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No Time To Hit The Gym? DeskCycle Can Help!

I have been working from home for several years now, and home schooling my little one for two years. I find myself at my desk, dining table, or any table for that matter, most of the day. I own gym equipment and even have a gym membership, but guess what? I either don't use it or say, "I'll work out tomorrow". When I got the opportunity to review the DeskCycle, I jumped all over it. The unit comes in a box complete with the tools needed for assembly. The process took me under 20 minutes and was super simple. I didn't even have to ask my husband for help. 

What exactly is the DeskCycle and how does it work?

The DeskCycle is a simple piece of exercise equipment like a stationary bike without the handles, made especially for those who are pressed for time. Whether you can't always make it to the gym, weather conditions aren't the greatest for a walk/jog/run, or you're stuck at your desk working for hours a day, DeskCycle is made for YOU! I have been having some foot issues that have caused me a lot of pain and I can't even go 1/2 mile on the treadmill. I have been using the DeskCycle for over a week now and like how easy it is on my feet since I'm not actually standing. I feel so much better than I am moving when I am sitting. It actually helps me to stay a lot more focused since I am one of those who can't always stay on task.

You can adjust the resistance according to your own goals. It's definitely important to start off slowly and work your way to a more challenging resistance setting. I am liking how my legs are looking and feeling! I am in desperate need of toning and DeskCycle is helping me to get closer to that goal. There is a gauge that  tracks time and miles, but I honestly don't use it. I wear a fitness tracker that monitors my steps and calories burned, so I just use that.

My husband has been begging to let him take it down to his office. I told him to get his own! The DeskCycle is not limited to using while working. You can use it while you're sitting on the couch watching a movie.

So far I am noticing my legs, butt, and abs feel firmer. My energy is higher as well and my stress levels are lower. I normally get a bit turned off when people post about fitness online and say, "no excuses", but I have to say, it's the truth with the DeskCycle! I mean if you are sitting around, why not get a little exercise in at the same time? Even my son is enjoying it. It helps a lot with strengthening his legs to enable him to perform better in martial arts class.

Where can I buy one?

The DeskCycle is so easy to use and when you are pedaling, it's super quiet.  It is well made and super sturdy, so you can feel confident giving it your all. You can purchase your very own unit from Mini Pedalers for $159 or on Amazon  also for $159 with FREE shipping if you have a Prime account.

The DeskCycle makes a great gift for anyone on your list and I am very sure the recipient will love it! Learn more about DeskCycle here

Thank you DeskCycle for the complimentary sample and all opinions stated are 100% mine as always.
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Don't Let Someone Else Drag Your Health Down!

Everyone wants to take care of themselves right? Surely it only makes sense that, since we only get one body, that every single person would want to take as much care of their health as possible. Sadly this isn't the case. As strange as it might sound, but there are a lot of people out there who simply aren't that interested in keeping themselves healthy. It's probably not something that they're doing intentionally, a lot of the time people's unhealthy lifestyles and behaviors come from a lack of awareness of the impact it's having on their body. It's a shame that it's happening but if that's what they want to do then you can't really stop them, the major problem is when other people's poor decision making starts to have a negative impact on your life. With that in mind, here are some situations where other people's behavior could damage your health, and how to stop that from happening.

Accidents on the road
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You might be the safest driver in the world, but there's still a chance that something could happen. This is because, for every careful, considerate driver on the road, there's another one who has no interest in their own safety or the safety of anyone else. The best way to deal with these kinds of drivers is something called "defensive driving." Defensive driving is essentially a method of driving where you're constantly aware of and predicting potential hazards. That way you're in a much better position to avoid them. Of course, you won't be able to avoid everything, especially if someone is determined to drive like a maniac. If you are in an accident, then you should hire a personal injury lawyer so that you can make sure that the other person's lack of responsibility doesn't need to have more of a negative impact on your life than it already has. 

Your partner's diet
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It's hard enough taking care of your own diet, let alone having to think about someone else's. It's surprisingly common that one person in a relationship will be much more conscious of their health than the other. It can be surprisingly difficult to eat healthily and stay active when your partner is constantly buying greasy, unhealthy food. For one thing, having to work around two diets can be pretty expensive, not only that but it's often very tempting to go for a quick, unhealthy fix instead of something healthier after a long day at work. Make sure that you talk to your partner and try to get them to support your attempts to become healthier, for your benefit and theirs.

Your friend's lifestyle
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Everyone likes to have a good time now, and then. There's nothing wrong with that! But we all have that one friend who just seems determined to take it too far. They seem to want to go out every single night, and when they do, they behave as if they've never heard the word moderation in their life! Even if you choose not to drink as much as they do, the late nights and lack of sleep that come with this kind of lifestyle are going to catch up with you eventually. Talk to your friend, and if they're not willing to try to quieter nights in every so often, it might be a good idea to spend some time apart so that you can take care of your health.


Why Sleep is Your Way to a Healthier Life

Who doesn’t love waking up in the morning feeling refreshed, alert and ready to face the day? Or am I dreaming to think that you can always get the sleep that you need?! The truth is that in today’s increasingly busy world, many people push sleep to the back of the queue - an added extra that’s nice if you can get it.

Scientists are always conducting new studies about just how important a good night’s sleep is, both for our physical and mental wellbeing. Just in case you needed any extra reasons to get your forty winks, here are just some of the health benefits that a good night’s sleep can bring.
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Improve Memory

Though it may seem like you are not doing all that much while you sleep, your mind is actually busy processing all the events of the day. In a process called ‘consolidation’, the memories or practice skills that you learnt during the day are reinforced in your mind. That means that if you are trying to learn something new, sleep can help cement the information that you need in your mind. There’s a reason people say it’s not a good idea to stay up all night before an exam cramming in all the information instead of getting valuable shut-eye! If you’ve got a big day ahead of you, the best way you can tackle it is with sleep.

Exercise Better

Many top performing athletes get upwards of 10 hours sleep a night in the build up to a big game. Though you’re probably not quite at this level, a good night’s sleep can still probably improve your performance! Studies have shown that a decent amount of sleep can improve stamina and reduce daytime fatigue. How many times have you decided not to get your exercise because you were too tired? And the truth is that it can become a vicious cycle. People who get a decent amount of exercise generally find it easier to drift off at night. If you are trying to hit a certain goal or personal best, it seems that sleep is your fast track to doing this.

Increase Attention Span

If you are trying to help your kids improve their grades at school, making sure they get an early night should be your first priority. Whereas adults tend to feel sluggish and lethargic when we don’t get the sleep we need, it generally has the opposite effect on kids. They tend to get overly hyperactive and find it very difficult to concentrate on any tasks. And also remember that kids tend to need more sleep than adults, so the definition of a good night’s sleep tends to vary between you and your children. When it comes to your own attention span, you certainly need that extra hour or two in bed to improve your alertness and therefore lengthen your own attention span.

Maintain A Healthy Weight

Many of us find that it is an ongoing battle to keep at a healthy weight. And it turns out that a huge amount of the battle is fought from the comfort of your own bed! A study was conducted at the University of Chicago which found that dieters who were more well rested lost a significantly bigger fat percentage than those who were sleep deprived. It was also found that those who weren’t getting enough sleep were losing muscle mass (so if you’re trying to tone up, getting your sleep is also hugely important!). During this study, dieters reported feeling hungrier when they weren’t getting as much sleep. It can be a very difficult balancing act to make sure you are getting enough sleep while also finding enough hours in the day to work out as well!

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Lower Stress

Reducing the amount of stress in our lives is something that many of us are looking to achieve. Both stress and sleep are intrinsically linked as they both impact our cardiovascular health. Sleep equips us with the mental tools that we need to keep our stress levels down. It has also been linked to blood pressure and cholesterol levels.   

However, if we feel extremely stressed, it can be difficult to make sure our bodies switch off to get the rest that we need. Try getting into a bedtime routine that prepares you for sleep. Spend some time destressing yourself in whatever way works best for you; whether this is a bubble bath, yoga or listening to music. Consider cutting back on your screen time when you are approaching bedtime. Watching TV or playing on a laptop has been found to disrupt melatonin production which is an important sleep hormone. This can be a particular problem for kids as they tend to want to stay connected to all their different devices as long as possible. It may be that you need to put some pretty strict rules in place in order to get them out of these bad habits. 

Getting your bedroom just right is important so find out how to choose the right down pillow for a restful sleep. Also think about how comfortable your mattress is and whether you have enough blankets to keep you warm during the night. Try to keep your bedtime routine the same every night so that your body naturally begins to prepare itself for sleep.

Avoid Accidents 

The link between tiredness and road accidents is clear which is why there are so many campaigns trying to stop people from driving when they feel tired. A lack of sleep tends reduce reaction time as well as impacting decision making. This means that numerous everyday tasks are affected by not getting enough sleep. If you work in a job that requires a high degree of concentration, getting a good night’s sleep should be your first priority.

Reduce Risk of Depression

Like stress, depression is another area of our mental wellbeing that is significantly affected by lack of sleep. People who are well rested tend to be more emotionally stable and feel more balanced. The chance of mood swings is significantly increased if you don’t get the sleep you need. We’ve all experienced a sudden rush of anger or sadness simply from not getting our eight hours at night. Anxiety can also be increased, making us feel uneasy about all sorts of aspects of our lives. 

Curb Inflammation

Linked to heart disease, strokes, diabetes and arthritis, inflammation can be extremely damaging to our health. Getting enough sleep has been found to curb this. On the other side of the coin, people who get fewer than six hours of sleep a night tend to have higher blood levels of inflammatory proteins.

Live Longer

Though there is still a lot of research that goes into this area, studies have started making the link between people who sleep more and people who live longer. Older people often tend to have different sleeping patterns that involve not getting as much during the night but needing to take naps during the day. Quality of life is also generally reduced by not getting enough sleep.

So, it’s pretty clear to see that getting enough sleep is hugely important. If you’ve considered pushing sleep to the back of your list of priorities, it may well be time to rethink! All the tasks that you have the next day are much more likely to be tacked well if you get the sleep that you need.    


The Best Relaxation Methods

One of the hardest things about being a homemaker is knowing when to stop with all of the household tasks and learn to give yourself a little ‘me-time’.

So if you’re looking for some simple ways to relax, then check out these tips that show that whether it’s doing some simple artwork, or even playing online games, there’s plenty of ways you can take some time out in a fun way!

One of the biggest trends in recent years is regarding something called ‘wellness’. This kind of alternative medication has been with us for decades, but it has only really became trendy in the past couple of years for the way that it encourages us to get a healthy balance between mind, body and spirit.

The practice of wellness works in a similar way to meditation as it helps you forget the day-to-day worries by focusing your thoughts on a specific activity rather than manically multitasking!

This is why there’s been such an amazing popularity regarding adult coloring books as they can really help focus your mind and pass the time making some beautiful images.

Focusing your mind on a specific task has also led to the increased visibility of many simple, yet aesthetically-pleasing online games like Monument Valley that provide a soothing way to unwind. And scientists have also proven that engaging your mind in a puzzle game like Color Switch and Swiperoo can have a variety of brain-enhancing benefits. Furthermore Lucky Nugget Casino give you chance to improve your strategic abilities by testing your blackjack techniques thanks to the site’s user-friendly gaming interface that also includes roulette and slots, and can be easily accessed whilst curled up on the couch!

But as well as taking it easy, there’s been many who point to powers of light exercise as being a great way to relax. Even something as simple as walking is a proven stress-reducer as it encourages the production of endorphins which make us feel better, and it can help shed a few pounds too!

If that all sounds a little too energetic then simply having a nice, long bath can work wonders in helping you feel rejuvenated and refreshed for the next day. Just make sure to get some good exfoliating salts, and you’ll feel like a new person in no time!

Of course, it’s important to treat ourselves every now and then, and whether it’s a trip to the local health spa, or a quick weekend break away, there’s nothing like a treat to give you a little perspective.

So whether it’s a few rounds of online blackjack, or just doing some coloring in with the kids, there’s plenty of fun ways to relax.


Do You Think You're Depressed Or Crazy?

Have you ever felt like you are spiraling into depression or feel like you are going crazy? I think every person goes through this some time in their life and often times physicians will prescribe anti-depressants or sleep aids. I remember 3 years ago having feelings of sadness to the point where I would cry daily for hours and not know why. This went on for longer than I should have let it and I went in for a full physical. Long story short, the culprit was vitamin D deficiency. It was horribly low and I was placed on a high-dose supplement once a week, for 12 weeks. To my surprise, I felt so much better and had my life back!

This same problem has hit my entire family minus the little guy. It turns out that the darker your skin, the harder it is to absorb vitamin D from the sun. That really amazes me since we spend a good deal of time outdoors. I had labs done a month ago and my vitamin D levels have dropped again. The normal range is 30-100 and mine was at 19. I have been put back on a high-dose supplement and am due back to test my levels at the end of the twelve weeks. I really hope it works and I can find a way to get more vitamin D in my body naturally. The supplements are not good for long term since they can cause damage to your kidneys.
Image credit: The Mayo Clinic
I have noticed a lot of family and friends complaining of fatigue, exhaustion or depression and I mentioned having their vitamin D level checked. Turns out each and every one of them had the same issue. As a matter of fact, over 85% of people have low vitamin D levels and may not even know it. So before you get misdiagnosed or self-diagnose that you are depressed or anxious, get your vitamin D level checked by a simple blood test.

If you have ever had issues with vitamin D deficiency, what did you do to raise it? Please share any advice you have in the comments. Stay healthy! xo
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