Family * Travel * Food

Now That's Some BULLS@#T !!!

Now for everyone that knows about the cooler story that occurred last weekend, don't you think this is some BullS@#t ? My wife tried to make me feel good with this girly-man cooler. She thinks she's slick by getting me a cooler that says DieHard. This is not a manly-man Bruce Willis Die Hard cooler. This is a itsy-bitsy, teenie-weenie, yellow polka-dot bikini girly-man cooler. How can I go around my boys with this cute cooler? I want my orange cooler back! Holla if ya hear me!!! PEACE

Evil mom takes "paci" away

Yesterday was a very trying day. I took dear 'paci' away for good. I really had no intention of even starting little William on a pacifier, but when he stuck a couple of fingers in his mouth on the day he was born we quickly requested that the nurse bring us a paci. I knew one day I would take it away. My original plan was when he turned 4 months old, but then I thought, "what am I waiting for?" I figured the earlier I did it, the easier it would be. Now my baby is not a whiny little crying baby for the most part. The only time he actually cries is if he is hungry or sleepy. Normally we would stick the paci in his mouth and he would sleep. Well, now he cries for about 10 minutes and then goes to sleep. Everyone thinks I am the mean and evil mother but I am very consistent when it comes to raising my children. I had to do the same with Briahnna when she was the same age. She survived. William will probably get over it in a few days. Most all of my friends and family thought this baby would be the spoiled one...WRONG!!! He gets the same treatment the others did just minus all the bells and whistles. I better go have an extra cup of coffee this morning so I can be fully alert to handle the little boy. Have a great day!

Don'tcha hate it when.... Wednesday

Don'tcha hate it when...
  • you are blog browsing and forget your speakers are turned up and you land on a blog with music?! Scares the hell outta you huh?!
  • you invite someone over for a meal and before you can offer they assume they can fix a plate to go?
  • you have to pack away laundry? I'd much rather have a nice "clean clothes" pile at the foot of my bed thanks!
  • it's time to get the cars fueled up again?
  • you forget to sweeten your coffee, ughh!
  • even worse, you go to make coffee and realize that was the one item you forgot the day prior at the grocery store. I think even with a list I always forget at least one thing.

What bugs you? Hit us up in the comments...


Big Willie Style!

Here's a photo of our big boy on the 4th. Our friends and family call him "Big Willie Style" because of his size! He was chillin' in the sun on his Papo after feasting on baby bananas followed by a big bottle of formula! You can probably see some of the evidence on his belly LOL! What can I say? He eats like Papo. As a matter of fact, there is barbecue sauce on Papo's shirt and William happens to be covering it up! I better stop talking about my hubby like that! I LOVE you Dwayne!!!

Just last night Dwayne and I were saying, "wow, we have a son". I think we must still be in denial or something. We said that we are officially grown folks now! For those of you that are parents, are you ever still amazed that you are a mother or father?

Men can't be trusted

Yesterday on the 4th, we ran into a problem when I realized the grill rack I purchased a few days prior would not work for the bbq grill we have. I went to two different stores to find the correct size and had no luck.This became very stressful seeing that I had only two hours before my guests arrive. Dwayne decides to go out and see if he could find one. He goes to the same exact stores I did only different locations. He had no luck. We had to resort to using the one I bought even though it was too short. Now my hubby decides that he could not walk through the door empty handed. This is what he buys...

-I ask him (very annoyed) "what the heck is that for?"
-He replies, "I might need some water while I am driving my truck"
-Me, "Then get some bottled water and put it in a cooler you idiot!!"
-Him, "but it looks so manly and cool"
-Me, (really mad at this point) "You are not a construction worker or a physical labor worker, you don't need 5 gallons of water. It's going back tomorrow"
-Him, "come on, pleeease??! It even has a cup dispenser!"
-Me. I just give him "the look".
-Him, (looking like a little boy while kicking his feet around on the grass) "Fine. I can't ever have anything around here"
-Me, "Damn right!"
I can't ever let him loose in any store because he loves buying stupid and useless stuff. I guess it is a guy thing. Poor Dwayne. I don't know why he ever thinks he has a chance at winning.

I'm a winner!!

Look at what I won from a contest from MommyDaddyBlog. They are Cherries Jubilee hairbows from Eclectique Soul Paper & Gifts. They are so adorable! Thanks Sheena for having this contest on your blog! We hope everyone has a safe and Happy 4th!

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