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Creating Calm: Practical Strategies for Parenting Highly Sensitive Children Through Emotional Storms

Parenting can be overwhelming, especially when you have a highly sensitive child. These

children are more affected by their surroundings and react strongly to emotional stimuli. This

sensitivity can lead to frequent emotional storms that leave the child and parent exhausted and

frustrated. As a parent, it is important to understand the unique needs of your highly sensitive

child and develop practical strategies to create a calm environment for them. Megghan

Thompson Coaching expert, explores effective techniques to help you navigate the challenges

of raising a highly sensitive child and provide a safe space for them to thrive. 

Understanding Highly Sensitive Children

Highly sensitive children experience the world more intensely and deeply than others. They

possess traits that make them stand out from their peers. These children are often more aware

of their surroundings, have a strong sense of empathy and intuition, and are highly perceptive.

However, these traits can also make them easily overwhelmed in certain situations.

As a parent, it is important to understand that being highly sensitive is not a flaw or weakness.

Instead, it is a personality trait that should be celebrated and embraced. Megghan Thompson

Coaching says that highly sensitive children may require extra support and understanding from

their caregivers, but they also have many strengths and gifts to offer. By understanding the

unique qualities of highly sensitive children, parents can better support and nurture their child's

emotional well-being.

Nurturing a Safe and Supportive Environment

Highly sensitive children thrive in safe and supportive environments. Creating a calm and

predictable atmosphere for your child is important as a parent. This can include setting clear

boundaries, providing routines and structure, and creating opportunities for open

communication. For example, you can establish regular check-ins with your child to discuss

their feelings and concerns. This allows your child to feel heard and understood, which can help

them manage their emotions more effectively.

Another important aspect of creating a safe and supportive environment is being mindful of your

responses as a parent. Highly sensitive children are highly attuned to the emotions of others. It

is important to copy healthy coping mechanisms and practice self-care as a parent. This can

help create a calm and positive atmosphere for your child to thrive in.

Coping with Emotional Overload

Highly sensitive children may experience emotional overload more frequently than their peers.

This can manifest in intense reactions to sensory stimuli. As a parent, you must equip your child

with coping strategies to manage these emotional storms.

One effective strategy is teaching your child deep breathing exercises. This simple technique

can help your child calm down and regulate their emotions. Another helpful tool is creating a

calm-down corner or safe space for your child to retreat to when they feel overwhelmed. This

designated area can be filled with comfort and relaxation items, such as soft blankets, sensory

toys, or calming music.

Dealing with Sensory Overload

Highly sensitive children may have difficulty processing and regulating their sensory

experiences, which can lead to anxiety and physical discomfort. As a parent, it is important to be

aware of your child's sensitivities and accommodate them as much as possible.

One way to support your child with sensory overload is by creating a sensory-friendly

environment at home. This can include using soft lighting, eliminating strong scents, and

minimizing excessive noise. You can also help your child with sensory tools like noise-canceling

headphones or weighted blankets. These tools can help your child feel more in control of their

environment and alleviate overwhelming feelings.

Encouraging Resilience and Confidence

Parents must understand that highly sensitive children are not fragile. These children exhibit

emotions and perceptions that can be powerful assets. Their empathy, creativity, and intuition

can contribute greatly to their personal growth and relationships. As a parent, nurturing

resilience and fostering self-assurance in your child is vital to guiding them toward a balanced

and fulfilling life journey.

One way to do this is by highlighting your child's unique qualities and talents. Let them know

that being highly sensitive is a special trait that can bring many positive opportunities and

experiences. Encourage your child to embrace their sensitivity and use it as a strength rather

than a weakness. Additionally, provide opportunities for your child to engage in activities or

hobbies they are passionate about. This can help boost their confidence and give them a sense

of purpose. By nurturing resilience and confidence in your highly sensitive child, you are setting

them up for success in their personal and professional lives.

Parental Self-Care

Parenting a highly sensitive child can be emotionally draining at times. To support their children

effectively, parents must prioritize their self-care. This includes taking breaks when needed,

seeking support from friends and family, and practicing mindfulness techniques.

Self-care involves setting boundaries. As a parent of a highly sensitive child, it can be tempting

to prioritize your child's needs over your own. However, this can negatively affect your ability to

care for your child. Prioritizing your well-being is important to being the best caregiver for your


Final Thoughts

Highly sensitive children possess unique qualities that make them perceptive and empathetic.

As parents, it is essential to understand and celebrate these traits while providing a safe and

supportive environment for our children to thrive in. By practicing effective coping strategies,

accommodating their sensory needs, nurturing resilience and confidence, and prioritizing self-

care as caregivers, we can help our highly sensitive children navigate the world with confidence

and embrace their sensitivity as a strength. Remember, your child's sensitivity is not a

weakness but a beautiful gift that should be valued and cherished.


How to Reframe Common Words and Phrases That Can Be Harmful to Others

I had this crazy idea recently that I will start writing and sharing more on my blog. It won't always be themed or professionally laid out, but it will be honest and real. Do you ever think about the true power of words? I am no expert when it comes to writing and language, but I do use common sense when I say or write certain words. There are so many times that family members, friends or acquaintances say words that really make me cringe. If you are a product of any type of childhood abuse or abuse in general, some words can be particularly triggering, and can bring up negative feelings or thoughts. Some words may seem so common and innocent when in fact they are quite harmful. I am writing this post not as an attack on anyone, but simply as a tool to maybe help others see how their use of words can be hurting others without knowing it. 

Some words and phrases to consider using an alternate for: 

  • Hate. Hate is such a harsh and unnecessary word in my opinion. I heard it so much in my household growing up, but I will spare you the details. You have to really have some deep-rooted issues if you throw this word around on the daily. I see folks online commenting on a food photo and say oh I hate broccoli or whatever the food is. I see it when they complain about celebrities they don't care for. Saying you hate them is so unneeded. Maybe keep scrolling or if you are asked your opinion you can simply say you do not care for that person or they are not your cup of tea. Doesn't that sound better? Some alternate words or phrases you can use are: dislike, not my thing, not a fan, or even have a distaste for. There are definitely more things you can say, but it is ultimately your choice. 
  • Kill. This word really has an effect on me personally. I have been told by family members in the past I will kill you if you do so and so, and it stayed with me my whole life. That is not something anyone should say to another person or even joke about. Saying oh he/she/they might kill or murder you if you do that is horrible. What is the purpose of even saying something like that? I believe that you can speak to someone regularly, and not know some of the details of their past that with one word, you can put them in a bad headspace. I have seen some friends online post about someone who might have taken their life, and they use the term unalive or unalived themselves. While that might be an odd word, it sure beats using kill or killed. 

Two common words that people often use with a negative connotation are "problem" and "fail." Here are alternative words that can convey a similar meaning but with a more positive or neutral tone:

Instead of "problem," you can use:
  • Challenge
  • Issue
  • Opportunity
  • Difficulty
  • Obstacle
Instead of "fail," you can use:
  • Learn
  • Experience setback
  • Encounter difficulties
  • Fall short
  • Not succeed 

There are so many other words I could mention in this post, but I will choose to stop here. At the end of the day, we all have choices in how we speak to others whether it is casually, professionally or online. I choose to speak in a more positive tone and prefer to spread joy and love. I know we are all wired differently, but I challenge you to take an extra moment to think before you speak or write. Thank you so much for stopping by and reading this today. It means a lot. <3

The Power of Mindset: Why Your Mental Attitude Matters and Ways to Improve Your Emotional Health

In today's fast-paced world, where stress and challenges are a part of everyday life, it is crucial to prioritize our emotional well-being. Our mindset plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Developing a positive and resilient mindset can transform the way we perceive and respond to life's ups and downs. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of mindset and explore effective strategies to enhance your emotional health

Understanding the Power of Mindset:

Our mindset refers to the collection of thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes that shape our outlook on life. It influences our behavior, decisions, and overall mental well-being. A growth mindset, characterized by a belief in personal development and the ability to overcome challenges, can significantly impact our emotional health. By adopting a growth mindset, we can cultivate resilience, increase our motivation, and embrace a more positive approach to life's hurdles.

Cultivating Self-Awareness:

Improving emotional health starts with developing self-awareness. Take time to reflect on your thoughts and emotions. Recognize patterns of negativity, self-doubt, or limiting beliefs that may be hindering your progress. Mindfulness practices such as meditation, journaling, or deep breathing exercises can help you become more attuned to your emotions, allowing you to respond rather than react to challenging situations. 

Challenging Negative Thoughts:

Negative thoughts can weigh heavily on our emotional well-being. It is essential to challenge and reframe them into more positive and realistic perspectives. Whenever you catch yourself engaging in negative self-talk or catastrophizing, consciously replace those thoughts with affirmations or counterarguments. Surround yourself with positive influences, uplifting literature, and supportive individuals who can help you maintain a positive mindset.

Practicing Gratitude:

Gratitude is a powerful tool for improving emotional health. Regularly expressing gratitude for the things, people, and experiences in your life can shift your focus from negativity to appreciation. Keep a gratitude journal and jot down three things you are grateful for each day. This practice can cultivate a positive mindset, increase resilience, and improve overall well-being.

Building Resilience:

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. Developing resilience can help you navigate life's challenges with greater ease. To build resilience, focus on developing healthy coping mechanisms. Engage in activities that bring you joy and help you recharge. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends and family. Seek professional help if needed. Remember that setbacks are a part of life, but with a resilient mindset, you can view them as opportunities for growth. 

Prioritizing Self-Care:

Emotional health is closely tied to self-care. Make self-care a priority in your life by engaging in activities that promote relaxation, rejuvenation, and self-reflection. Exercise regularly, eat nutritious meals, get sufficient sleep, and engage in hobbies that bring you joy. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being will significantly impact your overall emotional health.

Your mindset matters. By developing a positive and resilient mindset, you can improve your emotional health, enhance your well-being, and navigate life's challenges with greater ease. Remember that cultivating a growth mindset takes time and practice, but the benefits are well worth the effort. Prioritize self-awareness, challenge negative thoughts, practice gratitude, build resilience, and prioritize self-care. By incorporating these strategies into your life, you can embark on a journey towards emotional well-being and live a more fulfilling and joyful life.


Simple Things You Can Do To Relax

I don't know about you, but I have a very hard time relaxing. I can't understand why it is, but I have been this way since I was a kid. If you are a mom with a lot on your plate, you might also have a hard time trying to relax. I have tried pretty much everything I have read about or researched online, and only a handful of things seem to do the trick for me. Check out my list below. 

Gardening & Houseplant Care

Gardening has really been a great activity that helps to calm my mind, while giving my body a great workout. Even the act of repotting a plant gives me such a sense of peace and enjoyment. I have about 30 houseplants all over my home. Each day I start by checking the leaves, and watering and spritzing as as needed. It's really such a peaceful way to start my day. 

Doing Jigsaw Puzzles

While this might seem like an old lady type of activity, it is actually very relaxing. I keep a card table set up in my living area that we keep for doing puzzles or playing board or card games. Sometimes other family members will join in to do a puzzle together and it's a great time for casual conversation and a lot of laughs. 

Playing Solitaire and other Online Games

I have been playing solitaire on my laptop for several years now. I don't know what it is, but I feel so relaxed and at peace while I am playing. Sometimes I play while streaming one of my favorite comfort shows on Hulu or Netflix. I like challenging myself to try and beat my best score. Solitaire is like a brain bender and brain break all in one. I can say that I definitely get a lot of enjoyment out of a classic game of solitaire. I always find myself saying, "Just one more game!"

I recently discovered another fun online game that involves finding hidden objects in a garden. It's right up my alley! 

Doing House Chores

Yeah, I know it might sound crazy, but cleaning and laundry work so well to calm my nerves. There is a a lot of satisfaction (at least for me) in folding and putting away a fresh load of laundry, hand-washing a sink full of dishes, or even bleaching down my kitchen countertops at night. Who doesn't appreciate a fresh-smelling home? 

Getting Outdoors

Sometimes a little sunshine and fresh air does the trick. Whether I am lounging on my back porch or taking a drive with the sunroof open and the windows down, being outside can definitely relax me. It's even better when the weather is more fall-like. I could sit outside for hours and do some birdwatching or just listen to the sounds of nature all around me. My favorite outdoor space outside of my own back yard is definitely the beach. How can you not be relaxed by the sounds of the waves crashing into the shore while breathing in that delicious salty air? Ahh! 

Now that I have shared some tips on how I relax, I want to hear from you. What do you do to relax? 


5 Ways To Stay Motivated and Focused During Your Workout

Workouts can improve your health, provide entertainment and boost your mood. However, repetition is common in most exercise routines, so it can be difficult to stay focused. Additionally, life's distractions can slow down your pace and eventually discourage you. Follow these tips to maintain or increase your motivation. 

1. Establish a Plan

As with several activities, a solid workout plan ensures you have a structure to follow and complete. For instance, if you plan on doing a full gym routine, note the machines you will use, the target body parts, the weights and the rest periods. Even if you are doing something as simple as running some laps, you might have to plan elements such as the duration, the lap quantity or your own speed. If you are having difficulty crafting a plan, work with a personal trainer.

2. Bring an Inspiring Playlist

Music can be a great source of concentration and motivation. Energetic music can lift your spirits and inspire you to go through exercise with minimal delays. Create a specialized playlist before your start, since changing music during the workout can do the opposite and distract you. Try to select something with a beat and inspiring lyrics, from hardcore rap and heavy metal to something more upbeat such as the music of Dan Avidan. Complement the earbuds with a hat to also keep your sight focused. 

3. Exercise With a Partner

One fun way you can keep yourself accountable is by completing your routine with a partner. Self-discipline can be difficult, so having someone physically there can help you stay on task. Socializing with a friend, relative or significant other can also motivate you by itself. The only way this technique can work is if you bring in someone trustworthy who is just as passionate about fitness or even more so. If your partner does not take the task seriously, you could be influenced into abandoning the project. 

4. Eat Before and After the Routine

Hunger and thirst could be factors that can drain your energy during your routine. Fuel yourself by eating food rich in carbohydrates before you exercise. Try to have a light meal or a snack between one to three hours before, as eating too much or working out too soon can leave you feeling sluggish. Ideal options include low-fat milk, whole-grain cereal and fruits. Try to eat something with carbohydrates and protein after exercise as well to help your muscles recover and reward yourself for your hard work.

5. Change Your Plan

Though a structure can help you focus during the workout, it also runs the risk of growing monotonous and discouraging. Avoid this feeling by switching up your plan after the first few days. Target different body parts so your body does not get used to the gym sessions. Change the location of a run or go in a different direction. Even minor changes encourage your mind to pay attention and acclimate to new situations.

The physical and mental exhaustion that results from exercise can make it difficult to maintain the effort and enjoy the positives. Use different techniques and resources to raise your stamina and motivation.


Easy Ways To Take Care of Your Mental Well-Being

With the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to put yourself and your needs on the backburner. However, when you ignore your needs, you'll find that you eventually burn out. When you face burnout, you might find that you are tired more than usual, have greater anxiety and are unmotivated to do even simple tasks. 

When things get terrible, you might find that you have to see a doctor or use holistic learning materials to feel better. To avoid letting things get out of control, you need to take time for yourself. Here are some simple ways you can take care of yourself physically and emotionally. 

Choose Good Foods

If you have a diet primarily made up of processed, fatty foods, you're probably not feeling the best. A poor diet harms how your body functions. You will likely find that you lack energy and have a hard time thinking clearly. 

To avoid feeling crummy and not thinking clearly, you should eat whole foods. Your body needs the vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. If you eat meat, choose lean, lower-fat options. 

Work on a Hobby

When you do things you love, you will likely find that you're more relaxed and can think more clearly. Hobbies don't have to be anything overly expensive or creative. You could enjoy a nice warm bath and read a book. Work in the garden while listening to a podcast. If you love woodworking, then build some cabinets. You just want to make sure that you're doing something you enjoy. Your life shouldn't just be about other people and work. You matter, too.

Learn To Say No

Sometimes telling someone you don't want to do something can be challenging. You don't want to come off as rude and have them think poorly of you. However, your mental well-being should always be more important than someone's feelings about you. If you don't have the time to do something or it will be too much of a stretch to make it happen, just say no. Explain to the person that you wish you could help, but you just won't be able to work. Anyone who respects you and cares about you will understand. 

Get Moving

Exercise is sometimes thought of as a wonder drug because even a little bit can make a huge difference. Find ways that you can move more each day. Perhaps go for walks in the evenings after dinner, or go to the gym before work. No matter what you do, you're going to see an improvement in your mood and thought processes. 


6 Signs You Might Have PTSD

The majority of people experience at least one traumatic event during their lifetime. Trauma affects everyone differently. When you hear the term post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, what do you think of? It is most commonly associated with military veterans. However, anyone can develop PTSD after a terrible event that they have trouble processing. The event could be anything from a car crash or abusive relationship to the death of a friend. The first step to getting help with the disorder is becoming familiar with the symptoms. 

Traumatic Flashbacks

Flashbacks and lingering thoughts of the trauma are signs you might be suffering from PTSD. In extreme cases, your flashbacks may be so vivid that they seem to pull you out of reality. Less intense intrusive thoughts may also occur. If you frequently find yourself anxious and stressed from unwelcome memories, you may have a disorder. Places like Rey Health can help you get to the bottom of these instances.

Changes in Emotions

Traumatic events obviously have an impact on your emotional state, but sometimes that effect lingers in unusual ways. Have you noticed that your distress is fading into numbness? When your brain becomes overwhelmed, you can enter a period where you do not feel much of anything. If you have been in that state for an extended amount of time, there might be an issue.

Being Overly Vigilant

Many who suffer trauma become more aware of risk factors around them. You may even become hypervigilant. Hypervigilance means that you are mentally on edge. That results in mental stress and physical jumpiness. Some aren't conscious of the change, so don't be afraid to talk to a trusted friend or family member about any differences that they've seen.

Increase in Nightmares

The thoughts that plague your mind during the day can present as recurring nightmares. You can have unpleasant dreams night after night that center around the traumatic event which you endured. Be especially aware of this symptom if it starts to interfere with your sleeping patterns. 

Trouble Concentrating

There are many reasons people have a hard time concentrating. You should consider what is causing your trouble. Is your mind wandering back to the event? Are you trying to distract yourself from sadness? Have bad dreams led to sleepiness? A lot of people with PTSD note that their concentration is impaired.

Facing Triggers

The word trigger is used in a variety of ways. If you have post-traumatic stress disorder, you may be all too familiar with the definition of emotional trigger. No matter how small they are, certain connections to your trauma can quickly send you into a downward spiral. You may find that there are places, people, shows, objects, or even holidays that affect you differently. Your triggers can lead to intense depression or panic attacks.

Post-traumatic stress disorder is more widespread than you may expect. If you identified with any of the signs of PTSD, be sure not to isolate, blame yourself, or become reckless. There is help available to those who seek it.


What to Expect In a Rehab Facility

Are you set to go into a rehab Alabama facility but are not sure what to expect? Understandably, it can be pretty nerve-wracking and overwhelming, especially because it will take you completely outside of your comfort zone. 

As a first-timer, it’s good to at least have an idea of what awaits once you enter the facility. While you will be away from your family and close friends, you will be surrounded by professionals who know what they’re doing, and so are in a much better position to help you. 

That said, here are some things you can expect once you enter a rehab facility. 

Evaluation and Assessments

The first thing that you will do upon entering a rehab facility is to undergo an evaluation. This is a crucial part of the program because this is where the doctor will base their treatment plan for you. Expect to be asked personal questions, which, while it may seem probing, are actually necessary for them to know more about your condition. 

The more they know, the better they can create a custom strategy to help you get back on the track to sobriety. Family medical history, personal medical history, eating habits, or even employment and financial situation can be asked during the evaluation. Based on this information your doctor should then be able to give you a well-thought-out treatment plan. 

Meanwhile, the assessments occur throughout the program, to check up on you. These regular assessments are important so that they can verify your progress in the program. Some facilities even offer a reward for good progress, such as an unsupervised trip outside the facility, even though with certain limitations.


Depending on what kind of rehab facility you go into, you can expect dorm-type rooms or single private bedrooms. There will also be facilities wherein they can do their workshops, group therapies, and other activities. 

It would be ideal to have an area outdoors where people can unwind and hang out after their scheduled programs. There may also be workshops or studios that cater to their more creative endeavors. 

However, it must be remembered that these are only supplementary in role to the treatment plan. Even with the most complete facilities, if the patient is not ready and willing to participate in the program, it’s not going to be as successful. 

Controlled Medication

In certain cases, it becomes necessary for the patient to be prescribed medication. In drug rehab, this is going to be strictly controlled to ensure that they don’t trigger yet another substance to be addicted to. 

Usually, medication prescribed is for those who are suffering from depression and anxiety. Especially for those who are having an extra tough time with withdrawal, it becomes absolutely important to ensure that the patient stays in a good state of mind so that they can completely recover. 

Upon showing good progress, it’s also possible for the dosages to be reduced. This can only be done after another thorough observation is made by the doctor, and the patient is declared as being well enough to start weaning off the medication. 

After-Treatment Program

With a rehab facility, the program does not usually end even beyond its walls. The lessons learned inside will now be put to the test in the real world. Having a support system even when the program is already important is very crucial for recovering substance abusers. 

It’s important for them to realize that problems being confronted outside can be resolved using the techniques they’ve learned from their time in the facility. Moreover, they can still have access to important resources through the after-treatment program, such as their very own support group who will go with them through the process of recovery.


Effective Ways To Beat Depression While In Isolation

While there is still no real way of knowing when the pandemic will near its end, depression rates skyrocket; as a result of self-isolation, lockdown measures, and the many impacts of the viral outbreak, more people around the world are fighting depression. As social creatures tend to turn to others during stressful and emotional times, isolation and social distancing are fueling depression. However, there are several effective ways to overcome bouts of depression during the pandemic. While you should seek medical advice in instances of severe depressive episodes, we have listed a few practical ways to protect your mental health during the global crisis.

Keep Busy And Stay Connected
Procrastination is undeniably the thief of time, as the saying goes. However, it is also the thief of joy as procrastination often leads to feelings of overwhelming guilt and helplessness. While crafting a schedule and making use of time management apps can help you keep busy, you should also make a point of staying connected, not just with the world around you but also with your friends and family. A support system is a vital key in the treatment of even severe depression. Staying in touch via video calls and instant texting apps doesn’t have to be boring either because you can find a ton of fun virtual holiday party games and ideas on cityHUNT.

Get Sunlight And Fresh Air Everyday
It may seem like mundane advice, although fresh air and sunlight can aid depressive moods. The benefits of fresh air and sunlight are even backed by science, so even a short time spent outside each day really can improve your mood and help you overcome depression during the pandemic. Even if you don’t have a yard and only have access to a small balcony, merely enjoying the outside environment and being exposed to the elements can substantially lift your mood. The more time you spend outside, the lighter your spirit will be.

Search For A New Hobby
A new interest can make a massive difference to anybody as uncovering passions is often considered a self-discovery journey. While searching for a new hobby or interest can be as simple as thinking about what sparks curiosity and joy, it is essential to consider relaxing options. Some things may be out of the question due to the pandemic, although DIY arts and crafts, gardening, and countless other activities are still great options. You may even learn a new skill or discover a talent to be developed.

Get Quality Sleep
The effects of sleep deprivation are often driving forces in depressive moods, which is just one of the many reasons quality sleep is so important. Because even minor sleep deprivation can negatively impact your mood, it is crucial to ensure you can get a good night’s rest every night. If you aren’t entirely sure where to start, adjusting your sleep environment, opting for natural sleep remedies, and improving sleep hygiene are practical steps in improving sleep quality.

3 Benefits of Owning a Horse

Are you searching for a new hobby that will occupy your time and provide joy? Owning a horse is an extraordinarily fulfilling way to spend your time. Every day is an adventure with these beautiful animals. The gratification of training them and seeing their improvement in different areas is one of the best feelings in the world. Here are three ways owning a horse can enhance your quality of life.
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1. Better Physical Health

Are you looking for a way to tone your body and get more exercise? Your core and back muscles are constantly engaged while riding horseback. Your arm and leg muscles are also being activated, so you get a full-body workout each time you ride.

Along with building muscle, you can improve your overall physical skill. Galloping and using horse jump equipment during training helps to improve your balance and coordination. These are just a handful of the numerous benefits to your physical strength, stamina and endurance.
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2. Increased Accountability

Horses require a lot of attention and care which instills accountability in their owners. People who own horses tend to be more responsible individuals. Various challenges are sure to arise when you own a horse, be they behavioral or health-related. To find a solution, you need to be willing to use critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Good owners hold themselves accountable to provide proper care.

You can apply these skills to other parts of your life. Whether it is becoming a reliable, dedicated worker at your job or keeping everything together at home. You become accountable because you care about the well-being of your horses.

3. Improved Mental Health

Doctors attest that spending time outdoors and getting plenty of fresh air has a positive impact on the mind. This can be a great way to get the stresses of the day out and use your time in a healthy way. Training, riding and taking care of a horse can all help build self-confidence, too. Horses also make excellent companion animals because they are very intuitive creatures, so spending time with them can be therapeutic and beneficial for cognitive dexterity in general.
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While horse ownership is a tremendous responsibility, it can also be incredibly rewarding. The challenges involved are outweighed by the wonderful memories that are made during the time spent together daily. Horses are intelligent beings, and the companionship they offer can provide joy in your life. Apart from the tangible benefits you receive, the bond you develop together over time is priceless.

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Healthy Ways Today’s Women Can Deal With Stress

According to the American Psychological Association, women are more likely to experience stress than men and less likely to feel confident in their ability to manage it. Another study published in the Journal of Brain & Behavior found that women are twice as likely than men to suffer from severe anxiety and stress. Dealing with that stress can be very complex, especially when it affects other areas of the body.

Stress that comes as a result of a physical accident can be deeply compounding. For example, if you were to get into a car accident, the stress associated with the healing process and figuring out your financial situation can make the issue worse. According to the Barnes Firm, a team of California injury lawyers, taking action towards getting a fair treatment can help you deal with a stressful situation. It’s not uncommon to suffer from anxiety when you believe you’ve been wronged in an accident. But it works the other way around, too.

Many people fail to realize that stress manifests itself in the body to create physical pain. When you don’t know how to deal with that physical pain, it creates an even more stressful scenario.

Your body reacts to your emotions and too much stress and pressure creates a burden on your overall health. With that in mind, it’s important to start thinking about how you can deal with stress and live a happier and healthier lifestyle. Here are healthy ways that women can deal with stress.

Photo by Oluremi Adebayo from Pexels
Non-addictive Pain Management

As previously mentioned, stress can quickly become pain in the body. Whether you’re an over-pressured athletic woman or a mother suffering from chronic back pain after birth, knowing how to address pain—regardless of the source—is crucial.

Stress is particularly linked to lower back pain, which many women suffer from. If you find yourself struggling with chronic pain, it’s important that you take a non-addictive approach to pain management. With America in the midst of an opioid crisis, the last thing you want is to rely on pain killers that mask root causes of stress and create a physiological dependence. Instead, focus on non-addictive technology like the Energy Cell and alternative options like the solutions listed below.


Meditation is a commonly used practice for stress relief and relaxation. It broadens your conscious awareness and helps you to rid your mind of all the busy and hectic thoughts by encouraging inner peace through breathing and balance. With regular practice, you are essentially training your mind to react better to stressful situations, thereby controlling your body’s dreaded “fight or flight” reaction to anxiety.

Despite the fact that there are a myriad of clear benefits of meditation for women, many people struggle to get started. The concept of meditation can be overwhelming, and the desire to “get it right” can create even more stress as you embark on a new mission. However, with just a few minutes per day, you can successfully get better and better. Many mobile meditation apps are designed with beginners in mind. If you prefer in-person instruction, seek out local meditation centers and classes.

Therapy Sessions

Women’s issues can directly correlate to mental health, especially when you consider the historical challenges that have plagued women. Adverse portrayer in the media and society, oppression, and even motherhood are all contributing factors that play a role in mental health. Studies have also shown that women are more likely to develop eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia.

Unfortunately, there is a major misconception regarding the benefits of therapy sessions and who therapy works best for. The fact is, almost everyone can benefit from therapy. However, because many people stigmatize therapy as a go-to treatment for those suffering from serious mental illness, it prevents individuals from getting the counseling they need. Although there are many types of therapy, what’s key is that each addresses proper coping mechanisms for handling stress.

For example, cognitive therapy addresses how negative thoughts infiltrate your mind throughout the day and further contribute to stress. It allows you to examine negative patterns of thought and helps you learn to condition your mind to think positively. And perhaps most importantly is that therapy can also help you unearth underlying causes of stress and anxiety that may be preventing you from moving forward in your life.

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Regular Exercise

Healthy exercise habits and mental health go hand in hand. Not only does exercise help boost your overall health, but it plays a critical role as a stress reliever. Your level of athletic experience and fitness doesn’t matter; anyone can do a little exercise (don’t overwork yourself and do what’s best for your individual body) and feel better.

It helps to join fitness classes dedicated exclusively to women, or even women-only gyms. These classes or facilities can decrease intimidation you might feel during exercise, and may offer equipment or facilities designed exclusively for the female body. Lastly, it’s a great way to network and meet new, like-minded friends.

What’s most important is consistency. It’s not uncommon to opt out of exercise when you’re stressed, simply because the idea of exercising seems stressful as well. But if you remind yourself that this is merely a preliminary barrier, you can work past this first hurdle with ease. Keep this in mind: you will almost never finish a productive run or workout session and return home regretting the work you put in. If you practice looking towards those feel good emotions you get when you’ve completed a routine, you’ll be able to better prepare yourself to take the first step time and time again.

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Stress Diary

Maintaining a stress journal is a great way to learn to cope and self-analyze. Some studies suggest that routine journaling can strengthen immune cells called T-lymphocytes. As a stress management tool, it has the ability to wonders. When you express your thoughts coherently, you’re able to release pent up feelings and decipher your emotions in a productive way. As you record feelings of stress, you’ll start to notice patterns and consistencies from a high-level overview. You can opt for a traditional journal for logging your stressful moments, or use a stress diary template for guidance.

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How To Ease Anxiety In Children

If you’re in the trenches, trying to figure out how to handle anxiety in your child, you may come across a lot of information that can simply overwhelm and exhaust you.

The thing is, you won’t be able to ‘fix” your child because there isn’t a magic spray to help with the situation.

What you need are some tools to help attend to your child’s needs during their anxiety episodes, and luckily, I’ve got some for you today.

In this article I’ll go over some of the basic ways you can help your child manage anxiety, what anxiety looks like in children and healthy ways to tolerate anxiety with children.

Anxiety In Kids

Children can experience anxiety even if the parents have done everything right in the parenting process.

Anxiety can stem from things that happen at school or other activities where the parents are not around, and it's almost impossible to shield them from it.

Did you know that anxiety is actually a survival instinct reaction when our bodies or minds are faced with a threatening situation? That definition can be a little bit confusing because it sounds like fear more than anxiety doesn’t it?

Our adrenaline starts pumping, and our bodies and minds are getting ready to escape danger, even if the danger is not visible, like walking through a dark tunnel and getting butterflies because you feel like you’re not alone. This is how anxiety is triggered.

It's a really tough thing to go through for both the child and the parent. After all, no parent wants their child to suffer with anxiety.

The great thing is, not all hope is lost. There are things we can do as parents to help guide our children through these difficult moments of life.
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What Does Anxiety Look Like

Anxiety can pop up in children as young as 3 years old.

Physical anxiety can show up in the form of young kids who cannot explain their true feelings can complain of tummy aches or headaches, even if they appear to be physically alright.

If your child who loves to eat suddenly stops eating his lunch at preschool or daycare, then there might be some anxiety popping up.

Other times, it could show up in the form of restless, fidgety, hyperactive, or distracted behavior in an otherwise calm child.

Emotional anxiety is a little more tough to recognize, but not impossible. Children who normally do not cry a lot can start to cry and appear to be very sensitive.

Children can also start to be afraid of future events such as starting second grade while they are in kindergarten.

To really find out if your child is experiencing anxiety and find out what is causing it, you’re going to want to take notes and track your child’s behavior.

If you have access to a school counselor, it might be wise to share these notes with them so you can work together with your school to solve the situation.

Your school counselor will be able to let you know if this is something you should look into deeper at this time, or hold off and keep watching the behavior and see what happens.

Photo by Hunter Johnson on Unsplash
Managing Anxiety

Luckily there are things you can do to help manage anxiety in children. It’s a bit of a tricky situation because it’s very difficult, impossible really, to completely eliminate anxiety, but management is a great option.

None of us want to see our children face sadness, but the best way to relieve anxiety in children is not to eliminate the trigger, but to know how to handle it when it comes into their path.

Over time, the anxiety will decrease and fall away. Yay! Here are some things you can do to manage the anxiety:

Respect The Feelings They Feel

When your child is going through an anxious moment, you must respect that their feelings
are real and very upsetting. Trying to diminish feelings and even brushing them off is not going to help your child not feel those feelings.

Let your kids go through those feelings of fear, sadness, anxiety and more, even if it’s difficult for you to see as a parent.

The good thing is, you can talk to your child about those feelings and create some pretty deep connections just by validating those fears.

Talk Things Out With Your Child 

When you let your child feel their feelings, and talk it out after the trigger wears off and the child calms down, you should discuss what happened. Being able to create these conversations is going to help you understand your child, which will help you help them with their behavior problems.

Avoid Asking If They Are Anxious

Sometimes, anxiety can be triggered if we ask our children if they are anxious about an event. For example “Are you anxious about your first day of school?” can trigger the anxiety that your child was not feeling before the question was asked.

Healthy Ways To Tolerate Anxiety

You can help your children handle their anxiety by letting them see how you cope with anxiety yourself.

Because children are perceptive, they will see when you cannot handle stress and anxiety in difficult situations and will start to behave the same way you do. It’s kind of like a monkey see, monkey do moment.

Children are like sponges aren’t they? 
I’m definitely not saying you need to pretend that you don’t feel anxious or stressed.
I am saying, you should be careful how you handle your anxiety because your children are watching. Practice calm, and celebrate any moments that you “get through”, especially when they were difficult.

Final Thoughts

Anxiety doesn’t have to be a scary thing. All of us experience anxiety at many different points in our life.

The difference is, how we handle the anxiety that our children are facing.
In young children, the anxiety may be more difficult to spot, but when you do figure out that the child is facing anxiety, you can manage the situation right away.

When anxiety is present in teens, the behavior management is more difficult to handle, but not impossible. Keep track of the behavior and involve the school if you must. The important thing is to pay attention and keep trying to have a conversation with your child.

Remember to allow children to feel their feelings, and comfort them when they are feeling anxious.

Many thanks to Elizabeth for this guest article.

Author bio: Elizabeth is a mom of 2 and has a passion for helping children reach their human potential. She enjoys helping parents raise confident and healthy kids by explaining how to handle situations using positive parenting. Check out the blog 

6 Life-Altering Health Effects of Divorce on Women

Divorces can be messy and chaotic, and seldom does it happen that spouses come out of a divorce without any pain. Unfortunately, there has been an unprecedented increase in divorces, and it is reported that women suffer from the after-effects of divorce more severely than men.

The common understanding is that women suffer both physically and mentally only if they are involved in an abusive relationship and get a divorce later. But, this understates the mental chaos that the whole process of divorce itself creates in the minds of women.

We have compiled a comprehensive list of the various health effects of divorce on women:

1. Anxiety Spikes:
The occurrence of significant life changes brings about anxiety, and no event is more significant than a divorce in the world of married people. Therefore, it is bound to bring anxiety, because the idea of living alone, the insecurity of being rejected, and conflicting feelings about your partner can be highly disturbing, especially for women.

2. Plunging into depression:
Anxiety should decrease once you get on with your life after being divorced, but you should consult a counselor if it persists for longer. Persistent anxiety turns to depression, which can significantly affect the quality of your life.

Moreover, engage a decent attorney like the ones available at the Divorce Matters law firm, because they will save you from the anxiety of dealing with the legal aspects of divorce.
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3. Getting socially isolated:
Divorced women start judging themselves because they feel that they are somehow inadequate and do not deserve love. This could result in isolating themselves from other women and end up being even more depressed.

4. Becoming an insomniac:
Depressed people often forget about taking care of themselves and find it hard to sleep without prescribed drugs. Under-sleeping leads to several health issues, and statistically, the most common one is hypertension.

5. Aging quicker:
Many women religiously look for ways to keep their skin fresh and smooth for as long as they can, but divorce can take that away from them. It is reported that divorced women age quicker as compared to other women because of divorce-induced depression and insomnia.

Aging does not only mean wrinkly skin, but it also indicates that they are highly likely to face issues while engaging in everyday mobility activities like walking and climbing stairs.

6. Higher likelihood of experiencing cardiac incidents and diabetes:
According to a study conducted by researchers at Duke University, divorced women are more likely to experience cardiac events as compared to married or single women. On the other hand, this study states that divorced men do not see any such increase in the risk of experiencing cardiac incidents.

Moreover, it is stated by another study that divorced women are at least 20 percent more likely to experience diabetes at some point in their lives.

Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

Losing Health Insurance
A significant portion of women depend on their husbands for health benefits. Therefore, a lot of women lose health insurance as a result of divorce, and that can lead up to looming medical conditions.

In a nutshell, divorces obviously must not be taken lightly, especially if you are a woman. It might not be a bad idea to start making plans or having things in place if you suspect you may end up divorcing your spouse.

5 Surprising Physical & Mental Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation is becoming progressively mainstream as more and more people find its wide-extending benefits. It is one wellness trend that shows no indications of disappearing. Though people have been doing meditation for ages, its efficacy has been verified by scientific research today.
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In the present world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by thoughts and feelings. Emotional over-burden generally brings stress and nervousness – and everyone knows the ruin this can unleash on our health. These days, specialists around the world agree that practicing a couple of minutes of care each day can have a significant effect. The physical and mental advantages of meditation are well-archived and exceptionally compelling. Here are a few of our top choices:

A Healthy Heart
Studies clearly prove that a daily meditation practice can improve blood flow, bring down the pulse and help keep up a healthy heart. Psychosomatic Medicine, a confided health distribution, has published an article that shows that persistent meditators have lower measures of lipid peroxide than non-meditators. Recent examinations have also shown that practicing mindfulness meditation helps in lowering blood pressure.
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A Stronger Immune System
The resistant framework, a vital part of the human body, is made out of a horde of natural process and structures whose activity is to battle disease and shield the body from outside creatures. As per the research completed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2003, frequent mindfulness sessions appeared to improve meditators’ immune system functions. They additionally delivered positive, enduring changes inside the cerebrum.

Helps Control Pain
Your perception of pain is related to your perspective and the effects of physical health on the mind can be raised in stressful conditions. For this circumstance meditator and non-meditators experienced similar reasons of pain, however, meditators showed a more noteworthy ability to cope with pain and even experienced lessen vibe of pain.

Improved Memory Retention
As we age memory loss to some extent is normal. In light of the context with the maturing populace, researchers presently accept that mindfulness practice can help support cerebrum functions and decelerate memory loss. Truth be told, research has demonstrated that ordinary 20-minute meditation sessions can support memory and improve cerebrum work in those with early dementia or other psychological issues.
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Enhanced Quality of Sleep
Better sleep is one of the most engaging physical advantages of mindfulness practice. We all know that what it's like to toss and turn – practically 50% of individuals overall experience the ill effects of sleep issues or something to that effect. 85% of laborers in the U.S. report having lost sleep on account of employment-related pressure. Studies prove that individuals who practice day-by-day meditation rest better and longer than non-meditators.

The recognition of Mindfulness meditation is expanding as the advantages of Mindfulness show great promise from every aspect to everybody. Often times, it's the easiest things that have a significant impact on our health and prosperity. Whether practiced daily or occasionally, mindfulness meditation can be a powerful way toward enhanced well-being throughout your lifespan.
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How to Take Care of Your Mental Health this Winter

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It is no secret that there has been a spiraling mental health epidemic in recent years. Unfortunately, in winter months people are more at risk of illnesses like Seasonal Affective Disorder, and the dark nights can feel a little more than scary for some people. It is easy to dread this season when you have had bad experiences in the past. However, there is nothing to say it can’t be different this time around. Luckily, lots more tips and tricks are making their way out into the open now that the stigma around mental health is being broken down. To ensure you have the right help, make sure you take note of a select few.
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Eat a balanced diet

When winter is just around the corner, it can be much easier to turn to comfort food as a way of helping you to feel comforted during dark nights. Although indulging in your favorite snack in moderation is a great addition to your diet, you should also make sure you are eating enough vitamins and nutrients. In fact, there are some foods that are both easy to put into every meal, but which are also full of the vitamins your brain needs to help fight depression. It should also be noted that there are also substances that should be avoided, such as excess amounts of caffeine, alcohol, and drugs. If you feel as though you have slipped into a drug dependency at this time, it’s best to see help from a trusted drug addiction center to get you back on track.

Keep your exercise routine

It is widely regarded that having a good exercise routine can do wonders for both your physical and mental well-being. Colder and shorter days can make it feel impossible to keep on top of your current exercise schedule. The gym may seem like a world away, and your regular morning runs will be less appealing when it’s still dark outside. This is where many people decide to make the most of home exercises, as it removes a lot of the stress involved with making it to the gym n harsh weather conditions. While it is recommended that you complete some higher intensity workouts using equipment such as dumbbells, there are some exercises which have been proven to work better for your mental health. For example, yoga has been linked to lowering rates of depression and anxiety, and is a great way to handle excess stress around the holiday season.
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Make use of natural light

In winter, the levels of natural light only take up a short space of the day. This is mainly which leads to problems like Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Ideally, you should be outdoors as much as you can, so that you can soak up all the vitamin D your body needs. Taking long walks are a great way to do this. However, there will be days where being outside is not what you need. When this happens, you can maximize the natural light in your home, or you can invest in a special UV lamp so that your body can keep producing the vitamin D it needs to keep your mind healthy.

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