Family * Travel * Food

Wordless Wednesday | Swiper No Swiping!

Can you tell someone just loves his new Swiper the Fox toy?

Shelly, Mom Files

Outrageous Food

I consider myself to be very adventurous with food, a foodie as some call it. I am willing to try just about anything once (with the exception of rattlesnake or bugs). My food adventure list is extensive especially growing up in a Guyanese home. We ate things that were not considered the norm to our everyday American friends. Quite frankly if people knew the things I have eaten they would have thought twice about our friendship. I was watching a fishing show with Dwayne last night and these crews were fishing in Alaskan waters for herring. The herring were being fished not for the actual fish itself but for what was inside of them~ the roe (egg sacs). They were fishing for export to Japan. The Japanese eat the herring roe in the new year to promote fertility. I got all excited because I remember being a kid and having freshly caught fish that you had to clean yourself and finding those big egg sacs. I used to have to fight my mom over who was going to get to eat it. We generally had it curried or stewed. I have has everything from cow's feet, tail, brain, testicles and more. Are you freaking out right now? hehehe! Like I said, I am very adventurous with food~ I hope we're still friends :D

What about you? What are the most outrageous things you have ever eaten?

Shelly, Mom Files

Why I love the carpool line

Most people think I am insane because I get in the school carpool pick-up line really early. I actually have gotten a lot better because I used to always be first (by at least 10-15 minutes). Yep, I was the lady people talked about saying that I had no life. I have evolved and now I end up being 5th or so. I sit for about 30-40 minutes at the middle school and another 30 at the high school. Sitting in the car is so nice. It's my quiet time. The little one only goes with me on the first pick-up and stays home with middle sister while I go pick up the older one. Even while William is with me he behaves very nicely in the car. The fact that he is secured into his car seat means no running, climbing or destroying. He just sits quietly and enjoys playing with his toys, reading his book or listening to his Yo Gabba Gabba CD.

This is usually my time to think. I bring a notebook and pen to jot down ideas for blog posts as well as write to-do lists or reminders. Some days I get so behind (more like procrastinate) on clipping and filing coupons so I bring this little basket with all I need to get the job done. I feel like carpool time is my creative time. You would be amazed by the brilliant brainstorming I do. When I am feeling too lazy to do anything productive I will sometimes Facebook, Tweet, text or make a phone call to pass the time. I don't know about anyone else but I just love the carpool line :)
Shelly, Mom Files

It's tax season

Well it's that less than fun time of year- tax season. We have a pretty decent system of keeping up with our paperwork throughout the year to make it easier to file. I guess there still seems to be so much else we have to gather to ensure we are getting as much money back as we can as well as being thorough. I have thought about doing our taxes ourselves but I get all scared that we will mess something up. We just go up to the same place we have for years (a mom 'n pop's spot) and just pay them to do it correctly. I have always had friends and family tell me how easy it is to do yourself but there are just some things I am not willing to mess with!

So what about you? Are you one of the brave people that does it yourself or are you a wimp like me?
Shelly, Mom Files

Wordless Wednesday

This was me back when I was 17! I was at Disney and in those days I wore a size ZERO! Check out my tacky cut-off Guess jeans. Believe it or not this was stylish in those days. Dang I feel aged right about now! ;)

Shelly, Mom Files

Run your family like a business

Our family schedules a family meeting once per month. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss everything that pertains to our household including short and long-term goals, finances, as well as needs for each person. These meetings are a forum for each family member to voice their concerns on anything and everything. Each person takes a turn to speak on a particular section of our list. These things include: A recap of the last month, personal goals and family goals for the next month/next quarter, also if you need something (supplies, haircuts etc..). I am the note keeper for the meetings and I type up the "minutes" just as any business or committee would do. At the beginning of the next meeting each person will receive a copy of these minutes almost as a road map for that meeting. These meetings have really kept us on track as a family and is essential to our growth. Now don't get me wrong, there are some months that we have to cancel or reschedule a meeting and we really get thrown off. We do our best to catch back up and take it from there. We really try to run our family like a business so that we can teach our children the importance of communication within their family. I know that the girls get so disgusted and bored with it but at least they know they are a part of a caring family unit.

Do you have any type of family meeting in your household?
Shelly, Mom Files
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