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5 Simple Ways Busy Moms Can Stay Fit

Any busy mom who has to balance her work and home knows how difficult it can be to stay fit. However, that should stop anyone from staying healthy and achieving the body of their dreams. A lot of fitness professionals say that you have to make a schedule when it comes to staying fit. Where tips like following a set of rules, not eating fast food, and sticking to a healthy schedule are very helpful, a lot of them become a moot point for busy moms. That is where we step in as we have devised the perfect plan for working women so that they can stay in shape.

Rise early and Sweat it out

The most important thing that you need to do as a busy mom is to manage your time efficiently. I understand that waking up early can be very difficult to do, but if you want to get the most out of your day, you have to do it. After you have made a habit of waking up early, you can join a gym or look for reformer Pilates as it will help you stay in shape without sacrificing a lot.

Exercise with the Kids 

Another great way you can motivate yourself to exercise is to bring the kids into the loop. By including your kids in the workout, you are also motivating yourself to do exercise. To make the kids enjoy exercising, you can think of some pretty smart ways like playing games with them that involve physical activity, taking them out for a walk or for bike rides, and asking them to help you with house chores.
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Make the Most Out of Little Things 

As working moms can get quite busy juggling work and taking care of kids, they need to make everything count. Instead of using the lift, you should take the stairs so that you get the needed exercise. If your workplace is nearby, you can use the bike instead of a car as you can burn a lot of calories while going to work and coming back home. When you incorporate these little things in your life, you will see positive results in a matter of weeks.
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Eat Smart

Most of us are so busy each morning that we eat whatever we get out hands onto. Consider packing 3-4 small healthy snacks in the night so that you don’t have to prepare your lunch in the morning. Instead of relying on junk food during working hours, you can eat these healthy snacks so that you are proud of the right choices you make when hunger strikes.

Do Quick Workouts Whenever Your Get the Chance

Lastly, you should have a workout anytime you get a chance. For example, instead of crashing onto the bed when you return from work, you should do a little workout for 5-7 minutes, take a bath, and then enjoy some quality time with your kids so that you feel fresh and proud of yourself.
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Why Get CBD Oil For Stress

Lots of people around the world experience stress for a variety of reasons. Some may find their jobs too much to handle, and others are not happy with the way things are going.
There are chances that you may be one of the people who have chronic stress. Whether it’s in the form of an outburst from your boss or the millionth time your annoying mother-in-law stresses you out, it’s time for you to have the relaxation that you need.

Know that too much stress can affect your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Some of the symptoms that may appear include headaches, loss of appetite, insomnia, chest pains, and high blood pressure. You can know more about headaches that came from tension here: The solution for many people is Prozac or Xanax. But why go to the extreme side of medication when you can relieve the pain from stress in a more natural way?

CBD and Cannabis

You may want to learn more about CBD or cannabidiol oil that came from the hemp plant. Although hemp is a cousin of cannabis, you need not worry as there are no psychoactive effects after taking the oil. The plant Cannabis sativa has over a hundred different strains, and cannabidiol is one of them.

The extracts of pure CBD are commonly taken in the stalks, flowers, and leaves. They are extracted using CO2 or other methods, and they are separated from the cannabis. The extracts look like little crystals at room temperature.

Does the Product Make You High?

Many people argue that instead of using CBD, they might as well smoke weed to relieve their stress. But this should not be the case. One of the most well-known compounds in marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC that alters the mind. Users of the oil do not get affected psychologically by hemp because the THC in CBD is non-existent and, in some, less than 0.3%. This is opposed to the more than 30% THC content that marijuana has.

Note that both THC and CBD can bind with the brain’s special receptors. The difference is that CBD can directly alter the receptors by linking into them while THC can’t do this. When you are stressed, you may feel a little fuzzy when you take the oil, but you will eventually feel less anxious. Your body will become more relaxed and comfortable. Some users were able to think of solutions to their problems while they are in a calmer state of mind.

Stress and CBD

Stress can become cumbersome and can severely impact the quality of your life. You may not feel like socializing, and the feelings may keep you from living the optimum lifestyle that you deserve. The good news is that studies have backed the positive effects of CBD to stress.

Some of the studies included people with anxiety showed that the oil significantly reduced their stress levels. The brain was able to convert the situation from a threatening state to a less anxious environment. The scans showed that there were also noted changes in several regions of the brain, usually associated with anxiety.

There’s another study done in 2014 that found out that the oil can have antidepressant side effects. Most of the studies involving this were on animals, but the results were promising. Many of the rats were able to reduce their social anxieties.

Others were able to conduct further research on cannabidiol as a treatment for many anxiety disorders. Some of the most common psychological disorders of people worldwide are OCD, PTSD, and SAD. These are all forms of illnesses that need addressing, and the people who have them were able to find relief while taking the oil.

Now, this does not mean that you need to have a disorder to take CBD oil. Note that the oil is for everyone, and even healthy people can benefit from taking a teaspoonful of this miracle oil. You can visit this page for other options and products that you can take aside from the oil. If you are feeling stressed, you can lessen your burdens by reducing anxiety levels in your brain. You can also become more active by exercising and getting plenty of sleep at night to combat stress.

There are other benefits of cannabidiol for humans. In clinical trials, an increase in mental sedation and decreased anxiety levels are noted by researchers. Higher doses can be useful for treating insomnia, social anxiety disorder, and even epilepsy.

Is the Oil Legal?

However, note that the world of hemp is still a gray area in many states. The legality of marijuana is still debatable. But the good news is that you can buy hemp without any problems. Many pharmacies offer over the counter CBD oil and other products that can benefit you. You can do your research and find out where the legit suppliers are to ensure that the product is safe.
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What Happens When You Are Injured On The Job And Are Self Employed?

Most people working a regular job have a lot of benefits that are not necessarily available to those that are working for themselves. They have Medicare and social security automatically withheld, and their employer also contributes. This is not the case for self employed people.

Then, there is the matter of getting injured on the job. Many people with traditional jobs are covered either by worker’s compensation or by some kind of disability insurance offered by the employer. Things are usually pretty straightforward when this happens at work for most people.

When you work for yourself you are on your own when it comes to disability, whether you are a physician or a welder. Physicians Thrive can give you more information about disability when you are a doctor.

In this article, I will go over what happens when you are injured on the job and can’t work when you are self employed.
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1. Worker’s Compensation

If you are self employed and have employees, you should have a worker’s compensation insurance policy for them and for yourself. Since you will be paying for it for your employees it makes sense to also have it for yourself in case you are injured.

What if you don’t have employees? If you work for yourself then you have to evaluate if it makes sense to have it. If you work in a home office, then you are not likely to get injured on the job. In this case, you probably won’t see any value in it.

If you work a physical job like a carpenter, welder or any other job that involves any kind of risk for a serious injury, then this is a good idea.

It covers you if you are injured on the job. It isn’t easy to buy private worker’s compensation insurance, however and it may not be cheap if you do find an insurance company that does offer it.
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2. Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is the same as you would have with an employer, if they offer it. The big difference is that you are paying for the entire cost yourself. Usually an employee of a company will only have to pay a portion of it.

This can get expensive, but the good part about paying yourself is that you decide which policy is best rather than have to take whatever the employer would pick for you if you were an employee.

Many times, the insurance is only going to cover a portion of your income and rarely the entire amount of the money lost to an injury. It also depends on how long you will be without work.

3. Health Insurance

In many states you are required to have health insurance including when you are self employed. If you have disability insurance that only covers some of your income and expenses, your health insurance may make up the difference.

Since you have to have it, and you are choosing the policy yourself, make sure to pick the coverage that will pay the most towards an injury from work and the medical expenses related to it.

Further Reading:
Government support for the self-employed  - Department of Labor guidance for self-employed people
JJS Justice - support when claiming after a work-related accident or injury. 
Here are some self-employment statistics.  How many Americans are really self-employed?

How To Ease Anxiety In Children

If you’re in the trenches, trying to figure out how to handle anxiety in your child, you may come across a lot of information that can simply overwhelm and exhaust you.

The thing is, you won’t be able to ‘fix” your child because there isn’t a magic spray to help with the situation.

What you need are some tools to help attend to your child’s needs during their anxiety episodes, and luckily, I’ve got some for you today.

In this article I’ll go over some of the basic ways you can help your child manage anxiety, what anxiety looks like in children and healthy ways to tolerate anxiety with children.

Anxiety In Kids

Children can experience anxiety even if the parents have done everything right in the parenting process.

Anxiety can stem from things that happen at school or other activities where the parents are not around, and it's almost impossible to shield them from it.

Did you know that anxiety is actually a survival instinct reaction when our bodies or minds are faced with a threatening situation? That definition can be a little bit confusing because it sounds like fear more than anxiety doesn’t it?

Our adrenaline starts pumping, and our bodies and minds are getting ready to escape danger, even if the danger is not visible, like walking through a dark tunnel and getting butterflies because you feel like you’re not alone. This is how anxiety is triggered.

It's a really tough thing to go through for both the child and the parent. After all, no parent wants their child to suffer with anxiety.

The great thing is, not all hope is lost. There are things we can do as parents to help guide our children through these difficult moments of life.
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What Does Anxiety Look Like

Anxiety can pop up in children as young as 3 years old.

Physical anxiety can show up in the form of young kids who cannot explain their true feelings can complain of tummy aches or headaches, even if they appear to be physically alright.

If your child who loves to eat suddenly stops eating his lunch at preschool or daycare, then there might be some anxiety popping up.

Other times, it could show up in the form of restless, fidgety, hyperactive, or distracted behavior in an otherwise calm child.

Emotional anxiety is a little more tough to recognize, but not impossible. Children who normally do not cry a lot can start to cry and appear to be very sensitive.

Children can also start to be afraid of future events such as starting second grade while they are in kindergarten.

To really find out if your child is experiencing anxiety and find out what is causing it, you’re going to want to take notes and track your child’s behavior.

If you have access to a school counselor, it might be wise to share these notes with them so you can work together with your school to solve the situation.

Your school counselor will be able to let you know if this is something you should look into deeper at this time, or hold off and keep watching the behavior and see what happens.

Photo by Hunter Johnson on Unsplash
Managing Anxiety

Luckily there are things you can do to help manage anxiety in children. It’s a bit of a tricky situation because it’s very difficult, impossible really, to completely eliminate anxiety, but management is a great option.

None of us want to see our children face sadness, but the best way to relieve anxiety in children is not to eliminate the trigger, but to know how to handle it when it comes into their path.

Over time, the anxiety will decrease and fall away. Yay! Here are some things you can do to manage the anxiety:

Respect The Feelings They Feel

When your child is going through an anxious moment, you must respect that their feelings
are real and very upsetting. Trying to diminish feelings and even brushing them off is not going to help your child not feel those feelings.

Let your kids go through those feelings of fear, sadness, anxiety and more, even if it’s difficult for you to see as a parent.

The good thing is, you can talk to your child about those feelings and create some pretty deep connections just by validating those fears.

Talk Things Out With Your Child 

When you let your child feel their feelings, and talk it out after the trigger wears off and the child calms down, you should discuss what happened. Being able to create these conversations is going to help you understand your child, which will help you help them with their behavior problems.

Avoid Asking If They Are Anxious

Sometimes, anxiety can be triggered if we ask our children if they are anxious about an event. For example “Are you anxious about your first day of school?” can trigger the anxiety that your child was not feeling before the question was asked.

Healthy Ways To Tolerate Anxiety

You can help your children handle their anxiety by letting them see how you cope with anxiety yourself.

Because children are perceptive, they will see when you cannot handle stress and anxiety in difficult situations and will start to behave the same way you do. It’s kind of like a monkey see, monkey do moment.

Children are like sponges aren’t they? 
I’m definitely not saying you need to pretend that you don’t feel anxious or stressed.
I am saying, you should be careful how you handle your anxiety because your children are watching. Practice calm, and celebrate any moments that you “get through”, especially when they were difficult.

Final Thoughts

Anxiety doesn’t have to be a scary thing. All of us experience anxiety at many different points in our life.

The difference is, how we handle the anxiety that our children are facing.
In young children, the anxiety may be more difficult to spot, but when you do figure out that the child is facing anxiety, you can manage the situation right away.

When anxiety is present in teens, the behavior management is more difficult to handle, but not impossible. Keep track of the behavior and involve the school if you must. The important thing is to pay attention and keep trying to have a conversation with your child.

Remember to allow children to feel their feelings, and comfort them when they are feeling anxious.

Many thanks to Elizabeth for this guest article.

Author bio: Elizabeth is a mom of 2 and has a passion for helping children reach their human potential. She enjoys helping parents raise confident and healthy kids by explaining how to handle situations using positive parenting. Check out the blog 

How to Help Your Loved Ones Live Comfortably as They Get Older

The people who cared for you when you were young are among the very closest to you and most cherished. When they get older and start to need assistance to manage their own care, you want to do the most that you can in order to ensure that they have all of the help that they need. Here are some strategies to organize care for your loved ones and help them continue enjoying a great quality of life.
Photo by Damir Bosnjak on Unsplash

Help Your Loved Ones Stay Engaged With Healthcare

One of the most important ways to help the people who you care about stay healthy as they age is to help them stay engaged with medical providers. When somebody is coping with several concurrent medical conditions or experiencing chronic pain, he or she may tend to get discouraged about the possibility of being benefited by treatment. Moreover, simply going to appointments can seem somewhat overwhelming for somebody who is coping with impaired or limited mobility. Support your loved ones by encouraging them to stay connected with their primary care doctor and specialists. Accompanying them to appointments can make them feel better about going, and they’ll know that they have your care and support.

Be Prepared For Medical Decisions

When an aging loved one experiences an illness or medical condition that may affect his or her ability to consent to medical care, you need to be ready to help. The best way to address this issue is to execute a power of attorney that will authorize you to arrange for care. This form of authorization can also be applied to non-medical needs such as accessing financial accounts and information about senior benefits such as Medicare and social security.

Establish a Plan for Keeping Prescription Medications Filled and Organized

Many seniors need to take several medications to maintain good health. Staying on top of a lot of medications can be difficult. Help your loved one get prescriptions filled at the pharmacy or by mail and stay on top of when refills will be needed. Helping to organize daily medications in a pill dispenser can make keeping track of medications easier.

Help Your Loved Ones Eat Healthily

When people’s living habits change, their dietary habits are likely to change as well. It’s important to make sure that people are still able to eat the foods that they most enjoy. Take steps to ensure that getting groceries and preparing meals isn’t burdensome. Also, if somebody is experiencing diminished appetite, you need to help them find ways to maintain a healthy nutritional balance. Adding a nutritional supplement can help people get vital nutritional content that is necessary to maintain good health and prevent weight loss.

Find High-Quality Housing and Care

For many seniors, assisted living or independent living facilities that integrate managed care may be the optimal form of housing. Sometimes, the need for this type of housing is only temporary, such as when one is recovering from an injury. In other instances, it may be a preferable long term solution. You should find an option that offers comfortable accommodations as well as excellent quality care.

Six New Exercise Habits You Can Build While Social Distancing

The coronavirus has forced the world to stay home and practice social-distancing. Many establishments have closed their doors to keep people from going out and being in close contact with others which may spread the virus. Gyms and other fitness centers have also been forced to remain closed until the pandemic is over and the risk of infection is gone. While this may affect your gym routine, it doesn't mean giving up fitness entirely. It just means you need to get creative and start a new exercise habit.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
It’s more important than ever that you exercise regularly as it helps build immunity, which is vital for your physical and mental health at this stressful time. We don’t know how long this pandemic will last and how long we will be advised against social gatherings. Fortunately, there are still ways to work out with others while still observing social distancing. Here are some tips:

1. Stay Connected on Your Walk or Run.

Workout buddies are still possible if you set a specific time to walk and talk on the phone simultaneously. You may be separated physically, but staying connected via your phone and earphones can help ensure you both finish your walk or run.

2. Exercise with a Group.

Leverage video chat tools to exercise with your favorite workout buddies. You can exercise with friends and family via video or even organize an online dance party. Find the music you like and dance for half an hour instead of a regular boring cardio workout on your own.
Photo by Prateek Katyal from Pexels
3. Take an Online Fitness Class.

Many fitness classes are also available online. Some are even live-streamed so that you can follow the instructor at home. The only equipment you may need are weights and workout shoes.

4. Find an Online Personal Trainer.

You can also find a personal trainer who can work with you through video chat to have two-way communication during the training. Your trainer can still correct you and hear your feedback. Make sure you research the web to find a personal trainer you trust and like.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
5. Do Exercises That Take Up Minimal Space.

If you want to fully observe social distancing by staying at home, find an exercise spot in your house. It may surprise you that it doesn’t take up a lot of space to do exercises like jumping jacks, squats, planks, push-ups, and burpees. You may even run up and down your stairs to get a great cardio workout.

6. Work out in the Pool.

Your pool is perfectly safe to swim in during this pandemic. Experts say that with proper pool maintenance and disinfection, the virus responsible for COVID-19 becomes inactive in your pool. If you’ve mostly used your pool for fun and relaxation, it’s time to recognize your pool is also the perfect place for you to start a new exercise habit. Start by swimming laps or engaging in water aerobics.

Thank you Pool Troopers for this guest post.
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The Role of CBD Oil For Pets With Dementia

Is your pet aimlessly wandering around the house, looking absolutely confused? Does it treat you like a complete stranger? Well, in case your companion is commencing its senior stage of life, these might be the initial symptoms of dementia.

In fact, animals suffer from cognitive dysfunction syndrome, which humans refer to as dementia. They tend to experience memory loss and impaired cognitive function, which in turn leads to a complete alteration of their eating, sleeping, and all the other essential habits.

Although this syndrome is incurable, there is a natural supplement, called CBD oil, which can help you prolong your companion’s life. Read more about its benefits, administration, and dosage in the treatment of so-called dementia in animals.

Common symptoms 

The most common symptoms of the cognitive dysfunction syndrome in animals are actually manifested as gradual changes in their behavior. For instance, disorientation is one of the most obvious initial symptoms, resulting in your pet getting lost in a familiar place, such as your home. Both canines and felines keep staring at doors and walls, having no idea where they are or how to leave the room.

Social interaction changes are also frequent, transforming your friendly pet into a lethargic, bad-tempered creature. It won’t only be hostile to visitors, but to you, as its owner as well. Gradually, its aggression will evolve into an absolute passiveness, showing no interest in any of its favorite activities, such as playing or going for a walk. Visit this page to check out the most common reasons for animals’ lethargy.

Moreover, both canines and felines will start urinating inside the house. The former will stop going outdoors, while the latter won’t use their litter box. The alteration of urinating habits does not result from bladder bowel dysfunction but as a result of forgetting their normal bathroom routine.

Sleep cycle disruption is yet another frequent symptom that manifests in reverse sleep patterns. Pets tend to sleep during daytime and become active during the night hours. They might spend the whole night pacing and wandering around the house, disturbing the sleep cycle of their owners as well.

In addition, your pet’s eating habits may also experience changes, as it simply won’t be able to locate its food plate. Although your companion has eaten from the same bowl for years, it suddenly won’t remember where it is. Unless your dog or cat has an impaired vision, this is a clear sign of dementia.

Benefits of CBD oil

Since cognitive dysfunction syndrome cannot be cured, CBD oil can at least alleviate the symptoms of the condition and make your companion’s life more bearable. For example, its effect on the endocannabinoid receptors that control serotonin secretion is very beneficial for improving your pet’s mood and restoring its interest in everyday activities. The increased secretion of the happiness hormone is enough for getting your furry friend back on its feet. Visit this link:, to learn more about the function of serotonin.

Furthermore, owing to its anxiety relieving properties CBD oil is capable of promoting calmness, thus reducing your companion’s aggression. Your dog will no longer uncontrollably bark at people or even worse bite someone for no particular reason. This calmness will also contribute to normalizing its sleep pattern, thus reinstating its previous sleep cycles.

Most importantly, CBD is believed to improve animals’ memory by reducing the inflammation of the brain cells. Also, it is thought to regenerate neurons, thus preventing them from wasting away. In fact, brain cells’ death is the main culprit for memory loss.

Administration and dosage 

The most efficient way of administrating CBD to canines and felines is by incorporating it into their diet. However, make sure you have a consultation with a veterinarian in order to confirm your doubts and determine the stage of the cognitive dysfunction syndrome of your pet.

Bear in mind that the most beneficial form of cannabidiol for this syndrome is either tincture or capsules, both of which can be purchased online. In fact, you can visit petcbdcommunity to choose from a wide range of CBD products. Tinctures and capsules have the highest rate of bioavailability, which is crucial for the supplement to be absorbed immediately.

In terms of dosage, the amount of CBD would depend on the severity of the condition. Early dementia can be treated with a lower dose than the advanced type. Your pet’s weight is an additional factor to be considered in the calculation. Anyhow, try administering a low dose in the beginning, as not all animals respond to the supplement in the same way.

Wrap up 

CBD oil may not be able to cure your companion, but it might prolong its life. The least you can do is to purchase the supplement and give it a try!
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Ideas Online For Making Treadmills Quiet

Finding time to work out with the chaos of today's busy schedules can be a challenge. A majority of people spend their days in sedentary positions making a fitness regimen critical for their health and wellness. Equipment like a treadmill being readily available at home provides convenience and flexibility with exercise times. Unfortunately, if you live in an apartment or with other people, the noise produced by a treadmill can be an annoyance and a disruption to their lifestyle. Don't allow this to hinder you from your routine. Instead, take the necessary steps to silence your treadmill.

Tips To Make Treadmills Quiet

Working out is crucial for overall health and well-being, particularly with most of our time spent sitting at a computer. Going to a gym is not always feasible, so people are bringing exercise equipment such as treadmills into their homes. The problem with a treadmill is the potential for noise pollution, upsetting neighbors, or those living in the house. Fortunately, soundproofing a treadmill can resolve this issue. Read here to find out how to effectively use your treadmill upstairs.

  • Placement of a treadmill mat: The impact from running on the deck produces a majority of the sound aside from the machine's belt and the motor. Among the best techniques to eliminate the pounding of the impact is by way of insulation. Using an insulation consisting of a foam mat with appropriate thickness acts as a cushion. You'll want to research for a budget-friendly brand. These provide longevity for your treadmill, not to mention the protection your legs receive from the harm vibrations risk.
  • Belt lubrication: Regularly lubricating the treadmill belt is an excellent way to keep it soundproof. Not only does the machine make loud noises during your workout when the belt is neglected, but it causes the unit to deteriorate quickly. Maintenance should be done approximately every three months with cleaning between the belt and deck before using the oil. The cleaning eliminates all the loose debris.
  • Obtain isolation pads: The creation of these pads was specific to reducing the sound treadmills make as your feet make contact with the deck and the overall vibrations. The impact can be annoying, particularly when you live in a condo or apartment community. The pads help with soundproofing. Placement of the pads will be under each of the treadmill's corners. Make sure to check customer reviews, feedback, and complaints before buying a brand. Not all are effective. Quality is essential in maintaining your treadmill

  • Place the equipment on carpeting if possible: Amplification of noise will happen if the placement of the equipment is on a hardwood, tile, or concrete floor. If this is all you have, take the unit to a porch or in the garage. It would be a wise investment to purchase thick carpeting remnants to put under the treadmill as a means to absorb the energy and vibrations when you live in an apartment or condo. Another option would be to place it on the balcony over a rug.
  • Bearings could need replacing: If after the lubricating process, the treadmill is still loud, there could be issues with the bearings and roller. They may need replacing. Accessing to repair can be challenging with the bearings and rollers connected. If this is the cause of the problem, you have the option of attempting the change yourself or having a technician take care of it.
  • Service the machine: It's easy to neglect to service the unit when you have a lot happening. Some people forget. But regular maintenance is crucial to keep the equipment functioning optimally. It needs to have the motor cleaned, the belts lubricated, and the belts tightened consistently. These basic services will ensure longevity and save from costly repairs.


Working out on a treadmill is an ideal way to stay active, remain healthy, and get fit. The exercise can present a problem for those around you because of the sound level produced with impact, the motor, and any technical difficulties that develop. It would be best if you soundproofed the machine to keep your exercise routine peaceful. If soundproofing is not enough, you can try a quieter treadmill. Check out some of the good brands at

The equipment is always going to make some form of sound when you run or even if you walk. But a machine that has a quieter design offers features including more silent motors, tracking with padding to absorb impact, and frames with strong, rigid manufacturing. Quiet doesn't mean zero noise; it only indicates that there is less loudness than what a traditional treadmill will give you.

If you live in a condo or apartment, it may be a good idea to speak to the neighbors surrounding your unit after you have done the soundproofing to see how effective it is. And then you can make an educated decision as far as purchasing a quieter system.

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Helpful Tips for Reducing Hair Loss in Men

Hair loss is one of the most widespread issues around the world, currently affecting more than a third of the population. Each person loses up to 100 strands of hair per day. It’s something that occurs naturally, which means that there is no real concern about this. While this is true, at some point, hair loss may become excessive.

Photo by Travis Seera from Pexels
When you are losing more than what is considered normal, it’s time to consider why this may be happening. There are several possible causes of hair loss including genetics, pollution, stress, medications, mineral deficiency, and diet. Also, wearing a helmet, hat, or cap can also cause hair loss. While this is true, there are several things you can do to help minimize hair loss and, in some cases, stop it altogether.

Take the Right Vitamins

Taking the right vitamins is a great way to improve your overall health and well-being, but it’s also good for your hair. For example, vitamin A will encourage the healthy production of sebum in your scalp while vitamin E improves blood circulation in the scalp, which helps the follicles remain active.

Eat More Protein

If you want to prevent hair loss, you should eat lean meats, soy, fish, and an array of other healthy proteins. This will promote hair health and help to minimize hair loss.

Use Essential Oils for a Scalp Massage

If you have had hair loss for a while, consider massaging your scalp using essential oils for a few minutes. This will help ensure your hair follicles remain active. A good combination is lavender in a sesame or almond oil.

Seek Help from the Professionals

If none of the tips here help with your hair loss issues, it may be time to seek third-party help. Bosley for Men offers an array of solutions for any man who is dealing with any level of hair loss. The best way to know if third-party, professional help will be beneficial is by setting up an initial consultation and speaking with a hair growth excerpt.

Handling Your Hair Loss

Are you dealing with hair loss? If so, take heart in the fact that you aren’t alone. There are millions of other men who are in the same boat. If you want to prevent hair loss, consider some of the methods and techniques that are listed here. This is going to help ensure you achieve the desired results, regardless of the current state of your hair loss.

The Rights of Nursing Home Residents

The rights of people in nursing homes are generally the same as everyone’s rights. Although rights can change when someone becomes less able, and decisions have to be made for them. You may have to act on their behalf to make decisions that you think are best for them.  If you have a loved one in a nursing home, you will want to protect them and make sure they are being cared for properly.
Photo by Elien Dumon on Unsplash
When they enter a home they will receive a nursing home contract - understanding a nursing home contract can be difficult. Therefore, in this article, we are going to look at rights that particularly affect nursing home residents and what to look for to ensure that they are being respected and upheld.

The rights of all nursing home residents are generally the same. However, when someone becomes unable to communicate or make decisions for themselves, then arrangements should be made on what their preferences were in the past. Their rights such as their privacy and security are still of the utmost importance.


Life in a communal home is challenging. Most residents still need to feel that their privacy is being respected, especially when it comes to personal care. Here are some tips on what to look for:

  • A patient is involved in decisions that affect them. For example, when they shower, whether they would prefer to only be cared for by female staff and what they wear.
  • Personal care is done in private with the door closed.
  • Ensuring confidentiality with their care and not openly discussing intimate matters in front of other residents. 
  • Being allowed to self-care where they can and retain independence even where it might take them a long time. 


Residents should feel safe and cared for. This includes:

  • Offering assistance with tasks that could otherwise be dangerous such as walking or using the toilet. 
  • Protecting residents from abuse from staff or other residents.
  • Everything is as accessible as possible, and the floor is clear from hazards.
  • A clear and accessible complaint process. 
  • An atmosphere of care that is open, honest and inclusive. 

Civil Rights

Residents should still retain their rights as citizens as far as they can do so, including:
The opportunity to vote in elections.

  • Access to healthcare.
  • Assistance claiming appropriate benefits or social services.


Residents should always have control and choice as far as they can do so. They should be involved in making decisions about their care and be allowed to change their mind daily if they wish to, including:

  • Where and what they eat within reason.
  • Who they choose to socialize with.
  • Activities they can get involved in.
  • How to manage their own time and the choice to be flexible with their routine. 
  • An opportunity to share preferences.
  • Religious or ethical beliefs, which should be respected and upheld by those around them.

Photo by Matthias Zomer from Pexels
Employees should always aim to communicate with residents, speaking to them at their eye level whilst building rapport and upholding respect. Visitors should be encouraged and welcomed as this is one of the best ways to keep resident’s spirits high.

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6 Life-Altering Health Effects of Divorce on Women

Divorces can be messy and chaotic, and seldom does it happen that spouses come out of a divorce without any pain. Unfortunately, there has been an unprecedented increase in divorces, and it is reported that women suffer from the after-effects of divorce more severely than men.

The common understanding is that women suffer both physically and mentally only if they are involved in an abusive relationship and get a divorce later. But, this understates the mental chaos that the whole process of divorce itself creates in the minds of women.

We have compiled a comprehensive list of the various health effects of divorce on women:

1. Anxiety Spikes:
The occurrence of significant life changes brings about anxiety, and no event is more significant than a divorce in the world of married people. Therefore, it is bound to bring anxiety, because the idea of living alone, the insecurity of being rejected, and conflicting feelings about your partner can be highly disturbing, especially for women.

2. Plunging into depression:
Anxiety should decrease once you get on with your life after being divorced, but you should consult a counselor if it persists for longer. Persistent anxiety turns to depression, which can significantly affect the quality of your life.

Moreover, engage a decent attorney like the ones available at the Divorce Matters law firm, because they will save you from the anxiety of dealing with the legal aspects of divorce.
Photo by Alex Boyd on Unsplash
3. Getting socially isolated:
Divorced women start judging themselves because they feel that they are somehow inadequate and do not deserve love. This could result in isolating themselves from other women and end up being even more depressed.

4. Becoming an insomniac:
Depressed people often forget about taking care of themselves and find it hard to sleep without prescribed drugs. Under-sleeping leads to several health issues, and statistically, the most common one is hypertension.

5. Aging quicker:
Many women religiously look for ways to keep their skin fresh and smooth for as long as they can, but divorce can take that away from them. It is reported that divorced women age quicker as compared to other women because of divorce-induced depression and insomnia.

Aging does not only mean wrinkly skin, but it also indicates that they are highly likely to face issues while engaging in everyday mobility activities like walking and climbing stairs.

6. Higher likelihood of experiencing cardiac incidents and diabetes:
According to a study conducted by researchers at Duke University, divorced women are more likely to experience cardiac events as compared to married or single women. On the other hand, this study states that divorced men do not see any such increase in the risk of experiencing cardiac incidents.

Moreover, it is stated by another study that divorced women are at least 20 percent more likely to experience diabetes at some point in their lives.

Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels

Losing Health Insurance
A significant portion of women depend on their husbands for health benefits. Therefore, a lot of women lose health insurance as a result of divorce, and that can lead up to looming medical conditions.

In a nutshell, divorces obviously must not be taken lightly, especially if you are a woman. It might not be a bad idea to start making plans or having things in place if you suspect you may end up divorcing your spouse.

How Smokers Can Lead a Healthier Lifestyle

Many people who get into the habit of smoking don’t often think of it as a problem, usually until non-smokers point it out. Smokers make up a large portion of the general population; in the U.S., there are well over 30 million smokers. And the truth is, although smoking is associated with several adverse health effects, you can still lead a full, healthy lifestyle despite the "bad" habit.

If you are a smoker, it doesn’t matter how you got into smoking, why you smoke, or whether you’re looking to quit or cut down. You should put extra effort into taking care of your physical health. It's unfair to think that smokers don't care about their health or well-being. Smoking is not a behavioral defect or an indication of a flawed personality or character traits. Here are a few ways you can help to maintain a healthier lifestyle, even as a smoker.

Moderate Your Smoking

The first step towards leading a healthy lifestyle as a smoker is moderating the smoking. Quitting is often a tall order for many smokers, but moderation is the next best thing. Try cutting down on smoking or looking into safer alternatives like patches and ecigs to take the edge off from time to time. Begin slow, for instance, by cutting one or two cigarettes every week and gradually work up to an optimum amount. Baby steps is often the way to go.
Photo by Louise Burton on Unsplash

Eat a Healthy Diet

Everyone, and especially smokers, need to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Include lots of rich fruits, vegetables, and nuts in your daily diet. Some of the essential minerals, vitamins, and nutrients can help counteract some of the negative effects of smoking. For instance, smoking is known to block calcium and vitamins C and D from being absorbed into the body, increasing fruits and vegetables in the diet can help restore these essential nutrients.

Engage in Physical Activity 

Engage in regular physical activity to maintain physical health. Physical exercise makes the blood flow faster and increases breathing, both of which are beneficial towards strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. You can go to the gym for rigorous exercises, go on hikes and bike ride, or try mild physical exercises such as cardio and yoga. Physical activities can also help you manage cravings if you're trying to quit or cut down on smoking.
Photo by Anupam Mahapatra on Unsplash
It makes total sense to be a smoker and still want to improve your physical health and wellness. You can practice regular health routines, just like non-smokers. All you have to do is find the perfect health and wellness rhythm that aligns with your goals and abilities. 


How To Shop For a New Pair of Eyeglasses

Almost every person I know that wears glasses hates shopping for a new pair. The yearly phone call reminding you to go for an eye test, followed by that annoying car journey into town. You have to wait in the waiting room, and then you get to take that really fun eye test. And after all of this, you get the pleasure of being charged the ridiculous price that they usually charge, just to own a pair of glasses that allow you to see. God help you if you want lenses that are anti-glare or scratch-proof; you need to re-mortgage your house to afford those. 

Fortunately, times are changing, and everything is going digital, glasses shopping included. Now I know that this is probably not news to many of you. But if you are like me, you always decided there were too many risks, especially as you can’t try the frames on our get them adjusted. But then I did some research, and lots of people I spoke to were actually very happy with their online eyeglass purchases. (This website, in particular, sprung up a lot)

So I decided to write a few quick tips and tricks to shopping for glasses online. Hopefully, If you are on the verge of taking the plunge, this article will help convince you.
Returns Policies
The most important thing to check when buying glasses online is the store's return policies. There is a good chance that with the glasses you like the look of on the online shop, there is a potential that you are not going to like them in person. If this happens, you need to be able to send them back and get a full refund or an exchange. 
A great trick if your glasses that you bought online need adjusting, is to go into an optometrist. As long as you do not tell them that you bought them online, they are usually more than happy to adjust glasses for walk-in customers. If you are feeling guilty of the free adjustments after you have not bought the glasses from the shop, buy something small, like a cleaning cloth or some cleaning solution to ease your conscience.
Unfortunately, the one thing you can’t get online is your prescription. That means you are going to have to go for your regular eye test in order to figure out what glasses you need. This is just the way things have to be. Just because you have to go and get your eye test in person however, does not mean you need to buy the overpriced glasses they offer you there on the spot. Take your prescription and do your shopping online if you want to save some serious money. There is Ernest Hemingway eyewear for sale you can consider.

There we have it, and hopefully if you are on the fence about shopping online for your glasses, we have eased any doubts you had about the whole process. Although it can be a bit of a pain sending glasses back until you get the perfect pair, you can often save hundreds by doing it this way, which in our eyes is totally worth the hassle.

Health Benefits of Eating Meat Snacks

Although most people today prefer going vegan as their daily nutritional routine, we can't rule out that meat consumption has increased rapidly over the years.

Meat is an essential source of protein which must be included together with other types of food for one to have a balanced diet. It is often classified into white, red, or processed products.

Given the fact that excessive consumption could be harmful to your body, consider consuming it sparingly and avoid processed meat. With this said, let's look at the various health benefits of eating meat. For healthy products, you can checkout The New Primal meat snacks.

1. Excellent source of protein

This type of food is known to be a complete source of protein in terms of quality and quantity. For every 3-ounce portion consumed, you get 21 grams of protein, which is the recommended dietary portion for an average woman.

Moreover, our bodies acquire amino acids that cannot be made by the body or consumed from other types of food.

Eating animal protein is also linked to improved muscle and skin tissues. Apart from this, many studies show that it is associated with strong bone formation, lowering the risk of getting fractures.

2. Improves metabolism

We all love having a lean and fit body. For this reason, it's essential to include foods that boost metabolism in our diet.

Increased metabolism helps break down fats in the body, making it easier to distribute them evenly. Research has it that animal food sources are a good source of vitamin B-12.
Vitamin B-12 improves the production of digestive juices in the stomach, which in turn increases metabolism and promotes fullness by reducing hunger.

3. Boost brain health

Everyone wants to be considered smart and sharp at all times. The best way to achieve that is by increasing your daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

Organic food like fish, beef, chicken, goat, and pork are considered to have the highest concentration of omega-3s. In this case, organic foods are a better option when it comes to the provision of omega-3 than non-organic.

Besides, medical specialists worldwide recommend daily omega-3 intake to help in the overall mental growth. See this link to see more reasons for eating meat

4. Boosts strong immune system

An excellent immune system allows the body to fight diseases and ensures you stay healthy mostly when there is a flu or any other viral outbreak.

Therefore, it's in your best interest to incorporate food rich in zinc in your diet. According to various studies, zinc is commonly found more in beef than in other non-organic foods like cereals.

Likewise, it is better absorbed from organic meat. In case you accidentally cut yourself, the amino acids in beef works to speed up the healing process of the torn muscle tissues in due time.

5. Increases energy levels 

Animal protein, like red meat, is an excellent source of iron. Iron is a very crucial nutrient in the body, especially for pregnant women, adolescents, and premenopausal.

Also, it increases the production of hemoglobin found in red blood cells. The primary role of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen across the body via the blood cells. This means that iron plays an essential role in maintaining the body's energy levels which reduces.

According to health experts, the body absorbs heme iron (found in animal beef pork or mutton among others) faster than non-heme iron found in plants. Plus, if you have an iron deficiency, you are likely to have severe migraines, shortness of breath, and fatigue.

6. Lipid Profile and Cardiovascular Health

Excessive consumption of starch or carbohydrate is a cardiovascular risk factor. This is why medics recommend replacing that with fruits, animal proteins, and healthy fats.

A low carbohydrate meat plan has a minor effect on the blood cholesterol hence making it heart-healthy. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the body treats saturated fats from processed and non-processed flesh differently.

For instance, a freshly cooked beef steak and a piece of sausage will have similar saturated fats, but the latter will have a more negative effect on your health. Click here to find out more about some of the healthy meat products you can consume.


Eating meat has more benefits than disadvantages. This is because it comes with a compelling number of nutrients that contribute to a healthy body. Plus, it is also delicious and refreshing when cooked well. However, to protect yourself from various health risks that may arise from eating it, avoid burnt and non-processed meat.


The Benefits of HCG Shots for Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a difficult undertaking. Your genetics, metabolism, lifestyle, diet, stress levels and sleep habits can all play a part in your ability to lose weight. Perhaps you've tried to defy genetics, increase your metabolism, change your lifestyle, alter your diet, lower your stress levels, and improve your sleep habits. But then, you realized that nothing is working. In your quest to lose weight, it's important to not give up and allow your setbacks to discourage you. That's because you have options. Getting hcg shots for weight loss could be just what you need to shed those pounds.

What Is HCG?

Before you learn how HCG shots can help you lose weight, you should probably learn what HCG is first. You've probably heard of HCG as pertaining to pregnant women, but you may be wondering why you'd use it for weight loss if you're not pregnant.

HCG, which stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone expectant mothers produce in high levels during early pregnancy. In fact, this hormone is what determines a pregnant or not pregnant result in home pregnancy tests. Many experts claim that HCG can help boost your metabolism and help you lose large amounts of fat. You can do all of this without feeling hungry. Accompanied by a strict, ultra-low 500 calories diet, HCG injections can help with weight loss.

What Is the HCG Diet?

The HCG diet is a low-fat, low-calorie diet to help you burn calories faster. The faster you can burn calories, the faster you can lose weight. The HCG diet is generally divided into three phases:
  • Loading phase: This is what kicks off the HCG diet and gets it started. You start the diet by eating lots of high-fat, high-calorie foods. This continues for two days.
  • Weight loss phase: Get HCG injections daily to get the best results. Then, eat only 500 calories per day for 3-6 weeks or until you get your desired results.
  • Maintenance phase: Stop getting the HCG injections. You can gradually increase your food intake, but be sure to avoid sugar and starches for 3 weeks. These practices can help you maintain your weight and help prevent weight gain.

How HCG Injections Work

The same role the HCG hormone plays in expectant mothers can be the same role it plays in weight loss for men and women. For example, if a pregnant woman isn't eating enough to support the growth and development of her baby, the HCG hormone will utilize excessive fats that her body has stored. This is to ensure proper nutrition during pregnancy. This same process can help you burn fat with HCG injections. Your body will start to utilize excess fats, which means that it will help burn these fats faster and more frequently.

Low-calorie consumption can be effective all on its own, but when paired with regular HCG injections, it can increase the effectiveness of burning excess fat. Also, just doing the HCG diet alone can leave you feeling weak, while HCG injections can ensure your body gets the energy it needs.

Choosing Children’s Shoes: Mechanical Considerations

If you let a child choose their own shoes you’ll probably be surprised by their choice, it will certainly look good, but it may not be the most practical option.

Of course, you may want to get your child shoes that look like yours, but this is also not necessarily the best option.

In fact, despite many children’s shoes looking very similar to adults, children do not have the same movements as adults. As children grow they need different shoes to ensure that their feet are properly supported; giving them the right footwear can help to avoid them having issues later in life.

It’s a lot of responsibility for any parent and the reason specialist shops like Garvalin, Australia exist.
Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash
The first thing to understand is that a shoe serves several roles:


A long time ago humans didn’t wear shoes, but shoes are seen as an essential means of protecting feet from scrapes and other abrasions.

It’s worth noting that adult footwear is trending towards a more minimalistic look which has helped shoe manufacturers to re-evaluate what is important in a shoe.


The secondary role of any shoe is to provide support. This is especially important in children. A shoe should support the arch of the foot, but, this is only actually necessary in older children. Children under 4 aren’t active enough for the arch support to matter. Select shoes with arch support at this age can actually hinder the proper development of the foot.

However, plantar support is important from a very young age.  The loading pattern of a foot is relevant from when a child is as young as 2 ½ years old, which means a shoe should have cushioning under the heel.

It is also important for shoes to offer forefoot flexibility, the range of movement can be significantly different in children to adults, it’s essential to choose shoes that allow the forefront of their feet to move in all directions.

Once children hit 14-15 years old their feet will stop growing and their needs are effectively very similar to adults, allowing you to comfortably purchase adult shoes for them. At this stage, the important factors are motion control and support at the rear of the foot.
Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels


Although it can be argued that style is not very important in the correct development of feet. Style is an important consideration when you choose shoes and when your children are old enough to appreciate what they are wearing.

This is actually the reason that so many children’s shoes look similar to adult ones.

Additional Factors

By understanding the role of the shoe and how it supports your child’s foot and ongoing development, you can choose the right shoe for your child. But, you should also consider
these additional factors:

       Minimalistic Shoes

The current movement towards minimalistic shoes is actually a good one and worth considering for your child. Minimalistic shoes allow your child’s foot to develop more naturally, they are worth considering.

       Know Your Child

Your child may have a weak front foot, back foot, or a weak arch. You need to have a good look at their foot and even consult a pediatrician to ensure you identify weak areas and choose the shoes that give the right support.

We hope these tips will help you with your shoe buying process for your child.

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