Family * Travel * Food

Foods That Are High in Trace Minerals

Our body requires many compounds to work. These serve as building blocks and let us carry out daily tasks efficiently. These compounds can be categorized into macro minerals and micro minerals owing to the amount in which our body necessitates them. Micro minerals are also known as trace minerals.

As the name itself suggests, macro minerals are those elemental compounds required in abundance. They are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chloride, and sulfur. In contrast, micro minerals are needed in smaller quantities. Their amount doesn't mean that they are less influential in any way. There are nine trace minerals. These include iron, copper, chromium, iodine, zinc, fluoride, selenium, cobalt, and manganese. Some foods are naturally rich in these nutrients. Certain fruits and vegetables, such as spinach, berries, broccoli, etc. When people fail to add these foods in their regular diet, they meet the deficiencies with the help of fruit and vegetable based supplements. Some examples are N1N Organic Super Greens, Elderberry Gummies by Gummies Garden, Balance of Nature, etc.

A balanced diet includes a suitable composition of macrominerals and trace minerals. A lack of these essential minerals can cause hindrances in body functions, suspension in hormone production, metabolic dysfunction, chronic illnesses, osteoporosis, lack of energy, etc. Therefore, intake of trace minerals is vital for your body. 

In this article, we have mentioned the primary sources of each of the nine trace minerals separately. You should make sure that you incorporate them into your diet regularly. 

1. Chromium

Chromium is an essential trace mineral for a healthy metabolic function. Not only does it help in storing starch and sugar in the body, but it also increases insulin response for regulating blood sugar levels. 

Chromium is found in minimal quantities in various foods. Sources of chromium include fruits and vegetables like bananas, potatoes, apples, basil, garlic, broccoli, etc. Traces of dietary chromium are also found in meat and whole grains. 

2. Copper

Copper plays a significant role in enzyme activity. This mineral may not hold much importance to you but is an invaluable factor in promoting strong bones and healthy blood vessels. Your body needs this mineral (even if it is in small amounts) to produce energy.

You can obtain copper in minor amounts from shellfish, organ meats, nuts, cocoa, seeds, and whole grains.

3. Fluoride

This vital mineral is widespread, and you're probably quite familiar with it as it is mentioned on almost all kinds of toothpaste. That's because our teeth need to prevent dental cavities and mineralize not just teeth but also bones. When taken in the right amounts, fluoride will surely keep both your bones and teeth strong and healthy.

Fluoride is commonly found in tea, seafood, and even drinking water. It is also present in mouth rinses and toothpaste.

4. Iodine

Never take iodine for granted. This crucial trace mineral is essential for normal thyroid gland function. Supplementary to that, it bolsters immunity and aids insulin action. It's also imperative to take inaccurate iodine amounts because over intake of this mineral may increase blood sugar. 

You'll find iodine in a lot of seafood as well as dairy products. Plus, table sugar is also rich in iodine.

5. Iron

Hemoglobin and myoglobin are proteins found in the blood and bone cells. Iron is a significant component of both these proteins and helps in oxygen transport and storage.

Iron is primarily present in meat, legumes, leafy green vegetables, and even some beans.

6. Manganese

Manganese is a trace mineral that is actively involved in antioxidant reactivity. Healing of wounds and formation of bones are some typical roles of manganese. It is a cofactor for enzymes and is associated with protein, carbohydrates, and cholesterol metabolism. This mineral regulates blood sugar levels and acts as a potent nutrient involved in normal brain and nerve functions.

Rich sources of manganese include nuts, pineapples, coffee, tea, and legumes. Drinking water also contains negligible amounts of manganese. 

7. Molybdenum

This mineral is involved in enzyme activity for the breakdown of toxins and drugs that enter the body. It also processes proteins into amino acids. Genetic materials like DNA are also broken down via this mineral.

Molybdenum can be found in many plant-based foods, for instance, legumes and nuts. Beef liver is also a pretty rich source of manganese.

8. Selenium

Just like iodine, selenium is a trace mineral involved in normal thyroid function. It plays a crucial role in the reproduction and synthesis of DNA.

Whole grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes are just some sources of selenium. People who eat plenty of plant-based foods are most unlikely to suffer from selenium deficiency.

9. Zinc

A lot of chemical reactions in your body are taking place due to the presence of zinc. This vital mineral is a significant component of your immune system. Its importance in the body is beyond imagination. You might not be able to taste your food well or even smell all those numerous things around you if it weren't for zinc. Vegetarians mostly have a zinc deficiency, but if you're a meat-eater, you'll probably have no problem with your zinc intake.

Zinc can be found in seafood, meats, and foods that are rich in proteins. Oysters are the best-known source, as they contain more amounts of zinc than any other food.

How to Create a Morning Routine

Whether you wake up refreshed and relaxed as you start the day or jump out of bed when the alarm hits and rush to make the bus, mornings are important to everyone. This is where you’ll set the tone for the rest of your day. A few simple changes to your routine can make you much more productive. 

The best way to have a productive morning is to have a morning routine. No matter how well you sleep, the odds are you’ll be a little groggy when you wake up. It’s easy to lose track of time when your brain is having a hard time getting out of sleep mode. There are a few simple ways get your day off on the right foot with some organization in your routine. 

Plan Ahead of Time

Unfortunately, most people are still tired when they wake up. That makes the morning the worst time to plan out how to change your morning routine. Fortunately, you can set yourself up for success before you go to bed every day—starting with your alarm clock. Make sure you have a couple of alarms set, including some that aren’t hooked up to the same system, and set them up to recur if you sleep through one. 

What do you need to get your day off to the right start? Lay those items out before you go to bed. This should include anything you need for work or school, especially if you plan to make some changes to your overall routine. You don’t want to be thrown off and forget a necessary item because you were focusing on something new. You can also save time each morning by laying out your clothing once you decide on the next day’s attire. 

Start Small

You may be thinking, “How do I organize a complex routine when I’ve just woken up?” The good news is, a morning routine doesn’t have to be complicated. Just work in a few changes to your day to help you use your time better, and don’t be afraid to use reminders until you get the hang of things. A few post-it notes you’ll see when you wake up can work wonders. 

You can also start slowly by working on changes one at a time. Five minutes of meditation to clear your head can make a big difference, as can a quick walk to get some exercise in. You can make some changes to your breakfast to get the day off to a healthy start or incorporate some gummy vitamins into your diet to make sure you’re getting essential nutrients. 

If you’re worried you don’t have enough time to make these changes, it might be worth tweaking that alarm clock. Getting up only half an hour early can transform your whole morning routine. It may take a few tries to figure out the optimal time to get up, and if you need to adjust your nighttime routine a bit to go with it. 

Make Adjustments Along the Way

The good thing about routines is, they’re meant to be changed. The same routine won’t work for everyone, and the best way to figure out the right morning routine for you is through trial and error. Maybe your current wake-up time isn't leaving you enough time to get everything done, or you feel like you need an extra boost from a dietary supplement like Morning Complete to increase your energy levels before you leave the house. Everyone needs something different to get their day off on the right foot. Don’t be afraid to change something if it doesn’t seem to help or if it’s tough to remember—it’s probably a hint that it’s not helping your morning routine. Trying out a new positive habit is a better idea than trying to make a change stick when it’s not working.

It can take a while to acclimate to a new routine, and don’t feel like you’re failing something if it takes you a little longer. It can take the average person about six days to form a regular habit, and there are some ways to make it easier. To make a habit stick, try to associate it with something you look forward to. 

Are you trying to remember to take those new vitamins? Pair them with your favorite breakfast food. Positive associations get rooted in the brain much faster than other patterns. 

Supercharge Your Mornings

Every morning is a fresh start, and that means another chance to find the morning routine that works for you. Take note of everything that is working and what seems to be slowing you down, and work each day’s experiments into your next attempt. You’ll find mornings become more and more inviting each day.

Celebrate the #SprinklefestGiveaway with Entenmann's Minis

*Today's conversation is sponsored by Entenmann's.

Summer is officially in full swing! Many families are either traveling, trucking kids back and forth to camp or just relaxing at home with the kids. We have been working on house projects and have taken a road trip so far. We have some more plans for the second half of the summer before school starts back in August. Of course, that time will be here before you know it. 

One thing we all have in common with having kids out of school is the amount of snacking that goes on. I admit, our family loves sweet treats and Entenmann’s Minis Sprinkled Iced Brownies are perfect to satisfy our craving. Who can resist a moist fudgy brownie with a decadent fudgy icing, and sprinkles? The sprinkles make it feel like a party! The best part is that they are individually wrapped and just the right size so that you can control the portions. These Entenmann's Sprinkled Iced Brownies are a great for snacking on-the-go, as a lunchbox snack or as a movie night treat. 

Entenmann’s Minis Sprinkled Iced Brownies are absolutely scrumptious! They are a nice serving size, and are so moist and chocolatey without being too sweet. It's everything I expect from Entenmann's, and has quickly become a new family favorite. If you see them in your local store, grab a box or two. Trust me, you'll be glad you did! 

Timed to National Sprinkle Day on July 23, you can enter for a chance to win free Entenmann’s Minis Sprinkled Iced Brownies at from July 11 through July 25.

5,000 lucky fans will be selected at random to win free Entenmann’s Minis Sprinkled Iced Brownies product awarded in the form of one (1) coupon. All entries must be submitted by July 25 via the online landing page linked here to qualify.

After you enter for your chance to win, you can then enter our giveaway here on the blog to win a $25 Virtual Visa gift card and 3 coupons for Entenmann's products (valued at $4.99 each). a Rafflecopter giveaway  

This giveaway is open to U.S. Residents and ends July 26, 2021.  One winner will be chosen at random. Please provide a valid email address. Please note that Mom Files is not responsible for any lost or stolen prizes.

*The coupons for product redemption, information, and gift card have been provided by Entenmann’s® so that I could try the product and share my thoughts and information about Entenmann’s®. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and do not reflect the opinions of Entenmann’s®.


Add Style To Your Bakery With A Donut Stand

Stepping inside a bakery offers such a great sensory experience.  Customers stand to have their sweet cravings fulfilled along with other sensory needs -- thanks to the smell of freshly-baked bread and the sight of mouthwatering pastries like doughnuts.   

While more commonly linked as a cop snack staple, donuts are highly flexible. You can add your favorite glaze and filling; whether ice cream, nuts, chocolate, candy sprinkles, and jam. Because of variety, special occasions these days use donuts as a supplementary or stand-alone pastry. From simple and intimate get-togethers to grand weddings and birthdays, every occasion gets sweeter with these baked goodies.

Here’s how you can add a visually appealing style to a donut stand for your bakery or any event inside and outside of your shop. But first, let’s find out why style matters in a pastry shop.   

Why Bother With Your Bakery’s Interior?

According to psychology, a store’s interior impacts the way its customers feel and behave. So, there’s every reason for event and bakery stylists to make donut stands more appealing. 

That being said, how you style your bakery can impact how your customers view your pastry products displayed on the counter. You can choose whichever design you want, depending on the image you want your business to portray.   

Below are the most common considerations that you need to highlight when thinking about your bakery’s layout.  
  • Cleanliness
Whether your clientele prefers fast food or a five-star restaurant, a shabby place is never ideal for a bakery. That's because no matter how obsessively hygienic your preparation procedures maybe, this will all go to waste if you don’t have the place to show it. If your pastry shop isn’t neat and tidy both inside and out, customers will likely judge your shop as dirty. Besides, there are health codes that you need to abide by, in order to continue operating. 

Thus, your bakery should be as aesthetically pleasing as the food you’re serving. And there’s a multitude of donut stand ideas to be discussed later in this article, so keep on reading.  
  • Great Lighting
A strategic light design is a must-have in every food serving shop. The amount and intensity of light can affect our bodies in many ways. For instance, increasing the use of artificial light in the evening can seriously confuse your body’s circadian rhythm, leading to sleep disturbance.   
Warm and cold light, which in this case doesn’t refer to the heat it gives off, but rather the light tones can impact us, too. Warm-hued lights are typically yellowish while cool-tones lights lean on the bluish side. The former is said to be ideal for places that want to project a welcoming and intimate setting.  Cooler lights, on the other hand, are believed to enhance productivity. They’re often found in electronic devices and other gadgets that we must get rid of if we want to get some sleep.   

Warm lights with adequate concentration are most ideal for bakeries and restaurants. Too much ‘cold light’ will likely blind your clients. Making it challenging for them to locate the food on their plate.  
  • Overall Experience
Great ambiance, impeccable service, and outstanding food form the perfect recipe for a great bakery, or any food store in general. 

Simply put, a great dining and eating experience happens only when all of your senses are stimulated and gratified. The pull and attraction start with how your bakery looks from the outside, so don’t be afraid to play with colors for your design theme. Pink and blue are often chosen as common colors for a bakery.   

Once inside, the bakery should offer a cozy environment where customers can get lost in the smell, taste, and feel of the entire place. Don’t forget to choose the most comfortable seats and tables for your clients to sit on while devouring your dark chocolate-filled donuts and other pastries.        

Make sure to have enough space in the shop to accommodate your clients and make them feel snug.   

Donut Stand and Donut Wall Ideas

Speaking of space-saving techniques, serving your holed buns in donut stands and donut walls isn’t only visually appealing, it’s a gustatory delight and an olfactory-satiating activity.   
Whether it’s made of wood, glass, acrylic, or metal, these donuts stand ideas are perfect for all types of get-togethers. 
  • Multi-purpose Holders 
If you want your consumers to have access to donuts in several locations, gather small donuts in cone-shaped paper and place them in strategic locations inside your bakery. 
  • Stylish Cupcake Stand  
Who says you can’t put donuts inside a cupcake stand? Whether three or five-tiered, you can stack your donuts in a stylish cupcake stand made from various materials and colors.  
  • Glass Donut Stand 
Whether glazed or jelly-filled, arrange your donuts neatly on a glass stand to make them stand out from the rest.   
  • D-I-Y Donut Stand
Show your crafty skills by making your own donut tower. Just put together the base and sticks on which to place your donuts on. With this design, you’ll always get a ‘hole in one.’
  • Metal Donut Stand     
Place metal hooks to hang your donuts on and let your creativity take over. For instance, you can add a few green leaves of flowers to make it look more fun.   
  • Peg Board Donut Wall Stand
Take out a pegboard and paint it in an eye-catching color, preferably in the same color palette as your bakery store. Style it in different themes daily to catch your customers’ attention better. You can even add a catchy message to pique their interest better.       
  • Use A Cake Stand  
Like a cupcake stand, you can briefly repurpose your cake stand by nicely stacking your donuts on them.   
  • Acrylic Donut Wall Stand  
For a classier look, you can skip a pegboard donut wall stand and use acrylic. Don’t forget to add more colors as acrylic can look too bare.    
  • A Sweet Backdrop
If you have enough space in your pastry stand, customize it to accommodate donuts as a backdrop. Make sure you have enough space inside your display stand, though so as not to make your place look too crowded.    
  • Donuts On A Lattice 
Have a miniature tabletop-sized lattice made for you to place your donuts on. Make sure you have a variety on display. As with other styles, you can place leaves and flowers for additional colors.   
  • A Rustic Reusable Donut Wall Stand 
With enough wood and basic carpentry skills, you can assemble a wooden donut frame that you can actually repurpose later on. Don’t forget to place pegs so that you can place donuts on them. Otherwise, look for hooks that you can place on the wooden frame.
  • Use A Cake Base
Sometimes, you only need a cake base to strategically place and arranged fancy donuts. Whether it’s made of wood, plastic, or glass, make sure to up the wow factor by placing some decorations below it. 

The Wrap Up
From the concept to the theme, lights, taste, and ambiance; creating an all-encompassing sensory experience should be every bakery owner’s goal. 

Everything starts with aesthetics, so make your shop attractive and clean both inside and outside. But don’t sacrifice beauty over function. Optimize space inside your store, too, so customers can hang out and make them want to come back as often as they want.      

Tips for Traveling with Children

Family vacations are an important part of everyone’s childhood, so you’ll want to make sure your kids have as much fun as possible. But this is easier said than done. As a busy mom, you always have so many things to think about, but planning your upcoming getaway doesn’t have to be as stressful as you might think. Take a look at these top tips for going abroad with your children:

Family Travel Insurance
You don’t want to think about it, but accidents do happen. In the event that you or your child becomes ill or injured while on vacation, you’ll want to know that all costs are being taken care of. It might be tempting to skip the insurance, especially if all your other trips have gone off without a hitch, but it’s just not worth the risk. Take a look at insurance plans (see safetrip for example) before taking off.

Depending on where you’re going on holiday, there might be a long flight or car ride involved. Even if your travel time is only a couple of hours, don’t assume your kids will sleep all the way there. If anything, they’re likely to be wide awake and buzzing with excitement. So, if you want to avoid questions of “are we there yet?” five minutes into your journey, you’d best bring along some games. These don’t have to take up a lot of space, but an activity book, handheld console, or travel-friendly board game can keep kids occupied for at least a little while.

Bring Snacks
You and your partner might be looking forward to trying the local cuisine, but your kids might not share your views. If your little ones are picky eaters, make sure to bring along a couple of their favorite snacks to keep them going in between meals. While it’s important to encourage them to try new things, if they really don’t take to any new dishes, you may have to hunt down a few child-friendly restaurants that cater to tourists.

Stay Close
Kids love a bit of independence while on holiday and often strike up friendships with other families staying in the same resort. But don’t let your little ones stray too far or go off with strangers – even if they are the family staying next door. Sit by the side of the communal pool to keep an eye on them playing or try to have a group meal with the other guests your child has befriended. You don’t want your children getting lost in unfamiliar places, so offer to go with them to explore play areas.

Leave Extra Time
Whenever you’re going somewhere with kids, you have to factor in time for inevitable moods, tantrums, or lost socks. If you’re often rushing to get out of the house in the morning, leave even more time before your flight. The last thing you want is to miss the plane because your kids couldn’t find their favorite stuffed animal and refused to leave the house. 
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