Family * Travel * Food

Sometimes you must appreciate the mess

Here is an example of everyday life at the Ismail house. Hurricane Willie can destroy any room in as little as 30 seconds. I get so aggravated some days and I yearn to know what a neat and clean home is again. Nothing is ever in place anymore and it is just normal to step on plastic fish, bouncy balls or blocks. I find myself picking up after the little one and sometimes even the big ones all day long. I then say that I will no longer clean throughout the day and I will save it for once he goes to bed. It doesn't go down like that. I wonder when this little boy will finally get it and clean up as I ask him to.
Then I really get to thinking about how much I would not want things any different. I have healthy, happy children. That's all that matters. William will eventually learn to clean up after himself. There will come the day that I will wish I had someone to pick up after and photos like this will make me smile. If I didn't have Hurricane Willie to pick up after I think I would be bored!
Shelly, Mom Files

I have learned my lesson

You see this adorable little boy in the picture? He's not so adorable when he is forced to sit in an auditorium that has no music playing or performances. Boring awards ceremonies just are not for him and the 3 other boys that had to be dragged out for being too "active". At least I got to see my Chardie get her award for being the top student for Spanish III Honors. I had to get up outta there and thankfully the high school has a nice courtyard area with a little pond. Next time he is staying HOME! Lesson learned!

Shelly, Mom Files

Briahnna's 8th grade Semi-formal dance

Last Thursday evening, Briahnna attended her very first school dance~ the 8th grade Semi-formal dance. We had so much fun shopping for her outfit although it was a challenge trying to find her size. I think the colors she chose were perfect.

She had so much fun and it was a big reminder that her middle school years are coming to a close. I won't lie, I shed some tears when I dropped her off to the dance. I could not wait to pick her back up so I could hear all about it.

Next stop, high school!

Shelly, Mom Files

I want noooodles!

I don't know about you but when Dwayne and I were first starting out, Ramen noodles were a staple in our kitchen. Money was so tight that I used to find ways to make our packaged noodles into a gourmet meal. I have added everything from chicken wings, shrimp, scallions, cilantro and whatever we had available. We have always kept a few noodle packs on hand for those days when the fridge and pantry are looking bare. Now William has discovered "noooodles" and loves them. It is not unusual for him to request them for breakfast.

Every day right around lunch time William comes up to me with that sweet little face and says "Mommy cook the nooodles?" then he says "pleeeeeeeeease" Of course I say yes and he runs straight to the pantry to grab a pack. He gets so excited, it's the funniest thing. I guess I can't complain. He loves something that is super cheap and we always have it on hand. I still eat them occasionally to remind me how lucky we are to have all that we do. Ramen noodles will remain a pantry staple in the Ismail family kitchen :)
Shelly, Mom Files
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