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Brainetics Review

I recently received Mike Byster's Brainetics Complete Set for review. My husband actually had his eye on it for a while and really wanted to order it. He is big on anything that has to do with brain power. My 14 year old daughter Briahnna was immediately intrigued by this system and volunteered to test it out.
Here is what Briahnna had to say:

It was easy to use because the playbook went right along with the DVD and the shortcuts and tricks really worked. They made the problems easier. I can totally see this helping make math a bit easier at school. I completed the first workbook that was a bit random but as long as you followed the directions you could figure it out. I think the 9-99 age range that it recommends on the box is correct. I think I prefer to do this by myself but the instructions says you can do it with other people. I can't even figure out how the person who created this system came up with it! It's pretty cool and I would recommend this for other people.

For more information on how this system works or to purchase Brainetics, check out the website here.

I received a Brainetics system for review purposes. All opinions are 100% mine as always.

Shelly, Mom Files

My tribute to working moms

I read about it all the time~ the moms who work full-time jobs and have to come home to laundry, bills, cooking, cleaning...oh yeah and being a mom! You are exhausted from the work day but still you make sure your little ones are fed, bathed, read to and just loved. If your child has a doctor's appointment you put in for a few hours off to take care of it. If you get called at work that your kid is in the nurse's office with a fever, you hop into your mom taxi and whisk them up and make sure you do all you can to cure what ails them. Some of you who blog have obligations to PR firms and have a mountain of posts to publish each night. You somehow manage to get through them even if it means you might get 4 hours of sleep. Some moms are still taking college classes, trying to get to the next level. There are classes, homework and exhaustion yet you persevere. You get that degree. Some of you are doing this alone [without a husband]. You sacrifice everything for the sake of your children. I am in awe of the working mothers who "do it all". You are the ones that wear the cape to me. You are all my hero!
Shelly, Mom Files

Wordless Wednesday

Look at these two! I stole the idea of putting the juicebox in the cup from my friend Tanyetta.
No more squeezing! Thanks Tanyetta and Gracen! :)

Shelly, Mom Files

Topricin saved my back [and butt]

I did something really bad today. I decided it was a good idea to move my exercise bike from downstairs by bring upstairs in my office. I moved the heavy thing by myself. Dumb move. I felt my back do something. Next thing I know I was having difficulty bending over. I remembered that I had just received some homeopathic pain relief cream called Topricin to review. Now I was not intending for the review to go down this was but it kind of worked out. I grabbed the tube and the first thing I did was sniff it (strange thing I always do). It smelled like, well, nothing. It was odorless. I squeezed some onto my fingers and applied it the best I could on my back.
It was completely greaseless which is usually never the case with pain relief creams. I sat down for a bit to see if the Topricin would work. I figured since it did not have a mentholated scent and was non-greasy that I should not expect much. Do you know that within 15 minutes I was not feeling the pain anymore? I am completely stunned! If the hubby only knew what I did and the kind of effect it could of had on me, he would be so upset with me. This is why I said that Topricin saved my back [and butt]. I really did not think a homeopathic product could really work as well as Topricin Pain Relief Cream did. I am thinking about purchasing some for my parents and my mother-in-law for their pain ailments. The beauty of using this type of pain therapy is simple- no drugs and no side effects. This makes it safe for everyone to use.

Topricin products can be purchased here and comes in different formulas including Topricin Junior and Topricin Foot Therapy Cream, as well as different sizes.

I received product samples for review and all opinions are 100% mine as always.

Shelly, Mom Files

Getting ready for the Spring/Summer sports season

Volleyball season is nearing and my daughters have started conditioning already. I always make sure that they have a drink (usually a water bottle) and a snack tucked in their gym bags. Thanks to HINT water and Smart for Life, your players can stay fueled and focused during their games with refreshing drinks and healthy, good-for-you snacks.

HINT flavored water has no calories, sweeteners or preservatives and is a great alternative to juice and soda. HINT was launched in April 2005 by current CEO Kara Goldin and is now available in all Whole Foods and Starbucks. It is available in Blackberry, Mango-Grapefruit, Pomegranate-Tangerine, Raspberry-Lime, and Strawberry Kiwi and sells for $1.79. My girls really liked them and this surprises me since they are not sugary! I tried the mango-grapefruit flavor and it is so refreshing. You can "like" HINT on Facebook.

Smart for Life has a range of protein filled Chocolate Chip cookies, Cranberry Granola Squares, and Protein Bars that are sure to help your players stay energized and on their game. I personally enjoyed sampling the Cranberry Granola Squares. It has a nice chewy texture to it and I love the cranberries.

I received product samples for review. All opinions are 100% mine as always.

Shelly, Mom Files

Swimsuit season is coming

It's getting to be that time of year for some of us depending on what part of the country you live in...Swimsuit season. I have not worn a swimsuit in over 3 years. I promised myself that this year I will get one that is flattering to my rounder body. I looked at a few from Target and so far I like the first 2. I have to go with something that covers my tummy because I don't think anyone wants to see my stretchmarks aka 'the rays of the sun'.

I also actually liked this swim dress. It doesn't look like an old lady one. It would be great to cover my buns but I really think I might go with one of the 2 first ones.

Are you ready for swimsuit season?
Shelly, Mom Files
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