Family * Travel * Food

Why do pregnant women glow?

I get told daily that I am "glowing". Makes me wonder if people say that because they mean it or if they think they are supposed to. Don't get me wrong, I do not take it as a bad thing. I decided to do some research and here is what I came up with...

Your skin does take on a glow - and there is a physiological explanation for it. As your blood volume increases throughout your pregnancy, superficial blood vessels carry more blood which can be seen on your face. In addition, your oil glands are secreting more, so you naturally have a glow without any additional exertion.

Hmm, I'm still not sure I buy it, but people have been referring to pregnant woman as glowing for ages. Who am I to argue.


Hey everyone....
I am seeking some advice today about where to find an item. I am trying to figure out where I can purchase a rocking chair seat/ back cushion. It is a glider style of chair and I can't seem to find just the cushions anywhere! This photo is an example of what I am looking for and it can't cost an arm and a leg! Keep in mind it is for a rocker only, not an ottoman. Also it does not have to be fancy or super plush, just simple and plain. Thanks for any advice anyone can give.

Boy or Girl???

Tanyetta of Days Like These is sponsoring a gift card giveaway in honor of my 100th post! How cool is that?
All you have to do is guess the gender of my baby. We will find out on November 5th and the winner will be announced and contacted by November 6th.
Is it a BOY or a GIRL?? Your guess could win you a great prize!!! Here is the most recent photo of the belly for those superstitious ones!

This was one of those "Wait! I'm not ready yet!!" kind of photos. LOL!


100th post!

In honor of my 100th post, let's all eat cake!!

This is my 4 month baby bump shot. I have a little confession to make. The photos above were of me eating cake two separate times! We were at a wedding and Dwayne did not want a slice of cake. I insisted he needed to get a slice anyway. He said "no, I don't want it". I said "yes you do!" He says, "no really, I don't want it". I then said in a demonic sounding voice "GO GET THE CAKE NOW!!!!" I had two slices of cake... for the baby of course~!

Super Hubby

Hey folks! I know that most of my regular readers know how I feel about my husband most of the time. I usually hear this "How do you deal with him everyday?" or "Wow, you are a good woman" or "Better you than me". Last night he proved that he was not the man everyone thinks he know, the crazy, badly behaved, outrageous, wild child kinda man we are all used to. He was Super Hubby!!! I have been having problems with my washing machine for the past couple months where I was not able to get enough cold water to flow. Eventually it came to a point that the only temperature I could get was BOILING HOT! Of course I could not wash certain things (probably anything) in water that was that hot. It turns out it was a water valve that was the culprit. I had to go to my sister's house to wash a few loads out of desperation. You do not know how significant a household appliance can be until it is down. I know it was just a week but when you have a husband and two kids (equivalent of 4 kids) you can't go that long with out doing laundry. Well, he was able to replace the part and my machine works as if it were brand new. Out of curiosity, I called a repairman to get a price and it was going to be a minimum of $55 to diagnose and about another $90 to fix. The part cost us $25 and I am sure I will pay dearly for the labor~!! So Dwayne, if you are reading, "YOU ARE THE MAN". Oh yeah, and he also replaced my shower curtain, replaced some light bulbs and batteries in the smoke detectors and then asked "What else do you need done?". Pregnancy has been the best thing that happened to me!

Pregnancy update

Well, so far so good. I have gained a whopping 3 1/2 lbs in 15 weeks! The doctor said I can have my "big ultrasound" on November 5th to determine the sex of the baby. This will be the longest 4 weeks I will ever have to wait! I wish I were like those nice parents that like to be surprised but dammit I'm not... I have to know!!!!!! I still have no feelings deep down inside that give me any inkling of if it is a boy or girl. Now if you leave it up to ALL my friends, family, and even the people that work at Walmart, they all say it is a boy. Well, we shall see. I will let you all know as soon as we find out. I am going to take the girls out of school early that day and the hubby will meet us. We are all so anxious!!!
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