Family * Travel * Food

blog slacking

Hey Y'all...
I have been so bad at keeping up with the blog for the past few days. I guess you can say that I have been doing the mom thing so that has been my #1 priority. Having a 6 month old baby keeps my hands full and I never want that to affect my other children. I am a mom first before anything else. Oh, and if you had the husband I have, you would see how tough my job can be! Speaking of the hubby, please check out his blog. I have also been trying to help him get it together so be sure to show some love. I have some interesting topics I want to throw your way so be sure to keep checking in on me. We will have some good ones for tomorrow's Don'tcha hate it when... Wednesday. I am also going to have my daughters featured as guest writers so that will be very interesting. The are nicknamed little Shellys so who knows what might be in store! Dwayne, BEWARE!! I hope everyone has a successful day!

yay for Friday~!

I hope that everyone has a good and safe weekend. I have my "honey-do" list all written up and ready to go. Poor Dwayne can never get a break! I can only imagine what he might post next week for hate it when Wednesdays. Stay tuned...

whining and see ya laters

I had to drop Briahnna off this morning for her to go on her very first out-of-town overnight field study for school. She is going to Camp Greenville and will return tomorrow afternoon. I miss her already. She has been sneaking text messages to let me know what all is going on. They are not allowed any electronic devices since the purpose of this trip is for team building and getting to know your classmates. I gave her permission to sneak me, Papo or big sis a text when she could. (I know bad, rule breaking mommy) When I was seeing her off I gave her a big kiss and hug and told her to remember my 150 rules and be respectful and before I could finish saying all I needed she was on the bus. What a brat! Chardie went on this same trip when she was in the 6th grade and her life changed forever because of it. I hope Briahnna feels that way.
Now as for the littlest member of the family, he has learned how to whine. I don't like it one bit. I get enough of that from the hubby and now I get a double dose. What did I do to deserve this?!!
I hope everyone has an awesome day!

Don'tcha hate it when.... Wednesday

Don'tcha hate it when...
  • you grab a doorknob and it's sticky or greasy and as always, nobody did it.
  • you are trying to help your hubby by getting him ready for work (making coffee, breakfast, ironing clothing, and packing lunch) and he is mad at you for making him get up. Hello?? Hot coffee and breakfast?!!!
  • you finally finished cleaning the house and then the family comes home. If you are a SAHM you know exactly what I mean.
  • When your wife puts you on blast and put all your business out in the aura ( Dwayne )
  • When you make a post and you get 1 comment, but your wife makes a post and gets 15 million comments ( Dwayne- PS- thanks Katie for commenting on my post :))
  • you are reminded of why you can't stand going to WalMart because you get hit up to buy something before you make it into the actual store.

Now it's your turn, hit us up in the comments...


boy parts- update

Well, I got the answer from the doctor this morning on why my boy's winkie goes inward sometimes. It turns out that it is perfectly normal for that to happen. The reason it happens is because he is so chunky, that's it~! Now Dwayne can breathe freely and know his son's winkie is perfectly healthy and normal.
The end.

boy parts

I know this post is going to seem strange but understand I know nothing about baby boys. Will has his 6 month appointment tomorrow with the pediatrician and I have made a list of questions/ concerns for the doctor. My questions are very simple things like skin dryness and teething. Now Dwayne has the manly man question (what a surprise huh?) He wants to know if it is normal for his boy's little winkie to go inward. He is greatly concerned for his son's penis. I think it is the most important concern he has. Does anyone know if this is normal? I just don't want to look like a complete idiot to the doctor. If Dwayne was able to go then I would let him handle that one. If anyone with little boys can advise me on this one I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks...
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