Family * Travel * Food

My life has been taken over!

I just don't get it. I used to watch TV, go out to lunch with friends, and go anywhere I wanted when I wanted. I walked into my bedroom this afternoon to fold the 50 loads of laundry that have been neglected. I figured I might as well get it done while Willie was actually taking a nap. I picked up the remote control, (from Dwayne's side of the bed of course) I press "power" and there was some random sci-fi movie on (Dwayne again) so I type in the number 28. Problem. Channel 28 is not Food Network, HGTV, SoapNet, local news, or A&E. Channel 28 is Noggin. I am so programmed to catering to my little guy that I automatically turn to his channel! Now the really ridiculous part is I sit there and get all into the shows! Dwayne, Chardie and Brie do it as well. They even go to Noggin on Demand to watch thier favorite shows over and over. We even love some shows that we claimed we would never watch in our lives. If you have a little one then you know exactly what I'm talking about! I am singing "Go Diego Go!" in my head as I type. Truly my life has been taken over but I am not complaining one bit :)

Flashback Friday and "the chair"

This video was shot in December 2007 and you get to see how "the chair" came about. Yes, the Vent Day Wednesday rocking chair that Dwayne rocks so hard that I feel ill every time we shoot the show. Seriously, I hope I don't get whiplash or something. The bad part is the more he laughs at himself, the harder he rocks! Oh the things I go through dealing with dude!

Happy Friday everyone and have a great weekend :)

**sorry it is a bit dark since this was a surprise for Dwayne. We timed it just perfectly too!


William update- 11 months old

Little William is officially 11 months old today. He is a very busy boy these days exploring everything he can get his hands on. He's crawling around and pulling up on everything he can. I can't turn my back on him for more than 2 seconds because he gets into trouble so quickly. I am not excited about the whole walking thing. I guess the real work starts then! He is really a happy boy and who wouldn't be with 2 great big sisters that cater to his every wish! I wish I could have gotten some better photos of the little fella but he has been sick with a cold for a couple days and has not been too happy. As a matter of fact, we will be going to the Pediatrician this morning to get him checked out. Poor little guy, he is absolutely miserable. It just breaks my heart to see him sick :(
Gotta love the old man face

He has the wildest waviest hair ever!!


Vent Day Wednesday

Welcome to another edition of Vent Day Wednesday. It's a little lengthy (thanks to you know who) this week. Please be sure to leave your vents in the comments. We want to know what's bugging you. Come on, get it out of your system...Holla!


Random things

I had to run to the pharmacy yesterday and could not pass up the after-Valentine's clearance. I have a rule that we wait until after particular occasions or holidays to buy candy. The kids don't mind waiting. Look what we got for $3! You can't beat that 75% off sale!!

I made this fantastic lasagna the other day. Snuck some spinach in it and nobody noticed. I think they thought it was Italian parsley or something.

This salad was so good. Greek salad with French dressing (that's how the family likes it) Hey, we are International.

Now last thing is the kids and I have all been sick with a cold. It's been one of those lingering nasty kind of cold. I have been lucky to not get hit too hard so of course I have been taking care of the crew. Dwayne walked in from work yesterday and was saying how we all smelled very mentholated, like Vaporub. He said to me in his joking way "You know Vaporub is not perfume right?" I wanted to slap him but just gave him "the look" and asked "Dwayne, why are you the only one in the house that's not sick???"
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