Family * Travel * Food

Brotha Drinks

Here goes Papo with one of his official "Brotha" drinks. Pineapple is one of his favorites. Notice how he has the brand covered up? You know he needs some endorsement money if he shows that!! What are we going to do with him?

It's the weekend baby!!

I know these two guys will be getting into some football action this Sunday. The girls and I will be putting out a spread of yummy nibbles and we will continue celebrating our anniversary. I will post some photos of Will's first Superbowl. Is anyone doing anything special on game day? Please share and I hope that whatever you do this weekend that it's fun and you are safe. Enjoy!!


Dwayne- New BLYA Logo

Hello to all my fans... I would like to thank the academy and... oops I'm sorry wrong post. I was day dreaming about my Hollywood acceptance speech. (I know Shelly is saying yeah right!) You will see baby, one day I will be a star. However, until then please jump over to BLYA and give your opinion of the new logo. I like comments, good comments, bad comments, any comments, sexy comments because hey I am so sexy (DWAYNE! finish your post and get off my blog! -says Shelly).

Well check out the the logo and give me your 2 cents.

Take care and have a great day.

Sing with me... I'm too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts... (Everybody sing)

DWAYNE!!! said by Shelly.

Okay, I'm out...holla at me!

Wordless Wednesday

5 examples of why Dwayne should keep his day job and never pursue a career in photography.


How to tame a wild hubby

Pop this in the DVD player...

Sit one of these in front of him...

And offer up a few of these as needed and you are done!

This is a winning combination, you can't go wrong. The movie will keep him focused on the TV (as if it was possible to focus on anything else with the TV playing). The food will fill his gut and the beer will calm him down. Perfect. The end.


That is right... the takeover. There will be no Wordless Wednesday or Don'tcha you hate it when,
but the takeover. Hey ladies, don'tcha you hate it when the BBCDO takes over ? HA HA HA

This one is for the ladies...

This one is for everyone...

I'll Holla --P_E_A_C_E - Dwayne aka Ismail the Great

New phone plastic

Please tell me why my hubby wants to keep the protective plastic that comes on a new cellphone?! He is one of those people that likes to keep all the stickers and labels on all things new. Does he not realize that the plastic covers are a part of the packaging and serve no other function than just that? As a matter of fact, it covers both the part you speak into, hear out of and also the camera. Does this make any sense? If he got the stupid orange water cooler he would probably leave the "look inside for FREE cup dispenser" label on the already tacky looking cooler. I am to the point that I might just let him have the big orange atrocity. You see folks, this is why I opted not to name my baby boy after his father...I would lose my mind! That's my tacky husband!


Now That's Some BULLS@#T !!!

Now for everyone that knows about the cooler story that occurred last weekend, don't you think this is some BullS@#t ? My wife tried to make me feel good with this girly-man cooler. She thinks she's slick by getting me a cooler that says DieHard. This is not a manly-man Bruce Willis Die Hard cooler. This is a itsy-bitsy, teenie-weenie, yellow polka-dot bikini girly-man cooler. How can I go around my boys with this cute cooler? I want my orange cooler back! Holla if ya hear me!!! PEACE

Men can't be trusted

Yesterday on the 4th, we ran into a problem when I realized the grill rack I purchased a few days prior would not work for the bbq grill we have. I went to two different stores to find the correct size and had no luck.This became very stressful seeing that I had only two hours before my guests arrive. Dwayne decides to go out and see if he could find one. He goes to the same exact stores I did only different locations. He had no luck. We had to resort to using the one I bought even though it was too short. Now my hubby decides that he could not walk through the door empty handed. This is what he buys...

-I ask him (very annoyed) "what the heck is that for?"
-He replies, "I might need some water while I am driving my truck"
-Me, "Then get some bottled water and put it in a cooler you idiot!!"
-Him, "but it looks so manly and cool"
-Me, (really mad at this point) "You are not a construction worker or a physical labor worker, you don't need 5 gallons of water. It's going back tomorrow"
-Him, "come on, pleeease??! It even has a cup dispenser!"
-Me. I just give him "the look".
-Him, (looking like a little boy while kicking his feet around on the grass) "Fine. I can't ever have anything around here"
-Me, "Damn right!"
I can't ever let him loose in any store because he loves buying stupid and useless stuff. I guess it is a guy thing. Poor Dwayne. I don't know why he ever thinks he has a chance at winning.

Don'tcha hate it when.... Wednesday

Hey everyone, you know what day it is so let's get started...

Fellas, members of the BBCDO -Don'tcha hate it when you ask your wife for 10 more minutes of sleep in the morning and she comes back in 8?

Don'tcha hate it when your wife tells you not to do something because it will turn out bad, you do it anyway, and it turns out bad?

Dont'cha hate it when your wife acts like the best wife in the world and then you remember it's payday? ( man that's foul)

My personal one- I hate it when I go to the store to buy something and everybody says "you're that guy with the pretty wife and pretty kids. (HELLO?? I HAVE A NAME!!!!)

Fellas get at me with your Hate it when Wednesday in the comments area, and LADIES, if you think you're brave enough to hang with the big boys, meet us in the comment area and hit us up.

Peace- Ismail the Great
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