Family * Travel * Food

Baby update

I had another doctor's appointment and all looks great. Little William gained a whopping 1/2 pound in just one week! I am now starting the 5 week countdown. My doc says that baby breathes and moves like a champ. Tell me about it....I was up for about 3 hours waiting for him to calm down so I could sleep. How about Dwayne was next to me snarling away (not snoring) and would periodically ask me what he could do to help me get settled. If only it were that easy! I can't wait to be able to sleep on my back and tummy again!!

Bad mom!

I have an awful confession to make. You see the cookies pictured above? Well, they were sort of supposed to be for a school function happening this Saturday as a contribution from me since I can't physically volunteer. I convinced my children that we needed those cookies for ourselves and that I would buy some other cookies to replace them. The kids tried to stop me but I just had to have some!!! Six to be exact! I don't even feel guilty... I had to have something to make me drink milk!!! For the baby of course... Six weeks to go!

Baby update

I had my doc appointment yesterday afternoon to get an ultrasound. Would you believe the kid is breech?! I would have had to have a c-section regardless of it being what we chose to do anyway. So right now little William's head is near my ribs so this explains the elbowing I feel throughout the day! He looks pretty small but very healthy and strong so we are very happy about that. My best friend is having her baby boy today (after being hospitalized for over 2 months!) I can't wait to see her and the new baby later today. I will post more updates as they come along.

How much longer????

I feel like one of the kids when I want to know how much longer I have to be pregnant. I know I have the date set but this little boy is wearing me out! On my last appointment I told the doctor "I just feel so much more activity with this pregnancy than before."

He politely tells me "Well Sheliza, it is different when you are 20 and having a baby versus 34 and having your third one" He then explains that my body has stretched out a couple times prior so this is why I feel so much.

Hmmm, I guess he told me I was a stretched out old hag, right?!

I know I only have 46 days to go. I try not to be a big baby...really, I do!

Daddy's the man!

We just celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary!! Instead of purchasing gifts for each other, we decided to get baby stuff instead. Here is Daddy working diligently to put together the changing table (which I bought on clearance at 50% off!!!!). He looks like a BIG ole kid!

Of course he has to do his Super Dad pose to show off his hard work. Boy, you sure can hurt yourself with the tools they provide inside the box for you!

Open And Honest Follow Up

All of my wife's friends are soooo supportive. This blog is a wonderful tool to bring together people from all over that really bring joy to our lives. I am so happy about the connections my wife and I have made through blogs. I get so excited when my wife tells me that was Tanyetta, or Shelliza's on the line, or I got a great email today from my friend so and so. It has been a long time for my wife to be happy with her own circle of girlfriends.

Beenzzz , has called it right when she says people will be all up in your business when it comes to having a baby.
I had to get at someone who thought it was her right on earth to convince my wife to breastfeed. Like she was the one who laid down with me and was having my baby. I was trying to be patient with her, but I don't play when it comes to upsetting my wife. That is my heart, pride, and joy. If any one wants drama with me, mess with Shelly and we can get the drama poppin'.

Then someone else wants to talk about Shell pushing the baby out V-Back and it should be no problem. Like she had a copy of my wife's medical records in front of her, and was qualified to make that decision.

Anyways, To all our friends, who are with us in this journey. Don't pay any attention to my prior post. We love yall like true family. Shelliza, give Shell a call and she will fill you in. Tanyetta, tell DJ, I am putting on my best suit on flight day, so he better go shopping. Ha Ha Ha

Take care Yall - Peace. Old school sytle - I am Audi 5000.

Dwayne aka Ismail the Great
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