Family * Travel * Food

William's weight update

I took William to the pediatrician this week for his weight check-in. His physician was concerned that he had not gained any weight for his past few visits so she wanted to monitor him. He has gained 2 pounds since his last visit 4 moths ago so she is pleased with it. She asked me if I wanted to bring him prior to his 3 year well visit to check his weight and I declined. I was not the one worried about it in the first place. Like I told her...come to my house for an hour and you will see why my boy is so lean.
Shelly, Mom Files

Really, really happy

I know I just posted a week ago about William's speech update but I just had to share that he has skyrocketed with his language in the past few days! He wants to point out everything he knows and tell me about it. He is recognizing and saying the names of objects in his books. He is also playing around with some of the letters of the alphabet. I am really happy about it and decided I will not look into a speech therapist for him. I guess it was about being patient and working diligently. He is really getting so much better. YES!!!
Shelly, Mom Files

William's speech update

Many of you who either know me personally or follow the blog regularly know that William is a late bloomer in the speech department. He has been making some great strides lately and has become quite fond of a handful of words. We are encouraging his speech development as much as possible and are finding that he comes up with at least 2 new words each day. Here is a list of words he currently uses and his version of them.
  • apple- apple
  • bird- buud
  • Brie- Beee
  • Chardie- Shawdee
  • tall dog- taw dog
  • the end- dee end
  • Head- hett
  • Teeth- teef
  • ears- eeezz
  • sissy- seesee
  • trees- tees
  • up- up
  • cup-tup
  • water- watuw
  • ball- bawll
Shelly, Mom Files

600th post today!

I just submitted a post earlier and realized that this is my 600th post! I know that is a small number to some but it is HUGE to little old me! Thanks to everyone that takes the time to read my randomness and give great advice when I need it most. I have really gotten the hang of blogging and I am here to stay! Thanks also to all of my loyal followers. You guys rock!!!
Shelly, Mom Files

William's 2nd birthday photos

Here are some photos from William's birthday celebration. It was a small family affair since he is too young to understand what was going on.

Look at that sweet face!

He was trying to escape!

After blowing out the candles.

It was all about the balloons for him!

He was squealing with excitement and showing off for everyone!

He really loved the box this toy came in ;-)

I could not get very decent photos since he refused to sit still.

At the end of the evening we were all so worn out. The great thing is we got to sleep in until 9:00 the next morning.

Shelly, Mom Files

Happy 2nd Birthday William!

Today is our sweet little boy's second birthday! It's so hard to believe that he is 2 already. He is a funny and happy little guy and has enriched our lives in so many ways. I am a better person because of him. Our family looks forward to all of the new things he will get into and pray that his two's won't be so terrible! We love you William!!! ♥

Birthday party photos to come....

Shelly, Mom Files

William update

Well little William is 21 months and is one curious and active toddler! He is always on the go and he loves for you to chase him around the house. He discovered how to hide. I really don't know how he knows but he does and he has specific little places he loves to go. He likes to peek at you and giggles while you are "looking for him". Sneaky fella! He is really starting to grow in ways that he shows he has a good sense of what is going on and is starting to listen. Yes, I did not think it would happen this soon that he will actually listen (sometimes). He has the most scrumptious smile and he knows how to flash em when he's doing naughty things!

William enjoyed Christmas as much as any toddler would. The wrapping paper was the biggest attraction and he really could care less about his new loot. He is finally somewhat starting to show some interest in toys so what we do is keep a few different ones out for several days and then swap them out for new ones to keep things fresh. He still loves books. They are at the top of his list. Dwayne takes him out in the back yard as often as the weather allows so he can run wild. He loves the outdoors. A strange thing about him is he is very good when he has to brush his teeth or get his nails trimmed. He really loves both of those things! I can't believe how still he stays for it. We have been sitting him on the potty seat before bath time...mind you he is in NO WAY ready for it but we are getting him in the practice of sitting on it. I don't like the pee pee shield. They are scrapey!

We are really enjoying watching the little guy grow and develop. He brings our whole family so much joy and we look forward to him getting older and learning all he can. We are still waiting for the talking part but in due time. He is showing signs of wanting to have conversation so that is a step. He's a happy and healthy boy and that is all we can ask for!

Decent photos to come soon!

Terrible Two's so soon?

Someone please tell me that the toddler/terrible two's stage does not last forever. Seriously, we have never been through this before because the girls were complete angels. This little boy can really try your patience. If something is in his way he will pick it up and throw it, no matter what the item is. I can't get the boy to sit still except maybe for a meal, but know that he will be back up and running the second he swallows the last morsel. Temper tantrums with back arching and all?? really?? Please tell me he will get some kind of an attention span. Please!!

He is still not quite talking as yet. The doctor tells us it's normal and not to worry since he is doing so well in every other way. That's really not good enough for us. William shows that he knows what's going on and can follow commands but still won't speak. It is really frustrating but we continue to do our best working with him. He will occasionally say something out of the blue and we all get so excited. All of my friends and family tell me that before long I will be begging him to shut up and I should enjoy the peaceful quietness while I can. Has anyone had a late talker in the family? Please tell me I am not alone.

*Sorry for all my whining. Now I will go back to my usual cheery happy self :)

William- update on speech

About a month ago I wrote a post about William not talking. I received some great advice and encouragement through comments, email and Facebook. I am very proud to report that the little fella has really been trying and it seems like overnight he has started running his mouth a whole lot. He sticks to simple things but I feel like it is progress. I learned something important during this time as well. His sisters are now back to school and volleyball each day so we are alone from about 7-6 daily. He has done so many things he never attempted when the girls were around. If he only tried to take one step he would be stopped by a very protective big sister shielding him from potential harm. Of course there is really nothing harmful around, they are just being loving big sisters but were ultimately hindering him. I am even guilty of it.

Since he is on his own during the day I have noticed a new little William. He communicates so much better. He zeros in on minute objects and points and says "tee" (see). He is learning his body parts. He is learning how to sit alone and play. If you ask him to do certain simple tasks he will do it. He claps and raises his hands in the air and says "YEEAAH!!" when he has done a good job and knows it. He's is an intelligent little boy. He is just taking his time in the speech department. Funny thing is what his favorite word is. When he wants to watch Yo Gabba Gabba on demand he grabs the remote and says "YOOO". It's too cute! I need to capture it on video but as soon as he sees the camera he won't do it. Y'all know how that can be! Thanks to everyone for their helpful insight. It means a lot!
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