Family * Travel * Food

Unexpected phone call

This morning I received a phone call from my child's school. Whenever I look at the caller id I sort of go into panic thinking it is the school nurse calling to tell me something happened to my kid. Well, today was very different. The caller was a gentleman (mind you there are only 2 men at the whole school 1. the PE teacher and 2. the Assistant Principal) Turns out it was the Asst Principal, Mr. Brown, calling for the parent or guardian of Briahnna Ismail. I said, "this is Sheliza Ismail, Briahnna's mother". He then tells me he was calling about Briahnna. For one second I got a little nervous thinking "oh no, what could she possibly have done?" He then proceeds to say that it was a "good" call to let me know some positive things Briahnna has been up to. He said that she was displaying 5 life skills simultaneous such as respect, responsibility, organization, and so on...

Her ALERT teacher (talented and gifted program) did a write up on Briahnna stating that her reading level has exceeded expectations. The program requires that each student must complete 8 book responses by the end of the school year. Briahnna had completed 8 book responses by September and has made a goal for herself to have 25 complete book responses for the school year. Go Brie!!!!!

Mr. Brown congratulated me and thanked me for being a great parent by encouraging my child to be the best she can be. I told him that I was so touched to receive such a nice call especially with the busy schedule he keeps. He took the time to call me to tell me something so nice and I expressed my appreciation. He said he felt 10 times better than me because it is a pleasure for him to get to call a parent about something so positive. I am so proud!!! I will have to take Briahnna out for a treat after school today. That's my baby!!!

Prenatal office visit

I went for an office visit today to see the nurse to do some fun blood work and answer some questions. My appointment was at 10 and I got called back at 10:05. I was asked questions primarily pertaining to my previous pregnancies. I am in the process of deciding whether to have a vaginal delivery or c-section. I had a c-section 11 years ago with my younger child because she was breech. My doctor is a HUGE fan of c-section and does not believe in the vbac. It is ultimately my decision and I am having such a hard time making it. The nurse was sweet and did not advise me on what to do but did lend some helpful information on making the decision. If anyone has experienced being pregnant after 8 years+, and the last one was a c-section, let me know what you did and any advice you can give me I would appreciate it.

After speaking with the nurse, I was led back to the lab room to have 6 vials of blood drawn. I am so glad I am fearful of that because that was a lot at one time! I asked "what all do you screen for". I think I was told about 50 things and can only remember maybe 2! Oh, and I gained one whopping pound in the last 3 1/2 weeks! My appointment was so quick (less than 20 minutes). I remember when I was having my girls, appointments took forever and I would have to have to have my finger pricked so they could test my blood every time. I am glad I do not have to do that! I see the doc on Monday so I will update you all on anything new. I think I will be able to have my BIG ultrasound to determine the sex in less than 6 weeks. I am looking forward to it! I will post when I find out!

BBCDO Fishing Trip


Today, Shelly had to put away the Honey- DO list because BIG DADDY is going FISHIN' . That is right FISHIN' not fishing (as ladies would say). This is my Manly-Man day and I was able to spend it with my Pops. The MAN that helped create the 8th wonder of the world.

I know the ladies are probably saying... " He needs to be home taking care of my girl, cutting the yard, painting, or something else besides doing some boring MANLY fishing".

Therefore, I have to say this for all the MEN in the Unites States of America and all the MEN globally.

Today I am man, Today I connect with nature, Today I connect with my brothers who bond over a simple pole, water, and bait. Today I ponder life and all it's mysteries. Today is the day my wife can not make me cut the grass, wash the car, or clean the gutters. Why? You ask me why? I'll tell you why. Because Today is the day I, as a MAN with my rightful HONOR as a MAN, I AM, goin' FISHIN' ---- NUFF SAID..


Memories of the 80's

If you grew up in the 80's you will get a kick out of these trends of that time...

Gummi Bears, Monchichi, Shirt Tails, Pound Puppies, Smurfs

Wrestling (Junk Yard Dog, Jake the Snake, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Andre the Giant )
Also the movies.....Breakfast club, Pretty in Pink, Ferris Buellers Day Off
Luke and Laura's wedding on General Hospital
Carebears, Cabbage Patch Kids, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, My little pony
Michael Jackson's thriller music video
Punky Brewster, The Cosby Family, Family Ties, Alf, A Different World
Princess Diana's wedding....I remember watching it, oh yeah and the Princess Di hairdo
The Bangles, Prince, El DeBarge, Public Enemy, LL Cool J, Boy George, Wham, Madonna, New Edition, MC Hammer (and his pants), Whitney Houston (before Bobby Brown!)
BIG hair on the girls, neon colored clothes, jelly shoes and belts, Jordache jeans

The guys had a "tail" on the back of their head. Break dancing!
If you were around during that era, what are your favorite (and not so favorite) memories??

Got Milk?

I am NOT a fan of milk but I do know how much I need to drink it during pregnancy. In order to make it appealing, I add Hershey's Strawberry syrup to 2% milk and it MUST be in a wine glass. My kids stay on me about drinking milk so I really would not have a choice anyway. I will "milk" all the attention I get from them while I can because once the baby is here I will be just plain old mom again. Oh well, I will be a princess while I can!

Caution...Baby Bump!

Here is a photo of me that was taken about 5 days ago. From the front you almost can't tell that I am expecting, but it is quite obvious from the side. I am 12 weeks along and feeling fantastic! If it was not for seeing the baby on the monitor and hearing the heartbeat...oh yeah and my new fat belly...I would not believe I was pregnant. Thanks to all my friends and family that call me or email all the time just to ask how I am feeling. It means so much. Even my bloggy buddies have been very interested in my new adventure. I think it is because everyone wants me to spit out a Dwayne Jr. and see what he will be like. We all know he is insane so if we have a boy...oh gosh, I will be committed to a mental ward!!! Imagine Dwayne and a "Mini Me". HELP!!!! On a serious note, thanks everyone for being so supportive.
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