Family * Travel * Food

Wordfull Wednesday

Hey guys! I just wanted to let you all know (since so many people have asked about it) that my COOL WHIP ad is officially in magazines! I picked up a copy of Every Day with Rachael Ray [June issue] yesterday. I am still in shock that the lady in the photo is ME!

I have received several text messages, email and FB messages from those who have seen it already. Looking forward to buying a few copies for my kids to have to show their future kids! Just thought I would share. Have a great second half of the week :)
Shelly, Mom Files

My thoughts on Instagram

I remember when everyone was getting the iPhone and started using Instagram. I wanted to upgrade just to have the fun photo filters as well as my own page to share them. The thing is that I love my DROID 3 and would be too nervous to go all touchscreen. My phone has the best of both worlds with a huge touchscreen and a 5 row pull-out keyboard. I'm old school and as my friend Tanyetta would say, I love buttons! When Instagram became available on Android phones I was so excited! Finally, I could use the cool features and not have to change phones. I honestly did not understand how to use it at first and I think it was causing my phone to malfunction. I believe I have it under control now and have figured out how to use to for the most part. Knowing me, I am still doing something wrong :)

Fun at the playground. 
I don't have thousands of photos like some people do but I expect my Instagram photo account will grow. If you care to follow me you can find me under the name momfiles. I would love to follow you back! I am really enjoying looking at my friends both in real life and online share fun parts of their day through photos.

Shelly, Mom Files

Looking back

I came across this photo today and it made me smile. This was taken before Will turned 2.

Shelly, Mom Files

I love them

This photo warms my heart...

Shelly, Mom Files

When the hubby has the camera...

Obviously no one pays attention...

And there is usually a lack of focus.

I will admit, that face is adorable!!

Happy Friday friends! Have a great weekend and stay cool :)

Shelly, Mom Files


I just can't seem to get any really good photos of William these days. He is more interested in looking at the pictures on the camera more than getting his actual photo taken. Look at the funky wave in the front of his head. It does not matter how much you brush it, it always goes in whatever direction it wants. I think I am going to let his curls grow in just a little bit and see what it looks like. If he looks too girly then we will have Dwayne shave it off. I tell you what though, having a boy is a dream. I went through way too much doing hair for so many years with the girls. I am so glad that they finally pretty much have a handle on it although they still ask me to help them sometimes.
Shelly, Mom Files

Wordless Wednesday

I can't ever do a WW without a brief description. I took this last week from my car at the stop light. I wish it was better quality. The sky that day was like something out of a movie. Beautifully scary :)

Shelly, Mom Files

Flashback Friday- The "big hair" days

My BF from High School posted this a few weeks back from the high school days. I kept the beauty supply shop in business with my cans and cans of stiff holding hair spray!

Shelly, Mom Files
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