We just started the second month of 2016 and I am doing my best to keep up with a healthy routine that includes a good diet, drinking tons of water and exercising as much as I can. I admit, I have had several slip-ups and have to get myself back on track. One road-block, or what feels like one, is in the exercise department. It's not that I don't want to do it or don't have the motivation, it's something totally embarrassing. Sometimes when I run on the treadmill or jump on the trampoline... well... I leak a little pee. There, I said it! I feel a slight urge that I need to go, but it's a leak. It is best known as Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). Thirty-five million women experience SUI, a common type of bladder leakage, which can be triggered by coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting or even exercise. UGH!
So what do you do about a problem like this? It's actually easy. You run to Walmart to the feminine products aisle and grab a Poise Impressa Bladder Support Sizing Kit. Yeah, I know it doesn't sound sexy at all, but let me tell you, this can be the answer! This product by Poise is made to be used like you would a tampon and can help prevent leaks from happening in the first place. Genius, huh? The Poise Impressa sizing kit comes with 2 of all 3 sizes to help you figure out what size you actually need. Note: they do not absorb like a tampon would since they are designed exclusively to help prevent light bladder leakage.
I am so happy that there is a solution that can give you back your freedom to be as active as you'd like. Oh, and just in the event you have to cough, sneeze or laugh. My daughters have a little joke that every time we start telling stories and I am about to break out into laughter, they ask, "Do you have your Poise?". I have come to the point of having no shame about what is happening to my body. I am lucky that this product works for me. I suggest you give it a try for yourself. If you have any doubts, you can discuss it with your doctor. Also be sure to grab a coupon here.
For more details about Impressa, visit their website and be sure to follow Poise on Facebook and Twitter for product promotions and updates.