Family * Travel * Food

William's first haircut

The time finally came that little William needed his hair cut (badly). Since Dwayne cuts his own hair it only made sense to cut his son's himself (plus he's cheap!) Here are some photos covering the haircut session.

Since we don't own a barber's chair we used the next best thing, the high chair! Dwayne introduced the clippers to William and turned them on. As you can see William didn't seem to mind it one bit.

Here he is playing peek-a-boo. He is always sucking his little tongue!

He behaved so well through the whole process.

Dwayne had fun doing this.

Here is the after shot. Of course he has to be a little silly while trying to take a decent photo.

Look at him! He looks so much older and more like a real boy and not so babyish.


I love my husband

I know I trash talk Dwayne as often as I can but I really think he is one amazing fella. He just always knows what to say when I need him to say it. He treats me like a queen not in a material way but in an emotional sense. I love that he supports me in every choice I make. I don't know what I would do without him. He's my bad boy for life :)

Brotha Drinks

Here goes Papo with one of his official "Brotha" drinks. Pineapple is one of his favorites. Notice how he has the brand covered up? You know he needs some endorsement money if he shows that!! What are we going to do with him?

My life has been taken over!

I just don't get it. I used to watch TV, go out to lunch with friends, and go anywhere I wanted when I wanted. I walked into my bedroom this afternoon to fold the 50 loads of laundry that have been neglected. I figured I might as well get it done while Willie was actually taking a nap. I picked up the remote control, (from Dwayne's side of the bed of course) I press "power" and there was some random sci-fi movie on (Dwayne again) so I type in the number 28. Problem. Channel 28 is not Food Network, HGTV, SoapNet, local news, or A&E. Channel 28 is Noggin. I am so programmed to catering to my little guy that I automatically turn to his channel! Now the really ridiculous part is I sit there and get all into the shows! Dwayne, Chardie and Brie do it as well. They even go to Noggin on Demand to watch thier favorite shows over and over. We even love some shows that we claimed we would never watch in our lives. If you have a little one then you know exactly what I'm talking about! I am singing "Go Diego Go!" in my head as I type. Truly my life has been taken over but I am not complaining one bit :)

William update- 11 months old

Little William is officially 11 months old today. He is a very busy boy these days exploring everything he can get his hands on. He's crawling around and pulling up on everything he can. I can't turn my back on him for more than 2 seconds because he gets into trouble so quickly. I am not excited about the whole walking thing. I guess the real work starts then! He is really a happy boy and who wouldn't be with 2 great big sisters that cater to his every wish! I wish I could have gotten some better photos of the little fella but he has been sick with a cold for a couple days and has not been too happy. As a matter of fact, we will be going to the Pediatrician this morning to get him checked out. Poor little guy, he is absolutely miserable. It just breaks my heart to see him sick :(
Gotta love the old man face

He has the wildest waviest hair ever!!



With a title like that I am sure you know who I am about to start talking about. What is wrong with my husband?? Seriously, this Vent Day Wednesday thing is getting out of control. Dwayne sneaks his butt in the office and gets on the computer to do what I think is to check email, blog, website... really he is watching the Vent Day videos and laughing himself to tears. Oh and he watches them over and over and laughs even harder! He has disturbed the baby from sleeping many of nights. What do I do with him!? I thought our Vent day was for just that...VENTING, not the Dwayne and Shelly variety show. Seriously, he is insane! For instance, telling everyone to email me about talking to my white blood cells. He has this Dwayne theory that you must talk to your white blood cells (WBC as She Needs says ) when you feel ill. *WTF?* He has to walk around the house like a drill Sargent motivating his WBC troops to battle. He says he does not take medication, he sends in reinforcements to help out on the front line. Coughing to him is the Army fighting a ground battle and sneezing is the Air Force battle. Now in all this foolishness he does say one thing right. Dwayne always recommends resting when the battle is taking place. However, the most obnoxious part is that he rewards his WBC's after the battle is won. He actually pats himself on the back, and drinks hot ginseng tea. He say he gives his WBC's a nice rewarding jacuzzi bath for a job well done. What can I say the guy is crazy, but there must be something to his madness. Because like he says, he rarely gets sick. Go figure.

It's the weekend baby!!

I know these two guys will be getting into some football action this Sunday. The girls and I will be putting out a spread of yummy nibbles and we will continue celebrating our anniversary. I will post some photos of Will's first Superbowl. Is anyone doing anything special on game day? Please share and I hope that whatever you do this weekend that it's fun and you are safe. Enjoy!!


William update 10 months old.

How can this be?? Every time I turn around this little boy is getting to be not so little anymore! Can you believe it, 10 months old already! The older he gets, the more I see his wild side coming out. He is just like his Papo (HELP!!!!) What can I say, he's a happy, healthy and very active little boy. You sure can tell there is a man in that little body of his just by observing his actions. He about wears me out each day and the fact that he barely naps in the daytime makes for a nice long slumber each night. It has been so much fun for Dwayne, myself and the girls to watch William grow each day. I think a favorite thing that we all love about him is his 1,000 expressions he makes. Here are some photos after he had a snack sitting on his high chair. Enjoy!

This last photo is just for you Tanyetta! Did you actually think I would not have one with the tongue sticking out?!


It's baby proofing time

I can't believe it. The time is here... Time to baby proof our home. William has gotten so big and is now rolling all over the house in his walker. He grab everything is sight! He likes to pull on doorknobs and drawers. No more leaving little things around anywhere we want. This is a whole lifestyle change for my family. The girls are having to rearrange things to accommodate the wild child. The boy is fast as lightening too so I can't take my eyes off of him for even a minute. Dwayne and I watched him this morning as he curiously looked at a cord plugged into an outlet. I guess my real mommy work is about to get started!

Does anyone have any suggestions on things to look out for? I never baby proofed with the girls simply because they were very calm. I feel like a first time parent here. I'm happy for any advice anyone wants to share. Thanks!

Dwayne & Shelly's night out

Dwayne and I went out on Friday night to a Christmas party at the Capital City Club. We went last year and I was 6 months pregnant at the time. Our server we had last year came by our private dining room to say hello and she actually remembered details about all of us. Even what we were drinking! Of course for me that was water :) The girls and my mother-in-law took care of William...everyone survived. I did keep checking to see if the girls sent a text. I told them to do so in case of an emergency. Thankfully everything went smoothly and we were able to enjoy some time out alone.

Malibu & pineapple sure was nicer than water this year!

This shot makes me look pregnant with the way the sweater fit!

Dwayne as always, trying to look cool.


8 months old already!

Oh no!! I am always sad to do these month by month posts. It's a reminder that the little guy is growing up and each day he changes and does new things. His favorite person? DaDa. Forget the fact that I am with him ALL DAY LONG. DaDa makes him light up and laugh. Well, he started saying Mama so I guess I am happy. Now of course he only says that when he is fighting sleep and crying. All of you moms out there that claimed there would be the whole mother and son thing, NOT! He is all about his dad. William finally got his bottom teeth! I hope the drooling will start to slow down a bit. He can sit on his own for up to an hour and play independently. This buys me time to actually get things done. He loves watching me cook and clean the kitchen so that is added time to get things done. He is an all around happy and funny baby boy. I am really loving the not having to do hair, matching, or worrying much. Boys are pretty cool... Stinky, but cool.
He's so charming too! Look at that face. The ladies can't resist it!!
I don't know what it is about the tongue thing! He has been doing that since birth! He can touch his tongue to the tip of his nose! Of course Papo thinks that is so cool. *shaking head*

It's the weekend BaBy!!!

This is what the boy behaves like with his father. Of course Papo is so proud.
Everyone have a great weekend and be safe :P


Cutest pumpkin in the patch!

I very happily went out this morning in the 37 degree weather to take little Willam to the pumpkin patch so we could snap a few Fall photos. Well, he looked every which way except at me! LOL!! I think it was too much excitement for the little guy. There were a lot of preschool aged kids running around and cool things hanging from the trees to look at. There were dozens of painted gourds and Indian corn. Looking at the camera was just not interesting! So we walked around a bit then purchased a baby pumpkin and headed home.

Look what he did when he got back to his toasty home!

This face is my new favorite. How cute is this? Please, I want another little William because I am having the time of my life! Being a mom is the best job in the world!!


Someone is 7 months old already

Our baby is another month old. This is such a fun time for William. He loves to play, he can sit up (with the occasional flop over!), he recognizes the people that are around him most and he has started saying his first word. Do I even have to say what that might be?? You guessed's "Da Da". I'm only the one that is ALWAYS with him, feeding, bathing, teaching, washing clothes, cleaning messy faces, changing diapers, rocking, singing, carrying him around (he weighs 22 pounds) and all of the other mommy stuff I do. Of course he would say Da Da. It is just the thing babies do. Whenever daddy walks through the door William squeals with excitement, laughing and smiling. He opens his arms and leans towards his dad waiting to be picked up. I tried to capture some video footage of the boy saying Da Da but naturally the minute he sees the camera, he stops.

A funny thing about the boy too is that he likes to be called Willie. His sisters started that one and now we all call him that, ha! Any time he gets fussy we start counting and reciting the alphabet. He LOVES it and responds as if he can say it himself! I really think it is because we did it while he was in the womb. His sister Chardie speaks Spanish to him and he gets such a kick out of it! Hey, it's never too early to learn or to teach! Here are a couple more photos of our big boy

blog slacking

Hey Y'all...
I have been so bad at keeping up with the blog for the past few days. I guess you can say that I have been doing the mom thing so that has been my #1 priority. Having a 6 month old baby keeps my hands full and I never want that to affect my other children. I am a mom first before anything else. Oh, and if you had the husband I have, you would see how tough my job can be! Speaking of the hubby, please check out his blog. I have also been trying to help him get it together so be sure to show some love. I have some interesting topics I want to throw your way so be sure to keep checking in on me. We will have some good ones for tomorrow's Don'tcha hate it when... Wednesday. I am also going to have my daughters featured as guest writers so that will be very interesting. The are nicknamed little Shellys so who knows what might be in store! Dwayne, BEWARE!! I hope everyone has a successful day!

boy parts- update

Well, I got the answer from the doctor this morning on why my boy's winkie goes inward sometimes. It turns out that it is perfectly normal for that to happen. The reason it happens is because he is so chunky, that's it~! Now Dwayne can breathe freely and know his son's winkie is perfectly healthy and normal.
The end.

How to tame a wild hubby

Pop this in the DVD player...

Sit one of these in front of him...

And offer up a few of these as needed and you are done!

This is a winning combination, you can't go wrong. The movie will keep him focused on the TV (as if it was possible to focus on anything else with the TV playing). The food will fill his gut and the beer will calm him down. Perfect. The end.


That is right... the takeover. There will be no Wordless Wednesday or Don'tcha you hate it when,
but the takeover. Hey ladies, don'tcha you hate it when the BBCDO takes over ? HA HA HA

This one is for the ladies...

This one is for everyone...

I'll Holla --P_E_A_C_E - Dwayne aka Ismail the Great


Hey , I let my mouth write a check and now I need to cash it . Check out the story here. Now it is time to put up or shut up and you know your boy is up to the challenge. A new son and a new direction. I have a new blog that will include video and all. However, nothing good is done alone. Hit me up and let's change the world.


New phone plastic

Please tell me why my hubby wants to keep the protective plastic that comes on a new cellphone?! He is one of those people that likes to keep all the stickers and labels on all things new. Does he not realize that the plastic covers are a part of the packaging and serve no other function than just that? As a matter of fact, it covers both the part you speak into, hear out of and also the camera. Does this make any sense? If he got the stupid orange water cooler he would probably leave the "look inside for FREE cup dispenser" label on the already tacky looking cooler. I am to the point that I might just let him have the big orange atrocity. You see folks, this is why I opted not to name my baby boy after his father...I would lose my mind! That's my tacky husband!

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