Family * Travel * Food

Why I love Swagbucks

Are you familiar with Swagbucks? I joined over a year ago and quite honestly I did not use it much the first few months. It took me seeing everyone talking about it to make me motivated to see what all the hype was about. I made Swagbucks my default search engine and downloaded the toolbar. I think the toolbar is what sold me. I have the kids and husband using it for searches and I am so proud of how much I have accumulated so far in Swagbucks.

Search & Win

I have this thing with how I cash them in. A lot of people let them accumulate in the thousands and even the tens of thousands. Not me, I'm so paranoid that the site could crash and disappear so as soon as I reach 450 SB's I cash them in for a $5 Amazon gift certificate. I have been accumulating about 500 SB's a week recently. I have made it to $60 (Amazon) so far and I was able to pay for all the girls' summer reading books at no cost to me. If you are not a part of the Swagbuck Nation I recommend you jump on it! You can apply here. It costs you nothing and you can accumulate FREE things just for doing a search!
Shelly, Mom Files

How would you like to smell like a million bucks? | Giveaway

**Contest Closed**
Winners are:
#114 Heather S~ #136 traciet~ #187 Jackie Albino

I don't know about you but I have been a long time fan of Gain® laundry detergent. It cleans our clothing very well but there is something unbeatable about the scent. It is a great compliment when my kids' friends are always telling them how good they smell and it turned out to be their jacket or t-shirt. Gain smells like a million bucks! Speaking of which Gain has launched the “Smell Like a Million Bucks Contest” to give people across the country a chance to win one million dollars, turning one lucky winner’s dreams into a reality.

To help spread the word about the contest, Gain enlisted the help of alternative rock band, Barenaked Ladies, who are largely known for their hit “If I Had a Million Dollars.” The band has re-recorded a new version of the song, “If I Gained a Million Dollars,” which includes lyrics inspired by the dreams and wishes of Gain fans. Check out this cute video and please don't get mad at me if you start walking around randomly singing "If I had a million dollars". It is very catchy :D

To enter the Smell Like a Million Bucks Contest, visit (be sure to "like" the page). Participants must submit a video stating that they “use Gain and smell like a million bucks.” All video entries can be viewed on Gain’s Smell Like a Million Bucks Contest tab on Gain’s Facebook page. Each video will be judged based on the creative score assigned after posting the video and the number of video views acquired. The 25 highest scoring videos will then be voted on by the Gain Facebook community. You can check out some of the video entries here. Your video can be less than a minute. I saw some that were only 10 seconds long! Easy huh?

One winner will be selected and announced on August 2, 2011. Entries will be accepted from May 18, 2011 through July 7, 2011. The top 25 videos can be viewed and voted on from July 18, 2011 through August 1, 2011. Full contest rules and regulations can be found on Gain’s Facebook page.

*This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. You are providing your information to Procter & Gamble and not to Facebook. The information you provide will only be used in connection with the Contest or in connection with promotional or other activities by Gain.

My friends at Gain wanted to share the gift of smelling like a million bucks with Momfiles fans. We are giving away one bottle of Gain® laundry detergent to 3 lucky Momfiles readers!

To enter: *Mandatory- Let us know if you are a Gain user. If so, what is your favorite scent?

For extra entries:
~ "like" Gain and Momfiles on Facebook (leave your name you like us from)
~ (5 entries) Enter the Gain video contest and share the link here. (see contest rules above)
~ Tell us what part of the Barenaked Ladies video you liked the most
~ Follow Momfiles on Twitter (leave your Twitter name)
~ Tweet this giveaway & leave the link to your Tweet(once daily):
Don't you want to smell like a million dollars? Enter to win #Gain laundry detergent from @momfiles 3winners
~ grab the Momfiles button
~ Follow Momfiles via Google Friend Connect

Contest is open to US Residents only and will end at 9:00 PM EST on June 25, 2011. 3 winners will be picked at random and contacted by email to claim prize. Please be sure to leave your email address if you do not have a Blogger profile. Good luck!

I received a product sample and no other compensation was received. All opinions are 150% mine as always.
Shelly, Mom Files

Snack is Fwack

Lately William has shown us what a big boy he is through his language. He never fails to amaze us with the words that come out of his mouth. He can speak in full sentences and manage to throw in some big words here and there. He does have one little problem though. He has trouble pronouncing his "L" and "S" sounds. For instance:
  • snack = fwack
  • snake = fwake
  • sleep = fweep
  • smell = fwell
  • slippers = fwippers
  • smart....I'll let you figure that one out!
It seems to be more of a trend with the sl, sn and sm words. He can say words like sky, sister, sun... I have been working with him to correct it and he gets it sometimes. It is really neat that he can say certain words flawlessly and others more in "baby talk". We are still very proud with how much he has learned and think back to the days that we thought he would never speak. I am hoping in the near future I will have the same memory about potty training!

Did your child have any issues with his/her speech? What did you do about it?
Shelly, Mom Files

Doctor's diagnosis "You are not dead"

The other day my 16 year old was complaining that she was having some odd pain in her chest when she left volleyball practice. I asked her a bunch of questions like "Did you spike the ball hard? Do you think you pulled a muscle? Could it be gas?" She said it was not a normal pain. After about 2 hours I felt like we had better get it checked out, just in case. Off to Urgent Care we went. I told Chardie we should go ahead and get her knees checked while we were there since she has been suffering from knee pain for some time now. We were so glad that we were the only ones in there and was able to be seen within 5 minutes. Wouldn't you know that the pain stopped? Yep, no more pain. Classic. Long story short~ the nurse checked her vitals and did an EKG. My daughter has a problem with anyone touching her. She is VERY ticklish. I mean even if I try to give her a simple manicure she will go nuts with laughter.

Flashback- When Chardie was 6 months old she fell off the bed while I had my back turned to grab a diaper and powder. I was frantic and she was on her back laughing heartily. She has never changed. Whenever she falls or runs into something you will see tears streaming down her face. This is not because she is in pain but it is from laughter. Yes folks, my kid laughs when she gets hurt. You can never tell if she is okay or not.

Now back to the doctor... He walks in to let us know of any findings from the EKG. He let us know that her problem had nothing to do with her heart. It was more than likely from her physical activity that she irritated her chest muscle. He said that if a 16 year old was having a heart attack that they would not be able to survive. He then tells us that the good news is that she did not have a heart attack and she did not die. I could not help but giggle. Every time he tried to touch Chardie, she would start laughing. The doctor said maybe it's a good thing she is that way. He said if she is alone with a boy and starts to giggle then we would know that he better back off of our daughter. He then attempts to touch her knees. Of course we all know how that went! He told us that knee pain is the most common problem in teen athletes and recommended she take Ibuprofen. So the end result is that she is fine, just as I suspected. Thank goodness! We keep cracking jokes about her not being dead. That doctor was crazy but we really liked him and will surely go back to him again :)
Shelly, Mom Files

Delete Delete DELETE!

I have been in a serious cleaning mood lately. This includes my online life. Both Dwayne and I came to the realization of just how much time social networking takes up in our lives. So many important things would get pushed aside so we could be more 'social'. Well enough is enough. We both deleted our Facebook and Twitter apps from our phones. Dwayne got rid of his Facebook account and I was about to get rid of mine. The only reason I did not was due to some groups I am a part of that are pretty important to me. I am getting ready to close off my wall and disable comments. I thought I was going to miss it and although it has just been less than a week, our lives have improved so much. I have lost interest in so much of the crap that people put out there for the world to see as well as all the complaining and whining. We really think Facebook is a bad thing when it is not used in the right way. Dwayne and I are planning get-togethers with REAL people more often. Now that is what I call being social! I will continue to post on my Momfiles page. I am enjoying living in real life :)
Shelly, Mom Files

Please help the dogs!

In celebration of the launch of their brand new dry food formula, Pedigree will be donating more than 100,000 lbs of food to shelters across the country, because they believe “Every Dog Deserves” leading nutrition. Chelsea Kane, of Dancing with the Stars fame, will help kick off the “Every Dog Deserves” campaign by delivering the first 10,000 lb food donation to the Amanda Foundation in Beverly Hills on June 1.

Throughout the month of June, they’ll be asking dog lovers to help them help dogs by logging onto Facebook and Twitter (#everydogdeserves) to say why they think “Every Dog Deserves” the very best. For each Like, comment, @reply, re-tweet, photo upload, etc. directed at Pedigree, they’ll donate one pound of food (up to 100,000 pounds total). Every single engagement with Pedigree on Facebook and Twitter helps feed dogs.
Feel free to use this as a Tweet: Pls RT/ will be donating more than 100,000 lbs of food to shelters across the country because good nutrition!
This is such an easy way to help dogs in need at no cost to you. Thank you in advance for you help!
Shelly, Mom Files
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