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Basic First Aid Tips for Parents

Children are very prone to accidents and it is important that any sort of injuries are treated properly. When you are a parent, you’ll want to help them get through their pain as soon as possible but how can you do this if you don’t know how to properly perform first aid? If you’d like to know more about how you can help your child with their cuts, burns and sprains, keep reading our basic first aid tips below.

Having the right kit

Before we get started on our tips, you must first understand the importance of a proper first aid kit. Medical first aid kits can be purchased online that provide you with everything you need to help your child with their injury. You’ll need to make sure that you have all of the important first aid items in your kit. This includes things like plasters, bandages, pins, wipes and tweezers. Make sure to keep your first aid kit restocked so that you are covered in an emergency.

Small Cuts and Scrapes

If your child likes to run about outside, it is likely that they fall and cut themselves quite often. This is normal for all children and you need to remember that the bleeding will stop in a few minutes. To stop the bleeding, you should apply pressure for around 5 to 10 minutes. You should then clean out the wound using water and make sure that there is no dirt or stones etc in the wound. After this, you can apply some antibiotic ointment and then cover it with a plaster or bandage. This is fairly simple, but you should always remember to clean out the wound!

Sprains and Strains

A strain happens when a muscle is stretched or torn. If this happens to your child, they’ll likely complain of soreness and there might even be some bruising or swelling for a while. For the more serious injuries, known as sprains, ligaments might have been torn and so it is likely to take a little longer to heal. You should always check carefully the severity of the pain and if you suspect a sprain, you should go to see a doctor to get the problem fixed as soon as possible. To help treat an accident like this at home, you should make sure that your child rests the affected part of their body. You should then add ice to reduce the swelling. After this, you can use a bandage or a splint to compress the area and prevent any sort of swelling from happening. You should always make sure that the strain is elevated so that it is above your child’s heart.

If you follow this advice, you’ll be able to react more quickly to any sort of accidents that might happen when you are at home or out in a park somewhere. Make sure to always have a stocked up first aid kit and you’ll be ready for any sort of medical emergency.

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Tips To Make Sure You Don't Leave Your Family With The Burden Of Death Bills

This is a sponsored post with Jenny Life Insurance and BraVoMark. All opinions are my own.

One of the subjects that many of us avoid discussing is death. Talking about what happens if you were to suddenly pass away isn't the most pleasant kitchen table conversation, but it's actually quite necessary. Today we are sharing some simple tips to ensure that you do not leave a financial burden behind for your family to carry.

Have A Will In Place

It is essential to have a formal will put together in the event of your death. It doesn't matter if you don't own a lot of material items or assets. It still helps your loved ones know what to do with the things you leave behind. We have even the littlest things listed in our wills to go to a designated person or charity. Having a will gives your family a road map on how to close out your final wishes. You can purchase a kit from your local office supply kit, or go through a family attorney who offers this service. It costs a couple hundred dollars or so. Make sure you update it once a year since you can easily accumulate more items of money each year.

Keep Your Documents In A Safe Place

We recommend a fireproof safe to keep all insurance papers, social security info, stocks/bonds, photographs, and any proof of assets. Don't forget to give your family members information on where you keep the keys to the safe, or any passwords associated with accessing documents. Keeping all of your important documents in one central location makes things so much easier for your loved ones to find.

Make Sure You Have Enough Life Insurance

Death can happen at any time. We have no guarantee that we will live to be 100. Having ample life insurance eases the financial burden that might be left behind for your children, spouse or loved ones to handle. The bills don't stop coming even after you pass away. Making sure your loved ones have enough money to cover the cost of your funeral expenses, outstanding bills, mortgages, and even college tuition for your children is so important. We have witnessed firsthand the panic and struggle when a loved one dies, and you are left to figure it all out.

Jenny Life Insurance offers a quick and easy way to get affordable coverage with the simplicity of an app. You can download the app for your iPhone or Android device. All you need to get a quote is your birth-date, state you live in, and your gender. A little slider pops up for you to adjust it to a monthly payment you are comfortable with. Check out my previous post for more details.

You're never too young to start planning for the unknown. Be sure to visit Jenny Life online for more information. You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter.
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For All the Moms in Your Backyard

Bird moms come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Here are some of the most fascinating behaviors from around the world of mother birds.

  • Most Talented Mom - It takes as many as 12 days for a female Oriole to weave her nest. One Baltimore Oriole was observed spending 40 hours interlacing her basket-like nest. It included over 10,000 stitches and thousands of knots, all done by mom's talented beak.
  • Most Loyal Mom - A pair bond may form between a male and a female Carolina Wren at any time of the year. She will stay with him for life, always foraging and moving around within sight of her mate.
  • Quickest Mom - Black-capped Chickadees have one of the shortest incubation periods of all birds. Their eggs can hatch in as little as 11 days.
  • Trickiest Mom - By singing a "male" song, the female Black-headed Grosbeak can trick her mate into thinking a rival male is nearby, forcing him to stay close to the nest.
  • Supersized Mom - Sharp-shinned Hawk females average over 40% larger than their male counterparts. This size difference is the largest of all of North American birds of prey.
  • Mini-Mom - A mother hummingbird weighs only about eight times more than the eggs she lays.
  • Most Overworked Mom - Mourning Dove moms may raise up to six broods per year, more than any other native North American bird. 
  • Most Laid-back Mom - Unlike most other bird moms, robins do not lay their eggs at sunrise. They lay their eggs several hours later during the mid-morning. Since earthworms are easier to find during early morning, they feed first and then return to the nest to lay their eggs.
  • Most Devoted to Mom - Young Tufted Titmice often remain with their parents throughout their first winter. They have been known stay with mom into the next nesting season and help her to raise the next brood.
  • One Cold & Small Mom - The Rufous Hummingbird nests in Alaska
  • The Last Mom - American Goldfinch moms are one of the last songbirds to nest each year, waiting until mid-to-late summer when thistle seeds and down are readily available.

I just had to share this for all the bird lovers. The information came from Wild Birds Unlimited Nature Shop.
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5 Amazing Benefits of Almonds for Beauty and Weight Loss

The benefits of almonds for skin and weight loss are not only many, but also proven by numerous studies. Enjoying these delicious tree nuts (although they are actually seeds) can help you lose weight, lower blood cholesterol, and give your skin a healthy glow.

Photo by Tetiana Bykovets on Unsplash

5 Benefits of Almonds Proven by Science

1. Reduced risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure

Heart disease is one of the most common causes of premature death in the world. While eating almonds won’t prevent this tragedy with a 100% guarantee, a study from the School of Life and Health Sciences at Aston University Birmingham has proven that snacking on a handful of almonds every day reduces this risk.

The reason for this is that these nuts enrich your body with antioxidants, which improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease and stroke.

2. Better weight loss due to appetite suppression

You might be surprised to learn that almonds are one of the best appetite suppressants. When added to a program that contains supplements with the same effect, you will definitely achieve your weight loss goals much faster. While supplements will control one’s appetite by affecting levels of hormones that trigger the feeling of hunger, almonds help dull it by filling up your digestive system with carbs.

Nuts are high in nutrients and dietary fiber, which means they take a while to digest, so they make you feel full longer. That’s why they make great snacks on a diet as almonds can prevent hunger cravings.

3. Better skin due to vitamin E

Vitamin E is an essential nutrient and very potent antioxidant. Various health benefits of almonds mostly come from the fact that they are rich in this particular element. Vitamin E helps lower blood cholesterol, which is one of the main reasons why nuts are good for heart health.

This element is also the main contributor to the positive effect that almonds have on skin. Vitamin E does not only protect it from oxidative damage. It helps keep your skin hydrated and reduces the visible signs of aging.

Note that vitamin E is also essential for hair and nail health. Therefore, this food boosts your natural beauty on every level.

4. Reduced blood sugar spikes

Almonds are rich in a variety of nutrients, including magnesium. A study published in Diabetes Care indicates that magnesium improves insulin sensitivity thus helping manage metabolic disorders, like type 2 diabetes.

Not only does magnesium in almonds help keep your insulin sensitivity at bay. They also reduce the risk of blood sugar spikes due to the fact that they are slow to digest and have a low glycemic index.

5. Enhanced muscle building

Benefits of almonds extend to bodybuilders as well because one cup of these nuts gives you about 30g of proteins. This is the biggest number among all tree nuts and that protein is easy to digest. This makes almonds one of the best muscle-building foods, which is another reason why they are good for weight loss.

Eating foods high in proteins in the morning also helps with appetite control. And due to healthy fats these nuts contain, they are a great source of energy for a workout.

However, don’t forget that all nuts are high in calories, so be sure to limit your intake of them. Eating a handful (about 50g) daily will allow you to enjoy all the health and beauty benefits of almonds.

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My Life, My Hair

Most days as I browse Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, I notice a very popular hair trend. It seems like rainbow, unicorn, and cotton candy colors are the big thing for girls and women of all ages. Believe it or not, I'm nearing 45 years of age and have never once dyed my hair. I started getting a few grays in my late teens. Those gray hairs have since multiplied, and are starting to spring up all over.

I really love my natural color and don't ever want to change it. Most people don't really notice the grays unless my hair is pulled back or I mention it. Most of the silver seems to be tucked underneath my black hair. Let me tell you though, when I go into the dressing room in a department store those silver strands stand out under those bright lights. I see every last gray hair and I get a little self-conscious. It's stupid for me to even feel that way. I am middle-aged, and getting older is a part of life. I have always said that I would not dye my hair, but sometimes feel like I'm not quite ready to be a gray-haired woman.

I have been following a few accounts on Instagram of some beautiful women who fully love and embrace their silver locks. I use it as motivation for myself. For now I will continue to just be. My hair color does not define the person I am. Are you going through this by chance? Let me know!

Thanks for stopping by xoxo
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