Family * Travel * Food

How to get rid of a headache naturally

Yesterday I had a terrible headache that would not go away. I woke up with it and it persisted all day long. When the hubby got home from work, he automatically knew I was in pain. It was the kind of pain that makes you stretch your face with your fingertips in odd ways and press your forehead to try to find some relief. He insisted I needed to rest my eyes for a few minutes. It was already 6:30 in the evening so taking a nap was not an option for me. I did lay down for a minute though. Dwayne came over to me and grabbed my foot. He gently pressed his thumb into the bottom of my foot near the arch. No lie, I started feeling my headache breaking up instantly. He then started to apply pressure to different parts of my feet and within 2 minutes my headache was completely gone. It's amazing how effective this method was. Just figured I would share this with you guys.

Have you ever tried this method to rid yourself of a headache? Did it work for you?

Shelly, Mom Files


Isn't William the cutest fisherman? He is so content when he is out back with his daddy fishing. Look at the concentration face! They did catch some small fish. Of course I make them throw them back in the water. Mean momma! :)

Shelly, Mom Files

And it hit me...

I was just blow-drying my hair when I glanced over at the burgundy velvet box that was sitting on the dresser. Inside the box are the most gorgeous gold hoop earrings my husband bought for me as an anniversary gift. I love them so much that I decided I would only wear them for special occasions and if I am not wearing them, they would be tucked safely away in the box. Then I thought to myself...wait... why am I not wearing them right now? Last time I checked, EVERY day is a special occasion! I decided that I will wear the earrings as often as I want and enjoy them fully! What good do they do me if they are sitting in the jewelry box? I challenge everyone to eat your weekday dinner on that fine china that sits up on a high shelf. Grab those crystal goblets and drink Kool-aid out of them! Forget the holidays, silverware can be everyday ware! Why keep the special stuff locked up when we can be enjoying them NOW!

Shelly, Mom Files

I'm a simple gal

I am very different from most of the women I know. I don't care for fancy things and get more out of little things (even free things) any day. My sweet husband reached into an envelope he received at his Post Office box and handed me this:

I was trying to remember if I signed up for this freebie. He then reveals that he signed up for it! I was so impressed by this~I told you I was simple! This really brightened my day. I know he is going to get me for this post and also the free advertising!!
HE'S SO SWEET!! <--and still quite the manly man :)

Shelly, Mom Files

Who needs toys anyway?

Will and I were going to pick Brie up from school and he stopped and screamed out leaf! leaf! I had trimmed off the old leaves from one of my houseplants and he decided he wanted to keep it as a toy. He picked that over a truck or book. These days his favorite "toys" are leaves, grass, pine needles, flowers and stems. I guess there could be worse things he could play with!
What are some of the oddest things you have seen your kid play with?
Shelly, Mom Files

Simple living

I was listening/watching a segment on one of the big network news channels yesterday while I was doing a few random things in the house. The show was about Baby Boomers and there were a bunch of interviews with some of those Baby Boomers talking about life back in the 60's on into the present. Some of these older folks had lots of money and did a lot in their time. One lady said something that really made so much sense. She said something along the lines about how in this day we think we are supposed to pack up our SUV's and drive across the state just to watch a soccer game. She then went on to say, what's wrong with playing soccer in the backyard? One gentleman was making a hearty 6 figure income and has been on the job hunt for 2 years. He has come up with nothing. He was even more than happy to take a job that would pay 1/4 of his past income. Still nothing. The Baby Boomers all came to one conclusion- We need to go back to the ways of our parents. The simpler times where community togetherness matters, where kids did not have to be involved in so many different activities at once and realizing that you don't need all that "stuff" you are lead to believe you should have.

Simple living. It really is a great thing.
Shelly, Mom Files
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