Family * Travel * Food

Easy Gazpacho Made Without Juice

Today we're taking a refreshing plunge into the realm of gazpacho—a beloved Spanish classic that's perfect for savoring the summer season. Gazpacho is a chilled soup bursting with the essence of ripe tomatoes, crisp cucumbers, zesty peppers, and fragrant herbs. Its smooth texture and tangy flavors make it a tantalizing option for those seeking a light and invigorating dish. Whether enjoyed as an appetizer, a light lunch, or even a refreshing beverage, gazpacho offers a delightful respite from the sweltering heat. It's also a tasty way to get more vegetables into your diet. 

I want to share my version of this delightful chilled soup. Many recipes online call for canned or bottle tomato juice. This recipe is made from all raw fruits and vegetables. It helps a lot to use a high-powered blender to get a nice smooth consistency. Now if you want it chunky, you can blend it a little less. This soup is packed with flavor, and is so quick to make. 

Check out the recipe below

I didn't have quite enough Roma tomatoes, so I added a hefty handful of cherry tomatoes. 

What you will need 

For the soup: 
  • 5-6 fresh Roma tomatoes cut in quarters  
  • 1 small or 1/2 of a large red or orange bell pepper, cut in big pieces
  • 3/4 of an English cucumber peeled and cut in large chunks
  • 1/2 of a small red onion
  • 1-2 cloves of fresh garlic
  • a big handful of fresh cilantro
  • 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 tbsp red wine vinegar
  • sea salt and cracked pepper to taste, about a tsp each
For the topping: 
  • the remaining 1/4 cucumber dice finely (skin on)
  • cherry tomatoes cut into small pieces
  • cilantro
  • avocado chunks

How to make it

  1. Add all of the cut up vegetables except for the toppings into your blender. 
  2. Next, add olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt and pepper. 
  3. Blend on high speed until you reach the consistency you like. Taste for seasoning, and add additional salt and pepper if needed. 
  4. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours to allow the flavors to come together. 
  5. Top with the chopped veggies and a drizzle of olive oil if you'd like. ENJOY! 

Gazpacho is a versatile soup that offers a wide range of topping possibilities, allowing you to tailor it to your personal preferences. Traditional toppings include diced cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, and croutons, which add texture and enhance the overall flavor profile. You could even add cooked, chilled shrimp to make it a heartier meal. For an extra touch of elegance, consider adding a drizzle of high-quality olive oil or a sprinkle of fresh herbs like basil or cilantro. As for storage, gazpacho can be kept refrigerated in an airtight container for up to three days, allowing you to enjoy its refreshing taste and vibrant colors over multiple servings. So go ahead and explore the endless variations and toppings to create your own delightful gazpacho experience, perfect for cooling down during hot summer days or whenever your taste buds crave a burst of Mediterranean flavors!

How to Prepare Your Kids for Relocating

Deciding to move is a big deal for any family but especially for a household with children. Everyone understands and processes change differently so there is no “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to formulating a plan to make moving easier on your kids. Your children will react differently depending on their age and personality; you must respect their feelings and their emotional process. Here are 5 ways to help to make moving easier for your family for you to try. 

1. Have A Family Meeting

Have a family meeting to ensure that you are all on the same page about your relocation. Your children must understand that it is not a punishment and that they haven’t done anything wrong. If your relocation is because of finances, don’t project your stress onto your children – instead make them focus on the exciting opportunity of starting a whole new chapter in a new place. Allow your children to be part of this by letting them help pick out a house from the wide selection of Daybreak homes.

2. Get Them Excited

As stressful as moving house is, especially during a pandemic, you need to get the kids on board with the entire of relocating. They are going to have their fears and doubts and as a parent, it is your job to reassure them that everything will be great. Please note I didn’t just say “fine” – you need to work on getting your kids excited about all of the opportunities they will have in their new home and neighborhood. Get them to think about all the fun and exciting times ahead. If they have something to look forward to then they will be excited about the move.

3. Make Your Children Feel Included

If your children feel like they are not in control of a situation, they could act out. The last thing you want when dealing with the stress and pressure of orchestrating a move is to then also have to deal with tantrums and upset kids. You can make the move easier on your kids and ultimately your whole family by including them in smaller decisions like which room to pack and what to take with you. Give your children three boxes each, one for stuff they want to donate to the less fortunate, one for the items that are to be thrown away, and one for the things they want to keep.

4. Respect Their Feelings

Your children will experience understandable levels of angst when it comes to moving house, they are going to need to grieve the loss of the home they know, the neighborhood they know, and the friends they know. Be understanding of their feelings and how difficult it is for them to make this seismic change. It is also important to know that it can take your child up to six months to settle into their new life, so be patient – even after moving day.

5. Stick To Your Normal Schedule

One of the most effective ways to make moving easier on the kids is to make sure your stick to your normal routine/schedule – if dinner is at 7 pm then keep dinner at 7 pm, even when you’re crazy busy packing etc. This will help keep their sense of normalcy and comfort, the more at ease they are, the easier moving will be on all of you.

Unveiling the Benefits of Online Games for Adults

When it comes to online gaming, many people often associate it with a pastime for children and teenagers. However, the world of gaming extends far beyond the boundaries of age. In recent years, an increasing number of adults have discovered the joys and benefits of playing online games. Beyond mere entertainment, online gaming offers a range of advantages that can enhance cognitive abilities, foster social connections, and provide a much-needed break from the demands of daily life. In this blog post, we will explore some of the key benefits that adults can derive from playing online games.

Cognitive Enhancement:

Contrary to popular belief, playing online games can have a positive impact on cognitive abilities. Many games require strategic thinking, problem-solving skills, and quick decision-making, which stimulate and challenge the brain. Engaging in complex gameplay can enhance memory, attention span, and cognitive flexibility. Furthermore, some games specifically target cognitive skills, such as puzzle-solving or memory training games, which can help improve mental agility and keep the mind sharp.

Stress Relief and Relaxation:

Modern life often brings a significant amount of stress and pressure. Playing online games provides a much-needed escape from the daily grind, offering relaxation and stress relief. Immersing oneself in a virtual world can help reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and temporarily alleviate the burden of real-life responsibilities. Engaging in enjoyable activities, such as gaming, triggers the release of endorphins, which contribute to a sense of well-being and happiness. 

I stumbled upon a game online called Pizza Chief, and started playing it last week. It's a super simple game to play that required you to arrange the pizza toppings on a blank pizza to match the sample pizza above it. The higher the levels you get, the more challenging it becomes. It definitely serves as a fun way to relax and enjoy some me time. This particular game has upbeat yet calming music in the background. If sounds are not your thing, you can disable that feature. 

Social Interaction and Community Building:

Online gaming is not just about playing against the computer; it often involves connecting with other players from around the world. Many online games offer multiplayer features, enabling players to interact, collaborate, and compete with each other. This social aspect of gaming can foster the development of new friendships, build communities, and provide a sense of belonging. Joining guilds or clans within games can create a supportive network of like-minded individuals who share common interests and goals.

Skill Development:

Playing online games can also lead to the acquisition and refinement of various skills. Cooperative multiplayer games, for instance, promote teamwork, communication, and coordination. Competitive games can enhance strategic thinking, adaptability, and the ability to perform under pressure. Moreover, some games require the mastery of specific technical skills, such as problem-solving, resource management, or hand-eye coordination. These skills can be transferable to real-life situations and even have professional applications. 

Speaking of hand-eye coordination, this game called Hidden Food will challenge you in that area. I was playing this one and started to sound like my teenage son when he yells and squeals while playing video games. 

You can check out the Hidden Food Game online for FREE. I think I need to start playing this one at night since it helps me cycle down from my busy days. 

Continuous Learning and Adaptation:

Online games often provide immersive environments with complex narratives and mechanics, encouraging players to learn and adapt. Many games require the acquisition of new knowledge, understanding of game mechanics, and constant adaptation to changing circumstances. This continuous learning process enhances cognitive flexibility, creativity, and the ability to adapt to new situations. It promotes a growth mindset, where individuals are motivated to improve their skills, overcome challenges, and strive for personal growth. 

Online gaming is not limited to a specific age group, and adults can reap numerous benefits from engaging in this form of entertainment. The cognitive enhancement, stress relief, social interaction, skill development, and continuous learning offered by online games make them a valuable pastime for adults. However, it is essential to maintain a healthy balance between gaming and other aspects of life to ensure overall well-being. So, why not explore the vast world of online games and discover the joys and advantages that await you?


How Nicotine Affects Your Brain

People who use cigarettes and electronic cigarettes get dependent on the extremely addictive chemical nicotine. It can cause several side effects, including anxiety, difficulty concentrating and nicotine withdrawal symptoms when you stop smoking. When smoked, nicotine binds to specific receptors in the brain called nicotinic cholinergic receptors. These receptors normally receive the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which helps regulate respiration, heart rate and muscle movement. 

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Dopamine, a neurotransmitter that communicates chemical information between brain cells, aids in the control of motivation, mood, and attention. It's also part of the reward system in your brain, which is why nicotine can trigger feelings of pleasure and satisfaction when smoked. When a person smokes cigarettes, e-cigarettes or other tobacco products, nicotine is absorbed by the lungs and quickly enters the bloodstream. It then reaches the brain, where it binds to cholinergic receptors. These receptors normally receive the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which controls physical responses like breathing, heart and muscle movement, and cognitive functions like memory. Nicotine binds to these receptors and triggers the release of dopamine, which reinforces the behavior of smoking and leads people to seek out tobacco products. The heightened levels of dopamine can also lead to feelings of anxiety, irritability, depression and difficulty concentrating. If a person stops smoking, the brain's receptors no longer receive nicotine and do not produce this neurotransmitter. As a result, low dopamine levels can trigger symptoms such as cravings, restlessness, frustration and depression.

It can be especially difficult for adolescent nicotine users, as research has shown that youth may have an even more profound effect on the brain because of their immature reward systems and slower development of prefrontal control. Study shows long-term nicotine use can change how the brain works about self-control, stress and learning, resulting in addiction and withdrawal symptoms when smoking stops.


The effects of nicotine on the brain trigger a series of chemical reactions that create short-lived feelings of pleasure. These are known as cravings. They can occur at any time and be difficult to overcome. Frequent nicotine use changes how an individual's brain works, making it harder to control impulses and concentrate. Many people become addicted to cigarettes, but nicotine can also be found in other tobacco and e-cigarette products such as pipes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snuff, hookahs, and e-cigarettes (also called "vapes"). Regardless of the form it takes, isolated nicotine is dangerous. It can cause lung disease, heart problems, and stroke. It also increases the risk of cancer and may contribute to weight gain.

The effects of nicotine are especially problematic for adolescents because their brains are still developing. Nicotine exposure can make it harder to learn and concentrate, making teenagers more likely to try other tobacco and e-cigarette products in the future. It can also make it harder for them to control their behavior, which could increase their chances of abusing other drugs later in life.

Fortunately, it is possible to get help for cravings, including counseling and medications. Therapists can teach you to cope with stress, anxiety, or negative emotions without nicotine. They can also introduce you to replacing cigarettes with healthier habits, such as taking a walk when you feel the urge to smoke or eating a snack when you crave sugar.

Cholinergic Receptors

The primary addictive component in cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, hookahs, and e-cigarettes (vapes) is nicotine. When you smoke, nicotine enters your body through the lungs and passes quickly through your bloodstream to bind with cholinergic receptors in the brain. These receptors are proteins that respond to the binding of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and can be divided into two groups: nicotinic and muscarinic. In a neuron, acetylcholine binds to the nicotinic receptor and opens an ion channel that diffuses cations through the membrane. It causes the neuron to depolarize and fire its action potential. On the other hand, Muscarinic receptors bind acetylcholine indirectly through a second messenger. They are more prevalent in the central nervous system and the neuromuscular junction in skeletal muscle.

When nicotine is smoked, it binds to nAChR in the prefrontal cortex and blocks the release of acetylcholine by nAChR. It reduces short-term plasticity in these neurons, and the resulting repression of information processing in the prefrontal cortex may contribute to impaired working memory. Adolescents seem particularly vulnerable to nicotine's rewarding effects, partly explained by their slower development of prefrontal cognitive control than adults. Using positron emission tomography, we have found that adolescent smokers display altered brain activation patterns during a complex mental tasks.


Smokers go through withdrawal when they try to quit smoking, and these symptoms can be quite intense. They can include cravings for cigarettes, irritability, anxiety and difficulty concentrating. They may also have nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. To ease these symptoms, your loved one can try to get enough sleep and eat well-balanced meals. They can also practice relaxation techniques, such as meditation or yoga. They should try to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. They should also talk to their doctor about how they are feeling.

When a person takes any addictive substance, it changes the balance of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. Drugs like nicotine activate dopamine receptors while they suppress acetylcholine receptors. Over time, these changes can cause a person to develop tolerance and dependence. Tolerance means that it takes larger and larger doses of a drug to experience the same effects, and support means that a person experiences withdrawal when they stop using it. Addiction affects many parts of the brain, but it can be hard to understand how it happens. It is important to seek treatment if you or someone you love has a problem with addiction. Your doctor can help you address your withdrawal symptoms and offer other resources to assist in recovery, such as support groups or a therapist.


What You Need to Know About the Different Types of Dab Rig

Standard dab rigs feature a nail (a banger) heated using a torch to high temperatures. A concentrate like wax, shatter, or rosin is placed on the nail using a dabber tool.

You will also need a dab mat to prevent messes on your or your friends’ surfaces. A butane torch is also necessary because lighters do not heat the necessary temperature for dabbing.


E-rigs are a type of dab rig that are newer, easier-to-use versions of traditional glass dab rigs. They are an excellent option for cannabis enthusiasts who want better temperature control over their concentrates. An e-rig uses an e-mail, which replaces your banger and heats up at a consistent temperature. Once the nail has reached the desired temperature, you can load your wax, cover it with a carb cap, and inhale.

An e-rig also makes it easier to use high-terpene cannabis extracts, as these require a lower temperature to preserve their flavorful compounds. Butane torches can cause the nail to reach too high a temperature, scorching the terpenes. An e-rig prevents this issue and provides a more accurate dab session every time.

There are many electric dab rigs to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs. 

E-rigs are easy to use, and most come preset at the optimal temperature for your preferred dabbing material. Some even have a session mode that holds the nail at a stable temperature for longer sessions. If you use a new e-mail, season it first by heating and cooling it several times before adding your concentrate. It helps remove any factory residue and improves the taste of your dab.


A glass dab rig is a traditional style that offers excellent performance and durability. These rigs come in many shapes, sizes, and colors and can be customized with various attachments. They are usually made of solid glass crafted to withstand the intense heat necessary for turning concentrates into vapor.

They are often equipped with a banger that can be used to inhale the concentrates. The banger is heated with a torch or by e-mail. You can also find quartz bangers that are sealed by heating, applying essential oils, and then quenching them in water. It ensures that no residues are left behind when you use your rig and that the terpenes are preserved.

The best way to get the most out of your rig is to keep it clean. A contaminated banger can leave residue on your lips and lungs when inhaled. This residue can change the flavor of your dabs. To avoid this, wipe down the nail after every session. It is also a good idea to clean the inside of your banger after each session with isopropyl alcohol.

It would be best to look for a dab rig with a percolator. This feature will help you avoid dry hits, which can burn your lungs and make for an uncomfortable experience. The percolator forces the vapor through a series of small holes. It creates millions of tiny bubbles that cool the vapor faster than you would get with one big vapor bubble.


A dab rig can be an excellent tool for those looking to experience the full effects of concentrated marijuana. Dabs are incredibly potent and offer many benefits over traditional cannabis flowers, such as higher THC content, faster absorption, and longer-lasting effects. In addition, dabs are easier to handle and consume than a joint or pipe. Dab rigs are also smaller and more compact, making them ideal for travel or use in a public place.

A recycler dab rig is a type of bong with a second chamber that creates an infinite filtration loop. This rig is named for recycling water and smoke through the chambers, allowing for smooth hits with every hit. You can find recycler rigs in multiple sizes and base styles. For example, some people may benefit from a beaker base recycler bong, while others may enjoy a bubble base.

To use a recycler dab rig, you must have a few accessories, such as a dabber and carb cap. You will also want a dab nail that fits your rig, a nail cleaner, and a dabber holder. Once you have assembled the necessary items, it is time to take your first dab! Inhale slowly, exhaling through your mouth as you do. It ensures that the vapor is not held in your lungs for too long and prevents you from feeling overwhelmed by the intense potency of your dab.


Acrylic is a computer graphics program that combines the richness of raster-based painting with the flexibility of editable vector graphics. It uses skeletal stroke technology to allow a smooth workflow for illustrators, graphic designers, and Flash developers. It is used by professional and amateur artists alike.

Acrylic fiber is a synthetic textile similar to wool in many ways, but it has lower production costs than natural fabrics. It is often used in sweaters, gloves, hats, and other cold-weather apparel, as well as carpeting, upholstery, and rugs. It also makes wigs, hair extensions, and fake fur. It can even be modified to have flame-retardant properties.

The word acrylic comes from the polymerization of acrylonitrile. It is produced by many processes, including polymerization, spinning, preheating, washing, drying, heat setting, and cutting. It has better moisture absorption than polyester and is less brittle than nylon. It is also more flexible than cotton and sturdier than polyester.

When using acrylic paints, choose an artist or student-quality product. Artists’ quality paints contain high pigment concentrations and have a higher permanence rating. In addition, they have a smooth consistency that makes them easy to blend and layer. Students’ quality paints have a lower pigment level and may contain fillers that weaken the color strength.

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