Family * Travel * Food

My Baby Shower

This past Saturday was my baby shower and I am only now posting because I am still in recovery! We had great food, friends, laughs and games. We got a lot of great gifts and it will take me another week to finally get it all together and have William's room fully functional and organized. Here are some photos of all the fun!



Hello, I know I have not been posting much lately. Been pretty busy doing NOTHING. Yes, that's right NOTHING. I know it sounds crazy but it has been just what I needed!! (Also it is orders from my hubby and children). Hey, if your spouse summons you to laying on the recliner all day eating bon bons and watching the soaps then who am I to object?!!! Hell, I will probably never get the opportunity to be a bum again so I am taking full advantage of it. I have my baby shower tomorrow so I will post photos of all the fun.

Don'tcha hate it when.... Wednesday

Dwayne has decided to start a new trend on Wednesdays called "Don'tcha hate it when Wednesday". It is where you can say what bugs you about anything and everything.

Don'tcha hate it when you call someone you have not spoken to in a long time (you know the ones that never call you) and they tell you "I was just thinking about you".

When you get some dumb song that you normally would hate stuck in your head and you can't stop singing it.

What bugs you?? Hit us up in the comments....

Baby update

I had another doctor's appointment and all looks great. Little William gained a whopping 1/2 pound in just one week! I am now starting the 5 week countdown. My doc says that baby breathes and moves like a champ. Tell me about it....I was up for about 3 hours waiting for him to calm down so I could sleep. How about Dwayne was next to me snarling away (not snoring) and would periodically ask me what he could do to help me get settled. If only it were that easy! I can't wait to be able to sleep on my back and tummy again!!

Bad mom!

I have an awful confession to make. You see the cookies pictured above? Well, they were sort of supposed to be for a school function happening this Saturday as a contribution from me since I can't physically volunteer. I convinced my children that we needed those cookies for ourselves and that I would buy some other cookies to replace them. The kids tried to stop me but I just had to have some!!! Six to be exact! I don't even feel guilty... I had to have something to make me drink milk!!! For the baby of course... Six weeks to go!
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