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Five Signs That You’re in Need of an Eye Test

Your vision is one of the most important senses that you have, so when it’s impaired, it can cause great stress and discomfort. It’s always best to visit your optician on a regular basis, as many eyesight issues will only deteriorate if they are not treated in time. There are several tell-tale signs that can indicate whether you are in need of a new eye test, here are just a few. 

You Have Blurred Vision 

If you are experiencing blurred vision it may be time for you to go and get another comprehensive eye exam. Eyesight tends to worsen with age, so your blurred vision may be a sign that you need a new prescription or that you should try out a different glasses side view

Your Eyes Feel Itchy 

Itchy, red, or dry eyes are tell-tale signs that you need to go see your optician. Although these symptoms could be related to an array of other conditions, like allergies, they could also be related to glaucoma, conjunctivitis, or dry eye syndrome. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so make sure to book an appointment if you exhibit these symptoms.

You Have Frequent Headaches 

If you suffer from frequent headaches, this may be a result of poorly functioning eyesight. This is probably the most common symptom cited by individuals who are in need of glasses. 
By overworking your vision, you are causing the muscles in your eyes to contract and ultimately strain themselves which causes a terrible headache.

You’re at a High Risk for Eye Diseases 

Unfortunately, having poor eyesight can run in the family and be passed down by generations. Although environmental factors also play a part in determining your eyesight, if you have a family history of eye disease, you should regularly see your optician. More specifically, if you have diabetes, cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, or glaucoma in your family history, it’s better to stay on top of your eye exams.  

You Find Yourself Squinting Often 

We’ve all been there; you can’t quite work out what the small print says, and you need to hold the book further or closer from your face. If you are constantly squinting when you are reading, we recommend that you go see your local optician. You will definitely need a new set of glasses, and if you avoid getting an eye exam, you could seriously strain your vision in the long run.

If you haven’t experienced any of these symptoms, you should still consider visiting your nearest opticians on a yearly basis. It is highly advisable that you go take an eye test at least every two years. A comprehensive eye exam can let you know whether you are farsighted, nearsighted, have astigmatism, or maybe even presbyopia.

Depending on your age you may have to visit the opticians more frequently. Nevertheless, if you have felt any of the symptoms we have mentioned in this article, it’s best that you book an appointment with your opticians as soon as possible. 

3 Reasons To Keep Your Yearly Eye Appointment

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Our senses are so valuable, yet it's easy to take them for granted, particularly the act of seeing. What color is something? Can you read the paper? Can you enjoy the smile on a loved one's face? Ensure these moments continue by making your eyesight a priority. Yearly doctor appointments can sometimes be easy to overlook. After all, life is busy enough. Squeezing in one more check up just seems to be time consuming. In fact, you simply think that your vision hasn't changed so it's just not worth it. Consider that again. Your yearly appointment could be vital to maintaining your sight. Here are three reasons to visit your eye doctor.

1. Understand the Changes in Pressure

It's hard to know when high blood pressure begins. It's considered a silent killer because people often can't feel it. Usually, it's discovered upon regular visits to a physician. The same could be said of the beginning stages of glaucoma. This form of pressure happens on the optic nerve. This doesn't always immediately impact how your clarity. Instead, you might experience headaches, redness, or halos. Pain and nausea are also sometimes attributed to the disease. What you may think is simply stomach trouble or allergies could be a major concern. When you meet with the doctor, he or she tests this, monitoring any changes or issues. Caught early, people could receive treatment, helping to avoid long-term vision loss.
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2. Detect Dry Eye

In today's world, people constantly stare at screens. Whether it's work or pleasure, many are no longer spending the majority of their life enjoying normal daylight. Rather, the eyes must adapt to the screen. This can grow tiresome, harming the tear production, exacerbating dry eye. The layers begin to lose their moisture, making them rough. They are less protected from irritants and lose the vital nourishment needed to safeguard them. During the exam, tear production can be checked. Drops and treatments may be offered. On an average day, someone experiencing this may not realize this is affecting him or her. Symptoms are usually aggravation or grittiness; however, ignoring this over long periods of time can lead to worse vision.

3. Learn About Your Body

Often people don't see the primary physician for yearly blood work. Perhaps you go for a cough or a fever, but few like to see their lab work every year. It's significant, though, because it identifies changes in your metabolic system that may not be visible. In fact, you may seem fit but still have sugar or cholesterol issues. Sometimes by looking at your eyes, those beginning stages can be noted. That's where the eye appointment could help save you. Diabetes, for instance, may affect the retina in your eyeball, sometimes causing bleeding or giving off yellow fluid. Simple observations may signal warning. Furthermore, plaque buildup is a sign on cholesterol development. This can also appear within the retina, triggering a need for additional investigation.

Visiting the optometrist is about more than glasses. It's really about your general health.

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Getting an eye exam

Yesterday afternoon I booked an eye exam appointment for the husband. I have noticed that he has been having a very hard time focusing and squints a whole lot every time he is on the computer, Blackberry, reading or even looking at everyday things. We both grew very concerned that there was a possibility he might need eyeglasses. Enough was enough so off we went to get his eyes checked. Funny thing that it turns out that his vision is perfect. Isn't that something? Dwayne was just suffering from eye strain. The doctor wrote a prescription just in case for night time eyeglasses but did not see the need (right now) for him to wear glasses. This was really good news. So now it is all about making some adjustments to help ease the eye strain. First thing I made him do was buy some sunglasses. I am a firm believer in wearing them at all times when I am outdoors, even when it is overcast. The next thing will have to be less time of the computer since he has to be on it all day for work. I think the smartphone is a culprit as well. I am just glad that we took the time to have his eyes checked to be sure. After all, we only have one set of eyes for life and we better do what it takes to keep them healthy.

Have you ever suffered from eye strain? What steps did you take?
Shelly, Mom Files

Someone is getting contacts

We finally decided to let our Briahnna get contacts. I had to take one last photo with her glasses to remember her this way. I know that once the glasses come off she will look more grown up and quite frankly, I am not ready for it. I know that it will be so much better for her with playing volleyball and other sports. I will post photos of the new Brie when she is ready.

Shelly, Mom Files
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