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7 Warning Signs & Symptoms Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Nutritional deficiencies are always harmful to health because they put your system out of balance. The best way to address them is by being aware of the symptoms so that you can detect them early. Amongst the key nutrients that you should not miss out on is vitamin B12. It is significant for making red blood cells and supports the nervous system as well. You cannot ignore the role of red blood as they carry around oxygen in the body. Hence, vitamin B12 is vital to keep you in good health.
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However, its deficiency is common because the human body does not produce this vitamin on its own, rather depends on food sources. So you must keep a close eye on certain warning signs and symptoms that indicate its deficiency. These may be a little difficult to assess because they are quite similar to those of some other nutritional deficiencies. Awareness, therefore, can make all the difference to timely diagnosis. Here are the ones that you should be watchful about.

Pale Skin
If your skin appears pale in color, you may be deficient in vitamin B12. This usually happens when your body fails to produce enough red blood cells due to the lack of this nutrient. The condition is known as megaloblastic anemia, which may subsequently lead to jaundice. The RBC’s become weak so that the body breaks them down quickly. It results in the release of a brownish substance called bilirubin, which is responsible for pale skin.

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Fatigue is another common sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. Again the inadequacy of RBCs is the reason behind the weakness or fatigue you experience. When your body does not have enough of the cells, the organs do not get the amount of oxygen they need. As a result, you end up feeling weak and tired. If you constantly get this feeling, do not overlook it because the concern may be more serious than you think.

Changes to Mobility
When this deficiency is left untreated, it may damage your nervous system and compromise with your mobility. You may even lose your balance and coordination.  This symptom is usually visible in the elderly though even younger people with a severe, untreated deficiency may also fall prey. The best way to address it is by taking vitamin B12 shots because dietary sources will not be enough. It is better to get diagnosis and treatment in time before such an adverse situation arises.

Tingling Sensation in the Limbs
Another warning sign that you should watch out for is a tingling sensation in your hands and feet. Once again, this symptom is a serious issue because it indicates nerve damage. Vitamin B12 helps in the production of myelin, a substance that shields the nerves and enables them to transmit sensations. Without enough of myelin, your nerves become damaged and are unable to function properly. This often leads to “pins and needles” sensation in the limbs.

Breathlessness and Dizziness
B12 deficiency can cause breathlessness and dizziness, particularly on exertion. This happens because your body gets low on oxygen because there are not enough RBCs to supply it. The signs may also be accompanied by a rapid heartbeat. If you experience any of these symptoms, see a doctor immediately. Besides vitamin B12 deficiency, these signs may indicate some other conditions as well. So you should seek medical advice sooner rather than later.

Mouth Pain and Ulcers
Vitamin B12 affects oral health too. Deficiency can, therefore, cause a series of oral health issues. The most common one is glossitis, a condition results in the tongue becoming red and swollen.  Ulcers and a burning sensation in the mouth are some other indications of the deficiency of this vitamin. Don’t ignore these issues if you have been facing them for some time.
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Mood Swings
Beyond physical signs and symptoms, vitamin B12 deficiency may also appear as mood swings and irritability. You may even have problems thinking and reasoning clearly because the blood supply to the brain is hindered. In worse cases, the deficiency can elevate the risk of brain disorders such as dementia and depression. Low levels of B12 disrupt the signals to and from the brain, leading to such problems.

Now that you know about the common signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, it can be easier to detect. While timely detection matters, remember that prevention is the best approach. The right dietary choices can protect you in the first place. At the same time, you can rely on supplements if you think that you are not getting enough from your diet. Before you start taking supplements, do take advice from a qualified practitioner.

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5 Surprising Physical & Mental Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation is becoming progressively mainstream as more and more people find its wide-extending benefits. It is one wellness trend that shows no indications of disappearing. Though people have been doing meditation for ages, its efficacy has been verified by scientific research today.
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In the present world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by thoughts and feelings. Emotional over-burden generally brings stress and nervousness – and everyone knows the ruin this can unleash on our health. These days, specialists around the world agree that practicing a couple of minutes of care each day can have a significant effect. The physical and mental advantages of meditation are well-archived and exceptionally compelling. Here are a few of our top choices:

A Healthy Heart
Studies clearly prove that a daily meditation practice can improve blood flow, bring down the pulse and help keep up a healthy heart. Psychosomatic Medicine, a confided health distribution, has published an article that shows that persistent meditators have lower measures of lipid peroxide than non-meditators. Recent examinations have also shown that practicing mindfulness meditation helps in lowering blood pressure.
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A Stronger Immune System
The resistant framework, a vital part of the human body, is made out of a horde of natural process and structures whose activity is to battle disease and shield the body from outside creatures. As per the research completed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2003, frequent mindfulness sessions appeared to improve meditators’ immune system functions. They additionally delivered positive, enduring changes inside the cerebrum.

Helps Control Pain
Your perception of pain is related to your perspective and the effects of physical health on the mind can be raised in stressful conditions. For this circumstance meditator and non-meditators experienced similar reasons of pain, however, meditators showed a more noteworthy ability to cope with pain and even experienced lessen vibe of pain.

Improved Memory Retention
As we age memory loss to some extent is normal. In light of the context with the maturing populace, researchers presently accept that mindfulness practice can help support cerebrum functions and decelerate memory loss. Truth be told, research has demonstrated that ordinary 20-minute meditation sessions can support memory and improve cerebrum work in those with early dementia or other psychological issues.
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Enhanced Quality of Sleep
Better sleep is one of the most engaging physical advantages of mindfulness practice. We all know that what it's like to toss and turn – practically 50% of individuals overall experience the ill effects of sleep issues or something to that effect. 85% of laborers in the U.S. report having lost sleep on account of employment-related pressure. Studies prove that individuals who practice day-by-day meditation rest better and longer than non-meditators.

The recognition of Mindfulness meditation is expanding as the advantages of Mindfulness show great promise from every aspect to everybody. Often times, it's the easiest things that have a significant impact on our health and prosperity. Whether practiced daily or occasionally, mindfulness meditation can be a powerful way toward enhanced well-being throughout your lifespan.
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How Your Nose and Sinuses Can Be Fixed In The Same Surgery

Chronic sinus issues can make your life a dreary nightmare. Although some sinus issues are caused by infections and allergies, others are caused by physical problems with the sinuses that block drainage and airflow; these issues can only be corrected by surgical means. The prospect of undergoing surgery is never a pleasant thought even if it can alleviate unpleasant symptoms.

Photo by Min An from Pexels
Many people are also not very satisfied with the shape or size of their nose. As the center point of the face, the exact shape and size of the nose can dramatically alter a person's appearance and attractiveness. A proud jutting nose may perfectly complement the face of someone with the proper cheekbones and jaw structure, but such a nose may look completely out of place on a differently shaped face. Also, nose injuries can cause noses to be crooked and humped. Considering the dramatic impact a nose can have on a person's appearance, it is not surprising that rhinoplasty, more commonly referred to as a "nose job,'' is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed today.

Something that most people don't know is that sinus problems can be corrected and rhinoplasty can be performed in a single surgical procedure. You can get the nose of your dreams and cure your sniffling, obstructed breathing, and chronic headaches all at once.

What changes to the nose can be made during a rhinoplasty?
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery, a nose job can:

  • Change overall nose size
  • Change the width of the bridge of the nose
  • Change the width of the end of the nose
  • Correct a crooked nose
  • Correct humps or depressions in the bridge of the nose
  • Change the shape of the end of the nose
  • Change the shape and location of the nostrils
  • Correct any nasal asymmetry

During the consultation, the surgeon will carefully examine your nose and the rest of your face and discuss your goals and desired nose look. Most surgeons have computer software programs available that can show how each person will look after alterations of their nose. It is important to keep in mind there is no "perfect nose" since the shape of the rest of the face alters how a nose looks. Plunking your favorite star's nose down in the middle of your face may result in a rather ridiculous look. Mark Glasgold, a rhinoplasty expert from New Jersey, writes that the surgeon's goal is to achieve a nose that complements and enhances the appearance of each individual person.

What sinus problems can be corrected during a rhinoplasty?

Deviated septum
The most common sinus problem is a deviated septum. According to ENT Health, around 80% of the population has a septum that is deviated to some degree. The septum is the structure that separates the two breathing passages behind the nostrils; when it is off-center, producing two breathing passages of unequal sizes, it is referred to as deviated. A slightly deviated septum generally doesn't cause any problems, but a more severely deviated septum can cause problems such as:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Noisy breathing especially while sleeping
  • Mouth breathing
  • Nosebleeds
  • Sinus infections

A deviated septum that is causing symptoms can only be corrected by surgery.

Nasal polyps
Nasal polyps are soft benign growths that develop in some people's sinuses. According to the Mayo Clinic, they seem to be caused by long-term irritation of the sinuses, such as might occur in response to allergies or asthma. Nasal polyps can cause sleep apnea, obstructed breathing and drainage of the sinuses, leading to frequent or chronic sinus infections. Generally, they need to be surgically removed.

Turbinate issues
The turbinates are structures inside the nose that act to filter, warm, and moisturize inhaled air. Unfortunately, in some people, the turbinates become enlarged or even displaced, leading to obstructed breathing. Healthline says that many of the same conditions that can cause nasal polyps, as described above, can also lead to enlarged turbinates. A deviated septum can also squash and distort some of the turbinates, contributing to breathing difficulties. Some enlarged turbinates can be treated with cauterization, where a special device is inserted into the nose to destroy some of the turbinate tissue, but many enlarged turbinates require surgery to remove the excess, displaced, or damaged tissues.

What happens during a rhinoplasty?
Most rhinoplasties are performed under general anesthesia, although sometimes they can be performed under sedation and local anesthesia. The incisions are placed inside the nose where they cannot be seen or sometimes are made across the thin strip of tissue that separates the nostrils. The exact process depends on what work needs to be done. If parts of the nose need to be reduced, tissue and cartilage will be trimmed away. If parts need to be enlarged, tissue and cartilage will be added. Cartilage grafts can be taken from inside the nose or, more rarely, from an ear to enlarge or repair structures. Any sinus issues will be addressed, such as straightening the septum, reducing the size of the turbinates, and removing any polyps. Then the incisions are closed and splints/packing placed to support the tissues for a few days while they heal.

What is the recovery like?
There will be swelling and bruising of the area for the first few days after the procedure, and a splint may need to be worn for about a week. All signs of the procedure will have vanished about two weeks after the surgery, but strenuous activity should be avoided for at least four weeks. As soon as the swelling begins to go down, the new shape of the nose should become apparent and resolution of the sinus issues should be apparent immediately after the surgery.

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How To Better Understand The Correct Food for Toddlers

Raising a toddler can be an immensely rewarding challenge for new parents. The toddler years are full of many changes and exciting developments in your child’s life. These changes can bring a great deal of joy to your life but also a great deal of stress.

Transitioning from caring for an infant to caring for a toddler can be a tricky process for those who are unfamiliar with what to expect. Food for toddlers is an area of particular interest for those new to toddler care. Here, we will look at some specific tips and advice on how to better understand the correct food for toddlers.

Let’s delve into this topic in more specific detail with some advice and recommendations.

Toddler Food Basics

Children start to accommodate new foods at different ages. At the one-year mark, toddlers should be able to tolerate cow’s milk and more solid foods. However, this transition point is somewhat arbitrary and can vary between children.

Remember that even though your child is becoming more independent by the day, you are still the caregiver responsible for all your child’s needs. They cannot think for themselves regarding what they should eat or how much of some things they should eat. Controlling portion sizes, especially of less healthy snacks, is an effective means of ensuring that your toddler develops healthy eating habits and avoids conditions like obesity and heart disease later in life.

One great place to start for nutritional advice is the government food guide. These guides often have explicit recommendations for how much of different types of foods your toddler should be consuming each day for optimal health. Using these guides may even give your own personal dietary habits a health boost. Eventually, making sure to plan healthy and nutrient-dense meals for your family can ensure the well-being of your entire household.

Toddler Milks

If your child is having difficulty in transitioning from breast milk to cow’s milk, toddler milks are a great stepping stone solution. While ideally, your child will be receiving more of their nutrition from solid foods during the toddler years, toddler milks can ensure that these needs are met as a temporary measure.

Toddler milks are made from a preparation that is similar to most infant formula with a cow’s milk foundation. These milks are full of vitamin D, iron, calcium, and many other nutrients that are essential to the healthy development of your toddler.

What To Avoid

There are some things that toddlers simply should not eat at their age. This is because some foods pose a choking or health hazard for young children. Whole grapes, for example, are slippery and may block your child’s windpipe if not consumed with care. Small and hard foods like peanuts or seeds may also present a hazard. If your child wants to enjoy such foods, be sure to chop them up sufficiently before offering them.

Always be mindful of how your child seems to be tolerating certain foods, especially foods that are commonly associated with allergies. Milk, peanuts, wheat, and shellfish are all foods to exercise caution around.

Find More Toddler Food Facts

The best way to ensure that your toddler receives the food and nutrition they need to thrive is to orient yourself towards continual learning and improvement. Nobody knows everything when it comes to proper toddler nutrition and optimal growth. Therefore, taking the time to go through a variety of sources and soliciting expert advice can serve you well. Always consult with your family physician before making any serious modifications to your child’s diet. Your toddler will be all the happier and healthier for your efforts.

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New Eyeglasses Update

You might have read a few weeks back about my latest lifestyle change. I have become a new eyeglasses wearer. My vision has definitely changed a good bit in recent years, that's for sure. My main issue is with reading or seeing fine details up close. I was given a prescription for bifocals but was recommended to go with progressives. This turned out to be a huge mistake. I gave myself a solid couple of weeks to get used to them but just couldn't do it. I felt dizzy and disoriented most of the time while wearing them. I had the same issues when wearing the sunglasses which was a bad thing especially while driving.

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I went back to the eye doctor's office and explained my situation. They suggested that I go ahead and get single vision glasses and use readers for reading and computer/phone use. It took less than 24 hours, and I tested out my new glasses and sunglasses. What a difference! I could see without feeling dizzy. I did have to upgrade my readers from the old ones I had. I had no idea there was such a thing as multi-focus reading glasses. You don't have to constantly take them off to see things that are further away. I can see everything just as well as I can with the prescription glasses. This made me feel a bit annoyed because I spent a lot on the prescription specs. I guess at the end of the day I still needed to get my eyes checked by a professional.

Since I had to get the new eyeglasses and sunglasses made anyway, I went ahead and took advantage of my 30-day exchange time and got better frames for both. You can find prescription glasses on Overnight Glasses. I am so thankful that I can see everything so crisp and clear. Colors are so much more vibrant, and it's nice to see all of the little details I apparently have been missing for a while! I feel so much better overall. If you haven't gotten an eye exam this year yet, this is your friendly reminder to go book that appointment now. Have a great day, and thanks for stopping by.
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