Family * Travel * Food

How to Prepare Your Kids for Relocating

Deciding to move is a big deal for any family but especially for a household with children. Everyone understands and processes change differently so there is no “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to formulating a plan to make moving easier on your kids. Your children will react differently depending on their age and personality; you must respect their feelings and their emotional process. Here are 5 ways to help to make moving easier for your family for you to try. 

1. Have A Family Meeting

Have a family meeting to ensure that you are all on the same page about your relocation. Your children must understand that it is not a punishment and that they haven’t done anything wrong. If your relocation is because of finances, don’t project your stress onto your children – instead make them focus on the exciting opportunity of starting a whole new chapter in a new place. Allow your children to be part of this by letting them help pick out a house from the wide selection of Daybreak homes.

2. Get Them Excited

As stressful as moving house is, especially during a pandemic, you need to get the kids on board with the entire of relocating. They are going to have their fears and doubts and as a parent, it is your job to reassure them that everything will be great. Please note I didn’t just say “fine” – you need to work on getting your kids excited about all of the opportunities they will have in their new home and neighborhood. Get them to think about all the fun and exciting times ahead. If they have something to look forward to then they will be excited about the move.

3. Make Your Children Feel Included

If your children feel like they are not in control of a situation, they could act out. The last thing you want when dealing with the stress and pressure of orchestrating a move is to then also have to deal with tantrums and upset kids. You can make the move easier on your kids and ultimately your whole family by including them in smaller decisions like which room to pack and what to take with you. Give your children three boxes each, one for stuff they want to donate to the less fortunate, one for the items that are to be thrown away, and one for the things they want to keep.

4. Respect Their Feelings

Your children will experience understandable levels of angst when it comes to moving house, they are going to need to grieve the loss of the home they know, the neighborhood they know, and the friends they know. Be understanding of their feelings and how difficult it is for them to make this seismic change. It is also important to know that it can take your child up to six months to settle into their new life, so be patient – even after moving day.

5. Stick To Your Normal Schedule

One of the most effective ways to make moving easier on the kids is to make sure your stick to your normal routine/schedule – if dinner is at 7 pm then keep dinner at 7 pm, even when you’re crazy busy packing etc. This will help keep their sense of normalcy and comfort, the more at ease they are, the easier moving will be on all of you.

How to Foster Creativity in Kids: a Mom’s Guide

Creativity is not just about art. It’s about thinking outside the box, problem-solving, being curious about the world, and being able to turn imagined things into realities. Sounds like your kid? Sure it does! Kids have a natural penchant for creativity, but to foster it, rather than suppress it, we may have to make a few little compromises. I’m not talking about letting them get away with sheer naughtiness, but I do mean giving them an opportunity to be kids, and sure, they’ll make mistakes and that’s OK too. 

The best thing about fostering creativity is that you don’t have to do an awful lot to get it right. The worst part is that you may have to hold yourself back at times and resist the urge to interfere or show them how to do stuff. 

Honor Their Creativity, Sense of Wonder, and Intellectual Curiosity

OK, I admit it. I didn’t coin that phrase. It’s almost word-for-word the slogan of a great private school in Connecticut. But you have to admit it, it’s food for thought. It can also be hard work: especially since creativity can lead to some interesting situations like Junior deciding that golden syrup would give the floor a nice sheen. So, it was funny. But he had to clean it up himself. Actions have consequences.

As for intellectual curiosity, any parent who has been through the “Why” phase of kiddie development will know that “Why” can be a tiring question when it’s asked over and over, and at some point, it’s tempting to just say “Because!”

As for wonder, it’s around every corner, and sometimes it just takes a little nudge on your part to prompt that “Wow” moment. Now, a few more thoughts on creativity.

Give Them Space

Unsupervised, unstructured play is a great way for kids to learn. It means prying them away from the gadgets and getting them to go outside, or to the playroom, and keeping themselves entertained. While there will be the occasional “Mommy I’m bored” gripe, the merest hint that they’d be less bored tidying their rooms is usually enough to send them dashing off to find something else to do. Maybe the jungle gym becomes a pirate ship or the doll house becomes a target for a dragon - but don’t ask too closely what’s going on or you’ll get the inevitable “Nothing” in response. The main thing here is space - both in terms of supervision and a place to play where they can make a mess if they like. 

Let Them Have Fun With Arts and Crafts

There’s been a huge debate based on the premise that arts help kids to do better in other subjects. A controversial study showed that it wasn’t so, but further studies have gone on to prove the benefits of the kind of creative thinking that arts stimulate. Some academics say that artistic activities promote focus and concentration, while others point out that envisioning something when confronted with a set of materials and then going on to make it encourages imagination and the ability to conceptualize. All I can say is that it’s awesome to see children totally absorbed in their art - and of course, I love the results. I’m no scientist, but I will say that I can almost see those little brains working away - which is more than they seem to be doing in front of the tv! 

Chill Out and Let Kids be Kids

I’ve read a lot of material on creativity and how to encourage it in kids - and I’m not convinced that everything I’ve read is good advice -  or even whether the people who wrote it have kids of their own. In fact, I’m betting they don’t! 

So, I’m just a mom, but in my opinion, creativity is there already, and our job is to resist the urge to suppress it. That means refraining from showing or telling them how to do absolutely everything, being less achievement-focused than we might be, allowing unstructured and largely unsupervised play, and letting kids get on with the business of being kids within the basic parameters of safe and decent behavior. 
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