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3 Reasons To Keep Your Yearly Eye Appointment

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Our senses are so valuable, yet it's easy to take them for granted, particularly the act of seeing. What color is something? Can you read the paper? Can you enjoy the smile on a loved one's face? Ensure these moments continue by making your eyesight a priority. Yearly doctor appointments can sometimes be easy to overlook. After all, life is busy enough. Squeezing in one more check up just seems to be time consuming. In fact, you simply think that your vision hasn't changed so it's just not worth it. Consider that again. Your yearly appointment could be vital to maintaining your sight. Here are three reasons to visit your eye doctor.

1. Understand the Changes in Pressure

It's hard to know when high blood pressure begins. It's considered a silent killer because people often can't feel it. Usually, it's discovered upon regular visits to a physician. The same could be said of the beginning stages of glaucoma. This form of pressure happens on the optic nerve. This doesn't always immediately impact how your clarity. Instead, you might experience headaches, redness, or halos. Pain and nausea are also sometimes attributed to the disease. What you may think is simply stomach trouble or allergies could be a major concern. When you meet with the doctor, he or she tests this, monitoring any changes or issues. Caught early, people could receive treatment, helping to avoid long-term vision loss.
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2. Detect Dry Eye

In today's world, people constantly stare at screens. Whether it's work or pleasure, many are no longer spending the majority of their life enjoying normal daylight. Rather, the eyes must adapt to the screen. This can grow tiresome, harming the tear production, exacerbating dry eye. The layers begin to lose their moisture, making them rough. They are less protected from irritants and lose the vital nourishment needed to safeguard them. During the exam, tear production can be checked. Drops and treatments may be offered. On an average day, someone experiencing this may not realize this is affecting him or her. Symptoms are usually aggravation or grittiness; however, ignoring this over long periods of time can lead to worse vision.

3. Learn About Your Body

Often people don't see the primary physician for yearly blood work. Perhaps you go for a cough or a fever, but few like to see their lab work every year. It's significant, though, because it identifies changes in your metabolic system that may not be visible. In fact, you may seem fit but still have sugar or cholesterol issues. Sometimes by looking at your eyes, those beginning stages can be noted. That's where the eye appointment could help save you. Diabetes, for instance, may affect the retina in your eyeball, sometimes causing bleeding or giving off yellow fluid. Simple observations may signal warning. Furthermore, plaque buildup is a sign on cholesterol development. This can also appear within the retina, triggering a need for additional investigation.

Visiting the optometrist is about more than glasses. It's really about your general health.

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Great Advice for Brand-New Moms

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Last week, after being pregnant for nine long months, you delivered the most beautiful baby you’ve ever seen.

First of all, major congratulations are in order here. Becoming a mommy is something to celebrate, and your precious infant will change your life in many marvelous ways.

Second, let’s talk about some tips and advice that can help you as a new mom and make the next several months not seem as out of control:

Get Sleep Whenever You Can

Growing a brand-new human being and giving birth is hard work. Now, you have an adorable infant who is probably not sleeping for extended periods and you are understandably exhausted. If a friend or relative offers to watch your baby so you can nap during the afternoon, by all means take him or her up on the offer. And when your little one naps, try to lie down at the same time and get some much-needed rest. Eventually, your bundle of joy will sleep through the night and you'll get more snooze, too. But, for now, take every opportunity you can to sleep.
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Treat Yourself to Some Fun New Clothes

Your baby has probably gotten the lion’s share of new outfits, and that’s totally understandable. But don’t forget to treat yourself to some new clothes as well. Anything from some comfortable-yet-stylish new T-shirts and capri pants to a little black dress will be a much-deserved reward and help you to feel your best, so you can, in turn, care for your family best. Even if you don’t plan on going out for a night on the town anytime soon, seeing that hot little number hanging in your closet can be a fun little pick-me-up.

Try to Get Out of the House Every Day

Taking care of a new baby is often a rewarding experience, but you might also feel like you have a touch of cabin fever. Indeed, getting out of the house once a day will do wonders for your sanity and will also get you a much-needed change of scenery. If it's a nice day outside, put your infant in his or her stroller and go for a walk around the block, or bundle him or her into the car seat and go for a drive around the neighborhood.

Moreover, you can certainly head to the drive-thru coffee shop for an iced tea and muffin, run a few quick errands, or go to the drive-up ATM to get cash to buy the next round of diapers. Your daily field trips don’t have to be major excursions by any means, but you'll likely be amazed at how refreshed you feel after seeing the sky and clouds and breathing in some fresh air.

Feel Free to Ignore Well-Meaning Advice

There's nothing like a brand-new baby to bring out the advice machines in everyone. Everyone from your mom, mother-in-law, best friends with kids, neighbors, aunts, uncles, neighbors and the nice older gal in line ahead of you at the supermarket will have plenty of well-meaning words of wisdom for you.

While you might appreciate some of the tips, you're also welcome to skip as much of it as you wish. Let your motherly instinct kick in, and if your mom says it’s okay to let your baby “cry it out” at nap-time and you'd prefer to hold your infant until he or she nods off, then, by all means, do so. Smile and thank people for their advice, and then do what feels correct to you: the one who knows her baby best.
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You’ve Got This!

Being a new mom involves feeling all sorts of emotions, oftentimes all at once. But by remembering to sleep whenever possible, get out of the house for a short period of time every day and treat yourself to some new clothes, you'll know you have what it takes to be an amazing mom. And, all this should help you navigate the first few crazy months with your newborn feeling less chaotic.

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Why It Is Important To Speak Up When It Comes To Your Health

Have you ever felt like something in you is a bit off? Like you are off balance and can't quite figure out what your problem is? I went to my doctor a little over a month ago for my annual physical. I was actually 2 months off schedule since the pandemic came and knocked everything out of whack. Any time I have to go in to the doctor's office my blood pressure spikes a bit. I do check it at home regularly, and it is almost always right where it's supposed to be. The nurse always laughs and asks me if I am afraid of her, and that she doesn't bite. That usually calms me down, and my BP goes back down.

This last visit went a lot differently than normal. It was one of those very hot and muggy mornings, and I am normally the type of person who is always hot. I had to sip my ice water in the car, and put my mask on to enter the building. I went in, got registered at the front desk, and waited patiently to be called back. As soon as I saw the nurse crack open the door I felt my heart beat a bit faster, and I could feel myself trying harder to breathe. The mask doesn't make it any easier, but of course you still have to wear one.

Like with any visit, the first thing they do is check your weight and vitals. I decided to give myself a break with the weight since COVID-19 has been stressful and concerning. When the blood pressure cuff was placed around my arm, I had a bad feeling. My BP was 170/100! My heart rate was 117. I just sat there in shock as the nurse told me she would have to re-take my BP in a 5-minute time frame 3 times to get an average number between the three. Of course since it was within 5 minutes of the first check, it was still high at 155/95.

I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach and had those panicked breaths where I felt like I was gasping for air. My nerves were shot at this point. My doctor came in shortly after and was briefly updated on what was going on. We chatted about my overall well-being and how I was really feeling and I told her I was definitely better than I was in previous years dealing with extreme anxiety and depression. She figured that my elevated BP and heart rate were due to anxiety that were related to the pandemic, and the news regarding police brutality and racism. I mean, who isn't feeling a whole lot right now?

She highly recommended that I start a low-dose anti-anxiety medication to help me calm down, and hopefully that would result in my BP and heart rate regulating. I agreed. I don't know why, but I agreed. She wanted to see me back in 6 months to discuss how things end up going from taking the medication. I also had to wait for my lab results to see if anything else was wrong. Last year my cholesterol was high, and that is concerning since both of my parents were cardiac patients. I was warned of the possibility that if it was the same or higher, I would need to get on cholesterol meds right away.

I was diagnosed with thyroid disease about 5 years ago, and have been on medication to keep it regulated since then. Lucky for me, I've had very few symptoms that affect me. The only time I really did have anything that wasn't quite right was confused as being anxiety, when in reality I was having heart palpitations. Then the light bulb popped on in my head. The deep breathing and higher heart rate wasn't feeling 100% like anxiety, but more like heart palpitations. I decided to wait for my lab results to come back so I could see what my Thyroid-Stimulation Hormone (TSH) levels were. I just had a feeling something wasn't right.

What is so strange about the whole pandemic is that my life wasn't really affected a whole lot. Being home all the time, and homeschooling my son is my normal. Aside from not being able to find certain items at the store, things have been fine on the home-front. The only time I would get worked up is when I turned on the news. The state of the nation has been pitiful to say the least. Seeing so many families affected by job loss, kids not getting adequate education, and the state of financial crisis is enough to make anyone worry. But you know what? I still chose to find the good things to focus on each day. This made getting through these crazy months a lot easier. I have been surprisingly calm despite what was going on all over the world.

Enough about that, back to the lab results. They came in the next day, and to my surprise, the doctor was super happy to see how great everything looked. My cholesterol went down by 43 points! I had no idea it could drop that much in just a year. I can't tell you how relieved I was to get this fantastic news. I decided to really read through my results to make sure everything else was where it needs to be. I improved on just about everything! One thing did stick out to me though. My TSH level was at the top of the high number. That didn't sit right with me. Although it was .04 within the range, I was still concerned.

I sent a message through the patient portal to express my concerns about the TSH levels, and asked for my medication to be adjusted. I really feel like my elevated heart rate and BP was from heart palpitations caused by my thyroid and not anxiety. She agreed to step me up to 75mg from 50mg and have my labs done again in 3 months. After taking the higher dosage for 2 weeks, the palpitations subsided and I started feeling normal again. I definitely have not felt any anxiety or sadness. I knew I wasn't depressed, and was NOT about to take a drug that would be very hard to come off of.
This is what my blood pressure and heart rate look like now. 
I am happy that I decided against the anti-anxiety meds and opted to advocate for myself. While antidepressants are necessary for many people and do help a lot, I knew I didn't need them. I used to be one of those people who thought if a doctor tells you something, it's as good as gold and you have to listen. It's not always the case. Read over your lab reports, do your own research, ask questions and follow your gut. I'm so happy that I did! I will get my labs work done in the first part of September and go from there.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. Continue to stay well, and wear your mask!

Here’s Why Moms Should Be More Spiritual

As a mom, it can be difficult to feel spiritual. There’s nothing relaxing about the school run, packed lunches and changing diapers. Being spiritual can feel impossible when you’ve got a house full of screaming little ones or grumpy teenagers. But it isn’t.

Being spiritual means something different to everyone, but put simply it is the act of thinking about something bigger than yourself. Some spiritual people might do yoga or speak to a psychic (see for more information). There are many benefits of being spiritual, and it’s especially beneficial to moms in stressful households. Here’s why you should be more spiritual.
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Often, busy moms struggle to stay fit. We tend to prioritize our kids’ well-being over our own. However, it’s important to keep up a regular fitness routine. Spirituality can help with this. Being spiritual means being in tune with your body and listening to its needs. Doing yoga, for example, is a great exercise to keep you fit and healthy, while also being relaxing and soothing. Regularly stretching the body and embracing the way it feels can be hugely beneficial. Spirituality is good for the body.

Finding peace
As a mom, peace can be difficult to find. Your kids are constantly asking you where stuff is, making a mess and getting into trouble. But it’s important to take time for yourself and find some peace and quiet. Spirituality forces you to do this. Meditation, for example, can be very soothing and reduces brain chatter. You need to find a quiet place where you feel relaxed. Being spiritual might also mean spending time amongst nature, which can be hugely beneficial. In general, being spiritual means eliminating stress and noise – and this is something that moms should regularly aim for.

Influencing your kids
Kids are hugely influenced by their parents. If you act in a selfish or inappropriate manner your kids will think that this is acceptable. However, by being more spiritual, you’re setting a good example for your kids. Being spiritual means thinking about others and acting selflessly. You might give to charity, support a friend or care about the environment. Don’t you want your kids to do the same? So, be more spiritual to raise caring, kind and considerate children.
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Spirituality means caring about the environment and what you put into your body. Most spiritual people avoid processed food as they are full of chemicals. By embracing spirituality, you get more nutrition from food and you learn to understand what fuels your body the best. By listening to your body, you realize what it needs as opposed to what it wants, and you eat more healthily. You also stop supporting industries that are damaging to the environment.

Moms need to feel happy, just like everyone else. But often we put our family’s needs above our own. Being spiritual can help you to feel more relaxed, healthy and energetic – and this often means you feel happier. So, embrace spirituality and prioritize your own joy.

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Advantages of Using the Best Nitric Oxide Supplement

Nitric oxide is produced naturally by human cells and it is one of the vital molecules for maintaining the appropriate functioning of blood vessels. It is a vasodilator. It eases the inner muscles of the blood vessels thereby widening it. This results in an increase in blood flow and also lowers the blood pressure significantly.   

The popularity of these supplements has shot up in recent years. It is preferred for its unparalleled ability in relaxing blood vessels and thereby increasing the blood flow. Its pills are preferred by athletes and bodybuilders as it can deliver more nutrients and oxygen to the cells. This in turn promises a significant boost in the energy levels in the body.  

These supplements are immensely popular these days. Most of these do not consist of nitric oxide. Instead, these consist of compounds that can help produce nitric oxide in the cells thereby boosting the performance and overall health of the body. 

How do they work? 
The most common nitric oxide supplements available in the market are L-citrulline and L-arginine. These are amino acids and are present in diary and meat products. However, the quantity of amino acids present in these is not sufficient to result in a dramatic improvement in any condition or for the purpose one would be consuming it for. This has increased the demand for such supplements which are available both in the form of power and as a pill.  

As per the scientists, nitric oxide widens the blood vessels in the body. This thereby boosts the flow of blood for improving the performance. Taking these supplements has a wide range of benefits. Find out more on the importance of nitric oxide here.    


      1. Decreases muscle soreness 
Athletes and bodybuilders usually experience muscle soreness after a strenuous workout session. The soreness is usually felt during 24-72 hours after an exercise session. Taking these supplements decreases muscle soreness by boosting the production of nitric oxide in the body. This further boosts the blood flow through the active muscles and also increases nutrient delivery for compensating with muscle fatigue experienced.  

      2. Lowers blood pressure
Individuals with high blood pressure cannot synthesize nitric oxide to the max in their bodies. The force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries results in high blood pressure. 

The issues can result in kidney or disease over time. Having these effective supplements can lower blood pressure significantly. Follow this link to learn more about the heart benefits of nitric oxide supplements -   

      3. Enhances performance
Nitric oxide is a critical component involved in many cell processes. It helps in widening the blood vessels which is also referred to as vasodilation. This furthermore increases the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles after a workout session. This is the reason why they are immensely popular amongst bodybuilders and athletes.  

      4. Help in management of Type 2 Diabetes
Production of nitric oxide is impaired in individuals who are suffering from Type 2 diabetes. This contributes to poor health of blood vessels which in turn can result in high blood pressure and also heart and kidney diseases over time. Supplements that are rich in nitric oxide can prove to be immensely beneficial in preventing the undesirable effects of Type 2 Diabetes. 

Do they actually work? 

Several research studies have been done to study the efficacy of nitric oxide supplements. Its effect of vasodilation has been extensively studied and is immensely beneficial in increasing the blood flow in the blood vessels. This can lead to enhanced blood flow which in turn boosts the performance and recovery after a strenuous workout session.  

These supplements primarily consist of amino acids that trigger the synthesis of nitric oxide within the cells. Taking nitric oxide pills can result in a noticeable difference during recovery or in enhancing performance during strenuous activities. 

Several studies have also established that there is a significant link between nitrate levels in the body and improvements in performance. These supplements can also improve tolerance to anaerobic and aerobic exercise in people who are either moderately trained or aren’t in their best form.   

Side effects 

Any supplement when taken in an appropriate dosage can offer the best benefits to the users. Anything taken in access will not offer the results being sought. Moreover, taking excess nitric oxide supplements can alter the functions of the kidneys if you are already on a diet that is rich in nitric oxide. 

In these cases, there will be a significant reduction in the overall performance as the kidneys are under stress to process the high levels of nitrates in the body. It is best to adhere to the dosage levels prescribed by the manufacturer of the supplement that you are using.   

In summary 

People prefer using nitric oxide supplements for numerous reasons. Many of them don’t even have substantial scientific research to back such claims. For instance, apart from the above-mentioned benefits, these supplements are taken to boost weight loss, for improving lung function, improving recovery after major injury or trauma, and in healing diabetic foot ulcers. 

Several users have reported significant results after using nitric oxide supplements for additional benefits. However, a scientific study is still needed to back such claims. Overall, these supplements are indeed beneficial in boosting performance and in improving the overall health of an individual.   
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