Family * Travel * Food

Cooking tip

Hello, I just wanted to share some information with you all when cooking dried beans. First I suggest that you soak your dried beans overnight. The next day when you are ready to cook them drain all the water out that the beans were soaking in an fill your pot up with fresh water. Bring your beans to a full boil. It might look a little something like this.

Kind of nasty looking huh? Most people don't realize that if you do not boil the gases out of your beans a couple times you end up eating it! Yuck!! Once all that white sediment comes floating up to the top you can drain your beans off and fill your pot up one more time and bring back to a boil again. It should look like this.

I would say that looks so much better. You might think it is a lengthy process but it really only adds about an extra 10 minutes on your time. Hey, you might have wasted that time doing mindless junk anyway! Beans are so good for you and they are full of fiber and protein, oh yes and very affordable. Enjoy!

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Cool tip

A friend of mine sent me this link:
It's a gifting site where people give things away instead of throwing them away. Each group is local to its own community. Check it out!

Gift idea

My kids have a birthday party to go to on July 6th for a 10 year old girl. I have bought this sweet child school supplies in the past as a gift. Now most people would think it was a boring gift, but her mom emailed me last night and requested I do the same this year. Moms are very practical (for the most part). I would be overjoyed if people would buy those types of gifts rather than senseless junk. No offense to anyone reading this that might have given my kids gifts in the past! ;o) he he! The best part of giving this type of gift is the cost. Not only are you giving something very useful, you are not spending a fortune. Gee, wonder if I have any coupons...

Laugh at yourself

Last night I was in Target with my two daughters shopping for some health and beauty products. We got all we needed from the list except one last item, body lotion for daddy. We get on the right aisle and started to look at our choices. It is very important to get the right product when shopping for my husband because he does not like "girlie" lotion. He likes feeling like a manly man so it takes a couple extra minutes to find just the right product. I was torn between two brands so I had to do what the girls in my family do... the sniff test. There was a new version of Vaseline Intensive Care with Cocoa Butter. Now my husband likes that kind of stuff. I reached to the top of the shelf and grabbed one (the price was really good). I flipped the cap open and took a whiff. I could not tell what it smelled like so I gave the bottle a little squeeze. All of a sudden the lotion squirted out all over my face and up my nose! My girls started to laugh uncontrollably and so did I!!!! I laughed til there were tears in my eyes and my stomach was sore. Now think about how awful that looked! The girls kept telling me where to wipe it off and every time I thought it was gone, they would see more. Needless to say, I will know what the lotion smells like for at least a week! I am so glad that I know how to laugh at myself. Looks like my girls will be talking about this one for a couple weeks. Now if the hubby was with me when it happened, he would talk about it for years to come~! Oh, I did end up buying it!

What happens when dad is watching the kids

They play with mom's digital camera!!!

They get most of their silliness from their crazy daddy!

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