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Age Old Solutions

Caring for an elderly relative can sometimes be a bit tricky. Not only is it difficult to see an elderly loved one’s health decline, but it can put you in an awkward position. Where you have the added responsibility of caring for someone that used to be perfectly capable of caring for themselves. But to help you out, check out the guide below provides solutions to the most common issues you may face when caring for an older relative.

Ensuring they eat well

One of the biggest issues that you may come across when caring for an elderly relative that their eating can become erratic. This can be due to things such as catching a virus like the flu. As older folks' immune systems are weaker than ours.

Or it could be due to other issues that affect the appetite, such as diabetes that isn't being managed properly. Or it may even, be symptomatic of depression caused by chronic pain, losing a long term partner, or living alone.

But what can you do for them if you have noticed that they are eating less and less? Well, firstly it's important that you get them checked over by the doctors to see whether there is an underlying medical condition that needs to be treated.

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It's can also help to go round to their house, or invite them over to yours and make a hearty home cooked meal to tempt them into eating something. It's likely that the company will help them with this as well. 

Ensuring their medical needs are met 

Of course, a very important aspect of caring for an elderly relative is ensuring that their medical needs are met. 
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This might be something as simple as helping them to sort their pills into the right compartments for the rights days each week. 

Or it could be more involved, doing things likes organizing a palliative nurse for end of life care. Or being an advocate for them with the medical profession. 

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But whatever you have to do, be sure that you listen to their wishes as much as possible and engage them in the process. As no one likes to feel as if they are out of control of their life, no matter what their age. 

Getting them out and about 

Something else that you need to consider when caring for older relatives is giving them a chance to get out of the house occasionally. It can be pretty grim to be stuck indoors all of the time, and it isn't likely to help them feel their best. 
Obviously, mobility is an issue for many older folks so you will need to consider this before you plan out any trips. 

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Consider your destination carefully and make sure that it does not include too much walking or difficult terrain. 

Also, you can use disabled parking stickers so you can park closer to the store, or attraction that you take them to. Or consider using a wheelchair, or motorized scooter for those whose mobility is severely inhibited. 

How to decorate a Southwest Styled House

What does a Southwest Style House look like?
A Southwest-styled house is specially made to give an inviting and gorgeous look to guests and visitors. You can recognize a Southwest-styled house with some prominent features such as flat roofs, its covered porches, stoned pillars and walls, smaller windows, large wooden doors and lower roof when viewed from inside. It has patterned tile work creating a cool environment. Another feature which is noticeable is the use of stucco walls.

Stucco walls are made by applying thick layer which hardens when dried. These houses are usually found in single story homes. Such houses are commonly found in Southwestern areas of America (like Phoenix, Las Vegas, California, etc.). These houses have also embraced current trends in decoration along with old traditional wooden style.

Southwest Style house plans have a historical background after which it was known all over the world. In earlier times, Southwest style houses were also known as Pueblo Revival Style. This design was taken up from Spanish mission in New Mexico. Its popularity increased during the 1920s and 1930s. The main features of such houses at that time included the use of bricks and concrete on walls and flat roofs. This style was very famous in New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado in earlier times.

Tips to decorate your Southwest Style house

  • As you will start decorating your house, you will also color its walls. Southwestern styled houses are painted with bright and vibrant colors (including yellows and oranges). On the other hand, those colors should not be extra bright that it irritates your eye. The color chosen should be warm. Shades of yellow, orange, golden and blue are in tradition with this style. Paints denote natural colors of the sky.
  • Use of wood should be easily seen. Using different kinds of wood such as pine, oak, maple, birch, etc. can indicate Southwestern style. Bold wooden furniture is also encouraged. New Mexico was famous for more use of wood.
  • If you do not feel like using more wood in your house, you can go for metalwork. Furniture made from metal is also found in Southwestern styled house. You can set up wrought iron tables and chairs or railings.
  • Add creativity to your walls by either making it with stones or stucco. Textured walls are more liked in such houses. You can enhance the interior by putting spiritual content on the walls.
  • Every house has pillars inside it. Making it out of stonework will look more inspiring. It will then look more like a Southwestern styled house.
  • Simple wooden flooring will not sound like a house of such category. Therefore, adding art will help you. You can either use stones or rough planks and brick. To add beauty, you can also place rugs all over the floor with different designs. Southwest house designs have variety, so you could also add mosaic tiles on the floor.
  • Include more of Spanish decoration. Guests should find more Spanish details. Pottery of different shapes and sizes are promoted.


Why Sleep is Your Way to a Healthier Life

Who doesn’t love waking up in the morning feeling refreshed, alert and ready to face the day? Or am I dreaming to think that you can always get the sleep that you need?! The truth is that in today’s increasingly busy world, many people push sleep to the back of the queue - an added extra that’s nice if you can get it.

Scientists are always conducting new studies about just how important a good night’s sleep is, both for our physical and mental wellbeing. Just in case you needed any extra reasons to get your forty winks, here are just some of the health benefits that a good night’s sleep can bring.
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Improve Memory

Though it may seem like you are not doing all that much while you sleep, your mind is actually busy processing all the events of the day. In a process called ‘consolidation’, the memories or practice skills that you learnt during the day are reinforced in your mind. That means that if you are trying to learn something new, sleep can help cement the information that you need in your mind. There’s a reason people say it’s not a good idea to stay up all night before an exam cramming in all the information instead of getting valuable shut-eye! If you’ve got a big day ahead of you, the best way you can tackle it is with sleep.

Exercise Better

Many top performing athletes get upwards of 10 hours sleep a night in the build up to a big game. Though you’re probably not quite at this level, a good night’s sleep can still probably improve your performance! Studies have shown that a decent amount of sleep can improve stamina and reduce daytime fatigue. How many times have you decided not to get your exercise because you were too tired? And the truth is that it can become a vicious cycle. People who get a decent amount of exercise generally find it easier to drift off at night. If you are trying to hit a certain goal or personal best, it seems that sleep is your fast track to doing this.

Increase Attention Span

If you are trying to help your kids improve their grades at school, making sure they get an early night should be your first priority. Whereas adults tend to feel sluggish and lethargic when we don’t get the sleep we need, it generally has the opposite effect on kids. They tend to get overly hyperactive and find it very difficult to concentrate on any tasks. And also remember that kids tend to need more sleep than adults, so the definition of a good night’s sleep tends to vary between you and your children. When it comes to your own attention span, you certainly need that extra hour or two in bed to improve your alertness and therefore lengthen your own attention span.

Maintain A Healthy Weight

Many of us find that it is an ongoing battle to keep at a healthy weight. And it turns out that a huge amount of the battle is fought from the comfort of your own bed! A study was conducted at the University of Chicago which found that dieters who were more well rested lost a significantly bigger fat percentage than those who were sleep deprived. It was also found that those who weren’t getting enough sleep were losing muscle mass (so if you’re trying to tone up, getting your sleep is also hugely important!). During this study, dieters reported feeling hungrier when they weren’t getting as much sleep. It can be a very difficult balancing act to make sure you are getting enough sleep while also finding enough hours in the day to work out as well!

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Lower Stress

Reducing the amount of stress in our lives is something that many of us are looking to achieve. Both stress and sleep are intrinsically linked as they both impact our cardiovascular health. Sleep equips us with the mental tools that we need to keep our stress levels down. It has also been linked to blood pressure and cholesterol levels.   

However, if we feel extremely stressed, it can be difficult to make sure our bodies switch off to get the rest that we need. Try getting into a bedtime routine that prepares you for sleep. Spend some time destressing yourself in whatever way works best for you; whether this is a bubble bath, yoga or listening to music. Consider cutting back on your screen time when you are approaching bedtime. Watching TV or playing on a laptop has been found to disrupt melatonin production which is an important sleep hormone. This can be a particular problem for kids as they tend to want to stay connected to all their different devices as long as possible. It may be that you need to put some pretty strict rules in place in order to get them out of these bad habits. 

Getting your bedroom just right is important so find out how to choose the right down pillow for a restful sleep. Also think about how comfortable your mattress is and whether you have enough blankets to keep you warm during the night. Try to keep your bedtime routine the same every night so that your body naturally begins to prepare itself for sleep.

Avoid Accidents 

The link between tiredness and road accidents is clear which is why there are so many campaigns trying to stop people from driving when they feel tired. A lack of sleep tends reduce reaction time as well as impacting decision making. This means that numerous everyday tasks are affected by not getting enough sleep. If you work in a job that requires a high degree of concentration, getting a good night’s sleep should be your first priority.

Reduce Risk of Depression

Like stress, depression is another area of our mental wellbeing that is significantly affected by lack of sleep. People who are well rested tend to be more emotionally stable and feel more balanced. The chance of mood swings is significantly increased if you don’t get the sleep you need. We’ve all experienced a sudden rush of anger or sadness simply from not getting our eight hours at night. Anxiety can also be increased, making us feel uneasy about all sorts of aspects of our lives. 

Curb Inflammation

Linked to heart disease, strokes, diabetes and arthritis, inflammation can be extremely damaging to our health. Getting enough sleep has been found to curb this. On the other side of the coin, people who get fewer than six hours of sleep a night tend to have higher blood levels of inflammatory proteins.

Live Longer

Though there is still a lot of research that goes into this area, studies have started making the link between people who sleep more and people who live longer. Older people often tend to have different sleeping patterns that involve not getting as much during the night but needing to take naps during the day. Quality of life is also generally reduced by not getting enough sleep.

So, it’s pretty clear to see that getting enough sleep is hugely important. If you’ve considered pushing sleep to the back of your list of priorities, it may well be time to rethink! All the tasks that you have the next day are much more likely to be tacked well if you get the sleep that you need.    


Posture Problems Sorted

Do you remember you mom telling you to sit up straight when you were a kid? Maybe you say it to your little ones now? But sitting or standing up straight is about more than just looking smart and attentive. In fact, having a good posture is intrinsically linked to your health. Read on to find out more.

Hunch Back

Now while you might start getting images of a certain cartoon character that lived in Notre Dame, most folks with hunched back are not quite such serious cases. Instead, the top portion of their back is rounded instead of straight which is mainly due to the way that they sit and stand.
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Ladies with a heavier chest can be at particular risk of this, because gravity cause a natural hunch in balancing out the weight that is there. But what can you do about this?

Well, for one it's a good idea to check the way you are sitting at your desk for work. Your spine should be straight, which often means there is a dip in the lower back and your chest is pointing forward. You can get special seat supports to help you train you back into this position.

It can also help you have some additional support in the chest region. So consider getting properly fitted for your bras. Or even using a posture correcting bra, that provides extra support.

Spine Curvature

Of course, not all curved spines are caused by sitting or standing in a slouched position. In fact, some spinal and postural issues have a more serious underlying cause.

One of these is osteoporosis which is when the bones in your body lose their density, so they are no longer able to support your body properly.

In fact, one of the most prominent symptoms of this disease is a curvature of the spine. That is why it is so vital to be aware of your risk of osteoporosis and start to address this early on in life. So when you get the age where this is an issue you have already being doing things to relieve or prevent it.

One of the best things that you can do it to ensure that you consume enough calcium. Which the body need for fortifying your bones. This can be found in dairy products, as well as oily fish like sardines, and a green vegetable like Kale.

You can also take supplements made from algae that combine calcium with magnesium for maximum effect. If you would like to know more about this, you can read the AlgaeCal reviews on Amazon, and see what real people think of them.

Forward facing head 

Another common posture issue that many people can suffer from is a forward facing head. This is when the neck is not in line with the spine. But tilts forward causing the head to be in extended position.

This can be rectified in a similar way to a humped back, by retraining the correct posture through physical therapy and yoga.
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However, this is something that can often be confused with one of the signs of Cushing's Disease. Which is a fatty hump on the back of the neck.

So if you do have any concerns about this, it is best to get it checked out with a medical professional before you take any action.

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Why Getting A Pet Might Be The Best Thing You Do For Your Children

If you have children, one of your top priorities is going to be making sure they are happy and healthy as they grow. Did you know that getting a pet for them might be one of the best things you decide to do? Here’s why!

Your Kids Get Added Responsibility
When you get a pet, assuming you’re not going to do absolutely every chore, your kids will have added responsibility. They’ll have something else to think about, other than themselves. This can be really good for them. It can help them to grow up a little, and make them more willing to help with other things around the house. Whether you give them the task of administering Capstar meds or helping your pet to get some exercise, having more responsibility is good for them. Eventually, they’ll enjoy caring for the pet and be more than willing to help out, even without you asking them.

Increased Confidence And Self Esteem
As your kids have added responsibility, they’ll also have more confidence and self esteem. They’ll realize that they’re capable of things they may never have realized before. Scientific studies have also proven that kids with pets have more confidence and self esteem than those without. This could be down to the unconditional love, constant companionship, and other benefits pets can offer. Whatever the reason, giving your kids all of this confidence can only be a good thing!

Quicker Development
Kids who curled up and read with their pets show quicker development than kids who read alone. Your kids can improve many of their skills by having a pet to love and look after!

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Getting Them To Stay Active
A pet can encourage your kids to stay active. A dog is one of the best choice for active kids; they can go on walks with them, play catch with them, and teach them tricks. However, other kinds of pets can keep your kids active too. Your kids can play with guinea pigs in the garden, and teach rats tricks. There are all kinds of pets that require exercise and stimulation. 

Help Your Kids Become Less Anxious And Withdrawn
If your child is shy, anxious, withdrawn, and showing similar traits, a pet can help to reduce these. In studies, pets really helped shy, nervous children to come out of their shells. Having a dog as a full time companion could be just what your anxious child needs to give them more confidence and make them happier. However, another pet could prove to be just as beneficial. 

Turn Them Into Compassionate, Well Rounded Humans 
Overall, a pet will help to turn your children into compassionate, well-rounded humans. Not that they wouldn’t have turned out great with your guidance, but a pet can supercharge the results! If you want your children to turn into well-rounded, confident, intelligent, caring adults, then a pet is a great idea! 

Do you think getting a pet is a good idea for your children? What kind of pet are you considering? Leave your thoughts below! 
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