Family * Travel * Food

How to Make Time for Exercise – No Matter How Busy You Are!

Exercise is so very important. Government recommendations state that all adults should take at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise, three times a week. In reality, many people do nothing more taxing that putting the trash out once a week, or making the perilous journey between couch and refrigerator.

The problem is that we all lead busy lives. Between working a full-time job and studying for a nurse practitioner doctorate degree, it’s hardly surprising that fitting in a gym session comes last on a long list of things to do. Any spare time you do have is probably spent sleeping or catching up on Netflix.

But it doesn’t have to be this way, so if you are looking at online doctoral nursing programs and wondering how you can squeeze in a training program for that half-marathon you have targeted next summer, read on for some tips.

Be Organized

Unless you are organized, you won’t be able to fit anything in, let alone a workout. Disorganized people end up wasting time unnecessarily, so don’t let this hot mess be you. Take a good, hard look at your schedule and see where there any gaps. There probably won’t be many if you work full-time, have kids to take care of, and study, but you should have a few small pockets of time you can utilize.

Once you have identified some gaps, plan your exercise schedule accordingly, so if you have a 30 minute gap between clients, make time for a quick workout in your office or go for a brisk walk to clear your head and stretch your legs.

Work Out before Work

The pre-dawn hours are actually pretty good for working out - unless you have a pathological hatred of getting up early. Personally, I like getting up early to go for a run: the streets are deserted and I can get home and showered before the rest of the house wakes up.

Five Minutes Here, Five Minutes There

Trying to fit in a 45-minute workout when you are run ragged is always going to be a tough call. Instead, break up your workouts into five-minute blocks. It’s a lot easier to fit in some squats, planks, press-ups and star jumps than it is to make time for a Pilate’s class or Hot Yoga.

Core Workout Program

In line with the tip above, develop a core workout routine that targets the main muscle groups. Squats, planks, star jumps, burpees, press-ups, etc., are all fantastic exercise. You don’t need any equipment, so you can do them at home, in the office, or even in a hotel room if you are working away from home or on vacation. Make this your core routine and everything else can be tacked on as a bonus workout.

Multi-tasking is useful when you have no spare time. Do squats while you load the dishwasher, jog on the spot while you watch Netflix, or sprint to the bus in the morning. Every little helps.

A Simple Guide To Dermarollers

Skin care has come a long ways in the past couple of decades. So many treatments have been developed to combat aging and improve the appearance of our skin. However, sometimes the simplest of tools works just as well and for a lesser cost. If lasers and other treatments are out of reach of your budget, there are still options available to you. Consider micro-needling with Dermarollers.

What is Micro-needling?

Micro-needling is a process in which tiny, medical grade needles are used to create micro-sized channels in the skin. They pierce the lower level of our skin where cells generate collagen and elastins to repair and replace damaged cells. These tiny channels also make the skin effectively absorb vitamin enriched serums and materials to further improve the skin.

The term Dermaroller actually refers to a manual device with a handle and a barrel on the end covered in tiny needles. It is rolled across the surface of the skin using slight pressure to create the micro channels. It also comes in a couple variations - a pen shape with a small number of needles on the end called a Dermapen or a handle with a stamp full of needles called a Dermastamp. Both are pressed against the skin and sized to treat small areas.

What are Dermarollers used for?

Dermarollers treat multiple skin conditions. By penetrating the deep layer of our skin, they promote healing and replace the damaged cells:

  • Anti-aging - Used around the eyes, lips, and forehead, Dermarollers can remove lines and wrinkles to make you look younger.
  • Stretch marks - Treatments can reduce stretch marks so they are less noticeable
  • Cellulite problems - With regular use, Dermaroller treatments can reduce or remove cellulite from the problem areas of the body, such as the thighs, arms, and even the stomach or rear end.
  • Hair loss issues - Used in tandem with minoxidil, the micro-needling process not only slows or stops hair loss, it also helps grow new hair.
  • Scar reduction and removal - With several treatments, scars can be reduced in size or even removed, depending on how severe they are.

Dermarollers vs. Other Procedures

There are several advantages to micro-needling versus other treatment methods. The most noticeable benefit is the savings. Obtaining micro-needling services at the clinic cost far less than other procedures. While you may find used laser equipment for sale on the internet, you can purchase your own Dermaroller for a mere fraction of the cost. Not only that, but it doesn't require special training to use.

Another advantage is that micro-needling reaches deep into the skin, opening up micro channels so the skin can readily absorb other products. Serums containing collagen do not work on their own, but combined with Dermarollers, the collage is highly effective as making the skin plumper and healthier.

Who can use Dermarollers?

Almost anyone can use Dermarollers. Clinics have technicians who know exactly which needle length to use for each area, making the application more successful. They apply topical anaesthetics to reduce discomfort and have access to effective serums to correct your skin issues. Some skin care problems require deeper applications, for which you should leave to the professionals.

They are also sold for personal use to be used in the convenience of your home. Just be sure to carefully read and follow the directions. Cleaning and sterilizing them before and after each use is extremely important.


Get Holiday Ready In Sophisticated Comfort and Style With NIC&ZOE

Today's conversation has been sponsored by NIC&ZOE

Well we have officially made it to the holiday season. It's time to deck the halls, trim the tree, and get ready to attend holiday parties and events. Of course you can't show up without the proper attire on. I have always believed in having a few higher end classic pieces in my wardrobe that can be dressed up or down and worn in multiple ways. It's the smart way to get more wear out of them. One thing that most women can agree on is that you can't ever have enough items in black. This sassy Luxe Jersey Jumpsuit is a prime example.

This Flashing Lights Cardy would look amazing over the jumpsuit
You could wear this to work in the daytime with a cardigan or business jacket, and easily transform it for a night out on the town. Just add some sparkle and bling along with some sexy heels, and you will be set! Adding a fancy belt and a dressy jacket would make for a sophisticated look. You know what makes me happy about this jumpsuit? It looks super comfortable! You can't beat looking stylish while being comfy. Also you don't have to have a super model figure to pull this look off. 

Another holiday pick is this Smokey Lines Dress.

This gorgeous dress is perfect for if you are a bit self-conscious about your mid-section like I am. All you really need with this is a nice pair of tall black heels and some glammy hair and makeup. I don't think you really need much jewelry or accessories aside from earrings and a clutch style purse. Again, this dress is perfect if comfort is important to you.

If you are looking to add some nice unique pieces to your wardrobe this winter, take a look at what NIC&ZOE has to offer. Like I mentioned earlier, I feel it's important to invest in some good garments that can be worn in different ways. NIC&ZOE garments come in many sizes including petite and plus size. Take a browse and treat yourself today! You can even purchase e-gift cards that can be used at and never expire. No lie, I am asking Santa for that Jumpsuit. I need it in my closet right away!  

Follow NIC&ZOE on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter for style inspiration and fashion tips.

Coping When You Can't Work - The Definitive Guide

Life is always throwing unexpected challenges our way. Some say that this is what keeps life interesting. Others whinge and moan about all the changes. But all of us have the strength inside to tackle the things that come up, no matter how tough they get. This inner strength is the pillar we all need to rely on when the hard times hit. Of course, it’s a lot easier when you’ve got love and support on your side!

Perhaps one of the hardest things to handle these days is the news that you need to take some time out of work. Most of us love the idea of a break from the daily grind. But the reality of the situation is that you can be thrust into financial hardship. From here, things can escalate. Debts, anxiety, stress and the breakdown of relationships are common side effects of losing a job. But it is even harder when your health or body has let you down. So how can you cope?

Have you have recently developed an illness that has meant you need to stop working? It’s worth checking if you are due any benefit top up or compensatory pay out to help you get by. Accidents in the street, the car or at work are typical reasons for needing time off to heal. You can get advice on this from a lawyer to find out what your rights might be. But the first person you need to speak to is your boss. Quitting your job is not a good idea right now. Instead, see if you can take your leave that is owed. Once that is used up, ask for more. Some employers can be very understanding and helpful. They value their best employees.
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Even if your employer can’t offer you your wage for long-term absence, there are many benefits to staying with the company on paper. For a start, it’s a job you can go back to in the future if your health allows. And if you need to find a new employer in the future, it looks better on your resume to have unbroken periods of employment. In some places the employer is required to continue paying into pension or national insurance funds while you are on long-term leave. It may depend on your location, the company you work for, and the reason for your absence. Check with your HR department.

The longer you are away from your regular job, the harder it can be to cope emotionally. If you are able to do any remote working, it is worth asking your employer to provide it. Keeping busy and useful is very helpful for your emotional well-being. Being in pain and physically drained can begin to wear you down mentally. Finding things that you can do, even little things can be hugely beneficial. On your good days, it might be possible to head into your workplace to catch up with colleagues and stay in the loop.

Being on your own at home can be very lonely and isolating. It’s important for your general health to get outside, enjoy some fresh air and some light exercise. If you can afford the therapies you need to help you heal, then consider investing in them. A proactive approach can often help your case if you are claiming compensation as well. Make the time to undertake the exercises that recommended to you. Over time, little by little, these might have the positive effect you are looking for.

Everyday tasks can suddenly become incredibly difficult when you’re ill or disabled. Adapting your home to help you manage them could be crucial to provide you with the independence you’re looking for. A positive frame of mind can go a long way here. Support from your friends, family and carers are essential to help you find ways around the trickier tasks. Soon you will be able to manage better. Patience and perseverance are hard to muster when you’re feeling low about things. Don’t be afraid to ask for counseling and other emotional support.

Chances are you will occasionally have good days when you feel stronger and more able than before. These are the days when you need to tackle the things that could help you the most on the worst days. Batch cook and freeze a few meals for when cooking will be just too hard to do. Tackle the laundry pile. Catch up with those friends you haven’t heard from in a while. There may be plenty of other things you can think of that need doing or that you want to do. Having a list to choose from can be quite inspiring and motivating as well.

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Money may be your biggest worry, and that’s understandable. As soon as you know that work will be scarce for a while, contact your landlord or mortgage provider. If they know you may struggle to cover your housing costs, they can help you make arrangements to avoid an eviction. Stop using credit cards or borrowing if you can as this will end up very expensive when you can’t promptly repay them. Pull out your household budget and make all the cuts you can. Subscription TV, gym memberships, and eating out might be first to go. You won’t be able to cut the monthly outgoings as much as you want, but every little helps.

Next, consider your grocery budget. Could you choose cheaper brands? Can you cut down on snacks? Would you be prepared to give up chocs, desserts, and treats for a few weeks? See if you can knock a little off next week’s shopping bill. You may find your heating and lighting bills increase because you are at home most of the time. Can you reduce drafts, and choose cheaper-to-run lightbulbs? If investing in a wooly sweater means you are comfortable with the heat on a degree lower, it could be worth doing.

Making the most of this time you are healing is important for your health. Resurrect old hobbies, or meet new people online. Most importantly, look after you. Be well.

What To Give The Distinguished Gentleman In Your Life

If you are looking for a special gift for the gentleman in your life, check out Schulz & Malley Trading Company's shaving collection. One misconception most people have about men is that you can just throw a bar of cheap soap at them and they're happy. This is so not true! Men are into their skin care routine more than ever! It's not just the ladies who like to feel pampered. 

Schulz & Malley products are manmade and of premium quality for the most distinguished gentleman. They contain natural ingredients (like Vitamin B, essential oils and more) that will not dry your skin out. Their regiment is quite simple and they offer 4 items including: Cleansing Face Wash, Pre-Shave Oil, Brushless Shave Cream, and After Shave Balm. Items can be purchased separately or as a full set which is perfect for gifting. You can purchase directly from the Schulz & Malley site or at QVC.

About Schulz & Malley Trading Company:

For full company info click here
"We love making products that are not only superior in the market, but ones that we want to use everyday. We are committed to making the best, nothing less. We are Schulz & Malley Trading Company, making products that men use and appreciate everyday."

Be sure to follow Schulz & Malley Trading Company on Facebook for product promotions and updates.

I received product samples in exchange for a review for our Holiday Gift guide. All opinions are my own as always.

Get Spicy This Holiday Season With RawSpice Bar

If you are looking for an affordable and unique gift option this holiday season, consider a RawSpice Bar monthly subscription. They start at $8 a month and if you get a full year, it works out to only $6 a month. So what do you get? 

You will receive 3 pouches of high quality spice blends that are recipe ready. A recipe card is included for each packet of spices so you don't have to try to figure out what to do with them. Genius! 

I have tried these spices before and was blown away by how potent they were. It's a great way to try something new without the commitment of having an entire bottle of spices that can potentially go to waste. I am looking forward to making the German Chicken Schnitzel recipe. It doesn't require a lot of ingredients and I am happy to try Schnitzel for the first time. 

To get the details, visit I think this would make a unique holiday gift for friends, family, neighbors, or coworkers. 

I received product samples in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own as always. 

Get myCharge Portable Charger For Your Small Digital Devices

I am sure that most everyone is familiar with or owns a wearable fitness device that tracks your physical activity. We are a Fitbit family and we all try our best to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Okay, I lied a little. We love to compete and talk trash over who took the most steps each day. Hey, there's nothing wrong with a little family competition that contributes to better physical health! 😉

The one downside to fitness trackers is when you are running low on battery power. Now there is a convenient, portable item that will charge and store your devices and cords with ease. Introducing the PowerGear Sport by myCharge. The PowerGear Sport has a built-in USB port so that a variety of devices can be charged, including most smartphones as well as wearables. So this item is a must if you’re always on the go and find your devices are in need of extra battery life. 

This case is so great because you can keep your charging cords and extra bands organized and easy to find when you need it! This is a must-have if you travel a lot.

We have a few road trips to go on before the year is over, and I will be taking this along for the ride. It is so convenient and is rechargeable too! All you have to do is insert the included USB cord into the side of case and then into an electric power plug. It will juice it back up in no time.

I love how my charging case matches my Fitbit 

The PowerGear Sport retails for $29.99 and would make a great gift for teens, college students, fitness lovers, gadget geeks or just about anyone on your holiday list. I believe practical and useful gifts are the way to go! You can purchase one here. They come in either grey or grey/pink. I'm confident the recipient will LOVE this gift. 😍

Disclosure: I received a product sample in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own as always. 

Give the Gift of Fun With LEGOLAND® Florida Resort Deals From Black Friday - Cyber Monday

This holiday shopping season, LEGOLAND® Florida Resort is giving thanks to fans with an awesome assortment of deals and discounts starting on Black Friday (Friday, Nov. 25) and continuing through Cyber Monday (Monday, Nov. 28).

Brick FridayThat’s right — instead of one can’t-miss deal on each of the traditional days for extraordinary savings, the place #BuiltForKids is launching multiple, simultaneous offers on the day we’ve dubbed Brick Friday. Give the gift of fun with savings on everything from multiple-use tickets to annual passes, and stays at the popular LEGOLAND Hotel and the eagerly awaited LEGOLAND Beach Retreat.

Here’s what’s in store:

Visit twice and the second day is free!

Purchase a theme park ticket for the low price of $71 (plus tax) to enjoy all the festive fun of our annual holiday party, Christmas Bricktacular, then come back for free to “become the ninja” when the all-new LEGO® NINJAGO® World opens Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017!

This exclusive ticket only can be purchased online and cannot be combined with other offers or transferred to existing reservations. The first theme park visit must occur Dec. 17-18, 24-31, and the second visit must occur between Jan. 1 and April 6, 2017. Admission to LEGOLAND Water Park is not included. Maximum six tickets per purchase.

Get an Awesomer Annual Pass at the Awesome Pass price!

Purchase an Awesomer Annual Pass (valued at $149 plus tax) for the Awesome Annual Pass price of $99 plus tax — a $50 savings! Benefits include a year of unlimited admission to LEGOLAND Florida Theme Park, LEGOLAND Water Park, The Coca-Cola Orlando Eye, Madame Tussauds Orlando, SEA LIFE Aquarium Orlando, and Atlanta’s LEGOLAND Discovery Center.

You also get free parking, a collector’s edition welcome kit, early access to LEGOLAND Florida Theme Park, a 10 percent discount on theme park dining, retail purchases, stays at LEGOLAND Hotel and the all-new LEGOLAND Beach Retreat, VIP Experiences, Premium Upgrades and Premium Play Bands, plus $15 off theme park tickets for up to six guests.

The special $99 price is only available online and is valid only for new annual pass purchases and cannot be combined with other offers. Maximum six Awesomer Annual Passes per purchase. Please note that passes must be activated in person at the theme park within 60 days of purchase.

Annual passholders save big at LEGOLAND Hotel and LEGOLAND Beach Retreat!

Current annual passholders can save 30 percent off a stay at the “Five-Gazillion-Star” LEGOLAND Hotel, including all room types and themes, and the whimsical bungalows at LEGOLAND Beach Retreat, which is set to open in mid-2017. This unbeatable deal is valid for LEGOLAND Hotel stays from Jan. 1 through April 6, 2017, and for LEGOLAND Beach Retreat stays from June 1 through Sept. 3, 2017.

These discounts cannot be combined with other offers or transferred to existing reservations. An active annual pass must be presented at check-in to receive the discounted rate.

Stay awhile and save!

Meanwhile, through the end of December, non-passholders can take 20 percent off an exclusive room-and-ticket package for stays at LEGOLAND Hotel and LEGOLAND Beach Retreat.

Each package requires a minimum two-night stay and includes a two-day ticket to LEGOLAND Florida Theme Park per person, with the second day free! Admission to LEGOLAND Water Park is sold separately.

Stays at both accommodations include a buffet breakfast each morning for all guests listed on the reservation (not including check-in day) and exclusive early access to the theme park.

The 20 percent discount is available for LEGOLAND Hotel packages from Jan. 2 through May 26, 2017, and for LEGOLAND Beach Retreat packages from June 1 through Sept. 3, 2017. Be sure to check the resort’s operating calendar online before booking as the theme park is closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays during select seasons.

The fine print:

To be among the first to participate in these incredible deals, sign up now at Everyone signed up as of Thursday, Nov. 24 will receive an email with links to the eligible offers starting Friday, Nov. 25.

All offers are subject to limited availability and may sell out. Note that due to fraud protections, the same credit card cannot be used more than once within a 24-hour period, so shop wisely!

For more information about visiting LEGOLAND Florida Resort, including savings on advance purchase of admission tickets, multi-tier annual passes, special events, educational programs, services for guests with disabilities, VIP Experiences, Premium Upgrades, military discounts, on-site accommodations and much more, visit


$130 Amazon or PayPal Giveaway

It's that time of year again-- the holiday season is here. I am pretty sure our tree will be going up the week of Thanksgiving which happens to be a couple weeks away. I have been buying up affordable gifts here and there and have them stashed away to make things a bit easier on myself. I am thrilled to be teamed up with some amazing bloggers for a BIG giveaway to help offset some of those holiday costs. You can enter to win your choice of $130 in Amazon GC or PayPal cash! I'm sure that $130 would help a whole lot. Enter below and good luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway starts November 11 at midnight EST and ends November 24 at midnight EST. USA, 18+. One winner will be randomly selected from all qualifying entries and contacted via the email they provide. The winner has 48 hours to respond or new winner will be chosen. The winner will be announced on the rafflecopter after they have responded.

Give The Gift Of Tervis This Holiday Season

Do you feel completely stuck when you have to buy a gift for someone? I find myself coming up with the greatest ideas when I don't have to buy something, but draw a blank when I do! I finally found a gift idea that is perfect for every person on your list regardless of age or gender. A Tervis tumbler is the ideal choice! I'm sure you're thinking, "is she for real? A tumbler?" Hear me out. Tervis offers so many choices for every taste. Whether you love floral patterns, collegiate sports, Disney, Superheroes, NFL, MLB, Hello Kitty (and the choices go on and on), you will find the perfect Tervis for your gifting.

I learned recently that you can even customize your Tervis with personal images, text, and theme wraps. Now that would make a unique gift for the person who has everything. I have received a few Tervis tumblers as gift over the last few years and I LOVE them! They are super sturdy and you can purchase new lids in different colors or styles if you need or want to. They even have a straw lid that doesn't leak and is perfect to take when you are on the go.  It has gotten to the point in my life that we have a section in one of my kitchen cabinets that houses all Tervis items. I also have a standing rule with my college daughters that the ONLY drink-ware they are allowed to bring home must be Tervis otherwise it goes in the donation or recycling bin.

I received a couple of fun new items to add to our growing collection-- A 24-ounce hot/cold tumbler and 9-ounce stemless wine glass. Aren't they great? We are big sports fans in my home, so I chose a Miami Hurricanes tumbler for the husband, and Carolina Panthers stemless wine glass for me!
You can always rely on the best quality for all Tervis products. 

This stemless wine glass comes in different colors and designs. There are so many choices! perfect for the wine-lover in your life! I'm sure your mom friends would LOVE one if you participate in a gift exchange :) 

What sports fan wouldn't love showing off his or her team as they sip on their beverage at work? 
I think a Tervis tumbler would be a great choice to give friends, family, coworkers or neighbors this holiday season! You can purchase them at stores including Bed Bath & Beyond, some college campus shops and specialty stores, and of course order directly from the Tervis site or a Tervis store if you are lucky to have one nearby. Seriously, this is the most stress-free idea. Be sure to follow Tervis on Facebook and Twitter for product updates and promotions.

I received product samples in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own as always. 

IHOP Offers Free Pancakes For Veterans and Active Duty This Friday

On Friday November 11th, IHOP is offering a free stack of their famous Red, White, & Blue Pancakes to all veterans and active duty military to show their appreciation this Veteran's Day. IHOP's Red, White, & Blue Pancakes feature 3 of their world famous buttermilk pancakes, topped with glazed strawberries, blueberry compote, and whipped cream. These patriotic pancakes will be available from 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. for any veteran or active duty military. Share a moment with your favorite veteran this holiday with IHOP's Red, White, & Blue Pancakes!

Wear SlimSation Pants For A Flatter Tummy

I have come to a point in my life where I realize that it's time to start dressing like a grown-up. Days of shopping the Juniors department have come to a close and I have to venture into wearing "ladies" apparel. Although I have been on the tiny side for most of my life, having three kids has really changed my body quite a bit. I have that annoying belly that hinders me from wearing certain things ::cries::. Well, lucky for me and ladies everywhere, there is a line of pants from SlimSation that allows us to be as cute as can be without feeling self-conscious about our tummy. SlimSation offers pants, jeans, and leggings that have a built-in tummy flattening panel. The have a higher waist so you get better coverage.

I really love their Narrow pant with pockets and ankle pants in black. Every woman must have a couple pairs of black pants in her wardrobe. I really love SlimSation's pants because they can be worn in a casual setting or dressed up, making them versatile. You can't go wrong with having garments that can be changed up and worn in different ways.

My current favorite is the Ankle Pant. I absolutely love the cut and the back pockets. It's as if these pants were made especially just for me! The fit my curves perfectly and make my butt look great. The little notch at the bottom gives it an added touch of style while keeping with a classic look.
SlimSation offers many styles and colors to choose from. If you are looking for some comfortable black pants that can be worn both casual and dressy, I recommend the Ankle Pant. I will have to order an additional pair because these have easily become my favorite! Visit SlimSation today and check out their amazing apparel. Not sure about sizing? Their size chart is a big help. SlimSation pants are a wardrobe must-have!

I received complimentary items in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own as always. 
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