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4 Beauty Tips to Try For Better Health

As the holidays approach us, life can feel a bit hectic. It’s hard to find time for self-care when you’re juggling family obligations, your work schedule, and coordinating holiday gifts. Beauty starts with a healthy body, and that means nourishing yourself inside and out.  

Here are four fabulous beauty tips to help you look and feel your best all season long!  

#1 Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

If you live in a cold climate, you know that winter means dry skin and hair. Give your skin some love, and make moisturizing part of your daily routine. 

For sensitive skin, use gentle, hypoallergenic moisturizers for hydration. If you’re extra dry and in need of deeper hydration, treat yourself to a revitalizing face mask.

Part of an effective skincare routine is exfoliation. Make homemade sugar scrubs or use a pumice stone to remove layers of dead skin. You only need to devote a few minutes a day for glowing, vibrant, skin. 

#2 Turn Down the Heat

Blow drying, straightening, and curling are all highly dehydrating for your hair. If you suffer from a dry scalp and brittle hair, it’s time to revamp your hair-care regimen. 

Here are a few tips for luscious locks all winter long: 

  • Take Cooler Showers – Although hot showers are comforting, dousing your hair with hot water is extremely dehydrating. When you wash your hair, turn down the heat a little to nourish your scalp.

  • Go Easy on the Products – Dry shampoos and hairsprays, although incredibly useful, may increase scalp irritation and dryness. Try to use these products in moderation and go au naturel for a change.

  • Use Moisturizing Oils – It might feel counter-intuitive to put oil in your hair, but this is a great way to introduce some moisture into lackluster hair. Jojoba or almond oils are versatile and give hair a healthy shine when massaged into your ends. 

#3 Get Enough Sleep 

Sleep is the secret to radiant beauty and excellent health. When you’re well-rested, your skin will be fresh, your eyes bright, and your demeanor relaxed and focused. 

We know sleep can be hard to come by, especially when your schedule is overloaded. To relax, draw a bath before bed and add soothing lavender essential oil.

For extra comfort and relaxation, take a vegan CBD tincture before bed. CBD reduces anxiety and diminishes aches and pains. This will help you get the restful night’s sleep you need (and deserve) to feel your best. 

#4 Use Natural Makeup 

Instead of using chemical-heavy makeup, opt for natural alternatives. This will give your skin a much-needed break, and add glamour to your everyday style

Above all, embrace your natural beauty. Remember, makeup should enhance your natural elegance, and you don’t need to apply layers of makeup to look beautiful. 

Love Your Body

We can’t say it enough—wellness begins with self-love. Drink plenty of water. Meditate. Spend quality time with your family. Reflect on everything that makes you beautiful, as those are the same reasons why you’re unique. 

When you love your body, you love yourself. Incorporate these tips into your beauty routine and remember that it’s okay if everything isn’t perfect. Wellness is a journey, and with a few simple lifestyle changes, you can make the world of difference. 


Tips for a Safe Move During a Pandemic

Moving is always a stressful and overwhelming situation, but moving during a pandemic may take your stress and frustration to a whole new level. Whether you had a planned move or you have to move unexpectedly, as long as it’s done responsibly, moving during a pandemic with the help of moving services Ottawa is a possibility. It is important to take extra precautions and to be as prepared as possible before moving day arrives. Here are a few tips to help ensure your move is as safe and smooth as possible. 

DIY or Hire a Moving Service?

Utilizing the experience of moving services Ottawa will make the process much easier, but doing it yourself may be the safest method. During a pandemic, the fewer people you and your family interact with the less risk there is of spreading the virus. If you are concerned about hiring a full-service moving company, there are ways to utilizing their services while limiting contact. For instance, instead of hiring packing labor, pack everything yourself, and have all items in one room, close to the front door of your current home. This will prevent labors and movers from going in and out and limit contact between you and the movers. The same concept applies when your items are delivered to the new house; just have the movers put as many items in one central location.

Consider Using a Portable Moving Container

If you are concerned about contact with others, consider using a portable moving container. This will allow you to move items from your current house, put them in the moving container, and then the moving service will pick the full container up and transport it to your new home. This will help you to get your items transported without any social contact, which significantly decreases the safety risks and ensures that your items won’t be touched by others. Keep in mind that when you use a moving container, you are responsible for loading and unloading the container and you will need to thoroughly clean the container once it’s empty.

Disinfect Throughout the Day

The pandemic has everyone on edge, so do not feel embarrassed or awkward about taking extra precautions. On moving day, keep hand soap, paper towels, and hand sanitizer available for both you and the movers. Also, be sure to routinely disinfect counters and other frequently touched surfaces throughout the day. As each room is emptied, be sure to wipe surfaces, such as light switches and doorknobs with a disinfectant cleaner. As uncomfortable as it may be, remember to wear a mask and encourage the movers to do the same. 

The most important thing you can do for your safety and the safety of those from the moving company is to postpone the move if anyone in your household has been recently sick or if they are showing signs of the virus. Moving may be important, but remember that the movers that are helping would be exposed as well, so it’s better to be safe and postpone the move than put your family and others at risk of getting sick.


Step-By-Step Guide on What to Do After A Car Accident

Have you or your loved one ever been involved in a car accident, got stranded, and wondered what to do? Car accidents can be traumatizing and cause confusion on what to do or whom to contact.  Statistics show that 20-50 million individuals get injured in car accidents each year. Some of these injuries are major, while others are minor.

Here is a step by step guide on what to do after being in a car accident. 

Go to A Safer Area

If you've been involved in a car crash, ensure your safety first together with that of your passengers.

Get out of the car if you are not severely hurt and identify a safe area where you can stay. Consider calling the police to help you request medical help if you or your passenger are severely injured.  The police will also help you protect the evidence from being tampered with if you are going to make an injury claim with the insurance company.

Check for Injuries

In case you are involved in a car accident, check for injuries before anything else. Some injuries may be physical or even internal, which may be critical. Ensure you visit a doctor after the accident for a checkup to identify the injuries' extent and avoid any complications that may arise from the sustained injuries.  Even when there are no visible injuries on your body, going for a checkup will ensure that any underlying problems are detected.

Visiting a doctor after a car accident is important if you are thinking of filing an injury claim.

Document the Accident

If you are not severely hurt, consider taking pictures of the accident scene, the damages, people involved, and anything else that may be relevant to support your claim. Taking photos immediately after an accident is vital as they show exactly how and what transpired. If you have severe injuries, you can ask for help from a reliable person.

Get Legal Advice

Consult a car accident lawyer who will guide you on the legal steps you will need to take. Before filing your claim, ensure the lawyer is there with you since the insurance company may use the information you provide against you.

A car accident attorney Detroit (or wherever you are) will help you ensure you get compensated fairly for the losses incurred during the accident. This will enable you to sort out any financial struggles/burdens resulting from the accident.  These losses may be in terms of medical bills, lost wages, punitive damages, and decreased earning capacity.

Don't forget to inform your attorney of everything you can remember about the accident that may assist in the compensation negotiations.

Report the Accident

Many insurance providers require the insured to report the accident immediately.  After being involved in an accident, you may tend to relax and think that your insurance company will compensate for the injuries and damages. Ensure you inform them about the accident as soon as possible.

The insurance company will need to have evidence of injury before engaging in any claim compensation negotiations. Check with your insurance provider whether your policy offers any medical benefits. Ensure you cooperate and disclose any information you think will be relevant to the insurer. Avoid giving false information because this can lead to you not being compensated.

Sometimes, car accidents can be unpreventable. After being involved in a car accident, it's crucial to take the above steps. They will protect you from problems like adverse health conditions and a lack of compensation from your insurance company. That way, your financial burdens will be eased. Don't let lack of knowledge lead you to problems that could easily be avoided.


Current Fashion Trends You Won’t Want to Miss

The changing face of fashion can be hard to keep up with, so we have put together these top fashion trends you won’t want to miss. At Hush Style, they are passionate about all things style-related so they like to know what’s hot and what is taking the fashion world by storm. Take a look so you can stay ahead of the trends. 

Keeping Neutral

Almost in direct contrast to a dramatic metallic look would be dressing head to toe in natural tones. Think camels, beiges, creams and so on. This is a clean and chic look that can look not only stylish but cozy at the same time, so it is perfect for the turning weather as we head into the chilly winter months. You can choose a suit with complimentary pieces to support the look, or perhaps a dress and overcoat in tonal colors. Dressed up or down, this color palette will suit everyone when worn in a style that is true to them. 

Put Your Best Foot Forward

Trainers used to be reserved for athletes or those recovering from injuries,  but today, the humble trainer is so much more than that. Even the most upmarket designers have ranges of trainers that are so chic you can even wear them with the most glamorous of dresses that will  enhance the overall look. Oh, and your feet will thank you for it too! Choosing a designer style will mean the quality is built to last and the branding will allow you to wear them for years to come whilst staying at the cutting edge of fashion. 

Crossbody Bags

Handbags are always a way to make a great statement and stand out from the crowd, but keeping them functional can sometimes be a chore. These days, with so many things we need to carry about with us at all times (purse, phone, keys, and now face masks and hand sanitizer too) it can be hard to find the right bag to fit it all. Also, you need your hands free  to put on your mask and sanitizer. That’s why a crossbody bag is so useful – a well made one will give you the stylish look you desire, while offering convenience.

Gold Rush

Metallics are often seen gracing the most fashionable of divas in many winter seasons, but there is an added focus this year. The focus is on gold in particular, and the more it glimmers, the better. This color is rich and intense, glamorous and festive all in one. Gold pairs well with a lot of other colors, so you can have a lot of fun with it. 

Mellow Yellow

Different shades of yellow have been in and out of fashion across the years from canary to lemon, mustard to sunflower, there is a color for each season and occasion. Often found in clothing, now is the time to invest in an over-sized coat in a bold shade of yellow. This will brighten up a darker outfit and as yellow is seen as the color of happiness, you will find you are followed by smiles wherever you go. You can’t go wrong with a happy color! 
So what are you waiting for? Try out these trends for yourself! 

How to Decrease Your Chances of Lung Disease

The devastating impact of Covid-19 has shown the world the importance of keeping your lungs healthy. Respiratory diseases are no joke and can put your life at risk if you do not take the proper steps to prevent them. Lung cancer alone kills 1.6 million people every year, which is not to mention all those impacted by other serious diseases like bronchitis or tuberculosis. Although it can be impossible to totally avoid certain diseases like lung cancer, there are certain steps you can take to decrease your risk. Here are a few examples. 

Quit Smoking

The number one activity that puts your lungs at risk that is entirely preventable is smoking. Your risk of cancer increases dramatically the longer you smoke and the number of cigarettes you smoke a day. The sooner you quit, the more you reduce that risk. Chronic obtrusive pulmonary disease (COPD) is another serious respiratory illness caused by smoking and it’s the third most deadly disease in American based on how many deaths it causes each year. According to the CDC 8 out of 10 cases of COPD are caused by smoking – which shows how much the activity can put you at risk. If you are a smoker, now is the time to quit. Smokers are more at risk of experiencing complications if they catch COVID-19. That on top of all the other health risks it poses makes the activity increasingly dangerous in today’s world. 

Exercise Regularly 

Exercise is a natural defense against any disease. It won’t prevent viruses and bacteria from getting into your body, but it will ensure that your immune system and other organs healthy enough to fight off any intruding organisms. Cardio is especially effective for lung functioning and you should consider jogging, walking, or playing a sport that involves running if you feel you may be at risk for catching lung disease. 

Test Your Home for Radon or Asbestos

There are potentially life-threatening substances that can be found in the average American home, such as radon and asbestos. Radon is a radioactive gas that seeps out of the earth and into households through gaps in the foundation. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer and kills about 20,000 people per year. Asbestos is a mineral that was used in building many popular building materials up until the 1970s. Asbestos has been proven to cause mesothelioma, a deadly form of lung cancer that is often underdiagnosed. More information on mesothelioma treatment and prevention is available through the Mesothelioma Cancer Network.

If you believe that your home may be exposed to either of these deadly substances, have it screened immediately. You can never be too safe when it comes to the health and safety of your family. These substances can be easily dealt with if you act fast – but if you leave it alone too long, there may be deadly consequences.

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