Family * Travel * Food

Things we love to hate

- I really don't like heights at all. Even a 3 step ladder makes me nervous. Yet I will gladly ride a roller coaster.
- I don't like coffee flavored anything but I love coffee.
- I don't care for bananas but love banana bread and banana splits.
- I'm not a fan of comedy yet I married Dwayne. Enough said on that one.
- I love craziness yet don't like chaos.
- I love sunshine but don't like being hot.
- I don't like peanuts but can tear up a peanut butter cup!
- The smell of maple syrup is not pleasing to me but I enjoy it on my waffles.
- I love make-up yet don't care to be too made-up.
- I love having my family around but don't like how much I eat when they are around.
- Dwayne does not like Lil Wayne yet he loves to recite every one of his songs. The songs get stuck in your head.
- Dwayne is a fool but does not stand for foolishness.

So what things do you love to hate??

Who needs real toys anyway?

Our William is still not a big toy fan. He'd much prefer a book or Milo's dog toys! Thankfully Will does not put things in his mouth so there is no harm. Silly boy!


Traditional or Different?

Well it is that time of year, Thanksgiving. Time for family, friends and feasts. I am a big planner so I have been compiling menu ideas for a few weeks now. I was all set to do some different dishes this year (a little more gourmet). I decided to get some input from the husband and kids and everything they came up with is what we have year after year. They got all worked up because they felt I was going against tradition. They said I did not need to mess up a good thing that is always perfect each year. So there went my fancy gourmet ideas...

Something else I have done for many years is to use actual real dishes and eating utensils. Most of my friends and family would laugh at me and ask if I loved washing dishes. So this has lead me to become a fan of good quality paper plates and flatware. I never thought I would do it but hell, once you eat who really wants to wash a million dishes? I guess I have changed a lot with a growing family and I try to make things a little easier on myself when I can. Having a toddler running around this year really makes me want to go the easy route!

What about you... what are your plans for the holiday? Are you traditional or do you dare to be different? Do you use real dishes or paper plates? Sorry for being so nosey!

Flashback Friday

Aww just look at my girls when they were little! They were 4 and 6 when these shots were taken. They were doing a coloring activity together. Everything was always so organized and clean. Of course Hurricane Willie has changed that now!

Look at those cute faces. They are now 13 and 15 and even though they are best friends still, you won't ever see them hug like that anymore~!


What happened to the Eggos??

If you are not a perfect mom like me then it is not unusual to peruse the frozen breakfast aisle of the grocery store to grab a box or two of waffles or pancakes. I have noticed that for many weeks I have not been able to find any Eggo Waffles. What in the world?? I finally found out why here. I was lucky to snag one box of the Cinnamon Toast variety for a higher price today. I only got one box because they were way too expensive. I can't wait for the factory to be back at 100% because this mom needs some school week easy breakfast options for the kids! Homemade waffles are weekend only waffles, ya feel me?
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