Family * Travel * Food

William at 6 months

Oh no! Where did the time go? Our baby is 6 months old today. He is one BIG, happy baby and as you can see from these photos, he does not have enough toys and does not get enough attention. Poor William...


Don'tcha hate it when.... Wednesday

You know how it works...

Don'tcha hate it when...
  • you are eating something that is so good and you run out and all you need is like one or two more bites to be satisfied.
  • you finally get out of the house alone and your cell phone rings off the hook.
  • you find fingerprints on your computer screen and they don't belong to you. ugh!
  • people post like a thousand youtube videos on their blog. (not targeted at anyone specific Dwayne)
  • you are forced to retire your favorite article of clothing. (Yes Dwayne, the 15 year old Miami Hurricanes shorts have got to go!)

Okay, I'm tapped out now, it's your turn. Hit us up in the comments...


Someone is 14 now

Here's my big girl, Chardonnay. She is officially 14 now. Look at her all grown-up looking. She wears make-up now, not a lot just enough to enhance her natural beauty. *sigh* Before you know it she will be driving. Yikes! I can't believe I have a kid that old! Nobody better be calling me old right now.
Happy Birthday Chardie!!


How to tame a wild hubby

Pop this in the DVD player...

Sit one of these in front of him...

And offer up a few of these as needed and you are done!

This is a winning combination, you can't go wrong. The movie will keep him focused on the TV (as if it was possible to focus on anything else with the TV playing). The food will fill his gut and the beer will calm him down. Perfect. The end.


That is right... the takeover. There will be no Wordless Wednesday or Don'tcha you hate it when,
but the takeover. Hey ladies, don'tcha you hate it when the BBCDO takes over ? HA HA HA

This one is for the ladies...

This one is for everyone...

I'll Holla --P_E_A_C_E - Dwayne aka Ismail the Great

family updates

Oh boy it has been busy, busy, busy for this family. Let's see, where do I start...
Well, Sunday was Briahnna's 12th birthday. Since it is volleyball season we decided to not have a a party because of how busy the family's schedule is. I let the kid decide what she wanted as her special birthday dinner. This is what she decided on...
Jumbo shrimp cocktail (that's my kid!)

Fried chicken tenders, steamed broccoli, homemade mac'n'cheese, and corn on the cob.

She was happy with her choices.

Poor little Milo just won't give this toy up. The more beat up the toy the better it is to him. Milo, it's time to let it go.

Here is Will sleeping on his daddy. Yes, he is drooling!

The girls are both a part of their school's volleyball team. Briahnna is a team manager and Chardonnay is one of the talented athletes. They played their first game yesterday and won! I would have taken photos but the hubby had the camera last and did not recharge the battery. This was all I got...

Briahnna had to steal a quick kiss from little brother before I yelled at her to get back to her manager's post. Can you tell that William does not get enough attention?

We have games every Wednesday until October 22. I try to do as much as I can always to support the kids. I baked about 2 dozen giant chocolate chip cookies for a bake sale at school and Chardonnay sent me a text to tell me they sold out in a minute! Some of them were already purchased by my family before they even made it out the door. That was worth my 3 hours in the kitchen! I know I spent more than they probably made but the kids are more than worth it. Okay that's enough for now. I hope everyone has a great day!!

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