Family * Travel * Food

Unexpected surprise

This morning I received some emails, blog comments and Momfiles Facebook page posts that I won 1,000 Swag Bucks in an hourly drawing. When I read the first message, I automatically assumed it was a scam. After about the 6th message I looked into it. Turns out I did win the 1,000 Swag Bucks and was in complete shock!

If you are not a part of the Swag Bucks community I encourage you to check it out and sign up for yourself. It WORKS! I have redeemed enough of my SB's to receive over $100 in gift cards all for FREE! It is great that all I did was search the web and get rewarded for it. Now you go get your Swag on~!
Shelly, Mom Files

Why I love Swagbucks

Are you familiar with Swagbucks? I joined over a year ago and quite honestly I did not use it much the first few months. It took me seeing everyone talking about it to make me motivated to see what all the hype was about. I made Swagbucks my default search engine and downloaded the toolbar. I think the toolbar is what sold me. I have the kids and husband using it for searches and I am so proud of how much I have accumulated so far in Swagbucks.

Search & Win

I have this thing with how I cash them in. A lot of people let them accumulate in the thousands and even the tens of thousands. Not me, I'm so paranoid that the site could crash and disappear so as soon as I reach 450 SB's I cash them in for a $5 Amazon gift certificate. I have been accumulating about 500 SB's a week recently. I have made it to $60 (Amazon) so far and I was able to pay for all the girls' summer reading books at no cost to me. If you are not a part of the Swagbuck Nation I recommend you jump on it! You can apply here. It costs you nothing and you can accumulate FREE things just for doing a search!
Shelly, Mom Files
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