleep and managing stress. Try and set aside at least 15 minutes each day in your busy schedule to do something for yourself.
  5. Avoid unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking, texting while driving, and not wearing a seatbelt or bicycle helmet.
Be sure to follow Women's Health on Twitter  and Facebook for important updates and take the pledge to help take control of your health. As women, we have to be strong and present for so many people, we must not forget about ourselves. Wishing you all a very Happy Mother's Day! xo


Aging and Changing, Being 41

I recently turned 41 (gulp). It seems so strange actually writing that number as my age. I really don't feel that old. I don't even know how 41 is supposed to feel. I know one thing though; I'm surely not 20 or 30 anymore. Many things have changed and I have had to take steps to adapt. I went to the doctor earlier this year for a full physical. It had been a few years since I last had one. I admit, I was very nervous. So nervous in fact that my blood pressure registered a lot higher than normal. I have a terrible family history of heath ailments. What if I find out I am diabetic? What if I have high cholesterol? What if I do end up with high blood pressure? I was really afraid. I knew I had to suck it up and get checked out thoroughly.

It only took a couple days to get the first set of lab results back. I felt like I couldn't breathe when I saw the doctor's office phone number show up on my phone. My heart raced and I had to take a deep breath. My doctor informed me that I had a vitamin D deficiency. I am not surprised by that because it is very common for brown-skinned people to have that issue. For whatever reason, our skin does not absorb vitamin D from the sun like a fair-skinned person would. I was prescribed a once a week, 2 month supplement to boost my levels. I noticed that after 4 weeks of taking the supplement I felt different. I had higher than normal energy levels, my nails were stronger and my hair seemed to be growing overnight. Besides the vitamin D deficiency, the doctor informed me my hormone levels that control my thyroid were abnormal. She asked me if I had been experiencing any of the symptoms like rapid heartbeat, weight fluctuations, sweating, and several other things. I told her no and insisted that the test wasn't accurate. I think she sensed my denial and was kind enough to entertain me. She ordered that I retake labs in 30 days. I took time to research hypothyroidism in depth. I had a light bulb go off in my head. Thyroid issues are hereditary. Almost every woman on my mother's side of the family has been diagnosed and is being treated by medication. I also realized that what I thought was extreme anxiety I have been experiencing for about a year or so was actually heart palpitations. I called up my doctor and she was very polite in not saying, "I told you so". She assured me that being put on medication wasn't the end of the world and it would help my situation.

I have been on Synthroid for almost 90 days now and had my labs done a few weeks back to see of the meds are helping. It turns out that my hormone levels are normal and the medication is indeed doing its job. As much as I did not want to be put on any type of medication for the rest of my life, it is what it is. I have my health under control and will be certain to keep up with regular doctor visits to ensure it stays that way. I have advised a few friends who complained of fatigue, anxiety and weight fluctuations to go get lab work done. I have one friend who told me she found out that she too was vitamin D deficient. None of us are getting any younger so it is important to get into the doctor's office at least once a year.

Do you have regular check-ups/physicals with you doctor?


Managing LBL with Poise (FREE Sample Kit offer) #ad

Thanks to Poise for sponsoring today's discussion and keeping me feeling confident!

Turning 40 last year was not only a big milestone in my life, but also an eye-opener for many reasons. I have come to realize that my body has changed over time and with having three kids, some things are not the same. One in three women experience Light Bladder Leakage (LBL), which can be triggered by everyday occurrences like coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercise. Many women rely on feminine care products or nothing at all to manage their little leaks because they don’t know there are solutions designed specifically for LBL or they don’t think incontinence products are for them. As the leader in the light incontinence category, Poise brand offers a variety of pads and liners to make it easy to find protection for every woman’s needs.

These shockingly thin and surprisingly absorbent liners feature SAM (Super Absorbent Material) to provide discreet Light Bladder Leakage (LBL) protection that helps keep you dry and comfortable all day long so you can manage life’s little leaks with confidence. Poise Microliners are the thinnest liners in the light incontinence category and are designed to absorb wetness, neutralize odor and stay three times drier than period liners.

Now I can go put on my red lipstick and face the world with confidence! Poise Microliners are so thin and discreet, I even forget they are there.

Get a Poise Liner or Pad sample kit for FREE. Check it out for yourself and feel free to share with others who may need to get their confidence back from LBL.

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